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Long Game 90: Undiluted Powers

Araris Valerian

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5 hours ago, JNV said:

Ill save you the time then

Appreciate the effort but I'm still going to take my own here

  • LG89: (Elim) Votes teammate Stick with reasoning late into cycle, first post
  • QF62: (Village) Votes with reasoning late into cycle, second post
  • MR59 (Village): Didn't vote at all (three posts)
  • LG87 (Neutral Faction): Didn't vote at all (one post)
  • MR58 (Village): Votes Archer for poke-voting (though with a joking tone), first post
  • QF60 (Village): Votes xino with some amount of reasoning, first post

So in conclusion, yeah you've always been anti-poke as far as I can tell and there wasn't a difference from when you were village and when you weren't. And that's what I expected but I still thought it was worth verifying since I barely can keep track of my own meta, don't ask me to remember everyone else's :P.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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A shiver ran down my spine. My venture out into the heart of the town had yielded the results I was looking for. Mostly. 

Memories flashed, a bloody floor, the body, HIM.

It turned out this town was exiting after all. I just needed to wait, watch and listen.

The scraggly looking man I had eavesdropped on in the tavern had said “dem unnat-u-ral Inquis-tors , hab dem spikes, so does summa us , I heared dat from, da master ‘imself” 

I shivered again “summa us”. 

I dug around for more information and what I found confirmed my fears. Apparently Lord Penrod had got it  in his head that some of the townsfolk had spikes in them, like the fearsome Inquisitors of the Lord Ruler. He sent out an order that everyone was needed to help locate them, and the spiked creatures were the reason the town border was closed. We were stuck with them. Most of the people I saw were scared, but not nearly scared enough, how could they be? Spiked people? Horrific, but ludicrous. They only half believed.
But I knew.
I knew, it was the truth. I’d seen those spikes with my own eyes. Driven into my brother, Casper’s body, that young girl dead on the floor, her blood a sharp scent in my nostrils, coating the floor and Casper’s body. And then there was HIM that horrible man … I squeezed my eyes shut banishing the memory.
I reached a street corner and I collapsed down onto the curb and curled up in the shadows, exhausted. I closed my eyes.

Evenlyn Royale, my name, I hadn’t heard it spoken in a long time. It was not the name of a merchant. That is what I told everyone I was. No one truly believed it, I had no wares to sell, nor were my hands callused from hard work. A flimsy lie, yes, but a necessary one, I was not Skaa and would never let myself stoop to their level, even if I
had come close, and I never would allow myself the luxury of my old life. Daughter, of a reasonably wealthy, if not well known, nobleman from the western dominance. I was not that girl, and I never would be again. A girl that stood by and watched, terrified from afar, as her own brother was turned into a monster.

When I awoke. I ached all over, perhaps falling asleep on the street wasn’t the best idea, especially with those monsters around. I sat up and shivered for the umpteenth time that day, it was now late afternoon. A figure flapped past in a mistcloak, using pushes and pulls to fly through the air. Mistborn, or their lesser cousins, the mistings weren’t uncommon, but is was strange to see someone so openly displaying their gifts before the mists rose.
I rifled through my pockets surprised to find that I hadn’t been robbed, someone had even left a couple clips on the sidewalk next to me, it was both kind and insulting. People thought ME a beggar? However, I pocketed the coins, they would be useful to me.
I walked, unsettled with my discoveries. Memories plagued me the whole way home, my footsteps disturbing the ash that fell on the streets.
Oh, lord spikes. I paused and took a sharp breath in, steeling my nerves. That was the moment I decided. I WOULD help track down these ‘spiked’. Or die trying.

I passed people in the streets furtively looking around, suspicious of everyone, eyes darting left to right. Their little worlds had suddenly gotten a lot more dangerous.

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I have some time to respond now, but I might not be on later.

23 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

As if that isn’t how I’m always voted out /jk


I’ll be afk for the next few hours, pop in once, then I have work tonight so I’ll be gone then too. As a heads up.

I see you haven't changed yet Mat, maybe this game will finally convince you to stop going after me D1.

Bookwyrm, I'm getting villagery vibes from him. 

Hey, Turtle come join us.


-------------- -------------- -------------- -------------

TBD walks into town, noting the town drunk running into a sign and throwing coins at it. Personally, TBD hated his name, it had come from an unfortunate obsession when he was a child, but NO MORE! But TBD wasn't any better, he was the third or fourth person named that and his original name had been MARCUS, how could he have been a Marcus! TBD sets out into the town, trying to find a new name.

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
Forgot to tag Turtle
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35 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I see you haven't changed yet Mat, maybe this game will finally convince you to stop going after me D1.

Yeah, I realized after posting that I fell into the same pattern as like every other game we’ve played but idk >> What can I say if I think your early votes are suspicious? I guess that you’ve been village every time I’ve gone after you.

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1 hour ago, Illwei said:

Xino is a villager

What are your grounds for this? :huh:

This is so awesome, thanks for the warm welcome, I was really nervous bc I've never RPd before, but everyone is so nice!:lol:

Sorry about the retaliation vote Ashbringer.

2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

I have no idea how to delete this on mobile.

It is the same as on PC, go to the line below it and backspace twice. If that doesn't work select the spoiler box (by clicking it) and backspace twice.

I arrived back at the shack I now called home. It was a dirty, smelly little thing on the outskirts of the wealthier parts of town, not quite the slums, but not too far from it. On the way back I had passed the tavern again. I was tempted to go in and bury myself in drink, to shut out the memories, if only temporarily. But I held myself back, I couldn't hunt the spiked if I was intoxicated, besides alcohol stunk. The village drunk was proof enough of that.

The door to my shack creaked as I pushed it open, dragging slightly along the floor. Good, I would be warned of intruders. I made my way over to my sorry excuse of a desk, opening my trunk and pulling out a stack of paper, some ink, and a quill. I would write down what I knew. It would help me organise my thoughts and detach myself emotionally from the situation. I dipped my quill in the ink listening to the scritch scratch of my writing against the paper.

"A man known to Lord Hadrian was found dead and Spiked supposedly after ravaging a storehouse.

There are more of these Spiked in Tyrian falls.

The lord ruler uses similar (or the same) spikes for his Inquisitors.

These spikes change a person, drive them insane.

Making Spiked is a bloody, unnatural process."

I stopped here, it was too painful. those last two statements summoning memories in my mind that I had been trying to banish all day. I sat, watching the ink dry. These spikes and the monsters they created had torn apart my family, torn me apart. I would not rest until every last one was GONE from Tyrian falls. they would not ruin my life again, not again.

Edited by Cinnamon
missing' " '
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7 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

Sorry about the retaliation vote Ashbringer.

It’s gotta be green for the unvote to count, btw. Assuming that’s what you were trying to do.

What made you sorry about it, out of curiosity? Just trying to get a feel for your thought process.

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Oh, I wasn't trying to undo it, I just felt really bad because I didn't have any reason to vote them other than the fact that he voted for me. I didn't want to be mean. And also I thought it a bit of a silly reason to vote for someone but ... he was still a bit suspicious so I didn't want to retract my vote.

Edited by Cinnamon
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Good to know :P

I do have a reason of my own for voting you over a few of the others, but it's not something major in and of itself. A lot of D1 is finding out how people act / react to things.

For instance, @The Bookwyrm, you mentioned voting me for voting someone who hadn't shown up yet, but why me over Matrim or Kasimir who did the same thing?

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3 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:

Good to know :P

I do have a reason of my own for voting you over a few of the others, but it's not something major in and of itself. A lot of D1 is finding out how people act / react to things.

For instance, @The Bookwyrm, you mentioned voting me for voting someone who hadn't shown up yet, but why me over Matrim or Kasimir who did the same thing?

It was kind of a poke vote...I guess I'm not as opposed to them as I thought. 

I mean....I could change my vote to one of them....but it's hard to be accurately suspicious of anyone on day one.

And I do see that you're trying to be inclusive and get the newer players involved. So maybe I should cut you some slack....

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10 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

What are your grounds for this? :huh:

I actually think I don't believe it at all

Xino typically has his standard posting style, which is almost always formatted like




Maybe not always in that order, but usually those components.
Almost every time that he doesn't post like this- starts posting one liners and whatnot, he's an elim

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8 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I actually think I don't believe it at all

Xino typically has his standard posting style, which is almost always formatted like

Maybe not always in that order, but usually those components.
Almost every time that he doesn't post like this- starts posting one liners and whatnot, he's an elim

So… are you rethinking your previous statement? Or saying that it wasn’t ever valid. 

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Time for some #DubiousD1Reads™! These are subject to change at any point in time throughout the game, but here are my thoughts so far.

Let's start with some slight vil leans 

Bookwyrm - I like his first post. It's either genuine or really self-aware already. He posted only a half hour after the game began, so the chances of elim doc explanation are pretty low.

On 10/22/2022 at 5:34 PM, The Bookwyrm said:
On 10/22/2022 at 5:34 PM, The Bookwyrm said:
On 10/22/2022 at 5:34 PM, The Bookwyrm said:

Wait...so we just kind of vote randomly at first? This is my first game and I am still slightly confused.


Of course he would, Rylim thought wryly. He wants to make sure I handle this situation his way, and not my own. My dearest father, ever afraid of someone screwing with his house and reputation.

@The Bookwyrm, you should definitely handle this game your own way! Make it your own.


Also why the heck is my computer doing that with the quote

TUN - Appears confidently flippant. I like the self-vote- I think he did a similar thing another LG a little while ago. It's possible that he's consciously altering his meta, but I feel like the tone is very V!TUN. (I don't think I've played with E!TUN, but just some thoughts based on the last couple of games). 

Xino - Once again, more chill and relaxed. E!Xino got voted out C1 for being a little bit obviously suspcious (though was still low on post count) and V!Xino last game was chill again and helped us win the game. Feels solid to me at the moment.

JNV - The anti-poke ideas I don't necessarily agree with, but I can kind of get behind the ideas if I try hard enough. Really like the forthrightness with the previous games. I feel like they're genuinely trying to figure out the game so far, and I actually like their posts for once despite always reading them as elim. Maybe that's a warning sign, but eh :P

Slight slight slight slight vil lean

Mat - I feel like Mat's playstyle intuitively makes sense to me. In all four games I've played, we've been the same alignment, so my brain has started to see him as a good guy. One of these days he'll get me good, I'm sure, and so I'm staying vigilante (I'm keeping my eyes open, @Matrim's Dice :eyes:). But for now, he seems okay. It's D1, though, and so I don't want to get myself locked in any views of players. 

Cinnamon - I like this little bit from their RP. +0.5 V points

4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:
4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:
4 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

A shiver ran down my spine. My venture out into the heart of the town had yielded Oh, lord spikes. I paused and took a sharp breath in, steeling my nerves. That was the moment I decided. I WOULD help track down these ‘spiked’. Or die trying.

I passed people in the streets furtively looking around, suspicious of everyone, eyes darting left to right. Their little worlds had suddenly gotten a lot more dangerous.

Shadow - my gut puts them slightly slightly leaning vil at the moment. Not much reasoning at the moment

Neutral (Different from Null in my mind)

Kas - Seems to be having fun so far :P. @Kasimir, why'd you vote Ash? He's now in the lead in the VC I think and potentially up for lynch.

Conq - Not much to go off of so far, but I found this quote funny :P

22 hours ago, Conquestor said:
22 hours ago, Conquestor said:

Also, Xino, you were evil with Stick for one of those games and did you just give more reasoning for this vote than any of your other votes last game??? :P

Silvereye - Can't tell if this is an elim looking for an excuse to vote Mat or if V!Silvereye is suspicious of poke votes cause of JNV

@Devotary of Spontaneity, any thoughts?

Slight elim lean

Wiz - I might be pulling a Mat by putting him on here :P, but something feels a little off for me. @The Wandering Wizard, are you intentionally changing your meta once again this game?

Illwei - doesn't make sense to me, never has, but I'm sticking them in the "to be looked at later" bucket for now. 


The rest off y'all I have no thoughts on whatsoever at the moment. Y'all should post more :P. Reads:


Slight vil: Bookwyrm, TUN, Xino, JNV

Slight slight slight vil: Mat, Cinnamon, Shadow

Neutral: Conq, Silvereye, Kas

Slight Elim: Wiz, Illwei


Might as well move my vote from TUN and park it on Illwei cause I don't want to vote Wiz rn. I'll be back again tomorrow and may check in a couple of times before rollover 

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19 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Wiz - I might be pulling a Mat by putting him on here :P, but something feels a little off for me. @The Wandering Wizard, are you intentionally changing your meta once again this game

Yes, I'm not quite sure, but some blend of my usual and some of last game. 

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2 minutes ago, The Unknown Novel said:

False, you should only do it if you a have a reasonable suspicion that someone is an elim. Hence why I rarely vote day one, and but when I do, it is more likely that they are an elim.

False, you should do it anyway since it adds to the larger interest of the village for information gathering purposes. Votes a lot of the time mean intentions, and intentions a lot of the time mean alignment. It’s why VC analysis is so helpful when you know what to look for.

I like the effort of Shining’s list, he really is going at it this game. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to read the sudden gusto as elim but I honestly just don’t want to since there isn’t a reason for me to outside of it being different. And it’s a good difference, imo. Though I am interested in a few reads of his, particularly xino/Illwei. And him agreeing with me about Wiz furthers my internal crisis about my vote >>

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59 minutes ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Time for some #DubiousD1Reads™! These are subject to change at any point in time throughout the game, but here are my thoughts so far.

Let's start with some slight vil leans 

Bookwyrm - I like his first post. It's either genuine or really self-aware already. He posted only a half hour after the game began, so the chances of elim doc explanation are pretty low.

@The Bookwyrm, you should definitely handle this game your own way! Make it your own.

  Reveal hidden contents

Also why the heck is my computer doing that with the quote

TUN - Appears confidently flippant. I like the self-vote- I think he did a similar thing another LG a little while ago. It's possible that he's consciously altering his meta, but I feel like the tone is very V!TUN. (I don't think I've played with E!TUN, but just some thoughts based on the last couple of games). 

Xino - Once again, more chill and relaxed. E!Xino got voted out C1 for being a little bit obviously suspcious (though was still low on post count) and V!Xino last game was chill again and helped us win the game. Feels solid to me at the moment.

JNV - The anti-poke ideas I don't necessarily agree with, but I can kind of get behind the ideas if I try hard enough. Really like the forthrightness with the previous games. I feel like they're genuinely trying to figure out the game so far, and I actually like their posts for once despite always reading them as elim. Maybe that's a warning sign, but eh :P

Slight slight slight slight vil lean

Mat - I feel like Mat's playstyle intuitively makes sense to me. In all four games I've played, we've been the same alignment, so my brain has started to see him as a good guy. One of these days he'll get me good, I'm sure, and so I'm staying vigilante (I'm keeping my eyes open, @Matrim's Dice :eyes:). But for now, he seems okay. It's D1, though, and so I don't want to get myself locked in any views of players. 

Cinnamon - I like this little bit from their RP. +0.5 V points

Shadow - my gut puts them slightly slightly leaning vil at the moment. Not much reasoning at the moment

Neutral (Different from Null in my mind)

Kas - Seems to be having fun so far :P. @Kasimir, why'd you vote Ash? He's now in the lead in the VC I think and potentially up for lynch.

Conq - Not much to go off of so far, but I found this quote funny :P

Silvereye - Can't tell if this is an elim looking for an excuse to vote Mat or if V!Silvereye is suspicious of poke votes cause of JNV

@Devotary of Spontaneity, any thoughts?

Slight elim lean

Wiz - I might be pulling a Mat by putting him on here :P, but something feels a little off for me. @The Wandering Wizard, are you intentionally changing your meta once again this game?

Illwei - doesn't make sense to me, never has, but I'm sticking them in the "to be looked at later" bucket for now. 


The rest off y'all I have no thoughts on whatsoever at the moment. Y'all should post more :P. Reads:


Slight vil: Bookwyrm, TUN, Xino, JNV

Slight slight slight vil: Mat, Cinnamon, Shadow

Neutral: Conq, Silvereye, Kas

Slight Elim: Wiz, Illwei


Might as well move my vote from TUN and park it on Illwei cause I don't want to vote Wiz rn. I'll be back again tomorrow and may check in a couple of times before rollover 

That's very elaborate. Does he usually do this?

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holy crap this is a big game
i am here now
i don't know a surprisingly large number of you|
my name is danex
how are you

i have basically no thoughts atm
its D1, not much to talk about

because sword vote and my commitment to this joke is stronger than my will to live

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29 minutes ago, dannnnnnex said:

i have basically no thoughts atm
its D1, not much to talk about

because sword vote and my commitment to this joke is stronger than my will to live

Oh come on, this is page four. :P I’m sure you can come up with something beyond a lazy continuation vote

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38 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

False, you should do it anyway since it adds to the larger interest of the village for information gathering purposes. Votes a lot of the time mean intentions, and intentions a lot of the time mean alignment. It’s why VC analysis is so helpful when you know what to look for.

I like the effort of Shining’s list, he really is going at it this game. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to read the sudden gusto as elim but I honestly just don’t want to since there isn’t a reason for me to outside of it being different. And it’s a good difference, imo. Though I am interested in a few reads of his, particularly xino/Illwei. And him agreeing with me about Wiz furthers my internal crisis about my vote >>

False, that is a flawed argument, why should I vote in a way that is likely if not almost certain to kill a villager? I have gone down this road before, but I would rather be right less often than be wrong with a higher chance of being right later. I don't refuse to vote d1, or d2, I refuse to vote without evidence (except jokingly obviously).

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24 minutes ago, The Unknown Novel said:

False, that is a flawed argument, why should I vote in a way that is likely if not almost certain to kill a villager? I have gone down this road before, but I would rather be right less often than be wrong with a higher chance of being right later. I don't refuse to vote d1, or d2, I refuse to vote without evidence (except jokingly obviously).

What about the D1 vote is likely if not almost certain to kill a villager? Or voting ‘without evidence’? Cause evidence is hard to come by without a lucky Seeker scan and we shouldn’t rely on that. And the D1 vote has successfully found elims many times in the past.

And besides, I think wrong with a higher chance of being right later brings more village wins than striving to be wrong as few times as humanly possible, but I feel like this is the sort of thing where we agree to disagree.

All this to say, vote if you want, there will be enough people that do to make it so it doesn’t really matter :P Especially D1.

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2 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

What about the D1 vote is likely if not almost certain to kill a villager? Or voting ‘without evidence’? Cause evidence is hard to come by without a lucky Seeker scan and we shouldn’t rely on that. And the D1 vote has successfully found elims many times in the past.

The vast majority of d1 exes kill villagers, and by voting without evidence, I mean threadbare little to no reasoning. Basically all we have d1.

4 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

And besides, I think wrong with a higher chance of being right later brings more village wins than striving to be wrong as few times as humanly possible, but I feel like this is the sort of thing where we agree to disagree.

Here's an metaphor that might explain my thought process. 

Would you rather turn in a test with an almost perfect score last, or turn in a test with a horrible score first, then take the test again and turn in a test with a slightly better score last?

7 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

All this to say, vote if you want, there will be enough people that do to make it so it doesn’t really matter :P Especially D1.

And that's the biggest thing, when it will happen regardless of me, why should I bother unless I'm confident in my opinion?

To return to the previous metaphor, if I have a passing total grade regardless of if I turn in the test, why should I take it unless I'm confident I would only improve that score?

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