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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

May I vote in memes?

You can, but I think it'd be easier for everyone if you also had a red text vote like normal. Those would be the ones that 'counted' as well, technically.

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1 minute ago, Telrao said:

Uhm hi again @Matrim's Dice!

So, I've realised that I have a HOID TON of schoolwork due on the week this game starts - so I'm wondering whether or not I could be reassigned as a Spectator?


For sure! No worries.

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"Silas, you old dog!" Shady exclaimed, setting down the glass he was cleaning with a damp cloth. "Shadows, I haven't seen you in these parts in years."

Silas stepped over to the counter and gave the aging innkeeper a nod. Decent crowd, at the Waystop Inn. Time was, the inn had seen worse, or so Shady would tell you, if you listened to the old man spin a yarn or two. 

"You know how it is, Shady," he said. "I go where the work does."

Never mind that Shady had gone by other names on other worlds. It was as Shady that Silas'd known him first, and it was the name that came most readily to his tongue.

Shady nodded, sagely. "Still working, then? Silas, I could've sworn that you'd left this sort of work by now."

Silas smiled, ruefully. "As I said, Shady, you know how it is. The work gets under your skin, and then you're in deep, disentangling leads, trying to work out where to go next." He shrugged. "Guess I never really found a way out of the game."

"Still," said Shady, "Should know you aren't alone here, say Khas occasionally shows up here and there, for all he's said he's out."

"Khas?" Silas blinked. "That's someone I haven't heard from in—quite some time." In quite some time, thought Silas, and not with this particular face.

"Shadows, yes," Shady laughed, and pushed the glass of frothing beer in front of Silas. "Should think so, lad hasn't been in the thick of things in just about forever. Something to do with Wurum, from what they say."

But he was too old, too long in the tooth for such games, Silas reflected. Maybe that was why he liked Threnody best. Some of them never really liked the world—Khas'd described it as a 'Cognitive Shadow scarcity pseudo-postapocalyptic hell world' once, but there was something simple about chasing criminals and fools in the Forests of Hell and completing contracts that appealed to him, in his twilight years.

Sometimes, you had to keep the lights on, even when you were tired and waiting to die.

"So what's the word, then?"

"Seems like a fellow by the name of Vinnie's looking to gather a crew for an expedition."

"Huh," said Silas. "Dangerous."

"S'usual, isn't it?"


Silas thought about it a little longer. But he was in between jobs at the moment, and this was work. Even if he wasn't up to it, he'd reckoned he'd want to keep an eye on this Vinnie and what he was planning.

"Right, so deal me in. Where's he, and how do I sign up?"

Shady grinned. "So, you're interested then you know the drill."

Silas slipped the chits across the counter. Dangerous to deal with silver in plain sight, for all Shady kept Slaughter below the bar. An old dog like Shady knew a great many tricks and slept with an eye open, but even so. And there were other valuable things, when you worked the game for long enough. Things more priceless than silver was on Threnody.

"S'pleasure dealing with you," Shady said, smoothly. "So, care for another drink? Still haven't caught up from that last time, and I'll tell you exact what I've heard about this Vinnie..."

Edited by Kasimir
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Onyx hid in the shadows and watched.

The expedition was gathering itself together at the city gate, a crowd of people whispering quietly between themselves. There was no need to whisper- talking wasn't against any of the Rules- but they did anyways. Onyx supposed he would have done the same, in their place. There was... something about the forest. Something that inspired hushed voices and careful footsteps. 

Onyx had only been outside settlement walls twice in his life, each time when he was moving from clearing to clearing. He remembered each time vividly. Darkness. Eyes, drifting slowly, watching. They watched, and they waited; waiting for someone to make a mistake, to break one of the Simple Rules. Then they attacked, eyes scarlet, mouths opened in a silent scream, reaching forth to drain the life out of the sinful living. He'd watched such an attack, once, on his last trip through the woods. Someone's torch had gone out, and they had - in a panic - lit a match. Onyx had watched from the bushes as the shades descended, withering the man and any unlucky enough to stand beside him.

Everyone he'd ever known had perished in that attack. His mother, his father, his brother, his aunts and uncles... they had traveled together, and they had died together. Except for him. He wondered sometimes if their shades still roamed the forest. He'd been too afraid to go back into the forest once he'd arrived here, too afraid to confront the demons that had taken his life and left him alone.

His feet almost seemed to move on their own, slipping through shadows to join the expedition's crowd. Nobody noticed him.

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Signups are closed! PMs will go out beginning immediately, and Cycle One will be put up after that. Thanks to everyone who signed up, as a player, spectator, or pinch hitter!

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QF63: Cycle One: Here We Go A Questing

As Vinnie eyed the assembling group, he chewed his fingernails nervously. Less people than he'd hoped for, but still an impressive bunch. He even recognized a few of them. We might just survive this, he dared to think. Smaller numbers might actually prove to be beneficial, in the Forests of Hell.

They stood just outside the town he'd arrived in a few days earlier, a noticeable hesitation lingering in the air. Time for some leadership, Vinnie realized. He took a step towards the group, adjusted his tucked-in buttoned shirt, and raised an arm to call attention.

"Hello, everyone!" he began. Too basic. "We are about to embark on a dangerous mission! Indeed, it is one where some may not survive." Even more basic. You're killing this, Vinnie.

In response, he earned a couple of stares, which were passive at best. He set his jaw, which in turn set his confidence.

"I am, as it turns out, the best expeditioner across the entire continent. You folk are in luck. I don't care what this journey accomplishes, as long as it is accomplished in safety. I have a good track record and a plenty of supplies--" that was a lie, albeit a small one. He had... some supplies. "--and while the next few days will undoubtably be dangerous, I will do my very best to limit casualties."

Vinnie still was given no response from his new crew. He sighed. "It's clear to me none of you lot are new to this sort of thing, so I'll limit pleasantries. Let's get moving."

It was that, of all things, that prompted determined nods. So they have a death wish. Good to know.

And at that, they left the relative safety of the town and entered the Forest of Hell.

Cycle One has begun! It will end in about 23.5 hours, on Tuesday, November 8th, at 10am PST.

A few things to remember:

  • You may create a single 1-on-1 PM this turn. It must include both myself and the IM, @Devotary of Spontaneity
  • There will be an execution this turn, with no vote minimum. Tied votes will be RNG'd.
  • One action is allotted per turn, to those with the ability to take one.
  • Failure to post will result in a 40% chance of death.
  • Failure to vote will also result in a 40% chance of death.
  • If a Shade is executed today, Violation will take effect.
  • Refer to the rules doc for any further questions, or let myself or Devo know.

Player List:

  1. @The Wandering Wizard - Jeffrey Jeffrey
  2. @Archer - Gale
  3. @Kasimir - Silas Keen
  4. @Turtle - Old Ben
  5. @The Unknown Novel - Mat Rims
  6. @The Bookwyrm - Wylir
  7. @Ashbringer - Not Sure Who
  8. @JNV - Jal
  9. @Shining Silhouette
  10. @xinoehp512 - Onyx


Edited by Matrim's Dice
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