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2 minutes ago, Dannnex said:


that was mat lol

not me

2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

No, I appreciate the pun. And I'm sure Archer of all people does as well :P 

That was me, actually.

Kind of want to call this a Szeth elim tell but he's also had a streak going the past few games so it's more likely just a Szeth tell

sorry guys my head exploded from the amount of stuff I am keeping track of in my head.

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It was past Orion's time.

But here he was. On duty.


He was a big man, the kind that took up a seat and a half on helicopter rides. A look at his expression had told everyone else boarding not to take a nearby chair- clearly, he did not want to be here. But they wanted someone with experience, they said, they wanted someone to lead.

Ha. Orion's leading days were over. And if he was being forced to travel to the Calamity-forsaken wasteland of Antarctica, the only leading he would be doing was leading the new recruits out of trouble. He had lost many a friend to overconfidence, and he wasn't about to let anyone go tromping into the snow to hunt epics. Not before they had an idea of what they were up against.

But if the fog was any indication, it'd be about standard.

6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Devo Mat

Hello there!

I don't think we've performed our required shuffle squat yet! :D 

It's only an hour or so into C1, no need to rush it :P. A good shuffle squat needs a good foundation, and a good foundation isn't built in an hour.

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

It's only an hour or so into C1, no need to rush it :P. A good shuffle squat needs a good foundation, and a good foundation isn't built in an hour.

This is true, it's too early in our relationship for that :eyes:

So, I'm interested because there's two construals of what you say:

9 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Kind of want to call this a Szeth elim tell but he's also had a streak going the past few games so it's more likely just a Szeth tell

A. Szeth has been on an Elim streak the past few games (? - wasn't he Village in Elan's MR55?), therefore this isn't so much an Elim tell as a Szeth tell that gets coded Elim because Szeth just so happens to be Elim


B. Szeth has been on an Elim streak the past few games (?? - same question, actually not just MR55, he was definitely Village in LG82 which you GMed, my good sir!) - so this is likely just a normal Szeth tell because he's not likely to be Elim this time.

One construal, as you can appreciate, is slightly more alarming than the other one :P 

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12 minutes ago, |TJ| said:

Y'all are gonna make me rename the title as Mist of War or something >>

Mist on Wharf actually makes more sense! I like it! But your original name is great, no need to cave to pier pressure. 

12 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Sonia heard someone address her and flinched involuntarily, before turning to see who had spoken. He wasn't someone she recognized, which was good. Chances were very low that he knew her from before her Reckoner days. Someone knowing her name was always a potential threat though, someone who might try to keep tabs on her after the job was done. She might have to leave quickly after whoever was behind the earthquake had been taken care of. Speaking of which, she should start looking for a culprit. The Weatherman Ashbringer seemed a likely suspect, as the cold had no visible effect on him. Either he was an Epic and should be taken out on principal, or he had acclimated to the cold from recent presence in Antarctica. Or maybe he just had really good cold weather gear, in which case finding out where it came from would still be a positive.

Are you saying you're not an Epic of any kind?

10 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

No, I appreciate the pun. And I'm sure Archer of all people does as well :P 

Kind of want to call this a Szeth elim tell but he's also had a streak going the past few games so it's more likely just a Szeth tell

hiss   no, I despise puns

interesting take

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9 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

This is true, it's too early in our relationship for that :eyes:

So, I'm interested because there's two construals of what you say:

A. Szeth has been on an Elim streak the past few games (? - wasn't he Village in Elan's MR55?), therefore this isn't so much an Elim tell as a Szeth tell that gets coded Elim because Szeth just so happens to be Elim


B. Szeth has been on an Elim streak the past few games (?? - same question, actually not just MR55, he was definitely Village in LG82 which you GMed, my good sir!) - so this is likely just a normal Szeth tell because he's not likely to be Elim this time.

One construal, as you can appreciate, is slightly more alarming than the other one :P 

I meant more like option A, of these. I said he's on an elim streak off of remembering the AG and Tani's game, and those games alone, though they were the most recent two. Part of the reason I noticed it is because I initially voted Szeth in Tani's game for doing something very similar, but I also acknowledged that something he probably just does since my sample section was two games. I don't remember how Gorilla opened either, so. One game.

Not the strongest argument, but that's why it wasn't an argument or a vote, just a random thought I posted. I wasn't planning on acting on it.

Which of the two is more alarming? xD I can't tell

9 minutes ago, Archer said:

Mist on Wharf actually makes more sense! I like it! But your original name is great, no need to cave to pier pressure. 

hiss   no, I despise puns

I can see that, yeah :P 

8 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

I think it is Archer.

Any particular reason, or is that just gut?

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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Spark O'toole was tired.  All day and most of the night he had tried to tell the others that he was not a Baron.  But of course they didn't listen.  Instead they followed him, watching his every move.  For the first time in his life Spark knew what those he followed had felt.  The eyes drilling into the back of his head, shadows lurking just around the corner.  Never seen but always watching.

It was maddening.  
How do people stand this. he thought.  Try as he might, he just couldn't escape from those prying eyes.

It was exhaustion that finally drove him to his cot in the hallway.  Not long after he fell into a restless sleep did a shadow loom above him.

"I won't miss this time."  the figure whispered.

Placing their hand gun against Spark's temple, the shade pulled the trigger.

Spark woke up drenched in a cold sweat. The same nightmare kept haunting him over and again. Each time, they were so close to hunting down the last of the Barrow Barons, and he knew who the last one, Mitosis, was, but nobody would believe him. Each time it ended with that gun against his head, the trigger being pulled.

Spark hated feeling like a wimp, cowering in his sleep each night as he waited to die. He'd hoped that traveling out to Antarctica and away from the city would calm his dreams, but if anything they were becoming more vivid each night. His last idea to stop the dreams was to kill an Epic himself. Maybe that would bring him peace at last. Of course, dying to an Epic would bring relief all the same.

Gonna echo what Archer said to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood; your vote is a tool to kill someone, use it wisely and for it's intended purpose.

Going to assist Kas in the shuffle thingy: Mat

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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

Spark O'toole was tired.  All day and most of the night he had tried to tell the others that he was not a Baron.  But of course they didn't listen.  Instead they followed him, watching his every move.  For the first time in his life Spark knew what those he followed had felt.  The eyes drilling into the back of his head, shadows lurking just around the corner.  Never seen but always watching.

It was maddening.  
How do people stand this. he thought.  Try as he might, he just couldn't escape from those prying eyes.

It was exhaustion that finally drove him to his cot in the hallway.  Not long after he fell into a restless sleep did a shadow loom above him.

"I won't miss this time."  the figure whispered.

Placing their hand gun against Spark's temple, the shade pulled the trigger.

Spark woke up drenched in a cold sweat. The same nightmare kept haunting him over and again. Each time, they were so close to hunting down the last of the Barrow Barons, and he knew who the last one, Mitosis, was, but nobody would believe him. Each time it ended with that gun against his head, the trigger being pulled.

Spark hated feeling like a wimp, cowering in his sleep each night as he waited to die. He'd hoped that traveling out to Antarctica and away from the city would calm his dreams, but if anything they were becoming more vivid each night. His last idea to stop the dreams was to kill an Epic himself. Maybe that would bring him peace at last. Of course, dying to an Epic would bring relief all the same.

Gonna echo what Archer said to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood; your vote is a tool to kill someone, use it wisely and for it's intended purpose.

Going to assist Kas in the shuffle thingy: Mat

OH, frick I did not realize most of that. frick. dang I did not understand some things about the game which I do now

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4 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Gonna echo what Archer said to @Thaidakar the Ghostblood; your vote is a tool to kill someone, use it wisely and for it's intended purpose.

Going to assist Kas in the shuffle thingy: Mat

Or a tool to gauge a new player's reaction to being voted on. That too. (Which, if they didn't understand what a vote was, didn't really work anyway)

Only Kas and I can shuffle, smh. Clearly you don't understand :P 

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Only Kas and I can shuffle, smh. Clearly you don't understand :P 

I'm pretty sure I can shuffle with Kas as well :P. But, failing that, I can kill you :D.

Just now, Ashbringer said:

Mat has 3 votes on him :)

Wait who's the third?

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1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

Mat has 3 votes on him :)

Yeah it appears that Araris ninja'd me

...and i did forget about your vote soz

I never claimed to be good at counting votes OTL (see: ag8 or any other game)

1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

Wait who's the third

Ash :P 

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2 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Mat has 3 votes on him :)

If I had a nickel for every time I was the leading train 2 hours into D1

I'd have like... six nickels. At least. If I had a nickel for every time I've died D1, I'd have one nickel.

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1 minute ago, Araris Valerian said:

Can't have people wondering if I'm doing my reverse-psychology D1 anti-bus strategy.

I wasn't wondering about that. Maybe I should? :thonk?:

Side note: looking warily at exp and thaidakar at the moment. mainly gut.

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