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Long Game 87: Choose Your Own Manywar


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Mat (1): Araris
Xino (1): Bard
Araris (1): Fifth
Ash (1): Elan
Sart (3): Stick, Luckspren, Mat
Elan (6): Kas, Sart, TUN, Archer, Ash, Xino

Elan, Sart. If Sart can in fact verify elim-ness it's certainly worth keeping him alive.

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Guess I vote Elan here? I’m also indifferent to the exe, besides the part about me being in it. Feel kinda bad but what else is there for me to do

Sart can detect me tonight if he wants. Idk if he could find infiltrators though, is he a role detector or a faction detector? Infiltrators are both and I wonder if a Hawk Infiltrators would show up as a Hawk or an Infiltrator

Kas, you make some good points about why that wouldn’t be the CoC wincon— I still maintain that my faction makes sense with this game. Even if it doesn’t, I’m not lying :P.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
Large elan train aaaaaaaaa
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5 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I thought spending time with family would mean I’d come back to results but I guess the Exe is still going. I’m gonna take the coward’s route out and say that I am indifferent in this particular instance—I have both Mat and Elan on elim radar, would prefer to give Sart a cycle to verify his claims, and have committed to stabbing Araris and he himself would be mad at me if I pulled out the knife even though he probably wants Mat dead. I’ll stick where I am. 

I... what? You have Mat and Elan on your elim radar, but you're not voting for them? And you're letting me die, even though you want to verify my claims? Why? And frankly, how did you get Elan on your elim radar in the first place? They literally only just got active. I know I'm voting on Elan, but that's purely self-preservation. This just seems like fence sitting, going along with whatever the crowd's saying. It's too late to change my vote, but this is ringing alarm bells like crazy to me.

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1 minute ago, Steeldancer said:

Spies can only detect current joined faction. So, no, they would not see a Infiltrator as an infiltrator, but rather as a Royalist Hawk or whatever they joined. 

Well, darn. Really hoping it was the other way around.

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3 minutes ago, Sart said:

I... what? You have Mat and Elan on your elim radar, but you're not voting for them? And you're letting me die, even though you want to verify my claims? Why? And frankly, how did you get Elan on your elim radar in the first place? They literally only just got active. I know I'm voting on Elan, but that's purely self-preservation. This just seems like fence sitting, going along with whatever the crowd's saying. It's too late to change my vote, but this is ringing alarm bells like crazy to me.

Correct. I have agreements, which supersede my desire to see one of them dead. Mat is barely viable anymore, the Elan lynch has almost no backing besides being an alternative and is doing fine without me, and there is information to be gained either way. If I went with the crowd I would be condemning you. I’m not. I just see no reason to save you either. Sorry if that sounds cold hearted :P 

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Sart’s exe at least has reasoning behind it. A spy is as valuable to the elims as the rest of us, potentially.

Edit: it’s not necessarily a village indicative role, I mean

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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OK, I guess voting on Xino didn’t go anywhere, and between Sart and Elan, I’m probably more suspicious of Sart.

Because if Sart were an Infiltrator, he’d be able to fake a Spy role very easily, so it’s really not a defence at all.

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LG87: Night 1 - New Commands
During the day, the king had his most brilliant scholars working constantly on the new art, known as Awakening. He thought, perhaps, he might be able to turn the tide of the war through this new thing. 
Imagine his surprise when three of his scholars came back by noon, having discovered 3 new commands to use! Including one, which, as soon as he thought about it, changed basically everything. 
However, one of the scholars was disliked among the others, and when her experiments came back fruitless, they managed to get her executed. Was it just? Who knows. These things aren't so cut and dry here. 

Araris (1): Fifth Scholar
Matrim's Dice (1): Araris
Sart (5): Matrim, Stick, Luck, Elandera, Bard
Elandera (6): Archer, Sart, Ash, Kasimir, Xinoehp, The Unknown Novel
Elandera has been Exed! She was a Revolutionary Citizen with the First Heightening! (for reference, Citizens are just what I'm calling roleless people). 

3 Commands were discovered! 
Known Commands: 


Lifeless Creation: "Awaken to my Breath, serve my needs, live at my Command and my word. (Security phrase)." 1 breath + available dead person. Can be given 3 possible instructions and a security phrase. The instructions are Revenge (will strike back at a player that attacks the owner, destroying the lifeless in the process), Grab [item], (can be directed to a specific player + specific item to steal that awakened item. This item cannot be used without the 8th heightening. Or that player dying.) or Follow [Player], which will reveal the actions a player took that night. Lifeless cannot be roleblocked after being given instructions, but the creation/ instruction process can be roleblocked. Lifeless may be reinstructed for an action. Only those with the security phrase may use the lifeless, even after its original master dies. 
Grab [item, player]: 20 breath: allows you to grab a specified awakened item (can be identified by the command) from the targeted player. Is a one use item. 
Hold [item] - 10 breath: targets an item you have, and keeps it from being Grabbed. One time use, but item remains held until Hold item is removed.

The Night wil end in about 23 hours, at 10PM EDT, 7/10/22. 
Player List


1. Matrim's Dice- Samuel
2. The Unknown Novel- Dedarriel
4. Ashbringer- Clem
5. Archer
6. The Wandering Wizard- Ormutag
7. Araris Valerian- Hadrani Pereniod
8. Fifth Scholar- Yallacero
9. Kasimir- Kirilas
10. Young Bard- Linish
11. Stick
12. Xinoehp512
13. Elandera Revolutionary Citizen
14. Sart- Arthas
15. Clanky- Ancy
16. Luckspren- Lelea Pendrose
17. JNV- Kalomi


Edited by Steeldancer
I'm bad at vote counts
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4 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Araris (1): Fifth Scholar
Matrim's Dice (1): Araris
Sart (5): Matrim, Stick, Luck, Elandera, Bard
Elandera (6): Archer, Sart, Ash, Kasimir, Xinoehp

Well. That’s an extra vote. Anyone want to explain it? 

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I was going to comment that a Revolutionary isn’t a bad kill but that’s rather subjective and it doesn’t really make a difference to me so never mind :P. It’s good for the Doves and Hawks I guess :P.

I guess Ash miscounted because I definitely thought that Sart was ahead

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...so that happened

Why was Elandera even the redirection vote off Sart Elandera was only a thing in relation to xinoehp they had the one post before the flop which was asking why xinoehp of all people and trying to redirect to Ashbringer which makes me guess theiyre in xinoehps faction or something nothing significantly more wobbly than others xinoehps opener could actually have been thought of as suspicious why Elandera whyd everyone flop there was it panic was it the time crunch was it the sudden wave like seriously and the Sart vote was wobbly too if anything the people following their thoughts should ahve been suspicious not the other way around but I guess well see what they do with this extra bit of time 

Ok its late I ned to sleep but before that lets look at vote progression if I missed a vote sorry let me know

Matrim votes Stick as a poke I think

Stick votes Matrim in retaliation

Kasimir votes xinoehp as a poke and non Stick Matrim alterantive

Fifth votes Araris to get discussion

Sart votes Matri for contradiction and discussion

Araris votes Matrim for talking without saying much and being wrong about factions

Kasimir votes Matrim

Bard votes Matrim for Breath

<Matrim claism faction here>

Kasimir votes xinoehp

Bard votes xinoehp

Matrim votes xinoeph

xinoehp votes Matrim for self preservation

Elandera votes Ashbringer as a non xinoehp alternative

Stick votes Sart for nonsensical weird post which I kinda chalked up to the RP voice but oh well kinda hmm honestly cause no comment on Matrim or xinoehp situation 

Luckspren votes Sart so their vote will "matter instead of being a pointless vote on Ashbringer" 

Archer votes Sart so Matrim will live which seems weird clear preference for xinoehp survival 

Matrim votes Sart 

xinoehp votes Sart for self preservation

Kasimir votes Elandera

<Sart claim here>

Sart votes Elandera to live

The Unknown NOvel votes Elandera to keep Sart alive 

Archer votes Elandera cause evil seemed fine with Sart dying which means theyre in a faction that actively cares about infiltrators being worse off

Ashbringer votes Elandera to see spy and think about Mat

xinoehp votes Elandera in case Sart can see evil

Matrim votes Elandera but says "indifferent to the exe" which is kinda weird I think theyre going for Breath at that point

Matrim votes Sart

Elandera votes Sart to live

Bard votes Sart cause they could fake Spy role as infiltrator easily 

There were just lots of trains for no reason piling on and off as different voices seemed suspicious and falling off as others seem more and nothing of substance really happened at all Ill have more thouhts in the morning Im tired though and might not be on so much tomorrow Im busy so talkj without me give me things to think about my brain is fried good night sleep tight dont let the mistwraiths bite

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Hey Araris, does your wincon have to do with your voting? You seemed weirdly committed to voting Mat yesterday. 

I should be able to figure out factions/alliances based on JNV's list, but that might be a task for later. 

I'm not entirely sure what analysis I'm supposed to be doing right now, so PM me if you want to talk shop

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