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Acronyms for people new to the Cosmere


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When I first joined 17thshard, I was confused about some of the acronyms. I have created a list of all the ones I can think of to make them less confusing for new people.

TFE: The Final Empire

WoA: Well of Ascension

HoA: Hero of Ages

AoL: Alloy of Law

SoS: Shadows of Self

BoM: Bands Of Mourning

TLM: The Lost Metal

TLR: The Lord Ruler

WoK: Way of Kings

WoR: Words of Radiance

OB: Oathbringer

RoW: Rhythm of War

KoWT: Knights of Wind and Truth

WoB: Words of Brandon

SotD: Sixth of the Dusk

Does anyone know of any that I've forgotten?

Edited by SPECTRE120
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ES - Emperor's Soul

CR/PR/SR Cognitive, physical, and Spiritual realm respectively.

DS: Dawnshard(the book, never used to refer to actual Dawnshards)

ED: Edgedancer (the book, never used to refer to the Order)

A-metal: allomantic metal, where metal can be any of the 16 gold, steel, iron etc

F-metal: feruchemical version of the above.

H-metal Hemalurgic version of the above.

Edited by Frustration
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