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Seon Pulse


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I tried searching, to see if this has been discussed yet, so I apologize if this is an old idea.

So, I'm re-reading Elantris for the first time since Rhythm of War, and I realized that Seons might be tapping into a "Cosmere constant" that, on Roshar, manifests in the singer rhythms. More specifically, there are a few instances of Seon's emotions being reflected in the pulsing (rhythm) of their inner light.



Elantris Ch 32

“All right,” Sarene said. “So after I ran off, Ashe called your seon and told you I was pursuing the king.”

“‘The foolish girl is going off to get herself killed’ were his exact words, I believe,” Roial said, chuckling.


“I apologize, my lady,” the seon said, pulsing in embarrassment. “I was rather out of sorts.”


I don't know if anybody has ever asked Brandon if the Seon rhythms are similar/connected to the Singer rhythms; but this does not seem like a coincidence to me.

(searching Arcanum only showed the "Selphone" pun)

I thought I would post here, if just to start discussion. . .

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I think it is related. Elantris is such an early book that i don't know if this specifically was intended that way. But I think it fits well.

when vin burns bronze and Duralumin she can tell what emotions Breeze is soothing from the allomantic pulses.
Also the Well of Ascencion pulses in her ears. Rhythms and pulses seem to be a feature of investiture in general


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17 minutes ago, Bort said:

There's a good question for Brandon - When Vin was hearing the pulses from the Well of Ascension, was she really hearing the pure tones of Preservation?

Along with "When a Seon pulses in emotion, would a Singer recognize those rhythms?"


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3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Along with "When a Seon pulses in emotion, would a Singer recognize those rhythms?"


If in Envoyform, almost certainly. Otherwise it's not clear to me if a Singer has to be taught what a rhythm means. I would like to know, but would probably ask "would a Singer attune the same rhythms a Seon pulses to express the same emotion?"

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@Frustration - You're one of the best sources of WoB that I've seen on this site... Can you answer this please?

Has Brandon answered already about Vin hearing the "Pure Tones of Preservation/Scadrial" when she can hear the pulses from the Well of Ascension?

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1 hour ago, Bort said:

@Frustration - You're one of the best sources of WoB that I've seen on this site... Can you answer this please?

Has Brandon answered already about Vin hearing the "Pure Tones of Preservation/Scadrial" when she can hear the pulses from the Well of Ascension?

There is



Is the Well's pulsing a 'pure tone of Scadrial'?

Brandon Sanderson


Miscellaneous 2020 (Nov. 30, 2020)  


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I would think that if both Roshar and Scadrial have pure tones, the other planets in the cosmere would as well. Singers, the natives on Roshar can hear the Rhythms because they are attuned to them. Since seons could count as the native to Sel (them being slivers and all) it would make sense that they could attune to the rhythms of Sel.

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1 hour ago, Morningtide said:

I would think that if both Roshar and Scadrial have pure tones, the other planets in the cosmere would as well. Singers, the natives on Roshar can hear the Rhythms because they are attuned to them. Since seons could count as the native to Sel (them being slivers and all) it would make sense that they could attune to the rhythms of Sel.


  What I was curious about was if the emotion rhythms on Sel and Roshar matched. .  .

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I agree

10 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I think it would imply that the rhythms are a type of Cosmere Constant, even if the "pure tone" of each shard is unique

It would make sense that there would be rhythms that span the whole Cosmere and rhythms that are on separate planets

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1 hour ago, Morningtide said:

I agree

It would make sense that there would be rhythms that span the whole Cosmere and rhythms that are on separate planets

yea, maybe a broad pulse on which everything is variations(i.e. general pulse of embarrassment, but with specific location variations)

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  • 1 month later...

Warning! Major spoilers for Rhythm of War ahead. I have put my response in a hidden text box for this reason.


In RoW we learned that Investiture is related to music. It responds to music, music can turn it into anti-investiture, and by singing, Navani and the Sibling can create Towerlight. It seems that if Investiture is not just magical music (A distinct possibility), it is related pretty closely.


Anyway, I agree with your theory. Cool idea!

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