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Long Game 90: Undiluted Powers

Araris Valerian

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2 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Happy birthday to Alv


Trying to off me on my birthday? I mean it would stop me from getting older which sounds nice but still, for shame. :P 

Odds are I will not vote D1 as normal but I am watching someone very carefully as the Gods of Luck and Chance seem to be give me a fairly strong pull in their direction.  Strong enough that they might not survive the night.

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@Shining Silhouette You seem to be rather talkative this cycle, any reason for it? Also, Xino, you were evil with Stick for one of those games and did you just give more reasoning for this vote than any of your other votes last game??? :P


Simeon looked around as people started shifting at the news of the betrayal and how anyone could be one of these "spiked". This is the sort of thing that Simeon has dealt with for his whole life. This time, a whole town was at risk of death and destruction. If these "spiked" managed to destroy the town... well that would have some big repercussions for the Venture's and many of the other great families involved in this mess. 

Simeon walked away, giving it some thought. Some of the people were acting a little unusual at the meeting, but that could just be the nerves getting the best of them. It would be best to prepare his own house, just in case. "Tezin, I want each of the guards to be searched for spikes and each key location to be double guarded." Simeon said to Tezin, his Terris steward. Tezin started to walk off, but before he could get more than a couple of steps, Simeon stopped him. "Oh, and move the children into our room, just in case. Be careful Tezin." Tezin nodded knowingly and walked towards the Venture home. Simeon looked after him worriedly, his family would make it through this.

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Hey everyone, nice to be playing with a bunch of you again (and happy to meet those of you I haven't played with)! I'm spontaneously visiting a long lost friend this weekend so I won't be doing much of anything for this day 1. I'll get into the game day 2 onwards.

I'm a villager if yall are trying to solve and that's helpful to know.

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I stepped out into the sun , feeling it’s beating rays on my back, looking around. Nothing seemed different from yesterday, but I could feel it, something was off, something was wrong. I started walking. I wasn’t walking to anywhere in particular, just walking. I used to like walking to see all the interesting things going on around me. There was nothing interesting in this town, nothing known to the likes of me at least.

I was new to Tyrian falls and everyone knew it. That made me a target, however I wasn’t an easy one, after a few days in town, most of the unsavoury types had the good sense to leave me alone. 

I felt the stones beneath my feet, I was idly kicking one along in front of me, when I heard it, a yell, calling all to the town square. I hurried along, not wanting to miss one second of the first excitement I’d seen in all my days here. I arrived in the square, it was packed with dirty bodies, desperately in need of a wash.  One man, dressed well, probably in the employ of a noble house was shouting.

“By order of Lord Hadrian Penrod not a soul is to leave this town, on penalty of death” he repeated this many times while a cacophony of questions echoed through the square.

My curiosity was peaked, and though I tried to suppress the thought, there was only one thing on my mind as I walked back to my new home. 

What had happened?

Thanks for the welcome Ashbringer ;)

Edited by Cinnamon
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Dyring was polishing the counter when I came in.

He looked up.

"Oh," he said flatly. "It's you."

Some of the village was already there. Figured they'd get a start on the crowd, no doubt. His Lordship'd declared everyone had to pitch in, after all. Heard some people tried to make a run for it. 'Course, they were stopped at the gates. 

Something about no one being allowed to leave Tyrian Falls.

Figured, though. Last thing people wanted to know was that there were a bunch of people about to ice other people in the village. Something of that sort puts the hackles up on just about anyone right-thinking. Can't say I liked the idea, myself. Me, I get a bit of an itch between my shoulders when someone's out there as trying to do for me.

'Course, can't say the same about myself.

But we choose our own ends, and there ain't no harm in it. Long past my sell-by date, if I'd really had one.

Been around, seen enough to know that sooner or later, the knives come out. People get nervous, when things like this happen. Then sooner or later, someone winds up dead and then people really start losing their minds, good and proper, and making all sorts of noise about guilt.

One of the guard Wuhrn worked with, said he'd a way of knowing. There's a particular look about the guilty, he said. 'Course, he sent his fair share of the innocent to the hangman. Guess he wasn't as good as he said he was, after all. Dunno how he squared that with his conscience though. Maybe that don't bother some people. Maybe some of us have ice in our souls.

Anyway, everyone was making all sorts of noise about who they suspected. Figured it was too early to say for sure, though. Small place like Tyrian Falls, you'd expect them as trying to do for the village to stick out, but you'd be wrong. Betrayal's the hardest part to work through, if you think about it. Don't care to think too hard about it myself. 'Course, that means finding them won't be easy.

And here I go again, talking as though I'm not all rusted out, and waiting to die.

Blame it on Etam's death.

Been soldiering, in the days of the Southern Rebellion. Fought with Etam, his Lordship. Been around and seen enough. Can't say I know his Lordship well, after all this time. But Etam, I'd've said he was as straight as a fletched arrow, and now he'd all gone crooked. Dunno how you can ever really expect that, even after years in the guard. Seen some rust in Luthadel, but even so.

Ran into Shadowblob on the way to Dyring's.

Can't say I'm comfortable around Shadowblob. Something about her always puts my back up. Ain't like Ora, yeah. Ora's dangerous, and you never really know what she's thinking, with those eyes. Years in the mines, maybe. Some of it seeps into you. And maybe Ora tried to bribe me a couple times. Can't say I like them as thinks a man's soul is up for sale.

Don't think anyone's comfortable around Shadowblob, really. Mistwraiths are the stuff of stories meant to scare children, but even a grown man knows enough to fear the mists a little. Memories of the Deepness, I guess. Or just anyone with a lick of sense knows to fear the mists 'cause that's where you run into Mistborn. God help you.

[OOC: Nothing especially denoting suspicion in these two paragraphs but there's no real way to write about deescalating on Ora in-character immediately, and I don't really feel there is a way to write about a Mistwraith without at least some 'ok she's part of Tyrian but god do I feel hinky around mistwraiths' going on. It does capture my general sentiments on attempting an immediate read of Devo but I expect this to become a little more doable over time into the game.]

'Course, Shadowblob'd picked up on the mood in the village. It ain't me, she'd said. I ain't working with Etam and the others. 'Course, someone had to be, now. Wasn't that the rub? Figured I knew what her game was, though. Maybe it made me feel just a little less jumpy. Only a little, though. If someone like Etam'd turned, God only knew what this meant. Hadn't felt so on edge since those days in Luthadel. Even during the Rebellion, least we knew who the enemy was.

"Yeah," I said to Dyring. Pulled out some coin. "It's me. Got any of the old cure?"

I work, of course. Hard to drown yourself in drink without clips. Small things, things that need doing. Sometimes, someone needs me to poke around, ask questions. Pay ain't great, but it keeps me going.

For now.

Can't really be asking for more'n that.

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14 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

Stick has been evil the past two games, I'm just saying :ph34r:

That is correct - I haven't been village for my last four games. So now are the chances of me being evil this game higher? Or lower? :ph34r:

12 hours ago, Alvron said:

Trying to off me on my birthday? I mean it would stop me from getting older which sounds nice but still, for shame. :P 

Odds are I will not vote D1 as normal but I am watching someone very carefully as the Gods of Luck and Chance seem to be give me a fairly strong pull in their direction.  Strong enough that they might not survive the night.

I have not forgotten </3

12 hours ago, shadow1 said:

I'm a villager if yall are trying to solve and that's helpful to know.

Thanks! :) 

Edited by _Stick_
fixed sentence structure 2 ares
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Felix was walking down the streets, looking out for people acting like he thought a spiked would. Of course, he had no idea how would a spiked act, so that made things a bit difficult.

The street was a lot more quiet than usual. People were afraid. Those he could see were acting oddly: staying in the lights, standing as far as possible from anyone else... That was disturbing to Felix. A few more days like this, and we'll all be persuaded everyone else is spiked. Me included. And when that will happen, good luck for keeping things in order. Especially with so much guards quelling that rebellion in the south.

He bought some food and came back to the caravan. "Here's the dinner, Jules." Jules smiled. He was one of the drivers of the caravan. Even given the chance, he wouldn't hurt a fly. If Felix was sure of anyone these days, it was Jules.

"Have you heard that? Someone said they would let us go tomorrow!"

"If you were to believe everything people say, everyone in this town is spiked, from Lord Penrod to your horses." replied Felix. They both bursted in laughter.


Mat. Because accusing people before they have even posted a message is something only a bad guy would do :P

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Half the bottle burned its way down my throat. Some of Dyring's brews could strip paint from metal.

Still, I figured they were what I needed. Harsh, forgetful numbness. Less of that ache. Less of everything.

I'd meant to think about the accusations flying around the village. Like old socks on a blustery day. Nothing really seemed to stick. Wasn't enough that knew Etam well, I figured. Most of 'em knew of him by repute. But such was a far cry from having fought with him.

Riven was keeping to the shadows. Watching, as always. Ain't ever known a man as apt to watch as Riven. Can't always say I know the game he's playing, either. Still, figure that Riven was the sort of man you gave a knife to, if you figured you were on the same side. 'Course, the Riven I knew...

I'd've said once that I knew Etam. Even trusted him to watch my back. Saved his bacon couple times. Was that stint in Luthadel. Maybe his Lordship remembers. Don't really know there's much worth remembering, though. 'Course, I knew better than to trust Etam, too. Funny sort of world we live in, you let a man watch your back 'cause you have to, but don't really trust him none neither.

Point was, Riven was another of that sort. Had a wary respect for him. Was right a couple of turns, more right than a man oughta be. Way I saw it, if Riven hadn't thrown in with those spiked lot, then I figured it was all the better for us. That and history. Always history. No, I figured I'd be looking at other shadows today. Not Riven.

Gave him a nod of respect, and looked around the local watering hole. 

Kept getting distracted, and the burn of Dyring's brew wasn't helping.

Still, I kept at it.

Made a sort of mental figuring, of where everyone was squinting at. The shadows they jumped at.

Didn't know if it was gonna do anything at all. Still, figured you can't begin to look for the Spiked if you ain't knowing what's going down in Tyrian Falls.

And here I was, thinking about the Spiked, worrying about them as though they were a problem for the likes of me. As though I wasn't damned anyway.

"You're all going to die," whispered Sahren. "Maybe think about saving yourself first, Koren. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse."

I flicked some spilled ale at the phantom, and Sahren only laughed.

Rust it all.

Wasn't much to me if I died. Hadn't really lived the sort of life anyone would miss, anyway.

[OOC: I was going to do this in character but ye gods and little fishes the number of people with TBD makes this virtually impossible.


Devo (1): Kas
TUN (2): Shining, TUN
Cinnamon (1): Ash
Silvereye (0): Mat<1>
Bookwyrm (1): Wiz
Ash (2): Bookwyrm, Cinnamon
Wiz (1): Mat<2>
Conq (1): Devo
Alv (1): Stick
Stick (1): Xino
Xino (1): Conq
Mat (1): Silvereye


Way I saw it, everyone was pointing fingers everywhere, and all we had was a right mess. Wasn't a problem with that, not with the sun still high in the sky, and Edven Tyrian as like to stop accusing himself. Still, I figured that maybe I'd best start looking elsewhere than Ora. I'd seen Terrible Breath Dispensation [OOC: Danex] asking a couple of questions, all quiet-like, but hadn't heard aught since. Figured maybe one of the Spiked was hiding in the shadows.

Wasn't a good shot, I didn't think so, but at least it was a lead to probe.

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9 hours ago, Conquestor said:

@Shining Silhouette You seem to be rather talkative this cycle, any reason for it?

I happened to check in right as the game was posted and decided to make my presence known :P

39 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

[OOC: I was going to do this in character but ye gods and little fishes the number of people with TBD makes this virtually impossible.


Hey, don't make fun of Terrific Birthday Disaster! He's trying his best :(

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Terrible Breath Dispensation / Danex


[OOC: Edit:

New votes added into my own quote.

1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

Devo (0): Kas<1>
TUN (2): Shining, TUN
Cinnamon (1): Ash
Silvereye (0): Mat<1>
Bookwyrm (1): Wiz
Ash (3): Bookwyrm, Cinnamon, Kas<3>
Wiz (1): Mat<2>
Conq (1): Devo
Alv (1): Stick
Stick (1): Xino
Xino (1): Conq
Mat (1): Silvereye
Danex (0): Kas<2>


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4 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

That is correct - I haven't been village for my last four games. So now are the chances of me being evil this game are higher? Or lower? :ph34r:

Technically, they’re the same as everyone else’s :P 

3 hours ago, Just a Silvereye said:

Mat. Because accusing people before they have even posted a message is something only a bad guy would do :P

If that’s the case, I have a looooooot of teammates :ph34r:

@Kasimir I forget if Ash has posted and I don’t have the time right now to check (even though it wouldn’t be… that hard) and for me that makes a difference in how I regard your vote, has he, if so, does that post influence your vote at all?

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Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

@Kasimir I forget if Ash has posted and I don’t have the time right now to check (even though it wouldn’t be… that hard) and for me that makes a difference in how I regard your vote, has he, if so, does that post influence your vote at all?

[OOC: No.]

Just now, Matrim's Dice said:

Technically, they’re the same as everyone else’s :P 

[OOC: Dunno, Araris used to complain my dice always cursed him to be Evil... Fortunately, he's GMing this. Right?]

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

[OOC: No.]

[OOC: Dunno, Araris used to complain my dice always cursed him to be Evil... Fortunately, he's GMing this. Right?]

Gotcha, I’ll save you the pain of me trying to get a reason out of you again and just assume I understand :P 

Doesn’t mean he’s not evil :ph34r: I mean… he’s in the elim doc, no? Seems kinda sus ngl

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8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Doesn’t mean he’s not evil :ph34r: I mean… he’s in the elim doc, no? Seems kinda sus ngl

[OOC: You mean he's in the Elim doc?

Seems kinda Evil of you, Mat, ngl.


8 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Gotcha, I’ll save you the pain of me trying to get a reason out of you again and just assume I understand :P 

[OOC: Progress! :D ]

Edited by Kasimir
Storming colour editor
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17 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Wait...so we just kind of vote randomly at first? This is my first game and I am still slightly confused.


Rylim Libran stood on the balcony of the Libran mansion, overlooking a portion of Tyrian Falls. There was a light ashfall at the moment, but not enough that he felt the need to go inside. The red sun shone above, marking the time as some point in the late afternoon.

A messenger had shown up earlier today bearing grave news. On top of the troubles with the nearby Koloss Garrison, there were apparently people among the population of Tyrian Falls who were spiked, just like those Inquisitors the Lord Ruler used. And they were causing problems.

With Rylim's father practically on his deathbed, the responsibility of running the house had fallen primarily on him. And this did not bode well for anyone who wanted to keep themselves and their house stable.

A servant ducked out onto the balcony.

"My lord," he said respectfully, "Your father would like to speak to you."

Of course he would, Rylim thought wryly. He wants to make sure I handle this situation his way, and not my own. My dearest father, ever afraid of someone screwing with his house and reputation.

Rylim nodded curtly to the servant and turned and walked inside.

The coming days and weeks were going to be quite interesting indeed...


By the way, feeling good about this post. +1 Village point to you.

@Matrim's Dice did you get the chance to check JNV's consistency regarding poke votes in previous games?



Gotcha, I’ll save you the pain of me trying to get a reason out of you again and just assume I understand :P 

I'm assuming it's a pressure test

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2 minutes ago, _Stick_ said:

@Matrim's Dice did you get the chance to check JNV's consistency regarding poke votes in previous games?

I made a tab group with JNV’s last like six or seven games open in it, but never had time to comb through them all :P. But the tab group’s presence on my computer will make me do it eventually. Today :P.

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10 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I made a tab group with JNV’s last like six or seven games open in it, but never had time to comb through them all :P. But the tab group’s presence on my computer will make me do it eventually. Today :P.

Ill save you the time then


Antipoke a bit but not incredibly vocal about it

Says something is as useful as a poke vote in a derogatory manner

Actively expresses dislike of poke votes


Do the votes right now rub anyone else the wrong way cause like the leading train weve got culture shock retaliation and Kasimir and most of the votes are reasionless or jokes or nonsense except Conquestor thanks Conquestor really appreciate you and I think Ive finally gotten ovre my instinctual suspicion of you problem 

LIkie goin through the votes in roder we got poke joke joke poke poke culture shock poke poke poke joke actually justifiable reason thanks Conquestor retaliation retaliation poke Kasimir doing things for kasimir reasions blank vote like I dont think its necessarily unresasonable for D1 but the volume of blank or otherwise meaningless votes just feels a bit wobbly honestly kinda symptomatic of the social mood we got going on here like theres RP which is great Im very pro  RP theres banter which is also great nad funny and such and thats about it like were just sorta vibing and thats cool too

I feel like given my statements in the previous paragraph thats my cue to make a vote thats not poke or banter but I feel like anything I do with that would just be my ingrained suspicion against The Unknown Novel so Im going to hold off but I want to start voting more so if I dont vote and its near end of the cycle try to hold me to that please thanks


Atelos the wanderer found a relatively clear spot and sat. Far enough from the buildings to not get any accusations of loitering, but not near the roads. A good place for contemplating while staring at the ashfall. If they really tried, they could probably slip out of the town. It would take cleverness and cunning, both of which they had abandoned along with their old name, but they could. It wasn't like the guards would chase them after they made it far enough, and besides, they weren't defenseless. It could be done. They didn't move. Maybe they were tired of running. So fast and so far and for what? For a few more days of a life they were wasting? For a few more days of ash and dust? 

Atelos didn't believe in redemption, in making up for sins. Sins just drag you down until you stop fighting against the noose you wove yourself. They could run, but running only carries you so far without a place to run to. Running only carries you so far before your legs give out. Maybe it was time to stop running. Maybe it was time to live. Maybe it was time to die.

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18 hours ago, Conquestor said:

Also, Xino, you were evil with Stick for one of those games

Darn right I was.

18 hours ago, Conquestor said:

and did you just give more reasoning for this vote than any of your other votes last game??? :P

Darn right I did.

9 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

That is correct - I haven't been village for my last four games. So now are the chances of me being evil this game higher? Or lower? :ph34r:

Egads! It's worse than I thought. 


I have no idea how to delete this on mobile.


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Thoughtful Book Dude sat in the library, sipping tea. He was beginning his 90th book of the year, and was thoroughly enjoying it. This one was about the ramifications of organized crime. He turned the page and gaped, taken aback. Someone had poured ink all over the pages! He couldn't imagine who would have done it or why. Really, he was just trying to enjoy himself. He set the book aside for later disposal and picked up a new one. Another history of the Lord Ruler and his Final Empire. Thoughtful Book Dude sighed, and began reading.

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