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Quick Fix 64: Spies in Starsight


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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:


xD Look when you're talking to me you need to say "the Jedi game" or "the honorblade game" because those numbers? They don't stay in my head. At all :P.

1 minute ago, _Stick_ said:


Weirdly enough I think I prefer this to Nerdy rn because Nerdy can be resolved later and I do think I see something in an Aman/Silvereye connection since Aman drew no attention to my dislike of the Dannex train yesterday and has drawn attention to my dislike of the Silver train

Edited by Matrim's Dice
Good luck with the VC, Szeth, plz triple check xD
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QF64 Cycle Three: Triple Threat

Adding Fuel to the Fire liked to think of herself as a triple threat. She was a mean pazaak player, you didn’t smell of fur when you heard her singing voice, and she was a very good accountant for the SDPS. None of that helped her, however, when she caught a faint whiff of something in an alleyway during her float to work. It smelled like… her mother? She’d died in the war…

Fuel drifted towards it, curious. The alley was dark and damp and altogether unpleasant; she turned to go when she heard a voice from deeper within. “Got her.”

“Got wh-” asked Fuel. A horrible smell assaulted her senses; pain burning through her. Chlorine gas, she realized, too late; if she spent too long exposed to it, her scent would vanish and she…

She would…

“Die, Superiority scum!”

Fuel faded away.




Winzik had cut off all communications. “Don’t let anyone into or out of the office,” he’d said to his secretary, who had nodded and locked the doors. The only people inside were trusted SDPS members.

Or were they? Winzik knew the scourge had access to hologram technology. Had one of his subordinates already been replaced? Discontent, he’d left the building and made himself at home in a safehouse in a different part of Starsight, then posted guards inside his office.

A message popped up on his comms, from his secretary: Figment accountant has been declared missing.

Spy? Winzik replied.

Could be. Could be unrelated.

Time passed. Winzik grew steadily more impatient.

Then, another message: Got him.




John Johnson thought of himself as a triple threat. He baked, he was an excellent storyteller, and he could fly a starship like nobody’s business. None of that helped with special-ops missions. “The UrDail want a human representative, and you’re the we’ve got,” the DDF had said. He highly doubted that, given the fact that his misguided attempt to sneak into Winzik’s office had left him tied to a chair and bound with an excessive amount of rope.

“See, it’s a hologram,” said one of the guards, a tenasi, poking through the illusion of a dione that surrounded him.

“What do you intend to do with me?”

“Well,” the other one, a dione, said, “we just received direct orders to kill you. Sorry.”

“What?!” John said incredulously as the dione unhooked a blaster from their belt.

His last thought before the guard lifted the blaster to his head and fired was that this was not how he thought he’d be spending his month off.


Wizard was killed! They were an SDPS Member!

Silvereye was executed! They were a Spy!


Vote Count

Nerdy (3): Xino, Bookwyrm, Aman
Silver (5): Wizard, Devo, Hael, Stick, Kasimir
Aman (3): Insanity, Fifth, Matrim
Xino (2): Nerdy, Almond


The turn will end on Tuesday, December 20 at 9:00 PM PST (12:00 AM EST).

Player List


1. JNV  - Jennal, a Tenasi diplomat - Inner Circle Member

2. The Wandering Wizard - Adding Fuel to the Fire, a figment who smells like smoke - SDPS Member

3. ookla the gastrointestinal / Dannnnnex SDPS Member

4. @Ookla the Unknown / The Unknown Novel - delver

5. @Kasimir - Illvin Karrde

6. Just A Silvereye - John Johnson, an off-duty pilot - Spy

7. @_Stick_

8. @Ookla the Perpetual / The Bookwyrm - Hiari, a Kitsen diplomat

9. @Ookla the Forgotten / xinoehp512 - Doncie Black, a rogue human wearing a hologram

10. @Ookla the Nerdy / Nerdy Aarakocra. - Bob McFondue, a licensed human owned by a Superiority politician

11. @Devotary of Spontaneity - Kalli, [redacted], and [redacted], a Dione

12. @InfiniteInsanity

13. @Haelbarde - Hal Vanicus

14. @ExoticAlmond

15. @Ookla the Tall / Matrim's Dice

16. @Fifth Scholar - Ëarendil, brightest of mariners

17. @Amanuensis - self


Edited by Szeth_Pancakes
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Glad I unvoted there [Edit: 'there' meaning Nerdy], at least. Sorry I misread his [Edit2: 'his' meaning Silverye's] post so bad >>

Wiz kill is funny but hey one less thing I have to worry about :P.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
Unclear pronouns
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Okay, now that is interesting. Though it feels like boy who cried wolf or something, Silvereye was my other candidate for someone with doc access based on their one post, but I'd gotten to the point of convincing myself that either they were the Winzik, or were a spy, which was a pretty terrible place to be. Boy am I glad to not regret my vote... 

But also, did we really have to have 24 posts and 12 votes happen in the last 15 minutes of cycle?!

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1 minute ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Wiz kill is funny but hey one less thing I have to worry about :P.

Tbh, I am not so sure? The reason I was trying to be circumspect about for Wiz was that Wiz could've been in a doc - I mentioned this in QF63 about his bandwidth, and it being a powerful V!Wiz indicator for me that game. But in this game, doc can mean Village doc, which was what I was alluding to D1. Would not be surprised if that was the shot taken.

I guess NKA is all over the place this time because they can choose precision kills (or attempted precision kills) or actually just more standard kill doctrine.

3 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

But also, did we really have to have 24 posts and 12 votes happen in the last 15 minutes of cycle?!

My view too.

4 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

Silvereye was my other candidate for someone with doc access based on their one post, but I'd gotten to the point of convincing myself that either they were the Winzik, or were a spy, which was a pretty terrible place to be.

I think my main issue with Silver was just the fact that I didn't have the same read of the thread everyone else did - there was a lot of energy in convincing people Silver didn't care, when what I saw was a lot of people cared about Silver and I wasn't sure they were all Village. That and not liking the Nerdy swing despite participating in it.

Fifth...with Fifth the thing I actually distrusted about his swing was: A. raw opportunism, and B. the read of the vote state, which tbf, was rushed since I just came back. I'd normally slightly V read someone - everything else equal - trying to do vote solicitation but the circumstances are odder to me. So sort of that kicked me back to Silver too.

Part of my comment was actually a bluff: I wanted to see the reaction of the Aman swing train people in light of my theory about opportunism.

6 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Hail Kas’ RNG (and his actual analysis I guess)

K so I actually made that comment when it was 4-4 so I was meaning I'd willingly go for a Silver-Nerdy tie than stay on Nerdy, so RNG wasn't actually flipped....

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2 minutes ago, Haelbarde said:

Vote Tally
(3) Nerdy: Xino, Bookwyrm, Aman,
(5) Silver: Wizard, Devo, Hael, Stick, Kas
(3) Aman: Insanity, Fifth, Mat(t)
(2) Xino: Nerdy, Almond, 
(1) GM: TUN,

@Szeth_Pancakes is the listed 4 total votes on Nerdy accurate? 

That was a mistake.

*long, drawn-out sigh*

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8 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

@Kasimir how do you feel about a Silver, Mat, Fifth team?

I need to re-read, first and foremost. I could see you and Silver teamed too, I think. Need more thought about the third in that world. I sort of feel my Mat point is still fine, so that's one bit of resistance against E!Mat at the moment, but I just need to re-read and look at the vote movements and what exactly happened since I left the thread and went to sleep + work.

4 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

That was a mistake.

*long, drawn-out sigh*

Hey hey, you're doing your best with the kayana :P

@_Stick_ Sorry was too stressed last cycle to say this properly but: yes yes, Araris always Evil, clearly :eyes:

Edited to add:

5 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I think my main issue with Silver was just the fact that I didn't have the same read of the thread everyone else did - there was a lot of energy in convincing people Silver didn't care, when what I saw was a lot of people cared about Silver and I wasn't sure they were all Village. That and not liking the Nerdy swing despite participating in it.

Tbh I am wondering if Silver was just busy or if the team was trying to metascrew, having seen the unease about Danex EoD. Metascrewing suggests a different profile IMO and more or less implies thread controller Elim trying to swing things late, which makes me squint uneasily within the <Mat, Fifth, Aman> triad. But that we already knew...

Edited by Kasimir
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12 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

@Kasimir how do you feel about a Silver, Mat, Fifth team?

See this is funny because I think you are evil and that Mat is your most likely teammate out of everyone that was on at EoD—logically, he would try to split the opposition vote between you and avoid a vote on both Silver (a teammate) and Nerdy (an obvious counter-Exe if we ever flipped Silver which you were already on). That said, my credence in e!you is way higher than in e!Mat. I don’t see any other explanation for EoD yesterday without you being evil, unless you want to postulate that Stick and Hael were bussing. (I mean, I’d consider it, but I think @Kasimir will kill me if I don’t cut back on the tinfoil. :P)

meditate: this is complicated somewhat by Mat voting on you this cycle tbf but I am not putting a ton of credence in that since we’re not even an hour in

Edited by Fifth Scholar
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16 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Tempted to throw an immediate vote on Aman but I need to reread yesterday’s EoD because several people were not looking great from it. I do think Hael is clear now.

A mutual EoD reread will be beneficial; get everyone's thoughts. You don't look great from it I don't think, tbh :P. Agree with the Hael clear. Let's have a look.

It progresses, more or less, like so:

  • I break the silence by reiterating my v!read of Silvereye (whoops)
  • Aman questions why I posted that, in contrast to him remaining silent when I posted similar things about Dannex.
  • Fifth votes Silvereye, which I'd forgotten about, and even though he didn't end there I think this is a positive look for him. More positive than negative at least? Interested in other thoughts about this in particular.
  • Aman goes onto Nerdy, an obvious bad look.
  • Fifth continues to find random alternatives which tbh I kind of find villagery. Like I sympathize with that panic :P. As an elim I'm way frozen in situations like that.
  • Stick votes Fifth which could be sus but isn't due to where she ended and I totally get why she voted Fifth lol
  • Hael votes Silver. Willing to agree he can be pretty much cleared from this.
  • Kas votes Nerdy, and my opinion of this is the same as with Stick-- it could be sus, but it isn't, because Kas swapped back to Silver two seconds later.
  • I vote Aman. I don't get points for my Silver read, but I can probably get points for not staying on Nerdy? :rolleyes: 
  • Stick and Kas both swap to Silver. Also pretty willing to almost clear that.


Near-clears (I think): Hael, Stick, Kas

Standouts: Aman, Fifth

Fifth more of a question to me but I'd like to hear other thoughts. I also want to look back at the voting before EoD, particularly the timing of Devo's. [Edit: Nvm Devo voted Silver, I thought she voted a side train for some reason] The clear I'm least confident on is Stick since I think she'd be most willing to bus there but I also already village read her so /shrug

Also rereading my point about Aman from right at EoD I don't think it makes any sense lol like I was arguing that his attention on my v!read of Silvereye as opposed to Dannex meant that he and Silvereye were teamed but Aman was implying that Silver and I were evil together.

Though he didn't act on that repeated notion. He voted Nerdy. Alongside me.

And his first post today doesn't fit with that. So I dunno.

8 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

That was a mistake.

*long, drawn-out sigh*

Aw, so no fun Winzik doubling the elim countertrain was happening? :P.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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32 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Probably, but I'll stay in the thread instead of spending the last minutes trying to find it. I'll get back to you.

'This energy' was in me yelling that the Dannex train was bad :P. I don't see a difference, other than a change in my Wiz read.

Don't remember Wiz's alignment in LG90 and this is another thing where I'll just have to get back to you because I don't have time to verify or find out anything that isn't just me making something up.

This is the second time Aman has drawn attention to my post about Silver when he made no such posts about my even more dislike of the Dannex one last turn. What's the difference? 'casting doubt' isn't what's happening here. I'm saying I don't like it :P.

Okay yeah I just get all the wrong vibes from that, Aman. Dunno what the VC is.


There's a remarkable difference between your behavior D1 EoD (when the votes were between v!Danex and Kas, who I presume you v!read at the time as well) and whatever your D2 EoD was. You called the Danex yeet bad but never called anyone to action or pushed an alternative. You did, however, do that when Silver was in danger. In danger specifically because of me.

5 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Yay. Maybe you can help me form more reads.

ED1T: @Szeth_Pancakes


I find it interesting that a lot of people in my PoE have avoided this train


Specifically that both Nerdy and Xino are voting each other but neither is voting Silver. I.E. both of them work on teams with Silver.

I put Silver in the lead above Nerdy and Xino. See my reasoning.

2 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Not implying that it's evidence, sorry if that was confusing. I'm trying to ask you who you would weed out of that group as villagers so we can narrow down the killer.


(4) Silver: Kas, Wizard, AmanDevo
(3) Nerdy: Xino, Mat, Bookwyrm

(2) Xino: Nerdy, Almond,
(1) AmanInsanity
(1) TUN: Stick,

This drew Devo to the same train, at which point you were voting Nerdy. 

1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Going on record (again :D) that I don't like the leading train. It doesn't feel good. I've developed a bad gut read on Wiz and am still paranoid of Aman even if I do v!read Kas and maybe Stick. It feels too quiet for this to be a hit to me. Like, Silvereye doesn't show up at all? I don't think e!Silvereye would completely ghost like that.

You cast doubt on Wizard that you can't explain and reiterate your paranoia of me. Discrediting two players voting Silver? This is clearly an unwarranted defense and I rightly called you out on it.

1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:

Sorry to hear you're sick! Hope you feel better soon.

Good luck. I think there's about an hour left in the turn.

Is there anything Wiz specifically posted that pinged your gut? Am curious and willing to re-evaluate.

Though I do wonder where this energy was yesterday when it was between your v!Danex read and Kas.

You didn't fight this hard for a village read and Kas on D1. Why did you feel so strongly to fight against Silver?

52 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

My logic was Xino and Nerdy cross-voted, so they're either E/V or V/V, and I could see either of them avoiding the Silver vote because they're teamed. Basically what Araris did by shooting Tani over Insanity or me, given Tani could be teamed with either of us.


There's also Mat casting doubt on the Silver vote, which could indicate partnership, and now Fifth voting every train but Nerdy before trying to find an alternative

I repeat my point against Silver and you for Kas, who just re-entered thread. Does this spook you enough to jump on my train?

43 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Probably, but I'll stay in the thread instead of spending the last minutes trying to find it. I'll get back to you.

'This energy' was in me yelling that the Dannex train was bad :P. I don't see a difference, other than a change in my Wiz read.

Don't remember Wiz's alignment in LG90 and this is another thing where I'll just have to get back to you because I don't have time to verify or find out anything that isn't just me making something up.

This is the second time Aman has drawn attention to my post about Silver when he made no such posts about my even more dislike of the Dannex one last turn. What's the difference? 'casting doubt' isn't what's happening here. I'm saying I don't like it :P.

Okay yeah I just get all the wrong vibes from that, Aman. Dunno what the VC is.

Well the thing you didn't like was me voting an elim. Now you're trying to spin it on me?

7 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I need to re-read, first and foremost. I could see you and Silver teamed too, I think. Need more thought about the third in that world. I sort of feel my Mat point is still fine, so that's one bit of resistance against E!Mat at the moment, but I just need to re-read and look at the vote movements and what exactly happened since I left the thread and went to sleep + work.

Hey hey, you're doing your best with the kayana :P

@_Stick_ Sorry was too stressed last cycle to say this properly but: yes yes, Araris always Evil, clearly :eyes:

You're going to have to walk me through on how Silver and I are teamed, cause I feel that's a huge stretch considering everything above.

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Edited to add 2: - Ninjaed by Fifth so it goes here

'Cause like, off my raw impressions for my speedread:

-Fifth's vote feels almost designed to explode the Silver train, and build on the idea of rapid accretion to feed unease
-Mat suggests non-responsiveness as bad so wants votes to go elsewhere
-Aman swaps to Nerdy and makes case for

All of them look like possible Elim inflection points. I just need more reading to ID which.

Doesn't have to be exclusive.

Fifth - you can have a vote for now, spread the love since Aman already has one.

@Matrim's Dice You asked me last cycle, my response this cycle is that Aman is currently officially on the table for me, pending re-read and deeper analysis. (Which has to wait a bit as I have a mafia report, but I will get onto it in a timely manner.)

And FWIW Fifth, while I think you could be trying to explode the Silver vote, I also strangely think that your early pre-Aman hops are a good look. Just need more reading.

Edited to add: Needless to say, I think this is potentially a good look for Nerdy as the main CW to Silver. Aman as the secondary CW is more unclear to me due to this being last-minute.

Edited by Kasimir
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6 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

-Aman swaps to Nerdy and makes case for

I did not make a case for Nerdy. I was perfectly happy on Silver until Fifth came in and voted Silver, then voted Xino, then attempted to get either Hael or myself voted out. I only swapped to Nerdy to see how Fifth would react, then both Stick and you voted for Silver so I felt no need to vote Silver again.

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Just now, Amanuensis said:

I did not make a case for Nerdy. I was perfectly happy on Silver until Fifth came in and voted Silver, then voted Xino, then attempted to get either Hael or myself voted out. I only swapped to Nerdy to see how Fifth would react, then both Stick and you voted for Silver so I felt no need to vote Silver again.

Cool, speedread woes :P I will correct that on re-read.

To reiterate though as my edit probably came at the same time as your post:

-I think there should be some reason to V!read Nerdy from this - I do think it's at core a good look that Nerdy was the designated CW to Silver.
-I am not so sure about Aman - I just find that CW weird and need to re-read (sorry I keep saying this! But y'all get 60% Kas until my report is done) but prima facie, being a secondary CW should also look mildly good.

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Just now, Amanuensis said:

There's a remarkable difference between your behavior D1 EoD (when the votes were between v!Danex and Kas, who I presume you v!read at the time as well) and whatever your D2 EoD was. You called the Danex yeet bad but never called anyone to action or pushed an alternative. You did, however, do that when Silver was in danger. In danger specifically because of me.

I've overly explained why I stayed static during the Dannex yeet. In this case, there actually seemed like the possibility of another train while D1 there really didn't.

And besides. You're arguing that to try to save my teammate Silver, I unvote the main countertrain and go elsewhere? I definitely would have stayed on Nerdy. 

2 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I put Silver in the lead above Nerdy and Xino. See my reasoning.

Yeah, five hours ago :P. Doesn't mean a whole lot when you ended on Nerdy.

3 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

You didn't fight this hard for a village read and Kas on D1. Why did you feel so strongly to fight against Silver?

I think you're way overstating how much I v!read Silver. I made more posts complaining about the exe D1 than I did D2. I can link them later if you want.

I'll ask you the same. You stayed static EoD D1. Why the multiple switching this EoD?

6 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

I repeat my point against Silver and you for Kas, who just re-entered thread. Does this spook you enough to jump on my train?

Spook is the wrong word but yeah, your repeated false notion did catch my attention. Why does e!me not stay on Nerdy? Why does v!you repeat this and stay on Nerdy?

7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

Well the thing you didn't like was me voting an elim. Now you're trying to spin it on me?

That is not the thing I didn't like, and you didn't end on an elim :P.

7 minutes ago, Amanuensis said:

You're going to have to walk me through on how Silver and I are teamed, cause I feel that's a huge stretch considering everything above.

How is it a huge stretch lol. You began your argument by stating that you voted Silver five hours ago, ignoring the fact that you ended on Nerdy. You then say nothing else about your own relation to Silver except that you teamed him with me, again ignoring the fact that despite that point of yours you didn't vote Silver. Feels to me like you were setting me up for Silver's fall. You put it out to be that you're an obvious non-pairing with Silver when that is obviously not the case when you just look at the voting.

1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

I only swapped to Nerdy to see how Fifth would react

Every single time someone has called out one of your votes this game, this has been your explanation. I just don't buy it anymore :P.

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3 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

A mutual EoD reread will be beneficial; get everyone's thoughts. You don't look great from it I don't think, tbh :P. Agree with the Hael clear. Let's have a look.

It progresses, more or less, like so:

  • I break the silence by reiterating my v!read of Silvereye (whoops)
  • Aman questions why I posted that, in contrast to him remaining silent when I posted similar things about Dannex.
  • Fifth votes Silvereye, which I'd forgotten about, and even though he didn't end there I think this is a positive look for him. More positive than negative at least? Interested in other thoughts about this in particular.
  • Aman goes onto Nerdy, an obvious bad look.
  • Fifth continues to find random alternatives which tbh I kind of find villagery. Like I sympathize with that panic :P. As an elim I'm way frozen in situations like that.
  • Stick votes Fifth which could be sus but isn't due to where she ended and I totally get why she voted Fifth lol
  • Hael votes Silver. Willing to agree he can be pretty much cleared from this.
  • Kas votes Nerdy, and my opinion of this is the same as with Stick-- it could be sus, but it isn't, because Kas swapped back to Silver two seconds later.
  • I vote Aman. I don't get points for my Silver read, but I can probably get points for not staying on Nerdy? :rolleyes: 
  • Stick and Kas both swap to Silver. Also pretty willing to almost clear that.


Near-clears (I think): Hael, Stick, Kas

Standouts: Aman, Fifth

Fifth more of a question to me but I'd like to hear other thoughts. I also want to look back at the voting before EoD, particularly the timing of Devo's. The clear I'm least confident on is Stick since I think she'd be most willing to bus there but I also already village read her so /shrug

Also rereading my point about Aman from right at EoD I don't think it makes any sense lol like I was arguing that his attention on my v!read of Silvereye as opposed to Dannex meant that he and Silvereye were teamed but Aman was implying that Silver and I were evil together.

Though he didn't act on that repeated notion. He voted Nerdy. Alongside me.

And his first post today doesn't fit with that. So I dunno.

Aw, so no fun Winzik doubling the elim countertrain was happening? :P.

Thanks for the EoD summary. I am pretty willing to clear the entire Silver wagon—Kas, Devo and Stick were already village reads, and unless it was a *very* clever pre-arranged bus there’s no way to read Hael’s vote as not-village. If you and Aman both flip Village we can start talking buses but there’s zero reason to doubt them now, yeah. 

Have read Aman’s post and am convinced that what he *said* over the course of the cycle matters less than his final vote. When the chips were down, he was pushing Nerdy over Silver. 

1 minute ago, Amanuensis said:

I did not make a case for Nerdy. I was perfectly happy on Silver until Fifth came in and voted Silver, then voted Xino, then attempted to get either Hael or myself voted out. I only swapped to Nerdy to see how Fifth would react, then both Stick and you voted for Silver so I felt no need to vote Silver again.

Also I’m not letting this historical revisionism go unchallenged :P Stick and Kas’ votes were pretty much hammers. “No need” to switch back isn’t something you’d have had a ton of time to actually decide on. You ended with a vote on Nerdy, the main counter-wagon. Also, my Silver vote lasted for about five minutes. If I was intending to shotgun the shrek ahead of everything else and make panic, I had no reason to immediately rescind and make it close with a Xino vote almost immediately thereafter. I’d have stayed on Silver. It doesn’t work otherwise :P 

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Just now, Kasimir said:

Cool, speedread woes :P I will correct that on re-read.

To reiterate though as my edit probably came at the same time as your post:

-I think there should be some reason to V!read Nerdy from this - I do think it's at core a good look that Nerdy was the designated CW to Silver.
-I am not so sure about Aman - I just find that CW weird and need to re-read (sorry I keep saying this! But y'all get 60% Kas until my report is done) but prima facie, being a secondary CW should also look mildly good.

To clarify, I strongly feel I'm more responsible for the Silver yeet than most. I deliberately kept it in the lead until the end to bait Silver's teammates.

Me as early as 8 hours ago, when only Stick and you were voting Silver:

8 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Right. Hael's got some things in his favor, while I do believe he could have done those things while an elim, Devo is a big null, and Fifth I kinda just expect more from? I was hoping to get some group discussion going on them with my votes, since I'm down for a Silvereye yeet but would prefer more discussion outside the low-actives.

I hadn't really considered those who voted Dannnex tbh. I've been thinking more about the JNV kill and who I think would have caught them.

Stick eventually unvotes Silver, but then Wizard joins you:

6 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I am and I just lost this post and my energy is starting to crash down.

Yes it is, because I feel that there is more credence for E!Aman if Bookwyrm flips E, but I'm not quite sure about E!Bookwyrm anymore.

Yeah, you've got my style pinned down pretty well. xD

I'll need to change it when RNG gives me the chance to.

No, yes, maybe, all the above???

I'm going to grab a nap, get some homework done, and another reread before I commit to voting.

Or well I actually might.

At least have my highest three E!reads which yes, are kinda sheeping Kas a bit lot. But it's the conclusions that I came to by myself and Kas is supporting them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Xino, Nerdy, Silver.

Xino because the inactivity problem a bit and then he just jumped to voting Kas. Don't really know if this would be advised in doc or he was just skimming and went with the mood.

Nerdy, their votes are too opportunistic and strange. They vote Kas because Kas seemed like someone other people would go up against??? Is Nerdy just evil and didn't quite understand the rules? I...I can't quite tell if it's new playerness or evilness

Silver...I can't quite remember, I think it had to do with their vote being stable? Or no, wait it was that they were pinged and asked a question but just lurked and didn't post, I think.


@InfiniteInsanity @ExoticAlmond @Ookla Carried by the Wind 

@Ookla the Nerdy

Can you each tell us your highest E read (Evil read, who you think is the spy and trying to murder the inner circle) and your highest V read (who you think is the least likely to be evil or a spy.)

Not long after, I add the third vote and keep it there until the very end, when Fifth came swinging at everyone but Nerdy:

5 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

Yay. Maybe you can help me form more reads.

ED1T: @Szeth_Pancakes


I find it interesting that a lot of people in my PoE have avoided this train


Specifically that both Nerdy and Xino are voting each other but neither is voting Silver. I.E. both of them work on teams with Silver.

Look how long it stuck:

1 hour ago, Amanuensis said:



I'm kinda thinking about Nerdy.



Bonus Extra Mat-Silver connections:

10 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I felt that Silvereye's post felt villagery in its effort and that his Dannex vote was one of the better ones (that's a low bar, granted) but since all of his other games have been lower activity, under the radar iirc I'd expect a first time (?) elim to not post that and continue to do what he's been doing. That read has a lot of assumptions about it but I'm ok with it for now.

This post came only when Stick and Kas were voting them. Protective from the start, eh? More protective of Silver than their v!read Danex or Kas? I don't buy it.

10 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

The people I'm fine calling village are Kas, Silvereye, Stick, Bookwyrm, and Devo. Stick and Devo in particular are kinda sheeping but Stick's D2 has been good for me so there's that. My two strongest e reads are probably Nerdy and Aman, and I vote Aman over Nerdy mostly because I'm far more likely to get a response one way or another. Of course this is where Wiz ninja's me with an unvote.

Weird how Nerdy and I were Mat's sus' over Silver.

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