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Mid-Range Game 58 - To Kill a Skyeel

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I'll sign up as Morovia the Green Widow. She specializes in palliative end of life care and tries to protect the environment in her free time.

Is anyone informed if the skyeels will come back on an odd night if blocked by a humane skyeel capturer?

Is the former detective attacked by sky eels the night they target a player for a kill or the night their kill goes through?

Will the writeups inform of survival due to skyeel protection or apprentice skyeel extra life?

Can elims use day actions and still submit the night kill?

Sorry for this but if 4 people sign up for break tank 2 by Monday 16:00 GMT, that game can probably start and finish before this one starts.

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11 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Is anyone informed if the skyeels will come back on an odd night if blocked by a humane skyeel capturer?

Nobody. Well, if you die you're going to be told that you were killed by skyeels and can guess from that.

11 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Is the former detective attacked by sky eels the night they target a player for a kill or the night their kill goes through?

The night they target, because they aren't thematically killing the person, their digging up dirt then showing it to the council to get them thrown out.

11 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Will the writeups inform of survival due to skyeel protection or apprentice skyeel extra life?

Yes. Not Exterminators though. 

11 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Can elims use day actions and still submit the night kill?


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MR58 Night Zero: A Mysterious Absence

Thishimat glanced around the room. He tapped his fingers on his leg. He always arrived early, perhaps too early, to his appointments. It was chilly, despite the normal weather here. He had only come to Klna three years ago and still hadn't adjusted to the weather. It wasn't the Frostlands, which Thilkish had visited once during Gavilar Kholin's reign. That was what, six years ago now? Time slipped away faster than stormlight from a shattered gem. He looked around again. He came far too early. Earlier he had thought that everyone would be early to a meeting as important as this, and yet none were here. He had come an hour early, so maybe that had something to do with it. 

He got a bad feeling in his gut. He looked around again, slightly hunched over. Was that someone there in the shadows? He looked closer, but he still couldn't quite tell. A skyeel floated out of the alley, and Thishimat breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a hand grasp his shoulder and he yelped, jumping slightly.




Elhodin fixed his stare on the scared young man. "Easy boy, nothing to worry about." The young man stammered for a moment before finally forming his words.

"S-s-sir, good morning."

"Good morning, son. Early, are we?"

The man smiled nervously. "I like to be punctual, sir."

"Early is not punctual. I always arrive early, yet I am not punctual. It pays to be on time, early is better. Once I would have been as early as you, but my old age made me miscalculate, so here I am." 

Before the man could respond, feet clicked on the ground as Chanoral and Genorin walked towards them, arm in arm. Elhodin smiled a genuine smile. "Greetings friends." 

"Early as always, old friend," remarked Chanoral. Elhodin, always the quieter of the two, simply gave a nod in response. 

A small amount of time later, yet more people approached. "Shall we get the meeting started? By my count only Jaxondrell and Amirim are missing," Shalith said from the head of the group.

That was standard, Jaxondrell was the least punctual man Elhodin had ever met. Amirim, however, that was odd. He was not normally early, but he at least showed up on time. Elhodin's thoughts were interrupted by the man he had talked to moments ago. 

"Amirim will not be attending. I was selected to go in his place."

Shalith only just now seemed to take notice of the young man. "Do you know why Amirim is not here?"

"All I was told was that he was taking a trip on short notice."

An odd expression crossed Shalith's face. "Welcome, Councilor…" She let it trail off, the question clear. 

"Thishimat, Councilor Shalith." 

She nodded, calculating. "Welcome." All cordiality gone from her demeanor. "I motion we start without Councilor Jaxondrell." "Seconded," spoke one of the councilors Elhodin was less familiar with. Hands rose, a clear majority, and the meeting began.


Welcome to Night Zero of Mid-Range Game 58. 

Things to Note:


  • As this is a Night Turn, you may not post, but you may put any Night actions in. 


  • If you haven't received your GMPM yet, PM me to let me know.


  • Have fun!



  1. @Archer as Eelton the Eel Killer. 
  2. @xinoehp512. 
  3. @Matrim's Dice. 
  4. @EmulatonStromenkiin as Foklasfag. 
  5. @Liranil
  6. @JNV as Merris.
  7. @Bort. 
  8. @Illwei. 
  9. @StrikerEZ as Lin Ganai. 
  10. @ash's_eyes. 
  11. @Devotary of Spontaneity as Morovia the Green Widow. 
  12. @_Stick_

This Turn will end Thursday, May 26th at 2:00 PM Mountain Time. 

Edited by The Unknown Novel
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MR58 Day One: Opening Thoughts

Thishimat glanced around the room. Studying the expressions of the people gathered. He knew that they had been holding private talks the entire night. Discussing what should be discussed during the meeting, but fearing what the others would think of them for blasting their thoughts into the world. Storms, this was difficult business. "Um, any motions?" He ventured. A few sharp glares, quickly stifled, told him that he shouldn't have said that. Oops. Elhodin gave him a pitying look. Thishimat was briefly annoyed, he didn't want the man's pity, but knew that was without reason.

Elhodin grabbed a few papers. "I have some slight changes that I would like to suggest, simple things to save humans from the poisons some of the less scrupulous Exterminators have utilized. We have always frowned upon such measures, but there hasn't been any legislature prohibiting it." Elhodin passed a paper to the man next to him, who glanced over it before handing it to the man to Thishimat's right. He looked over it, it seemed agreeable. He nodded and passed it along. There were a few objections from various council members, but in short time that was worked out, and the paper was given to Renaram, the head scribe, who drafted another document to pass around. Thishimat was awed at his speed. Before the papers reached Thishimat, a knock came from the door. Kelenar stood up, and walked towards the door. He opened it to find a messenger looking out of breath. "Jaxondrell has fled the city, they found a note in his room. 'I did not come here for politics, I thought I left that all behind when I left the Basin. I have friends here, so farewell to them, and may Odium overlook your city.' " The messenger said, almost in one breath. "Take that as you will." 

Thishimat's heart froze. Calum had said that name when he died. 'I stand above the world, living stone below my feet, and the flying servants of Odium all around me.' 

Elhodin hobbled over. "Who will take his place?"

The messenger was overshadowed by another man stepping around him. A wicked smile on his face, "Me."


Welcome to Day One of Mid-Range Game 58. 

Things to Note:

  • PMs are closed, but the thread is open.
  • If you neither post three times nor vote, you will be warned for inactivity. 
  • Have fun!




  1. @Archer as Eelton the Eel Killer. 
  2. @xinoehp512. 
  3. @Matrim's Dice. 
  4. @EmulatonStromenkiin as Foklasfag. 
  5. @Liranil
  6. @JNV as Merris.
  7. @Bort. 
  8. @Illwei. 
  9. @StrikerEZ as Lin Ganai. 
  10. @ash's_eyes. 
  11. @Devotary of Spontaneity as Morovia the Green Widow. 
  12. @_Stick_


Edited by The Unknown Novel
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Hello everyone! Excited to be back for my first game. What conclusions did we reach during our night of PMing? I did not get as much PMing done as I wanted to, but that's okay. :P

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Hey I actually only realised pretty late that PMs were night-only and so I'm afraid I couldn't make the most of them. I only got one and a half PM.

Stay tuned for the next night turn though cuz everyone'll be receiving one from me ;) 

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I will try to stay active during the day cycles, but don't expect me to be PMing at night.

Funilly enough I'm getting good vibes from basically everyone in thread right now, I think. More like I'm not getting any vibes, but.


Edited by Illwei
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Eelton the Eel Killer assessed the situation. "Weel, weel, weel. This council don't know what they're doing, huh. Won't prevail in this by men gettin' lucky. No, this ere calls for someone with skeel."

He flicked his toothpick. "Hope you find someone like that, that certainly don't describe me."

20 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

So how many people did Archer accidentally start group PMs with :ph34r:

Literally everyone. Sorry about that. Can I get free village cred for flagrantly breaking the rules when e!me would have been talking in the elim doc with the GM and probably avoided that violation? 

42 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

I concur, I have no clue what to do with the PMing. I don't know who to vote for at all, so I'll just guess, probably.

You PM to figure out who to vote for! This game basically comes down to figure out how a reasonable villager would act/think and prompt people until someone deviates from your expectations, at which point you ask them to justify their posts and evaluate their level of truthfulness. Any opportunities for discussion are good. 

Also, hello new people! Nice to play with y'all. 

I'm going to check the rules before posting misinformation, but I think we might need to reach 50% consensus to cause a kill? If that's true, which I'm not saying it is as I have not looked at the rules recently, it'd be good to know how you'd like the make that work. I'm going to go read them now

Edit: Devotary

Edited by Archer
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2 minutes ago, Archer said:

I'm going to check the rules before posting misinformation, but I think we might need to reach 50% consensus to cause a kill? If that's true, which I'm not saying it is as I have not looked at the rules recently, it'd be good to know how you'd like the make that work. I'm going to go read them now

Not consensus, 50% need to be voting period. So if 6 people vote, whoever has the most votes dies. 

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Hi hi hi hoesntly pMs didnt go so well someone cough Archer cough started a ton of group pms and turns out they are a no go so haha then I got like one PM but I didnt have time to reply before slep time honestly dont really know whats going on though plus side rules say no evl doc in daytime I guess theyre vampires or something 

Um so yeah at leats 6 people gotta vote so Archer for hopping on someone that hasnt shown up shame on you and your horse

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15 minutes ago, Archer said:

Literally everyone. Sorry about that. Can I get free village cred for flagrantly breaking the rules when e!me would have been talking in the elim doc with the GM and probably avoided that violation? 

Edit: Devotary

No, because I don't think that logic tracks as well as you think it does :P.

I don't love JNV's vote, since I think Archer voting Devo there is normal or slightly v indicative if anything. Won't vote there yet though.

I too did less PMing that I wanted to. There's always another Night I guess


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