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Awesome! :)


Can I please have a basic rundown of how these kind of games work? Everyone does like a separate storyline and then they interconnect, or what? (I've never done something like this before, in case that isn't glaringly obvious :P)


I know nothing about American cities so it doesn't make much difference to me. You'll just have to put up with me messing up setting details anyway :)

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Everyone controls a character or a handful of characters and is responsible for their development and interactions with their environment and other characters. So an intro post would just be a piece about your character or characters, where they are, what their life is like, and how they get involved in the storyline. Leftinch, Joe and I have already posted ours in the "What Happened in Oregon" thread, if you need ideas/examples. 


As for interactions, a typical one would go like this: 


Player1: Sparky the Happy Giraffe cantered over to the group gathered in the bog. "I love bogs," he said. "I sure am happy." 


Player2: "You're an idiot," said Grumpy the Dwarf. 


Player1: Sparky was hurt. "Why am I an idiot?" 


And so on. It's basically just a story, but with each person controlling one or two characters instead of one author controlling them all. So it's a little more surprising. 


Ooooohhhhhhh, you should read some of my early HP fan fiction. (Read: NO. NO YOU SHOULDN'T.) An American high schooler writing for British teens = an okay story but with too many Americanisms tossed in. There's a "How to Brit-Check Your Stories" floating around on FF.net somewhere, and I'm pretty sure one of my stories inspired almost all of the "What NOT to Do" points. 


Google some pictures of the cities if you want to have Mel start there. All you need to know to start is that Oregon has a lot of forests—pines, birches, willows, all kinds of trees, as well as ferns and other scrubs. Blackberries grow wild, and in some towns (like Newport) you can walk down the sidewalk and there'll be a blackberry thicket with ripe berries just waiting to be picked if they're in season. There's a lot of streams and rivers and thick grass. It's usually pretty chilly there (75 F is warm for the summer; in some places it can get down to 50 during the day in June) and it rains frequently. Usually just a light misting rain, which Oregonians ignore. You won't see a lot of umbrellas among Oregon or Washington natives. 

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Oregon sounds more like a country town than a city to me! Sounds like a nice place :)


Okay so if I majorly mess up details, just let me know. I will do my best to be accurate.


(and don't worry - i'm pretty sure people trying to write Australia are all like KANGAROOS! IN THE STREETS! RIDING THEM TO SCHOOL! which is just...no. I'm not sure those people even try. XD)

Edited by Delightful
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It's gorgeous. Even the cities are like that—there are trees everywhere and parks all over the place, with duck ponds and little footbridges and bike paths going straight through the woods. Oh, and there's lots of BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land, so there are acres and acres of untouched forest that usually sit right up against somebody's property. My grandmother used to own a small farm, and two hundred feet from her house was the BLM land boundary, so she basically had this gorgeous forest right in her backyard. Deer and quail would come up to her windows. The forests aren't off-limits or anything, so I'd imagine a few people would try to rough it once things got bad between the Epics. (That's what I'd do. And a lot of Oregonians. There's a TON of preppers—people who are storing up food for any apocalypse that might come—so there would probably be an increase in the Northwestern mountain man population.) 


I actually said "NOOOO" when Megan told David Oregon had been destroyed in the turf wars. I vote we make it so she was exaggerating slightly. 

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I added more to Altermind's appearance. Here it is:

Appearance: Not many know his true appearance as he often causes people to think he looks differently than his real self.

He is a shorter-than-average, quite scrawny twenty-four year old. He has pale blue eyes and short blond hair in a buzz cut. He has a birthmark on his neck and many freckles. Only a few people in the entire country know what he looks like. Most were killed. Since he became an Epic, he has changed everyone's perception of himself.

His standard hallucination is a tall, muscular man in his late twenties. That's who most people recognize as Altermind. He is very tan and has wavy, blond hair with brown eyes.

Altermind always carries a handgun in his underarm holster and a pouch of bullets on his hip. He usually carries a rifle on his back, but not always. A bulletproof vest is what he eats, sleeps and breathes in. He can't stand not having that protection.

Hometown: Portland

I'll be posting my intro soonish today. Delightful, what do you think about my human character working with yours? We can take this into PM's, if you want.

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That's why I suggested Oregon. I've lived there all my Life, And I'm not going to let it Burn!


David has never been to Oregon. We can assume Megan spends most of her time in Newcago. We can also assume that Epics exaggerate when talking about the damage they did. Oregon is okay. It has to be! It has to be okay! 

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Epic Name: Ricochet


Human Name: Finch Walker


Age: 29


Appearance: Tall, thin, spiky blond hair. like in my profile


Epic Powers: Bouncing, and something to do with fire :)


Weakness: Not telling you lot.


Job: Used to work as a mechanic. Now I'm an Epic. Epic's are too epic for jobs.


I apologize TheoryMaker for copying your status sheet, but i was feeling pretty lazy and I liked your format.

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Oh Mailliw, I mentioned my character learning your Epic's Name. The way I see this going, My character is going to learn more about your Epic, and decide that you do more bad then good, but I do want my Character to, TeleKidnap you, just to have a private discussion. I want to start saving Vanilla's from different Epics, and I was hoping I could leave them in your town.

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