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Ookla The 2022


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November 26th is the beginning of this year's Ookla season (I'm fairly certain)

There is no 2020 or 2021 thread, but there are older 2017, 2018, and 2019 threads.

it's time for a 2022 thread!!!

This will be my first participation in Ookla season! Just thought I'd share.

And now, a History of Ookla Season;

Way back in the before times (70's and 80's) Peter Ahlstrom was born on November 26, and Brandon Sanderson was born on December 19.

To celebrate this, on the 26th of November, we Sharders change our names to Ookla the "____" from then until December 19, Brandon's birthday, also known as Koloss Head Munching Day.

Thus it has been.

Thus it will be. Forever and always.

Edited by CalanoCorvus
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Ookla the Mok, to be precise.

Only correction I have:

10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

There is no 2019, 2020, or 2021 thread, but there are older 2017 and 2018 threads.

it's time for a 2022 thread!!!

There is a 2019 thread, and it's very funny. (here) Otherwise, good job!

Edited by Robin Sedai
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8 minutes ago, Ookla the Kobold said:

After changing mine to Ookla the Kobold I realized few people will get what that is. But I get and like 5 D&D people, that's enough for me.

Also I have to say, I saw a few Ookla's yesterday and simply thought everyone was insane.

Ha, I thought you were @Kobold King for a moment.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Crow said:

To celebrate this, on the 26th of November, we Sharders change our names to Ookla the "____" from then until December 19, Brandon's birthday, also known as Koloss Head Munching Day.

Well, we actually end it when State of the Sanderson is released. 

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19 minutes ago, Frustration said:

It's State of the Sanderson


2018 says KHMD/Brandon's Birthday, as does this one from Kaymith, might edit in if 2019 and 2017 mention it.Some of the posts in the 2019 version (the one I'm linking to and Ene's directly below it say Brandon's Birthday as well.

Edited by The Unknown Novel
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Unknowing said:

I wanted to put something depressing, but I couldn't think of anything, so I just put "Unknowing" instead.

You know plenty though.

Hmm.... what to do.... *Throws therapy book at Cellist* (And yes, I'm still gonna call you that.:))

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