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Everything posted by lol_king

  1. Here is Brandon himself talking about this video in the Live signing session 16. Starts at 31:14 if the timestamp doesn't work.
  2. From what I can find Kaladin is around 23ish in earth years (According to this) during Oathbringer, add to that 1 year time skip and you are close enough to 25 if that's your criteria but I will say it is very odd to bring brain development into this, I would suggest leaving it at the difference in life experience part, that is a good argument.
  3. About this particular WoB, it is worth mentioning that on the footnote it says Brandon was unintentionally misleading here. From following the link this is the relevant quote from Brandon: I only know this because I just happened to be watching the shardcast about this signing and it was mentioned, I don't know if there is some later clarification. I personally cannot figure out what specifically is misleading, it seems pretty clear cut but Brandon did specifically feel the need to mention this so...
  4. Well according to this WoB they cannot afford to this WoB they accelerate slower because they're expending less energy. So I guess I wasn't right in that aspect. But the WoB @Child of Hodor shared says they don't have access to things like lashing themselves multiple times in one direction, and unless I'm misremembering, lashing themselves multiple times is exactly how Surgebinders get their acceleration and higher top speed. Maybe it means that Fused have limited energy so they can use limited number of lashings but it doesn't read like that to me, Surgebinders use lashings to maneuver too and fused do that pretty well. It seems like they have a hard cap on speed otherwise I imagine at least one of them would try a suicide run with full speed at the cost of all the Voidlight since they can Reincarnate anyways. Also I haven't seen Brandon use Lashing along with fused and in the chapter it is mentioned in weird way. Here occasional and rare are used together even though they mean basically the same thing, so maybe this is talking about another type of lashing called 'Rare lashing', like a 'full lashing' or 'reverse lashing'. And Kaladin himself hasn't seen it and just heard about it even though he has fought many. So It could something different they could do. Basically what I'm trying to say is they don't use the magic in the same way as the Surgebinders. That kind of seems unlimited access but according to WoB they don't have that. Although I do like this theory because it would fit with other things we see
  5. The idea has already been shared that Voidbinding accesses the surge differently but I would like to share a supporting WoB I saw. I have bolded the relevant part. This makes it look like to me that the fused probably aren't 'lashing' themselves in different directions at all. It could be they are just floating and flying in a more conventional way rather than 'falling in different directions'. This could explain why Surgebinders can accelerate to much faster speeds and why Fused maneuver better. Kaladin told Syl that she could have caught up to Leshwi, this could suggest that what Leshwi is doing may be closer to what Syl does (she just floats and doesn't do lashings since she is a spren). A not very good tinfoil theory could be that rather than bind themselves to directions, they use the 'Void' to negate or suppress their connection to the planet or the surge itself to float, although that won't explain how they move.
  6. I think the tall guy is Red, Shallan's spy in Sons of Honor, or at least that's what it looked like to me.
  7. I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one whose mind went to Kaladin x Leshwi ship while reading the chapters. That being said I feel like currently Radiants are a bit overpowered compared to the Fused (one on one). The Fused seem to have numbers advantage and they can keep coming back but that seems to be more specific to the current time and they were supposedly a big threat even back in previous desolations. The Windrunners don't even have shardplate yet and the casualties seem low, if the one on one duels keep being a thing I don't see the Heavenly ones being much of a challenge for full Radiants. I think the fused may have more things under their sleeves, especially the ones who don't come to fight.
  8. I feel like it may not necessarily be about a spren choosing Lirin, it could be about Lirin being drawn to an Order himself, such as the Edgedancers. During the first couple of books it was more exclusive because of the effects of the recreance and spren being mad at humans in general, Surgebinding not being a thing (mostly) for centuries and Skybreakers killing all potential radiants. It mostly required the spren to be the proactive ones in finding and choosing potential candidates. But as seen from how easily Kaladin was able to make people his squire in Oathbringer, humans can also decide to join specific orders which they are more drawn towards, the more difficult part I imagine would be to actually progress through the ideals. Considering Lirin is going to be stuck on a ship with a bunch of Edgedancers, Lirin would want to look after his people and the Edgedancers would also want to do that so I imagine they will have some interactions. Even if you think it's just his profession that is more in line with Edgedancers, you have to remember he is not in his profession just because, he very much wants to be a surgeon and a healer, I don't really remember him ever regretting being a surgeon. Lirin might decide that that's where he could be the most useful. It would be funny if he became Lift's square but I don't know if that's likely. Also he also matches several things from Edgedancer description from the quiz. Lirin has several shown that he thinks the wars and conflicts are mostly the problems of those in power and the common people just suffer due to their actions. Lirin is doing this already, even after being given a chance to go to safety and live in peace and luxury considering his son is a Radiant, he chose to stay behind in conflict zone and put himself and his family in danger because that's what he believed in. I don't think I have to make much argument here, if for example he was forced to join an army this is probably what he would do, also in a dangerous situation he went to check up on the Singer Kaladin killed. I don't know about the society part but he really does not care for those in charge in high and mighty positions, as we see from him in general and also his attitude towards Dalinar in chapter 2. I won't deny Stonewards as a possibilty but I don't think he would voluntarily lean towards that and I feel like spren going out of their way to choose people is more of main character thing (Kaladin, Shallan, Jasnah, Lift, etc). He doesn't fit Edgedancer ideals perfectly but that's not really a requirement (Lift, Venli), it will be part of his journey and maybe he'll learn to care more and not be so distant.
  9. I don't want Lirin to die, I think he is an interesting character, it would be great to see how reacts if he himself becomes a Radiant and how he comes to terms with it. We already have Tien, so many slave crews and other bridge crew members, old squad in Amaram's army, betrayal of Moash, death of Elhokar, Syl almost died. At this point I don't see what death of Lirin would bring to the table, Kaladin's thing has always been trying to protect people and not being able to, and I don't think he's especially trying to protect Lirin or that it is any sort of a conflict for him, it's more about their relationship. It is nice having a main character with both parents actually alive and named (Seriously, try to think of which cosmere main characters have both their parents alive). Side characters being treated as fodder for the development of main characters is not a trope I like, it gives me a feeling that the lives everyone except the main characters is meaningless and it breaks my immersion. I'm not at that point yet but we already have so many main characters all being part of just one family, if characters outside of the core team that could get spotlight keep dying then that will really start to bug me. It all depends on execution but it would really bring down the story for me personally if Lirin dies just for the sake of 4th ideal. I don't think Lirin's attitude is the best, especially towards Kaladin and to me it seems like he is being stubborn and purposefully ignoring certain realities. But reading the comments I feel like readers are a lot quicker to forgive faults of the main characters and look past their horrible deeds as compared to side characters, especially ones who are at odds with the main characters. For main characters it's just a character flaw or trauma or something to atone for the sake of character development. For side characters it's "just because you didn't have the best life doesn't give you a reason to be an cremhole" kind of deal. Anyways, I feel like Lirin has been beaten down by the world and given up on a lot except few things dearest to him that he holds on to tightly and that is why he is having trouble letting go of Kaladin, he still hasn't given up on Kaladin as a surgeon. It'll be interesting to see where it goes.
  10. Oh yeah, it slipped my mind that spren can make themselves invisible to others. But it can't be a radiant spren since the one Gavilar was bonding would be the Stormfather. And would the Heralds be okay with a Voidspren? I doubt they want to be found by Odium, even with insanity and I'm guessing Heralds can see all spren being Cognitive shadows and all. Maybe Nale's highspren alerted them. Both Nale and Kalak completely ignored Navani so it looks like they don't care.
  11. Could the box that Rushur Kris was holding be related to the one Gavilar was using? Another model or something. I mean he called the artifabrian for a purpose, I don't think it would be just to torture Navani and we have another box mentioned in the same chapter. Is this Gavilar being perceptive or is it something else? Reminds me of Life sense but it could be nothing.
  12. When i read this first my only takeaway was that Adolin has an uncle we don't know about. It wasn't until Navani mentioned Dalinar not remembering his wife's name that i remembered i haven't actually read the name Evi before. Apparently I'm not good at noticing things...
  13. I don't think the spy is Shallan, she has been through some difficult situations but i don't think anyone showed intentional cruelty towards her (unless it's something abstract like fate or god). Also whether the Spy is the one being cruel or cruel things are being done to them is a bit vague, it's probably the former if they are seeking vindication. Also it depends if these things have happened in the past or will happen in the course of the book, if it is the latter it could be Shallan if ghostbloods make her do something, given the recently released chapters i could kinda sorta see that happening but i don't think it's likely. And who exactly will she be spying on and for whom? Both the ghostbloods and Knights radiants know who she is and what she can do. Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, and Szeth have been part of both previous backcovers but i don't know if it will continue or not. Maybe it is someone working for Aesudan who has had to be cruel to follow her orders? It could be a spy working for Jasnah (like Liss but she's more of an assasin). Or a spy for the Diagram or other secret societies? Or Nan Balat who has a history of cruelty? (although i don't know who he would be a spy for). We still have 4 Orders without known radiants.
  14. I think the glyphs developed as a representation of the ideals of each Order. We don't actually need anyone to consciously make them. I mean we have the spren who are said to be living ideas and they have their own civilization so i don't think it's that far fetched. They are also very much into emulating human behavior so maybe they made the glyphs themselves a representation of the orders similar to how humans make glyphs to represent them.
  15. Adolin teaching Shallan how to use her shardblade. Jasnah and Kaladin teaming up to solve the mystery of what's going on kholinar, and maybe opening the oathgate to let others through. Jasnah reuniting with her family. A pov from a bridge 4 member, especially what they think about Rlain, the two armed herzadian and Moash. More about the other Radiant spren. The appearance of the Ten deaths
  16. I see that most people are assuming all the parshmen will be completely villainous but we have from the blurb this line - While the parshmen will definitely be in conflict with the humans i don't think it will be a plain good vs evil type of thing. Also about whether Dalinar killed the child or not, what if he killed the kid but also did something else which he is worried about? Just saying it is also a possibility.
  17. If he is going to be a knights radiant he seems most suited for the Edgedancers, aside from being a surgeon he also somewhat follows their ideals "I will remember those who have been forgotten" and "I will listen to those who have been ignored", in that he is concerned about the people of hearthstone who will most probably be ignored in favor of more important people and places. We can see this already as Dalinar is only planning on securing the Cities with oathgates first (to be fair it is due to limited resources). Although not at the same level as lift, as these are people he knows personally. But it is unlikely that he will leave Hearthstone and it seems the spren are choosing people with some larger purpose in mind in which he will have limited role. From what we know the cultivationspren personally would not a problem with it but if the Ring is dictating who they bind his chances may be diminished.
  18. Maybe that's how they made urithru, many Elsecallers and lightweavers working along with a bondsmith.
  19. It would be great if Kaladin meets Jasnah on his hunt. I want her back in the main story as soon as possible. Also i wonder if Lift will join the other radiants at Urithru, if they can unlock the oathgates that is.
  20. I thought going to spiritual realm probably seemed like giving up to kelsier, and kelsier seems like a guy who never gives up. He wasn't able to stay behind in cognitive realm because of his inherent goodness, but because of his strong will, because he is the Survivor. Also people saying that he should go to spiritual realm to be with mare, i do not believe that kell being with Mare will bring the world great fortune,or him not being with her will bring some kind of disaster. Sure, most people would choose that option but you can't say he's doing anything wrong by choosing that option, because in the end only one being affected is Kelsier himself. Also, him messing around in the background doesn't seem so bad when compared to the set or the IRE messing around when they do not even belong to scadrial. At least scadrial has someone in the know who is not bound by harmony's rules (and not bent on taking over the world). Just because he's our protagonist doesn't mean he has to be completely selfless, working for the better of the world. He doesn't have to move on just because his goal is accomplished. That would make being a good guy more of a punishment - your work is done now just go and die, we don't need you anymore. Keeping your goals above others is the normal thing to do, not the other way around, this makes him more realistic as he's doing it subconciously like we all do. We got ouserlves an ideal selfless protagonist in Vin, Kel doesn't need to be the same.
  21. Jasnah has a sbardblade too and ivory probably has the morphing ability of syl. Jasnah probably wouldn't match up to szeth in swordfighting ability, but a shield would come very handy against his sbardblade and give her time to soulcast.
  22. Well if Vin doesn't have atium then you have to give her the newly discovered metals such as cadmium etc. Szeth is already mentally unstable, so he will be susceptible to emotional allomancy. Vin can riot his emotions to Make him loose his calm and make rash decisions. She can slow down time and have a lot of time to think of a good strategy to defeat Szeth, and also refill her metal reserves, maybe snipe him from in there if she can pull off Wax's trick. In a fighting area with buildings etc, Vin can keep track of Szeth using broze while Szeth has no such means. Vin can hide and wait him out using bendalloy to make time go fast. Alternatively she can just sneak around taking shots at him from the hiding, although he can probably deflect them using reverse lashing. In a plain area, szeth will have less items to reverse lash and he has to be in constant contact with the object to reverse lash it, so either he stays on the ground(which reduces his maneuverability) or takes something in his hand and basically losing one functional arm and no free arms to lash Vin with if she decides to close up. And I'm pretty sure a duralumin and pewter punch to the head will take care of Szeth. Using coinshots at rest of Szeth's body will make him use huge amount of stormlight for healing. Also his supply of stormlight is much more limited than Vin's metal reserves as stormlight is used up faster and constantly. Also the speres are bulky and the pouches will make nice targets for coinshots. So Vin could just wait him out. Basically Vin has a lot mpre options in how she should go about in this fight with all these different kinds of metals, while Szeth is limited to lashings and his sbardblade.
  23. Or she could have come out of a perpendicular, found herself on top of horneater peaks and thought 'i don't feel like climbing down a mountain', so she got some stormlight and went right back in. She also probably picked up her backpack and bandolier outside, and she also wanted to talk to the highspren as she can now enter shadesmar, so another reason to go back.
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