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22 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Your thoughts on that?

Edited to add: I acknowledge it might be an unfair question as you're busy, but I'm curious about your instinctive thoughts on the matter. I'm pro-claiming, Devo is anti-claiming but thinks it's an experiment.

Yeah lol haven’t had time to read thread yet, but I feel like claiming is more info and that’s helpful for village I suppose. Anyway experiments are good especially since it’s a break tank.

I’m part of the Sadeas’ slayers btw. If someone has a list of claims for me that’d be great cause I’d hate to waste an action- if not I’ll just do it randomly ig haha

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1 minute ago, Shining Silhouette said:

Yeah lol haven’t had time to read thread yet, but I feel like claiming is more info and that’s helpful for village I suppose. Anyway experiments are good especially since it’s a break tank.

I’m part of the Sadeas’ slayers btw. If someone has a list of claims for me that’d be great cause I’d hate to waste an action- if not I’ll just do it randomly ig haha

This is my list (public in thread) so far:





Devo (?)


Wiz (?)




But caution: TDs could easily be lying. Devo and Wiz are listed off RP claims but could easily be false. I don't know that I can defend the view that these are all correct...apart from my own :P 

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Hi! I'm here :D

Miguel stood, shaking in his amour. It was too heavy for him and his sword felt wrong in his hands. Sweat poured down his brow. Miguel was a lighteyes of low Dahn and had only joined Sadeas’s troops last month. It was entirely an accident that he was here now fighting for Sadeas’s Slayers. The man who was meant to be fighting had unexpectedly fallen ill four days back and Miguel just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Brightlord Sadeas had been passing on his battle horse when he had seen him polishing his armour and weapons. He had hopped off his mighty steed with an earthshaking jump.

“You. What is your name boy” he had demanded, his tone powerful and commanding. Miguel had jumped to his feet and stood to attention.

“Miguel, Brightlord” He managed to say. It was a miracle that his voice didn’t waver. “Young soldier, did you know that respect for one’s equipment is one of the finest qualities a fighting man can have?” Sadeas continued “How would you like the opportunity of a lifetime? Fighting in the tournament!” Miguel nearly fainted at that but managed to keep his salute. The tournament? That was only for the best of the best! If Miguel fought his family would gain recognition! This was the opportunity he’d been waiting for.

“I-I’d love that Brightlord , But…” His honour compelled him to speak up “…I have not much skill with the sword”

“Nonsense!” Sadeas guffawed “we have four days, we’ll train you up well! Besides,” he said leaning in like he was about to divulge a secret “We’ll have the other men do most of the fighting, this is your first tournament after all” he winked then mounted his steed. “Now, report to the dueling grounds, you have practice to do”

That is how he’d ended up here. It had seemed so exiting. The days leading up to the tournament Miguel had been full of pent up excitement. Now, looking over the dueling grounds, at the roaring crowds. He was just terrified.

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53 minutes ago, Turtle said:

strongly feel that someone is lying 

How does this influence the way you intend to play this cycle, and how do you believe that player can be identified?

@Devotary of Spontaneity, @Whysper, I see you checking in on the thread repeatedly.

Thoughts, comments, questions?

@Cinnamon Feel free to join in :P 

Edited to add: @Mr. Misting I see you as well :eyes:

Edited by Kasimir
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Just now, Kasimir said:

@Cinnamon Feel free to join in :P 

Sorry Kas I can't, I have a Humanities exam starting in 30 min and I should be studying... I'm going to go do that rn I haven't had time to properly read through the thread yet so I'll probably get around to that later tonight.

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1 minute ago, Cinnamon said:

Sorry Kas I can't, I have a Humanities exam starting in 30 min and I should be studying... I'm going to go do that rn I haven't had time to properly read through the thread yet so I'll probably get around to that later tonight.

Ah good luck! RL and exams >>> gaming for sure!

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7 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Okay, but how do you see them positioning themselves with regard to the voting? Do you think they'll try to mark players aggressively pushing for nominees in the hopes that other players might think they are TDs?

Do you think they're going to try to swing/nudge to a TD nomination? Since that means that's one TD they don't have to worry about currently.

Dunno, Whysper, that feels like a very off-the-cuff first level analysis to me, and I'm slightly curious that it's coming from you, although I admit we've never played together before.

Yeah that's fair. Actually it was pretty much off-the-cuff at the time. I hadn't really put much thought into the game.

Reading and catching up on mobile while I have a little time. I saw some talk about claiming. I've been trying to think how it really helps Village and can't see that it will. The Elims will probably just split their claims so that the numbers even out for pairs. And as players get removed, the numbers will go down mostly evenly.

And if there was the thought that Elims want to eliminate pairs quickly, knowing all the claims allows them to split their marks between factions for the best chance at hitting pairs.

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1 minute ago, Whysper said:

Yeah that's fair. Actually it was pretty much off-the-cuff at the time. I hadn't really put much thought into the game.

Reading and catching up on mobile while I have a little time. I saw some talk about claiming. I've been trying to think how it really helps Village and can't see that it will. The Elims will probably just split their claims so that the numbers even out for pairs. And as players get removed, the numbers will go down mostly evenly.

And if there was the thought that Elims want to eliminate pairs quickly, knowing all the claims allows them to split their marks between factions for the best chance at hitting pairs.


How do you then think Village players should play?

Pro-social or anti-social?

Every duelist for themselves, or to cooperate towards attempting to ID the TDs and get the kills where possible?

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Just now, Kasimir said:


How do you then think Village players should play?

Pro-social or anti-social?

Every duelist for themselves, or to cooperate towards attempting to ID the TDs and get the kills where possible?

Pro-social is probably fine to get a better impression like any game of perspective slips and such.

As for cooperation, I was actually considering whether we should coordinate attacks, like have everyone attack the person below them in the list. That way each player is hit and therefore each TD. Of course removing the voted player. Though coordinating something like this might take away some of the fun. :)


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Unknown 2





















 Here are claims. Elkanah for RP (Sadeas should take off Plate, anyone who doesn't is on 'our' team), Aarakocra for voting Xino after he'd claimed Sadeas. I feel the desire to have your opponent dead so they can't steal the win from you outweighs the extra danger having a dead opponent puts you in.

Devotary (2): Kas, Wiz
Elkanah (1): Chantara
Xino (1): Aarakocra
Kas (1): Turtle
Silho (1): Bookwyrm

Somewhat more likely Aladar Chantara, Bookwyrm's vote came before Silho claimed Sadeas.

Claiming might not be 'strategically sound', but it's worth testing and the TDs need all the help they can get.

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1 minute ago, Whysper said:

As for cooperation, I was actually considering whether we should coordinate attacks, like have everyone attack the person below them in the list. That way each player is hit and therefore each TD. Of course removing the voted player. Though coordinating something like this might take away some of the fun. :)

TDs have 50% chance of survival, don't they? A move like this will probably get them to burn the group immunity C1 in order to make it difficult for us to identify who the TDs are supposed to be, since stabs are inert on actual players.

3 minutes ago, Whysper said:

Pro-social is probably fine to get a better impression like any game of perspective slips and such.

Cool. Glad we're on the same page.

10 minutes ago, Whysper said:

Reading and catching up on mobile while I have a little time. I saw some talk about claiming. I've been trying to think how it really helps Village and can't see that it will. The Elims will probably just split their claims so that the numbers even out for pairs. And as players get removed, the numbers will go down mostly evenly.

My view has basically been said in exchange with Devo: that the more we establish, the easier it is for the survivors to catch the TD in a lie. Part of this does hinge on denying them the ability to keep disappearance numbers even and players making good C1 stabs, but if we can establish numbers, even numbers that have been tainted, then we can identify prima facie falsehoods. Like sure, we'll probably end up with 8/8 in a full claim scenario, but anyone who expected the TDs to call themselves TDs on C1 is delusional and should be taken to the infirmary. The point isn't that they will 'just lie' - it's that we want to catch them lying so that if we're still around by C3, we have a better idea as to where to go.

The problem remains that they can't kill, which means they are fundamentally dependent on us playing along to execute the marked target. I'm down for voting to protect a claimed player who might be the other half of a pair next cycle. This will probably reduce their marking options, but then that's still helpful when trying to decide who to strike. This means they either have to try to guide targeting by thread discussion, push for a full FFA, or just really hope that we'll oblige them.

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Two hours remaining! Get those votes and actions in!

  • The Unknown Novel (1): Elkanah
  • Shining Silhouette (1): The Bookwyrm
  • Kasimir (1): Turtle
  • xinoehp512 (1): NerdyAarakocra
  • Elkanah (1): Chantara
  • Devotary of Spontaneity (2): Kasimir, The Wandering Wizard
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Currently willing to vote for one of Devo, Whysper.

Edited to add:

4 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Who do you think is most likely to be lying? I'm thinking the people who claimed after the first few, but before we'd filled in the table enough that a claim seemed unlikely.

I agree with you on likelihood, but believe E!Maili would've just claimed one of the two off the bat and aggressively phished.

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The cycle is closed!

To make rollovers as quick and easy as possible, I'll only be PMing you if your action was successful and/or if you need a dead doc link. If I don't PM you and you submitted an action, it failed one way or another.

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Cycle Two: Punchline

"As we enter the first leg of competition, so enters also our first special guest appearance! Please give a warm welcome to... my wife, Shallan!"

*scattered applause*

"Shallan's a Knight Radiant, you know. She can do... glowy things. I'm waving my hand around because I don't really get it, but I don't need to. Say hello, Shallan!"

"Hello, Shallan!"


"Um... I'm normally quite good with words, but I'm having trouble thinking of something to say. You see, it's rather early in the duels. Not much to comment on."

"I quite agree, which is why you're here! I'd hoped you could supply us with some dueling puns."

"Dueling puns?"

"Yeah! Y'know, quips and all that. You're good at those."

*muffled* "A bit of warning would have been nice..." *a slight pause* "Gah, I just can't. I guess I don't see the point."

*polite laughter*

"I mean, there's no dummies in this crowd. I'd have to be far cleverer to get one past these guys. But I guess I can take a stab at it-- oh!"


"Oh indeed, my prolific and hilarious wife! It appears we have our first loser! Zlaya Cherepaha took a hit to their blue breastplate, and it was a hard one! It's shattered, and they're out of the competition! You might say they were punched, but it was a sword. Not a fist."

"Whatever the case, Zlaya's been slay...a'd."

"Thank you, dear. That'll be enough..."

Turtle's breastplate was shattered! They were a member of Aladar's Attackers!

Vote Count:

  • The Unknown Novel (1): Elkanah
  • Shining Silhouette (1): The Bookwyrm
  • Kasimir (1): Turtle
  • xinoehp512 (1): NerdyAarakocra
  • Elkanah (1): Chantara
  • Devotary of Spontaneity (2): Kasimir, The Wandering Wizard

Cycle Two has begun! It will end in about 12 hours, on Wednesday, November 16th at 9am PST.

For a refresher, here's the rules doc.

  • There will be a majority vote today, with no vote minimum. The winner of this vote will receive immunity from being killed during this cycle. This does not save from being removed if your opponent wins. Self-votes will not be counted. A tied vote results in no one receiving immunity.
  • Don't forget to submit an action! The cycle moves quick.
  • There is no inactivity filter in play, but do your best to post every turn.
  • PMs are closed.
  • If you did not receive a PM and you submitted an action, it failed.
  • For further questions, refer to the aforementioned rules doc or contact me or Araris in your GM PM.

Player List:

  1. @Shining Silhouette
  2. @The Wandering Wizard - Lehaz
  3. @xinoehp512
  4. @Mr. Misting
  5. @The Unknown Novel
  6. @The Bookwyrm
  7. Turtle - Zlaya Cherepaha - Aladar Attacker
  8. @NerdyAarakocra - Khora
  9. @dannnnnnex
  10. @Cinnamon - Miguel
  11. @Elkanah - Laelk
  12. @Chantara - Tara
  13. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kionara
  14. @Kasimir - Keredin
  15. @JNV - Jeleni
  16. @Whysper


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Opening it.

Edited to add: Looks like apart from the Turtle shot, everyone else failed their action. I'm curious if everyone else put in a kill on a Villager, or if the TDs had immunity or just flipped well on the 50%. 

My kill went in on Whysper. Had a bad feeling about her first post and the fact she was continuously lurking, and then wanted to switch off her nearer EoC but the Sacred Coin said no. FWIW, the Sacred Coin said to vote Turtle in QF63 so I felt it deserved a bit of trust :P 

Worth IDing a range of player targets you'd hit, or will that just make it easier for the TDs to sabotage? Prima facie I'm not willing to hit anyone within <TUN, Xino, Silho, Cinnamon> for obvious reasons.

Edited to add 2: @Matrim's Dice What's your stance on the matter? Are you making your own puns or are you accepting submissions? :ph34r:

Edited to add 3: @Devotary of Spontaneity, does the events of C1 change in any way your view of TD disadvantage?

Anyway, due to timezones, I don't expect to be around when the thread heats up. Have managed to catch the flu again so I am going to be trying to sleep and/or read The Lost Metal. Have put in my stab order for the cycle, may Tyr guide our blades.

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5 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Edited to add 2: @Matrim's Dice What's your stance on the matter? Are you making your own puns or are you accepting submissions? :ph34r:

I will always welcome pun submissions! However, Adolin’s not very good at them, and Shallan won’t be with us later.

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6 hours ago, Kasimir said:

Worth IDing a range of player targets you'd hit, or will that just make it easier for the TDs to sabotage? Prima facie I'm not willing to hit anyone within <TUN, Xino, Silho, Cinnamon> for obvious reasons.

Edited to add 3: @Devotary of Spontaneity, does the events of C1 change in any way your view of TD disadvantage?

Because they claimed teams?

No, they still need at least three more kills. If they still have immunity they have a better chance, or if very few people submit kills in even cycles.

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