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38 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I think that Matrim jumping on that is interesting because of how I remember him approaching wizard in LG88.

I thought I made it clear that most of the time I was voting Wiz I wasn't planning to keep that vote. When he posted his explanation for not being online, I accepted it (quietly) and then waited to see if anyone would jump on it, which no one did. I ended on xino in an effort to not doom Araris, and because out of the candidates I liked him the best.

Conq Illwei 
Stick JNV
Wiz Araris TUN
xino Kas 

No tiers are ordered

Conq to me feels like his v self from previous games, and the Illwei read is more of a vibe read than anything else :P. Stick and JNV are completely gut. Wiz's explanation I like but doesn't really mean he's village, if anything no one jumping on it could point to e!Wiz but idk. Shrugging on Araris and TUN read wise. xino and Kas are pre explained. The Shqueeves placement comes from the quick vote and retraction of Conq but this read is very flexible

Kind of a lazy list tbh but I'm pretty tired and busy so it's what you get :P.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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2 Hours left! Also please do point out any VC errors I make, this should be right though.

  • Matrim's Dice (2): Kasimir, Illwei
  • _Stick_ (2): Araris Valerian, JNV
  • xinoehp512 (2): Matrim's Dice, Shining Silhouette
  • The Wandering Wizard (1): xinoehp512
  • Araris Valerian (1): _Stick_
  • The Unknown Novel (1): Conquestor
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5 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I was mostly referring to the nature of the orange votes in general, specifically the Wiz one. I also find it interesting you retaliation vote me here.

If I'm making an orange vote, I'm not actually voting to kill someone, in which case the claim of opportunism is bold.

Define interesting. Many things are interesting. Not all interesting things are relevant to the game.

35 minutes ago, JNV said:

Kasimir votes Matrim for making strange claims presumably wanting an explanation but technically nothing stated and honestly kinda agree with Matrim about the weirdness of the immediate retaliation vote considering the recent orange thing and my perceived uselessness of a question with a vote vs jsut a question 

Is it a retaliation vote if Mat isn't voting on me yet?

But no, I don't really care about weirdness. I'm going to go completely dgaf this game, due to what happened last game when I spent cycle after cycle rationalising why my gut had to be wrong rather than trying to understand or follow it. So partly gut, as I am getting a bit of a similar vibe to when Mat tried to park on Danex et al, (I will agree he's not parking on someone else, but it feels like a test balloon, and that's a flag for me for where some players are concerned, e.g. with Araris as well), partly my view on flipping rocks, and finally because I disagree on the usefulness of votes with questions :P

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Here’s my problem: I don’t really think Wiz is elim, but unvoting here puts Araris further ahead then my conscious would like :P I left my vote to see if anyone would bite on the train which didn’t really happen.

But bah this also feels like V!Mat.


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3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I thought I made it clear that most of the time I was voting Wiz I wasn't planning to keep that vote. When he posted his explanation for not being online, I accepted it (quietly) and then waited to see if anyone would jump on it, which no one did. I ended on xino in an effort to not doom Araris, and because out of the candidates I liked him the best.

Conq Wiz Illwei (not ordered)
Stick JNV (not ordered)
Araris TUN (ordered)
xino Kas (ordered)

edit: posted too early, adding explanations

assuming I'm not illiterate


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30 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

If I'm making an orange vote, I'm not actually voting to kill someone, in which case the claim of opportunism is bold.

I don't think it's bold at all. In the last QF, you define opportunism as the following: (pulled from here and here)


as though he was waiting for someone to suggest suspicion then opportunistically riding it
being opportunistic and waiting to jump in after someone else had said it

So when you say this, just earlier:


Orange means that I am willing to further pursue this if someone gives me reason / can be persuaded to vote this person.

It looks as if you're throwing out ideas and waiting for people to make a case you can agree with, instead of making a case for why the names go in orange at all, and yes I do think that looks opportunistic as it fits perfectly with your own definition.

30 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Define interesting. Many things are interesting. Not all interesting things are relevant to the game.

 Interesting in the sense that I find it contradictory to your recently stated stance.

30 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Is it a retaliation vote if Mat isn't voting on me yet?

I made a point looking at e!you, and you immediately quoted it with a vote on me. So I think, yes, it can be called retaliation unless there was an ulterior motive :P 

Edited by Matrim's Dice
Sorry for the double >> Thought there was another post somehow
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Don't really have much to contribute this cycle, but just wanted to comment that if the votes tie, no one is exed, right?

It's probably generally helpful for the village to exe the most suspicious candidate instead of giving the elims another night to kill, I'd suppose. 

Just a thought :P

1 hour ago, JNV said:1 hour ago, JNV said

Sillhouette for xinoehp no reason given

And that's all there was to it, wasn't much of a thought process. Xino hadn't yet contributed so I figured 'why not?'

Sorry for the contemptible level of analysis- don't have too much time to take a deep dive just yet. 

And if anyone has particularly good reasoning for an exe candidate, I'll consider voting someone else, just give me the reasoning. 

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I agree with Shqueeves, especially because his posts feel controlled and disconnected.
Kas dropping his RP so early makes me feel like he is more likely to be an Elim, when in reality it's probably NAI, but I do think it's more likely to be an Elim slightly because of how little is going on and how little there is so comment on. This is a useful sentence.

I had immediate negative reactions to both Araris and Xino, with re evaluations on Araris I'm pretty okay calling mat town for the moment.

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Okay, so currently we are sitting at a Xino getting lynched with three votes and everyone else has one vote. Now, mechanically, if Xino had a blessing of stability, he could save himself and cause a no lynch. I don't feel particularly good or bad about Xino, but I'd hate for some last minute shenanigans to happen and cause a tie. Xino, TUN. I'm still suspicious of you @The Unknown Novel, but I'm getting off for the night and so I want my vote to be helpful. Now, don't cause too much of a ruckus while I'm off. ;) I know that 30 minutes is plenty of time to cause chaos.

Also, any last words, comments, questions, concerns, or accusations @xinoehp512?

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Nah this was too easy, I don’t feel this vote pattern from everyone results in e!xino

Ninja’d by Illwei—

Kas? Don’t really want to kill returning Shqueeves D1 after so few posts from them

edit: even if I did put them bottom of my list

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LG89 Night 1: Evidence of Treachery

The Second Generation had taken to concealing their true identities, which had led to some... interesting conversations. It had let the Third Generation inside, being unable to truly identify the Second's Council, but it also left them exposed and in a place where they could be caught. The imprisonment was meant to be a last resort, a way to limit intra-kandra violence in a way that meant something - especially when the classical punishment of banishment was more a reward for the problematic ones.

But when a member of the group was found with a Blessing of Potency, one too fresh and too well-utilized to be from the Second Generation - Imprisonment took a new use.


xinoehp512 was imprisoned! They were a member of the Third Generation with a Blessing of Potency!


Vote Count:

  • xinoehp512 (5): Matrim's Dice, Shining Silhouette, Araris Valerian, Conquestor, Illwei
  • Matrim's Dice (1): Kasimir
  • _Stick_ (1): JNV
  • Araris Valerian (1): _Stick_
  • Kasimir (1): xinoehp512


The turn will end at 8:00 PM PDT (or 10:00 PM CDT) on Tuesday, September 20th.


Player List:

  1. @Matrim's Dice - MaTriim
  2. @The Unknown Novel - NoVeel
  3. @The Wandering Wizard - WiiZaad
  4. @_Stick_ - Stiiik
  5. @Shqueeves - WalDo
  6. @Araris Valerian - ArVaal
  7. xinoehp512 - NottItThird Generation, Blessing of Potency
  8. @Conquestor - ConQuis
  9. @Shining Silhouette - Taazzel
  10. @SymphonianBookworm - Zanaria
  11. @Kasimir - KeSaam
  12. @Turtle - TurTaal
  13. @JNV - JenVee
  14. @Illwei - IllWei


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…I see my powers of thread mood reading are pretty much terrible, very cool

Probably can get a few good clears off of that, I’d at least hope so :P. Notable that xino first voted me at EoD and then switched to Kas but idk in what way that is notable 

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We dodged a bullet, getting rid of a Third with the kill ability. A double kill night from the Thirds would be rough. Now to go through and read the bits that I missed, see what went down

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10 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

…I see my powers of thread mood reading are pretty much terrible, very cool

Probably can get a few good clears off of that, I’d at least hope so :P. Notable that xino first voted me at EoD and then switched to Kas but idk in what way that is notable 

I would be willing to follow that line of reasoning, and check out some of the lesser actives, and those who weren't on at OoT. Which I suppose I belong to both of, but oh well. 

Edit: Oh, potency is a kill? That's surprising. I'd guess one more teammate then, probably with the protect or vote manip.

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