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Quick Fix 64: Spies in Starsight


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1 hour ago, Kasimir said:

[OOC: Apologies to impose M'Hael, any chance you can edit the count for me? Formatting is awful on mobile or I'd just c/p my set up now.] 

Will do.

1 hour ago, Ookla the Myopic said:

The droid flipped over a four and the smell of smoke grew. It started to smell as a fire that just picked up speed.

The pit droid then flipped over a +/- six, increasing the total to 19.

"I'll wait for you boys to try to top that!"

The droid leans back in a reclining position, but the smell of smoke lingers over the table.


53 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Aight sorry. It's getting wibbly wobbly timey wimey rn because I need sleep and don't want to leave this unplayed. 


I stand on round 4.

Goodnight y'all. 

It's been a very long night >>

Sleep well!

45 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

         : We've missed our chance.

Kalli: We'll wait our turn. There's already four people playing and I don't want to interrupt them. When they're done, perhaps they'll invite me, or someone else will join.

Can we play a practice round?

I know you prefer it when I explain everything to you in words, but you're perfectly capable of using our senses. I can't know my side cards without you knowing them, and you can't keeps yours secret from me.


If that's acceptable, then we can proceed. We'll play with full forty card main decks, my preferred variant for increasing the odds of hitting pazaak, alternating who goes first after every round.

I'd been figuring it'd be fine to deal yourself into the existing game if you wanted, but if you had, we wouldn't have gotten to experience that piece of RP :ph34r: 

1 hour ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Doncie sat down and drew a card. A two. Was that good?

"How do you play, exactly?" he asked.

As cards continued to be dealt out, Hal responded to Doncie.

"So hopefully you've got yourself a side deck. If not, just pull 4 random cards from this one." (just use the same list as Wizard or I, as posted earlier).

He watched "Adding Fuel to the Fire" pull a 4 from the deck, and then play a card from their hand to bring their total to 19.

Hal directed Doncie's attention to Fuel to the Fire's cards. "See the goal is to get as close as possible to 20, without going over. Their second card was a four which brought their total to 13, after which they played one of the cards they drew from their side deck to bring the total to 19, which is a pretty good score. It's unlikely the next card from the deck for them would be a one, so they've chosen to stand, designating this their final score. They're hoping that none of the rest of us can land a 19 or 20, so that they win on their 19."

He pointed then to Illvin's cards. "You see his cards? His second draw took him to 13, but he's chosen to bide his time and hope for a 7 or lower in the next round, which is fairly likely. 

Hal reached for the deck, dealing himself a third card. Out came a two. "See myself, I've been pretty lucky so far with a few low cards, bringing my current total to seven. I could maybe play a card to get closer to 20 sooner, but I'd rather wait and see what comes out of the deck next."

Indicating his turn was over, he turned back to Illven as he awaited the others to continue playing. "Business rather than pleasure this time. An old friend called in a favour he did me once, so here I am for the next week or so." 

Round One


Hael - Total: 1
[1] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 7
[7] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 9
[9] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Xino - Total: 2
[2] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Round Two


Hael - Total: 5
[1] [4] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 13
[7] [6] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]

Round 3


Hael - Total: 7
[1] [4] [2]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 16
[7] [6] [3]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]

Round 4


Hael - Total: 15
[1] [4] [2]
[8] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 19 [Stand]
[7] [6] [3]
[3] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]


Edited by Haelbarde
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3 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Will do.


Sleep well!

I'd been figuring it'd be fine to deal yourself into the existing game if you wanted, but if you had, we wouldn't have gotten to experience that piece of RP :ph34r: 

As cards continued to be dealt out, Hal responded to Doncie.

"So hopefully you've got yourself a side deck. If not, just pull 4 random cards from this one." (just use the same list as Wizard or I, as posted earlier).

He watched "Adding Fuel to the Fire" pull a 4 from the deck, and then play a card from their hand to bring their total to 19.

Hal directed Doncie's attention to Fuel to the Fire's cards. "See the goal is to get as close as possible to 20, without going over. Their second card was a four which brought their total to 13, after which they played one of the cards they drew from their side deck to bring the total to 19, which is a pretty good score. It's unlikely the next card from the deck for them would be a one, so they've chosen to stand, designating this their final score. They're hoping that none of the rest of us can land a 19 or 20, so that they win on their 19."

He pointed then to Illvin's cards. "You see his cards? His second draw took him to 13, but he's chosen to bide his time and hope for a 7 or lower in the next round, which is fairly likely. 

Hal reached for the deck, dealing himself a third card. Out came a two. "See myself, I've been pretty lucky so far with a few low cards, bringing my current total to seven. I could maybe play a card to get closer to 20 sooner, but I'd rather wait and see what comes out of the deck next."

Indicating his turn was over, he turned back to Illven as he awaited the others to continue playing. "Business rather than pleasure this time. An old friend called in a favour he did me once, so here I am for the next week or so." 

Round One

  Reveal hidden contents

Hael - Total: 1
[1] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 7
[7] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 9
[9] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Xino - Total: 2
[2] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Round Two

  Reveal hidden contents

Hael - Total: 5
[1] [4] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 13
[7] [6] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]

Round 3

  Reveal hidden contents

Hael - Total: 7
[1] [4] [2]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 16
[7] [6] [3]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]

Round 4

  Reveal hidden contents

Hael - Total: 15
[1] [4] [2]
[8] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 19 [Stand]
[7] [6] [3]
[3] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]


"I see," replied Doncie, pulling four cards from the deck.

(Side deck cards so I remember them)



He flipped over a card. A ten.


[2] [10] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

A total of twelve, he mused. A nine or a ten would cause him to go bust, but five out of the remaining eight cards would let him get 20. "<Keep going>," he called.

Edited by Ookla the Forgotten
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

"I see," replied Doncie, pulling four cards from the deck.

(Side deck cards so I remember them)

  Reveal hidden contents


He flipped over a card. A ten.

A total of twelve, he mused. A nine or a ten would cause him to go bust, but five out of the remaining eight cards would let him get 20. "Stand," he called.

(The main deck we're drawing from would be endless if digital, or there's normally four cards per number, so you could draw another 2 or 10 from the deck)

Hal watched Doncie pull a second card, getting a 10 to bring the total to 12, before calling "Stand". Hal frowned.

"You sure you want to stand? Standing locks you in at 12, while Fuel on the Fire has already called stand at 19. If you stop now, you've lost for sure. Another round gives you a pretty decent chance at not going 20, and if you land the 20, then you just might win!"

Hal turned over his fourth card, revealing an eight. "Hmm. That takes me to 15. Think I've still got decent odds on landing a twenty with one more pull, so I'm going to end my turn and continue to the next round."

Round One


Hael - Total: 1
[1] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 7
[7] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 9
[9] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Xino - Total: 2
[2] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Round Two


Hael - Total: 5
[1] [4] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 13
[7] [6] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]

Xino - Total: 12 [Stand?]
[2] [10] [?]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Round 3


Hael - Total: 7
[1] [4] [2]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 16
[7] [6] [3]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]

Round 4


Hael - Total: 15
[1] [4] [2]
[8] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Kas - Total: 19 [Stand]
[7] [6] [3]
[3] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[X] [X] [X] [X]

Wiz - Total: 19 [Stand]
[9] [4] [+6]
[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?]

[+-6] [X] [X] [X]


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51 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

"You sure you want to stand? Standing locks you in at 12, while Fuel on the Fire has already called stand at 19. If you stop now, you've lost for sure. Another round gives you a pretty decent chance at not going 20, and if you land the 20, then you just might win!"


Uhhh yeah I meant keep going XD Forgot what the word for that is.


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22 minutes ago, Ookla the Forgotten said:

Uhhh yeah I meant keep going XD Forgot what the word for that is.

In the games, the buttons were "Stand" or "End Turn". Which makes sense for a video game button, but is not as useful for natural language sentences.

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5 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

He pointed then to Illvin's cards. "You see his cards? His second draw took him to 13, but he's chosen to bide his time and hope for a 7 or lower in the next round, which is fairly likely. 

"You don't need to unplay cards you've never played," said Illvin. "Time was, you ran out of cards in your hand and then folded for want of them."

5 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Indicating his turn was over, he turned back to Illven as he awaited the others to continue playing. "Business rather than pleasure this time. An old friend called in a favour he did me once, so here I am for the next week or so." 

"Some friend," Illvin said. "If that takes you to Starsight, friend."

He watched as Hal chose to continue. Made sense, at fifteen. Same for the fellow who'd just joined them. He and the other were standing at nineteen, though he fancied their odds of hitting the fully twenty, more.

Game was long though, and with three games to go, Illvin wasn't keen on playing his hand out just yet.

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13 hours ago, Kasimir said:

"You don't need to unplay cards you've never played," said Illvin. "Time was, you ran out of cards in your hand and then folded for want of them."

"Some friend," Illvin said. "If that takes you to Starsight, friend."

He watched as Hal chose to continue. Made sense, at fifteen. Same for the fellow who'd just joined them. He and the other were standing at nineteen, though he fancied their odds of hitting the fully twenty, more.

Game was long though, and with three games to go, Illvin wasn't keen on playing his hand out just yet.

Hal shrugged. "This will leave them owing me, which made it an opportunity not worth missing."

He pulled once again from the deck. "Damn it." He had pulled a nine, bringing his total to 24, which he couldn't fix with any one card from his hand.

Turning to Doncie, he sighed. "I've gone bust. So the game is yours if you can land a 20."

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Damn, that Croatia-Morocco slugfest started good and then looked brutal.

Feelsbad for Morocco and also feelsbad for Modric since I think this is his last tournament, but by definition, a lot of players will leave unsatisfied...

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2 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I literally never play QFs

…could make an exception though. Sign me up as Ëarendil, brightest of mariners. He a little confused (has not read Skyward), but he got the spirit :ph34r:

Wow bro you sign up for Aman but not for me? :( 

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5 hours ago, Haelbarde said:


Hal shrugged. "This will leave them owing me, which made it an opportunity not worth missing."

He pulled once again from the deck. "Damn it." He had pulled a nine, bringing his total to 24, which he couldn't fix with any one card from his hand.

Turning to Doncie, he sighed. "I've gone bust. So the game is yours if you can land a 20."

Curious if you want to start another game and just assume it's ambiguous between me/Wiz/Xino until Xino gets back? Pazaak is won in sets of three anyway so I don't think it substantively matters since you've gone bust.

I am still writing Pazaak code but the main ambitious part won't be ready for this game, as tempting as it is to spend the first few cycles of the QF fiddling with code :P

I know you mentioned you've got a busy day though so maybe not enough time to pragmatically just do another game before sign-ups end :eyes:

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3 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

Yeah, going to be out from now for the next...8 hours or something. I'm wondering if it's easier to preroll the game and then have some fun RPing the actual interactions instead?

Be down for that if you are. Just leave gaps for the others to come in if they want to? I mean, let's be real, no reason they can't just be very chaotic in running the group pazaak because of people dropping in and out.

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QF64 Cycle One: A Single Ship

It all began with a single ship.

Logged as a cargo vessel transporting ore from a small mining colony in the far reaches of the galaxy, it docked at Starsight during the wee hours of the artificial night, one hundred sixty five minutes later than its scheduled arrival time. That should have set off the docking crew’s suspicions, but they were tired and disgruntled and knew if they let the ship dock and its crew into the station, they could all go home.

Thus, disguised as the crew of the cargo ship, the spies were able to infiltrate Starsight without so much as an alarm being raised.


Winzik was busy – his work had increased tenfold since what the media had dubbed “The Scourge Incident.” Despite his efforts to cut off all information about it, it had leaked, and the entire station was panicking. He heard a knock on his door. “Come in,” he said absently, deleting a frenzied email from one of his less-important subordinates.

His secretary, a red dione, entered. “I have some… bad news,” they said.

“I don’t have all night.”

“Well. Terlken is dead.” They cringed, anticipating his reaction.

“What?!” Terlken was a varvax and one of his most loyal advisors.

“A crew found his body floating ten parsecs out. I’m… sorry.”

His radio, on the side of his desk, made a scratching noise. It was only for emergencies (given that wireless communication attracted delvers), and only the people in his inner circle had access. “Hey,” it said. Terlken’s voice. “Can we meet at your office in three hours? I have some bad news.”

Winzik and his secretary exchanged a look. The voice was right, but Terlken was normally much more formal than that. “Yes,” said Winzik, then shut off the device. Then, to his secretary: “Post guards in the front of the building with orders to, well, ah, exterminate the impostor on sight.” Blast, this was a mess. The best he could hope to do was clean it up quickly and quietly, but somehow, he doubted it would be that simple.


Welcome to QF64! Your GM PMs should be out within two minutes of this post. Let me know if I missed you!

The turn will end on Sunday, December 18 at 9:00 PM PST (12:00 AM EST). Sorry I put this out so late; everything took a lot longer than I thought it would :ph34r:.

Good luck and have fun!

Player List


1. @JNV - Jennal, a Tenasi diplomat

2. @Ookla the Myopic / The Wandering Wizard - Adding Fuel to the Fire, a figment who smells like smoke

3. @ookla the gastrointestinal / Dannnnnex

4. @Ookla the Unknown / The Unknown Novel - delver

5. @Kasimir - Illvin Karrde

6. @Ookla Carried by the Wind / Just A Silvereye - John Johnson, an off-duty pilot

7. @_Stick_

8. @Ookla the Perpetual / The Bookwyrm - Hiari, a Kitsen diplomat

9. @Ookla the Forgotten / xinoehp512 - Doncie Black, a rogue human wearing a hologram

10. @Ookla the Nerdy / Nerdy Aarakocra. - Bob McFondue, a licensed human owned by a Superiority politician

11. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kalli, [redacted], and [redacted], a Dione

12. @InfiniteInsanity

13. @Haelbarde - Hal Vanicus

14. @ExoticAlmond

15. @Ookla the Tall / Matrim's Dice

16. @Fifth Scholar - Ëarendil, brightest of mariners

17. @Amanuensis - self


Edited by Ookla the Omniscient
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