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It's not that it would stop him really, it's just that... yeah I have no words to describe what it is :P

I kind of have a vague image of how it works in my mind but I'm not entirely sure how to turn it into words.

If it wouldn´t stop him, how would it help in imprissoning him... You know what? Let´s just drop this topic I doubt we´ll come to a conclusion.


So feel like having them meet later on?

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If it wouldn´t stop him, how would it help in imprissoning him... You know what? Let´s just drop this topic I doubt we´ll come to a conclusion.


So feel like having them meet later on?

Agreed :P

Yeah sounds good, and I promise not to shrink any doors.

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I suppose the only way I can explain Zips powers is to say that it's all relative, the doors the same size, it's only smaller relative to the rest of the world. But now that I've said that it still doesn't make sense. :( I think I'm just going to have to say that it's magic and leave it at that :P

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The problem with that is that it just means that you can break physics, it doesn´t explain how you´re breaking it.


Now, on to something saner. like the alternative disco-ending. With no PoV in particulary.

Lucentia entered the cottage´s dining room. There she could see a group of five people sitting around the table. Following her impulse she jumped into the room. “Let´s dance!” With that she grabbed Revolution and whirled her in a pirouette and at the confused Sam.


Funtimes all but jumped out of her seat. “Your arm is shiny!” As she slammed her hands on the table the room morphed. Out of the walls pushed speakers and a section of the ceiling pulled itself into a disco ball, filling the entire room with loud cheerful music and colorful lights.


The queen pointed at Funtimes “You got it!” Multiple small vaguely human shaped diamond constructs jumped out of her body. All of them formed a line next to Lucentia and started a synchronized dance.


Under the buzzing light Funtimes slithered over the table and on its other side, right in front of Lucentia and beckoned the others over. On her command the waffles, using their five segments to copy a human body, on the breakfast table stood up and joined her, forming another dance line opposite to the diamond one. The unicyclist drove through the two rows, spinning on his wheel and bursting out jets of flames that illuminated the two women and their creations.


With a loud woohoo Lucentia jumped on the table. Her flesh arm raised to the air and shooting out diamond dust that further sparkled with the disco-light, at the same time she formed her diamond hand into a microphone and held it to her mouth, at the same time tilting herself backwards. “It´s a shiny Epic dance party!” Diamonds grew out of her feet and expanded the table into a dance floor.


Still baffled Nathan snapped to attention as Funtimes grabbed his sleeve and teleported them on the dance floor, where they were quickly surrounded by a circle of diamond and waffle people dancing cha-cha-cha with each other. Next to the couple section Lucentia danced to the beat of the music and invited the others to join them.


Also how comes we didn´t make any jokes about the emporor´s new clothes yet, after the last Nathan segment?

Edited by Edgedancer
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The problem with that is that it just means that you can break physics, it doesn´t explain how you´re breaking it.


Now, on to something saner. like the alternative disco-ending. With no PoV in particulary.

Lucentia entered the cottage´s dining room. There she could see a group of five people sitting around the table. Following her impulse she jumped into the room. “Let´s dance!” With that she grabbed Revolution and whirled her in a pirouette and at the confused Sam.


Funtimes all but jumped out of her seat. “Your arm is shiny!” As she slammed her hands on the table the room morphed. Out of the walls pushed speakers and a section of the ceiling pulled itself into a disco ball, filling the entire room with loud cheerful music and colorful lights.


The queen pointed at Funtimes “You got it!” Multiple small vaguely human shaped diamond constructs jumped out of her body. All of them formed a line next to Lucentia and started a synchronized dance.


Under the buzzing light Funtimes slithered over the table and on its other side, right in front of Lucentia and beckoned the others over. On her command the waffles, using their five segments to copy a human body, on the breakfast table stood up and joined her, forming another dance line opposite to the diamond one. The unicyclist drove through the two rows, spinning on his wheel and bursting out jets of flames that illuminated the two women and their creations.


With a loud woohoo Lucentia jumped on the table. Her flesh arm raised to the air and shooting out diamond dust that further sparkled with the disco-light, at the same time she formed her diamond hand into a microphone and held it to her mouth, at the same time tilting herself backwards. “It´s a shiny Epic dance party!” Diamonds grew out of her feet and expanded the table into a dance floor.


Still baffled Nathan snapped to attention as Funtimes grabbed his sleeve and teleported them on the dance floor, where they were quickly surrounded by a circle of diamond and waffle people dancing cha-cha-cha with each other. Next to the couple section Lucentia danced to the beat of the music and invited the others to join them.


Also how comes we didn´t make any jokes about the emporor´s new clothes yet, after the last Nathan segment?

In a breaky way :P

I don't want any more disco endings, I'm still having nightmares after the last one, I don't even want to think about what's goingg to happen in the Halloween RP.

I've been waiting for those too, although I'm sure it'll be more appropriate once Funtimes takes his clothes away again :P

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The problem with that is that it just means that you can break physics, it doesn´t explain how you´re breaking it.

Now, on to something saner. like the alternative disco-ending. With no PoV in particulary.

Lucentia entered the cottage´s dining room. There she could see a group of five people sitting around the table. Following her impulse she jumped into the room. “Let´s dance!” With that she grabbed Revolution and whirled her in a pirouette and at the confused Sam.

Funtimes all but jumped out of her seat. “Your arm is shiny!” As she slammed her hands on the table the room morphed. Out of the walls pushed speakers and a section of the ceiling pulled itself into a disco ball, filling the entire room with loud cheerful music and colorful lights.

The queen pointed at Funtimes “You got it!” Multiple small vaguely human shaped diamond constructs jumped out of her body. All of them formed a line next to Lucentia and started a synchronized dance.

Under the buzzing light Funtimes slithered over the table and on its other side, right in front of Lucentia and beckoned the others over. On her command the waffles, using their five segments to copy a human body, on the breakfast table stood up and joined her, forming another dance line opposite to the diamond one. The unicyclist drove through the two rows, spinning on his wheel and bursting out jets of flames that illuminated the two women and their creations.

With a loud woohoo Lucentia jumped on the table. Her flesh arm raised to the air and shooting out diamond dust that further sparkled with the disco-light, at the same time she formed her diamond hand into a microphone and held it to her mouth, at the same time tilting herself backwards. “It´s a shiny Epic dance party!” Diamonds grew out of her feet and expanded the table into a dance floor.

Still baffled Nathan snapped to attention as Funtimes grabbed his sleeve and teleported them on the dance floor, where they were quickly surrounded by a circle of diamond and waffle people dancing cha-cha-cha with each other. Next to the couple section Lucentia danced to the beat of the music and invited the others to join them.

Also how comes we didn´t make any jokes about the emporor´s new clothes yet, after the last Nathan segment?

What could have been, were Lucentia less of a meanieface. *sigh* She's only cheating herself....:P

Maybe because nobody really wants to picture Lightwards as the emperor of that story? ;)

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What could have been, were Lucentia less of a meanieface. *sigh* She's only cheating herself.... :P

Maybe because nobody really wants to picture Lightwards as the emperor of that story? ;)

And now I can't get said picture out of my head.

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This is one of those times I'd rather I had a less vivid imagination, good for writing and problem solving, less good for having terrifying pictures in your head.

Don´t worry there will come a time where even the most disturbing imagery is natural to you. It´s called joining the dark side. :D

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Don´t worry there will come a time where even the most disturbing imagery is natural to you. It´s called joining the dark side. :D

I know all about the dark side, it's one of the main suppliers of cookies for the dark alley :P

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"...And then the little boy said, 'But the Emperor has no clothes!'

"The Emperor grew red with anger, grabbed a pistol off one of his guards, and shot the lad in the chest. One minute later, the boy trailed behind the Emperor as a brand-new zombie.

"So the moral of the story is: When your Emperor can command legions of undead, he can march naked down the street whenever he pleases. Best for everyone if you don't comment on it."

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I know all about the dark side, it's one of the main suppliers of cookies for the dark alley :P

You´re not a true member of the dark side until you can embrace even the disco endings. :P


"...And then the little boy said, 'But the Emperor has no clothes!'

"The Emperor grew red with anger, grabbed a pistol off one of his guards, and shot the lad in the chest. One minute later, the boy trailed behind the Emperor as a brand-new zombie.

"So the moral of the story is: When your Emperor can command legions of undead, he can march naked down the street whenever he pleases. Best for everyone if you don't comment on it."

That moral only counts for little boys though, if you´re another Epic he can´t just shot feel free to humiliate him all you want.

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Toy's can't have powers. When Toymaker was introduced, she made a copy of CorpseMaker but the copy couldn't use his powers. So she could make the Infinity Gauntlet, but it wouldn't be able to destroy the universe.




Yes. Either or. Upgrade preferably. Hmm, Should we change his name to Uber Charge?

 Okay, I'll get that up later today.  

I'm thinking of doing a Strongsteel post but the introductions seem to be over with and I'm not really sure what's going on in TT at the moment. Any suggestions?

  People should be beginning to wake up and do things, but most are NPCs. I plan to get up an Altermind/Mare post today as well but if you want to write Strongsteel accepting Altermind's offer, we can get him a job.

There's also getting SS to the zoo. ;)

Maybe reactions to Altermind´s offer or just asking him if he has a job for you or where your rooms are.


At least not in connection with Lucentia but he was still around the fractured states at that time, so it´s not impossible to have heard of him period.


May the choclate looking sheep sing you a tasty song.

 Yeah, that's what I had in mind.  

You´re not a true member of the dark side until you can embrace even the disco endings. :P


That moral only counts for little boys though, if you´re another Epic he can´t just shot feel free to humiliate him all you want.

Or if you're Remington Springfield. Then you can ignore his orders and just humiliate and then shoot him over and over.
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 Yeah, that's what I had in mind.   Or if you're Remington Springfield. Then you can ignore his orders and just humiliate and then shoot him over and over.


I should write a book: From NPC to Resident Badchull: How I Went from a Redneck with a Cool Name to the One Who Killed them All by Remington Springfield. 

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Here's Backtrack's bio + pony. He's not what you would call an important character, so there's not much to tell about him.


Pre-Calamity Information


Before Calamity, Backtrack was known as Victor Lloyd, a mild-mannered 7-Eleven employee from San Francisco. He was not what you might call a notable figure: when he wasn't working his shift, he was usually playing online video games or watching an assortment of science fiction programs on DVD. He was fairly content with his life--the only time he ever felt disgruntled or powerless was when Firefly was cancelled. Not only was he content, he was a proud man, relishing his position as a small wiki administrator and his knowledge of obscure Doctor Who trivia.


Powers and Abilities


When Calamity appeared, Victor Lloyd gained a twofold power. He became capable of instantly divining a human being's path in life at a glance. By looking at a man, he could tell where he was born, where he spent most of his childhood, or even more subtle details like where he went for breakfast that morning.


His second power was similar in nature. When standing in any place, Victor could see its history unfold before its eyes. He could step onto the Californian street and watch Indian battles from centuries before; he could see primordial dinosaurs hunting in swamps from millions of years previously. And most intriguingly of all, he could peer into the minds of any human who'd come before him: by standing by the sidewalk, he could see precisely what was going through the minds of every person who'd ever walked on that street.


While an average man would be humbled to see eternity unfold before his eyes, Backtrack's powers only filled him with an inflated sense of self-importance.


Current Status


Backtrack was quickly run out of San Francisco, as the Epics who took over the city were unhappy with a man who could see into their pasts so easily. He roamed up and down the west coast for a few years, scavenging and occasionally working for more powerful Epics. Most recently, he was intrigued by what his powers showed him by the side of an Oregon road. He peered into the road's history, and found that two months previously, the Epic Möbius had killed another Epic and left his body in a ditch. Backtrack was fascinated to see that the man had eventually gotten up and walked in the direction of a nearby city.


Curious to meet his first resurrection Epic, he decided on a whim to follow Lightwards into Portland.





Backtrack, really rocking a pair of pink-tinted sunglasses.

Edited by Kobold King
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Here's Backtrack's bio + pony. He's not what you would call an important character, so there's not much to tell about him.


Pre-Calamity Information


Before Calamity, Backtrack was known as Victor Lloyd, a mild-mannered 7-Eleven employee from San Francisco. He was not what you might call a notable figure: when he wasn't working his shift, he was usually playing online video games or watching an assortment of science fiction programs on DVD. He was fairly content with his life--the only time he ever felt disgruntled or powerless was when Firefly was cancelled. Not only was he content, he was a proud man, relishing his position as a small wiki administrator and his knowledge of obscure Doctor Who trivia.


Powers and Abilities


When Calamity appeared, Victor Lloyd gained a twofold power. He became capable of instantly divining a human being's path in life at a glance. By looking at a man, he could tell where he was born, where he spent most of his childhood, or even more subtle details like where he went for breakfast that morning.


His second power was similar in nature. When standing in any place, Victor could see its history unfold before its eyes. He could step onto the Californian street and watch Indian battles from centuries before; he could see primordial dinosaurs hunting in swamps from millions of years previously. And most intriguingly of all, he could peer into the minds of any human who'd come before him: by standing by the sidewalk, he could see precisely what was going through the minds of every person who'd ever walked on that street.


While an average man would be humbled to see eternity unfold before his eyes, Backtrack's powers only filled him with an inflated sense of self-importance.


Current Status


Backtrack was quickly run out of San Francisco, as the Epics who took over the city were unhappy with a man who could see into their pasts so easily. He roamed up and down the west coast for a few years, scavenging and occasionally working for more powerful Epics. Most recently, he was intrigued by what his powers showed him by the side of an Oregon road. He peered into the road's history, and found that two months previously, the Epic Möbius had killed another Epic and left his body in a ditch. Backtrack was fascinated to see that the man had eventually gotten up and walked in the direction of a nearby city.


Curious to meet his first resurrection Epic, he decided on a whim to follow Lightwards into Portland.





Backtrack, really rocking a pair of pink-tinted sunglasses.


I like the sunglasses. :) 

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I like the sunglasses. :)


They'll become canon as soon as he's introduced. They're part of his Epic outfit, and only the bravest souls dare make fun of them.


But you know, it' a good thing he's not going anywhere with a bunch of snarky vanillas with a love of mocking Epics. :P


(Personally, I think pink sunglasses are cool.)



I should write a book: From NPC to Resident Badchull: How I Went from a Redneck with a Cool Name to the One Who Killed them All by Remington Springfield. 


I would totally read that.

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