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Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

and votes Mad by the end of the cycle, starting that wagon, only to pull off it once it had another vote and hop onto Shining instead.

This is quite the mischaracterization, considering I voted Shining with literally under a minute to rollover. I unvoted Madagascar because I didn't want to kill a returning player D1, I've said that multiple times.

Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

Note the consistent bafflement / surprise he feels the need to express about pretty much every aspect of what’s happened. I should, I should, I was deceived, etc

WizardDrake, and Turtle all did the exact same thing, so why target me with this specifically? What gives them the pass, and not me?

The should/should thing is just a me dictation thing, look at any game of mine ever and you'll find it :P To be fair it's probably more in this game because I'm decently busy right now and so there are more in-game things I want to do, but other things I should do more. Like schoolwork :D.

Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

Whether Mat knew about Wyrm’s vote or not here is rather immaterial

I had to reread this like five times to realize you meant Bookwyrm and not Wyrmhero >>

Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

Shining vote placed immediately even as he quasi-defends Shining against Fadran’s accusation of an amateur move (this probably points to v!Mat if it’s not NAI, tbh),

I wasn't quasi-defending Shining-- I actually didn't pick up on that Fadran was accusing Shining specifically, as you can see here. In quoting Fadran I asked who he thought cast the manip, when in retrospect he clearly was saying that he thought Shining did. At the time I'd missed that, but I'm also correcting a point here you said points to v!me so idk xD

Just now, Fifth Scholar said:

The next few posts do give me stronger v!Mat, but it’s mostly on tone which is always the thing I’m susceptible to, so I’m intentionally rating it lower. :P

Didn't stop you from freely e!reading me based on tone earlier in your post :eyes:

This whole case is rather hilarious to read from my PoV, because it seems like you're either picking me out specifically from a pile of three plus others doing the same, or you're trying to convince yourself not to read me as village. Like, seriously, at least half the content of your post was 'well, actually I think this is indicative of v!Mat...' It's such an obvious retaliation to my you/Mad e/e theory that I'm questioning the theory altogether :P

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Alvron my arms getting tired off whacking with this here plastic lightsaber, so imma start jumping up and down on Ashbringer because I can, and the hopes that something interesting happens.

Mostly guided by the force I am. The force, and this barrel of Mandalorian whiskey *hiccup* noncommittal he come off. More from him I would like to hear. What’s up with you? Murder who would you do?

Edited by Madagascar
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Currently I’m quite tired, and if I wake up at the same time I did yesterday it’ll be 3 hours after rollover. I went straight from DnD to Left4Dead.

Do we want to split the votes a lot? I guess there’s a greater chance of Apprentices with vote manip. Hard to tell without a lot of greened out votes.

… wait hang on are all the trains one vote now? Great. This again.

Of the group, Bookwyrm. Don’t want to exe Mad or (right now) Fifth (or me). And Bookwyrm’s C2 reactions still feel strange to me.

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7 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Why am I getting a Drake-profile-picture notification for Fadran posting



Vote Tally
Ookla the Perpetual (2): Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall
Fifth Scholar (1): Devotary of Spontaneity
Matrim's_Dice (1): Fifth Scholar
Ashbringer (1): Madagascar
JNV (1): Ookla the Myopic
Madagascar (1): Ookla the Tall

Soo everyone has 1 vote except Bookwyrm has 2

I am not the most excited with that

But I am also one of the votes on Bookwyrm so there isn't really a lot of consolidating I can do with my vote

And the other person I'd maybe vote is Alv who no longer has any votes

You know

With the quiet voting scene

This does not particularly feel like a cycle where the exe is going to be productive

Or at least, there are so few amount of votes on anyone that I'm not sure the elims would even feel a need to react

At least, at this point, the jedi ought to have more vote manipping power than the sith as per the clarifications about what happens when Desann Reborn dies

But this does not help discussion a whole lot

Nor am I comfortable with leaving it all up to them

sigh I'm going to have to get up to check how things look at rollover aren't I

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Unvote ashbringer, for now, still not sure about him, but wanted more discussion from him mostly I did. Revote Alvron that ineffably mysterious Jawa. If settler you are, some more help from you we need! Stop running around tying Han Solo to a spit, that’s very fun but it’ll be hours before he’s done.

Off to work work work an incredibly awesome space party I am. Can try to be around to help consolidate vote if needed, maybe, hopefully. Really we need to just pick someone and martyr them. For bookworm I can add if nothing else happens.


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1 minute ago, Madagascar said:

Unvote ashbringer, for now, still not sure about him, but wanted more discussion from him mostly I did. Revote Alvron that ineffably mysterious Jawa. If settler you are, some more help from you we need! Stop running around tying Han Solo to a spit, that’s very fun but it’ll be hours before he’s done.

Off to work work work an incredibly awesome space party I am. Can try to be around to help consolidate vote if needed, maybe, hopefully. Really we need to just pick someone and martyr them. For bookworm I can add if nothing else happens.

oof so many words moff’s brain hurts. Are there any green space women around to moff’s noggin give a massage?



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4 hours ago, Ookla the Tall said:

This is quite the mischaracterization, considering I voted Shining with literally under a minute to rollover. I unvoted Madagascar because I didn't want to kill a returning player D1, I've said that multiple times.

WizardDrake, and Turtle all did the exact same thing, so why target me with this specifically? What gives them the pass, and not me?

The should/should thing is just a me dictation thing, look at any game of mine ever and you'll find it :P To be fair it's probably more in this game because I'm decently busy right now and so there are more in-game things I want to do, but other things I should do more. Like schoolwork :D.

I had to reread this like five times to realize you meant Bookwyrm and not Wyrmhero >>

I wasn't quasi-defending Shining-- I actually didn't pick up on that Fadran was accusing Shining specifically, as you can see here. In quoting Fadran I asked who he thought cast the manip, when in retrospect he clearly was saying that he thought Shining did. At the time I'd missed that, but I'm also correcting a point here you said points to v!me so idk xD

Didn't stop you from freely e!reading me based on tone earlier in your post :eyes:

This whole case is rather hilarious to read from my PoV, because it seems like you're either picking me out specifically from a pile of three plus others doing the same, or you're trying to convince yourself not to read me as village. Like, seriously, at least half the content of your post was 'well, actually I think this is indicative of v!Mat...' It's such an obvious retaliation to my you/Mad e/e theory that I'm questioning the theory altogether :P

Alright, fair. Still does not change that I mainly suspected your Hael—>Mad switch rather than anything else there. 

Given that I actively suspect Wizard, probably would be gunning for Turtle were he not (almost) mechanically cleared, and only tentatively v!read Drake, I don’t think I’m giving anyone a “pass” here. You also went beyond them, though, by expressing bafflement at the kill, which set off all the alarm bells in my gut. 

I get the feeling >>

It did not stop me from e!Reading you based on tone, no :P and it probably won’t in the future either :P 

See the thing is, you’re entirely correct that I am basically hunting up a reason to think you’re an Elim but that’s because my gut has been screaming at me all game every time you post, and I am a firm believer in gut even when it is a servant of Shai’tan (if history is to be believed, I listen to gut more when it is serving Shai’tan >>). You have had weird interactions with Hael, mega weird interactions with Fadran, and are in a good position to be a more vocal eliminator in a world where I am choosing to trust Devo and Drake (God save us all). Thing is, again, I respect e!you enough to not give me much in your posts to work with if you’re evil. You can appear village, which is why my re-read started pulling my analysis back that way. But what you’ve done so far has largely only helped the Elims, and in that sense you’re in a similar bucket as the late Hael. (Yes, pot and kettle, I know >>)

But alright, Matrim. It is possible I am grading you on a scale and you’re right that it’s not entirely fair. I would like other opinions on you (in fact, if other people could just talk more in general, that would be wonderful!). 

2 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

Currently I’m quite tired, and if I wake up at the same time I did yesterday it’ll be 3 hours after rollover. I went straight from DnD to Left4Dead.

Do we want to split the votes a lot? I guess there’s a greater chance of Apprentices with vote manip. Hard to tell without a lot of greened out votes.

… wait hang on are all the trains one vote now? Great. This again.

Of the group, Bookwyrm. Don’t want to exe Mad or (right now) Fifth (or me). And Bookwyrm’s C2 reactions still feel strange to me.

Thank you for pointing this out, village point to you. The Bookwyrm and Alv trains are really the only ones I am considering joining if we’re trying for consolidation, but I prefer Bookwyrm for the probably bad reasoning that I trust you and Drake more than Mad. :P I’ve had this suspicion for a while, and Bookwyrm was likely the most suspicious out of the [Fadran, Wizard, Bookwyrm] group that voted me and then did the weird C3 thing where the other two voted on Fadran. Actually, that kind of makes me want to flip Fadran, but I am not further dividing these trains >> 

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1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Alright, fair. Still does not change that I mainly suspected your Hael—>Mad switch rather than anything else there. 

Given that I actively suspect Wizard, probably would be gunning for Turtle were he not (almost) mechanically cleared, and only tentatively v!read Drake, I don’t think I’m giving anyone a “pass” here. You also went beyond them, though, by expressing bafflement at the kill, which set off all the alarm bells in my gut. 

I get the feeling >>

It did not stop me from e!Reading you based on tone, no :P and it probably won’t in the future either :P 

See the thing is, you’re entirely correct that I am basically hunting up a reason to think you’re an Elim but that’s because my gut has been screaming at me all game every time you post, and I am a firm believer in gut even when it is a servant of Shai’tan (if history is to be believed, I listen to gut more when it is serving Shai’tan >>). You have had weird interactions with Hael, mega weird interactions with Fadran, and are in a good position to be a more vocal eliminator in a world where I am choosing to trust Devo and Drake (God save us all). Thing is, again, I respect e!you enough to not give me much in your posts to work with if you’re evil. You can appear village, which is why my re-read started pulling my analysis back that way. But what you’ve done so far has largely only helped the Elims, and in that sense you’re in a similar bucket as the late Hael. (Yes, pot and kettle, I know >>)

But alright, Matrim. It is possible I am grading you on a scale and you’re right that it’s not entirely fair. I would like other opinions on you (in fact, if other people could just talk more in general, that would be wonderful!). 

Thank you for pointing this out, village point to you. The Bookwyrm and Alv trains are really the only ones I am considering joining if we’re trying for consolidation, but I prefer Bookwyrm for the probably bad reasoning that I trust you and Drake more than Mad. :P I’ve had this suspicion for a while, and Bookwyrm was likely the most suspicious out of the [Fadran, Wizard, Bookwyrm] group that voted me and then did the weird C3 thing where the other two voted on Fadran. Actually, that kind of makes me want to flip Fadran, but I am not further dividing these trains >> 

I've been busy and trying to stay off the shard to not be distracted. College essays.

Fifth I see nowhere on C2 where I voted you. So you can't really include me in that pool for voting you. :P

I disagree with a Bookwyrm flip as I don't think he's done anything e!indicative for him. Since he often times does seemingly evil things when he is really just village. 

I'll go Alv to save Bookwyrm, and because he's just been lurking and not doing anything. Mostly to save Bookwyrm, though I don't like how vulnerable the trains are to manip.

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No support for voting Fifth I see. Mat and Fifth are fighting more but Fifth retracting his vote means that's no indication of not being paired. I still don't have much of a read on Bookwyrm since suspicion of him has always been wrong and I need to see his elim game to calibrate. @Ookla the Myopic if your primary motivation is saving Bookwyrm, do you have neutral to positive reads on Fifth, Ash, JNV, and Mad?

Stomping a few tiny not-foods underfoot, Tania! finally made it back home, only to find it filled with even more of the creatures. She didn't need to eat, but consuming these infiltrators would be the most efficient way to clear them out of her cave.

Before she could follow this course of action, she heard the approaching footfalls of another terentatek and turned to see Hanoi chasing yet another swarm of now-food. As It approached, It suddenly stopped, swiveled, and charged towards Tania! in a clear and uncharacteristically aggressive manner.




With the advantage of surprise, Hanoi was able to sink Its teeth into her neck and jab Its tusks into her shoulder, but terentatek carapaces had been designed to withstand glowsticks and their blood ensured to be immune to their own venom. Tania! felt a shockwave of the same not-scent that she'd been pursuing ever since she'd woken up, but this time it originated from her and rippled outwards, scattering the maybe-food but leaving Hanoi entirely unaffected except for a stronger desire to tear her to pieces.

If this was the same ability that prey used, it would never work on either of them, but it could affect their surroundings. She'd just experienced great pain both times it had happened, so perhaps that was the missing clue. She let Hanoi bite her again deepening the open wound and this time imagined a current like to one directing her to the false prey, aimed directly at the ceiling. Twenty terentateks worth of stone plummeted downwards, burying both of them completely.

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Only time to skim and no time to reply, I have church at rollover so this will in all likelihood be my last post-- will reply to things next turn if I can.

No clue what the VC is but my preference is still Madagascar, followed by Bookwyrm over Alv. This has less to do with Bookwyrm being sus and more like, Alv feels like a CC and I don't know if I've seen any actual reasons there and that doesn't feel good. Plus, Mad is voting there in opposition of Bookwyrm and that's not nothing to me I guess.

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38 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

No support for voting Fifth I see. Mat and Fifth are fighting more but Fifth retracting his vote means that's no indication of not being paired. I still don't have much of a read on Bookwyrm since suspicion of him has always been wrong and I need to see his elim game to calibrate. @Ookla the Myopic if your primary motivation is saving Bookwyrm, do you have neutral to positive reads on Fifth, Ash, JNV, and Mad?


Yes, I have a slight vill lean on both Ash and Mad. JNV I have as Null since they haven't been around much, but I wanted to try to pressure someone who hasn't had much pressure. But I shifted because the elims don't seem to be feeling much pressure right now.

Fifth, I currently read him around null-. Mostly because I don't like how much he pushed Silhouette, but I liked his posts before. And now his later posts seem to be less village like to me. 

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Another suspect votes for Bookwyrm. I still prefer to vote Fifth and will switch back to that or Mat or Drake if viable, but currently the option is Alvron. I don't want to exe him and then have people just go back to Bookwyrm next cycle though.

1 minute ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

Fifth, I currently read him around null-. Mostly because I don't like how much he pushed Silhouette, but I liked his posts before. And now his later posts seem to be less village like to me. 

Would you vote for him if someone else did?

Vote Tally
Ookla the Perpetual/Bookwyrm (4): Ashbringer, DrakeMarshall, Fifth Scholar, Ookla the Tall
Alvron (2): Madagascar, Ookla the Myopic
Fifth Scholar (1): Devotary of Spontaneity

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Cycle Five: A Fine Addition

Dust blew across the swirling expanse of the badlands and the wreckage of the galaxy’s first gizka-operated synth organ.

A tiny hooded figure scurried over to the detritus after glancing about warily. Korriban was a bad world. Ko lopo, if there was a world that counted as it. The Umpee white troopers in their ship had left him here. Nees Bac did not think well of them. Little on Korriban to scavenge, and to be stranded among Chikua and far from Ayafa…it was a hard life. Nees did not know how he would find his way back.

So he searched among the scrap that the Chikua left in their wake. Recently, there was a dust-up between the Ja’bo’ba and the Hunya Ja’bo’ba. Nees kept listening, even as the screeching green creature raised an alarm and threw wooden things at Nees everytime Nees showed his face, and even when he didn’t.

Ayafa had encountered Ja’bo’ba before, and Ayafa remembered. Some Ja’bo’ba were Eyeta, and some were not. Umpee were Peketak, but that was the way of this world. Maybe the Hunya Ja’bo’ba were Peketak too. But Ayafa remembered the Ja’bo’ba who walked among the Masked Ones with a blade like the cloudless noon sky, and so Nees only knew he did not want to be where the Ja’bo’ba were. 

“Utinni!” Nees Bac muttered, glancing at how many parts there were to scavenge. Gizka milled about the dirt and the dry scrubs, cooing and hopping to and fro with a patter of tiny feet. Immediately, Nees unlocked his utility belt and produced a set of tools. The makeshift comms array could be scrapped and salvaged, even though blaster fire marked most of it, had damaged the components.

And then there was the greatest prize of all.

The wreckage of a hunter-killer droid model, strewn about the dirt ground. Nees Bac scrabbled eagerly into the remnants. The droid chassis, at least could be salvaged. As could the head, despite the blaster scoring.

The memory core though, had vanished.

Someone had taken it.

Nees Bac chattered in disbelief.

A long line of footprints stretched out, into the dust, and vanished in the middle of nowhere.




Sajhe sat in the room above the Drunk Side, on a stool that had seen better days as a freighter supply crate, and played the hallikset. 

He had needed a bit of time, working on the strings, getting the hallikset in tune again. It was like the first time you touched the Force: you never truly forgot it, never truly lost the knack.

Hallikset on his knee, and his mind awash in memories, Sajhe played.

The quiet, sad song echoed in the small space where he had lived for years, and years. They’d played it during the Mandalorian Wars, every single time a soldier in Heron Company had fallen. Every single life lost under his command, and Sajhe remembered it all, carried it with him through the intervening years.

“Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum,” he whispered. The dead were legion. And their names were written in fire, buried under the the dirt and stones and sand of a foreign world, atomised, drowned in water…all the many, many, many myriad ways beings could kill other beings.

And held, for a moment, for eternity, in the Force.




“Stop, stop, stop!” Dacken Humtumb was all but shouting. “This is a disaster!”

Kalabel stepped up to the eccentric man’s side, carefully, and almost immediately had to duck as a blaster bolt hissed through the air where her head would have been.

“Someone’s gone and weaponised the gizka. The poor gizka,” Dacken wiped at his forehead with a handkerchief. “They’re taking each other out!”

As far as Kalabel could tell, a significant chunk of the gizka had been fitted with an odd assortment of weaponry, including tiny blaster mounts and flechettes. She didn’t know what sort of genius or demented mind would think of such a thing: the gizka were triggering misfires as they hopped about and banged into things, and somehow managing to take each other out in the process.

“Waggs! Look, you know me right?” Dacken hunkered down, approaching one of the gizka, making clicking noises with his tongue. Bar9 bowled him over, tackling him as Waggs nearly fired at his face.

“It’s…a solution to the gizka problem,” Myhar Impay reluctantly said. He was studying his datapad. Kalabel peeked and noticed he was running a set of calculations on it. “Left to their own devices, they’d breed and overtake Dreshdae in a couple more standard days.”

“Can you be a bit more specific?” Smarts asked. He was frowning at the wave of gizka, but he wasn’t about to throw himself in the way of the gizka either.

Myhar shrugged. “Three standard days, four if we’re unlucky. Those damned things breed like gizka after all.”

Kalabel worried at her lip. “Right. That’s bad.” What she really wanted was a quiet corner, the soothing susurrus of her triangle puzzle, the warm comfort of its red glow. There was nothing she could do about the gizka shooting pretty much everyone in sight, anyway. She didn’t see where that was something she could do anything about, so she’d rather be somewhere else doing something she wanted.

“Sithspit,” cursed Smarts. “Are you kidding me?”

“I did say we have a gizka problem,” Myhar replied, his voice tight with annoyance. “They’re a pest in at least thirteen other sectors for a reason, and considered a highly-invasive species in fifty-two other sectors. Though given the ah, aggressive nature of local ecosystems on Korriban, one might very well prefer the gizka…”

“You the gizka man?” 

Myhar turned. Natano Hamartano swaggered into the street with cocky confidence, barely twitching as a blaster bolt almost singed his head. His swoop was still humming loudly, parked on the side of the street with a healthy disregard for local traffic regulations.

“I’m the ecologist.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I just want to know if you’re the guy who figured we got a gizka problem, eh?”

“That would be me, yes.”

“Good,” said Hamartano, grinning wolfishly. “See, the way I see it, I figure this gizka mess, it’s the sort of drek those Sith crackheads want. Gizka in our streets, shooting things up, the works. ‘Course, they made one very big mistake. That is, you made one very big mistake.” He patted Myhar’s shoulder, seemingly friendly. “For a while, I thought it might be the Jawa. Never liked that fella. Scurrying everywhere, figured I saw his paws on my ride one of those weeks!” He growled. “I told him, I see you anywhere near, I shoot you. He stopped. But I figured this sort of thing, Jawa’s got parts, right? Or maybe it’s someone like our Smarts here, eh, eh?”

Smarts said, “You think I’d do something as crazy as give gizka guns?

“Yeah, well, stick with me here, I figured maybe I wasn’t so hot on the idea it was you. But we’ve got to do something, the gizka will put enough holes in everything soon. I don’t mind if it’s just me, but not with these damned gizka!

Hamartano hooked his thumbs into his utility belt. “Way I see it, there’s you, gizka man. You come running into town screaming about how we’ve got to kill those gizka. Funny thing is, that rustbucket, the one that nearly tried to murder the other gizka man.” He glanced over at Dacken, who was trying to intervene in the mass gizka slaughter. “It was passing itself off as a gizka exterminator. Figure you might know something about that, wouldn’t you? Thought you’d slip one of your own into Dreshdae, did you?”

Hamartano’s grin grew just a little wider. “You thought wrong. I’m onto you now! I said we’d have to make things HAPPEN around here, and we’re not defenceless!”

He squeezed the trigger.

Myhar Impay collapsed to the ground like an emptied sack of grain.

Just. Collapsed.

“Well, that’s that,” Hamartano said, though Smarts thought he saw the man’s hands shaking, just a little. “Bet that was one of them! And now we’re safe, anyone seen any sign of Turtle or that drunkard?”

“Who?” Smarts asked, baffled.

Hamartano sighed, gustily. “Look, I can’t be doing everything for you, Smarts.” He thumped Smarts on the shoulder, hard. “I’ll take this side, you go that way. We gotta find them, before anything happens to them, eh? And mind the gizka!”




Her claws scrabbled against the mass of stone that pinned her.

She was alive.

Buried in darkness, but alive.

Tania! heaved.

Stone pinned her, broken stone, crushed her beneath its weight. She could not make out any sign that Hanoi lived. Perhaps that was for the best.

Her last encounter with the caves in the lowlands and that strange swirling thing…it had left her feeling strangely reluctant to pursue the caves. Not after the loud keening that hurt her, sent her fleeing back into the mountains where she brooded.

And even now, she wanted to go back, felt drawn back to the prey that gathered in their caves in the lowlands, and…she did not know. She had not seen the light of their glow-sticks, but something called her.

And she wanted to live.

She wanted, so badly, to live.

The weight of the stone flew off her, as though drawn off by the force of her desire. Tania! scrambled to her feet, slowly. Battered. Exhausted. There was a ripple in the currents that drew her attention.

One of the prey species stood there, hooded. Like the ones she had faced, before her slumber, and yet different. Tania! could not tell the quality of the difference. She only knew it was different, as her left claw was from her right.

The current stirred, tugging at her. What did it want? Tania! raised a claw experimentally, and the prey species staggered back, shouting. A more powerful tug, and Tania! lunged.

This one was faster than the ragged one, dodging with a speed that was more like what Tania! remembered. Lightning coruscated from its open hands, lightning bright blue-white, so bright that it hurt her eyes, so bright that Tania! immediately felt the protective nictitating membrane slide shut over her eyes, so bright she glanced aside briefly.

The lightning itself, at least, did not hurt. It was a curiosity.

Tania! reared back and poked at the hooded one with her claws. Her claws stopped, as though they’d come into contact with a solid stone wall. She scrabbled, and thought she felt it part, just slightly. She applied more force.

“A terentatek,” it whispered, almost reverently. “Out of the days of legend. Truly, no matter the setbacks, our victory over the Jedi is assured. We will take the Valley for our own. And with the power of the Valley stored in the sceptre, even Skywalker’s so-called Academy must fall to us! But first, you. Will. Serve.”

She felt it, a strange pressure in her head. Currents reaching out to embrace her, to drag her down. She snarled, gnashing tusks. Tania! did not like it. Did not like it at all.


The pressure snapped, and Tania! staggered backwards. One of the prey species stood at the mouth of the cave, holding by a thin neck some round object that Tania! did not know. All she knew was that it was not a glow-stick.

“Get out of the way!” the hooded prey snarled, and this time, Tania! caught the pulse of current from the outstretched hand of the hooded prey, and the prey species slammed into the cave wall. Somehow, he’d managed to hold onto the object, Tania! wasn’t sure how.

The hooded prey whirled about and turned back to her. “As for you—”

Tania! lunged. She wasn’t about to give it another chance.

“Damnit!” the hooded one snarled.

She heard the familiar snap-hiss of a glow stick as it carved through her, burned through her. It hurt so terribly. She bellowed in pain, but the hooded one was fast, and reckless, and she wasn’t sure if she’d hit her prey at all.

After all these years.

The current tugged at her, for the last time.

Tania! put herself in its claws, and went.




Bookwyrm / Myhar Impay was executed! He was a Settler!

Devotary / Tania! was killed! She was a Force-Sensitive Terentatek Who Is As Much A Settler As Any of You!


Bookwyrm (4): Ash, Mat, Drake, Fifth
Alv (2): Wiz, Mads
Fifth (1): Devo

@JNV and @ookla the POKE VOTE are both on notice here for a cycle of inactivity. One more cycle of inactivity and they will be either replaced by a pinch-hitter, if one is available, or killed by the latest hazard in Dreshdae!

The cycle has begun and will end on Wednesday, 7th December 2022 at 0100hrs SGT (GMT+8)! Please be reminded that PMs are closed.

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Rule Clarifications:

  • Multiple vote manips and multiple redirects on the same target both have the same net effect: they cancel out.
  • Anything redirected to an illegal target (the obvious case has to do with protects) will fail. 
  • Roleblocked players will be informed they were roleblocked.
  • Redirected players will be informed they were redirected, e.g. "You successfully protected Gamma!" when Kas had sent in orders to protect Wyrm.
  • In the case of multiple unanswered redirects, e.g. Kas redirects Wyrm who was redirecting Ren who was redirecting Gamma, I will RNG for their order, and then apply them in the following order.
  • If you are redirected to yourself, and you are using a redirect, you will be told your action failed.
  • Jedi Knights are not included in the Apprentice Doc.
  • PMs are closed. Players cannot open PMs with other players for the duration of this game.
  • The Apprentice Doc will be pseudonymous: players will be encouraged to stick with an identifier and colour, but not required to use a real player name or RP name.
  • Duel challenges are refunded if the player is dead at the point the challenge is issued (challenges are last on OoA.)
  • There are no restrictions on Force powers beyond what is written in the rules for that particular Force power, and the action limit. Thus, both Jedi can use Force powers if they do not recruit. The same is true of the Reborn.
  • Force Dominate does not require the target to have voted.
  • A Desann Reborn using Force Drain can indeed be redirected onto themselves, effectively draining themselves to death. You can thank the Stack for this.
  • Force Lightning and Force Sense both cannot be used two cycles in a row, irrespective of target.
  • Force Drain and Recruitment are the unique abilities of the Jedi and the Desann Reborn: at most one player on the team can use this power in a cycle.
  • If a Desann Reborn is killed, the elevation of a Cultist functionally allows the Cultist only access to Force Drain. There are no significant mechanical implications to this.
  • If the successor-Cultist is dead, then the Disciples can appoint another successor for as long as they have Cultists.
  • Players with no actions will not be told they were redirected. Players who took an action will generally receive a message from me of this format: "You successfully did X to Y!" Y will tell you if you were redirected. The success message tells you you were not roleblocked.
  • Apprentices will flip as Apprentices.
  • Force Lightning takes absolute precedence on the Stack. This means it resolves before any redirects, even if they target different players. It cannot be redirected, simpliciter.
  • Two duels may take place simultaneously if they involve four distinct players.
  • A duel challenge is a free action. It cannot be roleblocked nor redirected, in the same way the Ragnos succession choice cannot be mechanically interfered with.

Player List:


1. @JNV - Jev, a low end smuggler with multiple secret identities
2. @Ashbringer - Kalabel, a young droid technician who found an absolutely innocent red triangle thingy
3. The Unknown Novel - Krisbaan, a bounty hunter with a capital P Past - Settler
4. @Matrim's Dice - Smarts the droid technician, who is protecting you from his real name
5. Devotary - Tania! the Terentatek, awoken from dormancy and ready to feast on Force-sensitives - Settler
6. Xino - Nodice the unlucky spacer, who absolutely never cheats and has no gambling problem, you are the problem - Settler
7. @DrakeMarshall - Dr. Dacken Humtumb, the gizka preservationist
8. Haelbarde - HK-47, your friendly neighbourhood non-organic gizka exterminator - Desann Reborn
9. @The Wandering Wizard - Lib Wubum, Gungan bounty hunter, trailing Jede Ratrit
10. The Bookwyrm - Myhar Impay, ecologist who would like to leave to study a more exotic planet, but feels indebted 
- Settler
11. @Fifth Scholar - Martano Hamartano, an aspiring marksman and swoop ganger
12. Ventyl - Ibonek Naw-ibo, a dude in the wrong place, who totally does not have a Shardblade 
- Settler
13. Silho - Shil-Ou-Te - Settler
14. Szeth_Pancakes - Seth - Settler
15. @Madagascar - Moff, deadbeat Jedi dropout
16. @Channelknight Fadran - 
K.D. Tantyck, defected Imperial officer
17. @ookla the POKE VOTE - Turtle the spaceport mechanic
18. @Alvron - Nees Bac, Jawa scavenger stranded on Korriban by Imperial forces

Edited by Kasimir
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Well then.

i was going to say “of course you would “of course you would sith” sith” but it doesn’t really work anymore

you know what

Let’s start the day with an Alvron

9/10 doctors recommend it

And surely this is bound to work at finding a sith eventually right :P

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What 9 in 10 doctors recommend you know? With alcohol mixing death sticks!

That or it is 9 in 10 doctors recommend not doing that because of the inevitable toxic and horrific side effects. One or the other, pretty sure I am. Well, uh, pretty soon i’m about to find.

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2 hours ago, Madagascar said:

That or it is 9 in 10 doctors recommend not doing that because of the inevitable toxic and horrific side effects. One or the other, pretty sure I am. Well, uh, pretty soon i’m about to find.

Well then it follows there’s 1 out of 10 doctors that does recommend mixing alchohol with death sticks :P

That doctor is probably Dr. Dacken Humtumb tbh

He is that 1 doctor companies call to disagree with the other 9 so that their ads sound more like a legitimate poll

His only doctorate is in being contrarian

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