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Frustration's Firepower Index: Lumar


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Welcome to Frustration's Firepower Index, a collection of threads giving a comprehensive analysis of each cosmere world's combat capabilities. This thread will focus on the world of Lumar, as it appears in Tress of the Emerald Sae.


Shards: None 0/4.5


Dawnshards: None 0/1


Defenses: Lumar has no known perpendicularity, making it only accessable from the CR, additionally it is covered in massive spore oceans that are increadibly deadly to most forms of life. Additionally a naval force must be assembled in order to control any significant area, which severely hinders the ability of any invading forces. 3/5.5


Offenses: Lumar has no known perpendicularity, however Zephyr spores can be used to effectuate space travel, however they are imprctical for reaching other planets.


Ladder Contact 6814

What are the other six types of spores we didn't get to see in the book? Were there any that you really wanted to include, but couldn't?

Brandon Sanderson

No. When I've written books, I tend to gravitate toward a couple of the aethers that are really the most dynamic for action scenes and things like that. Some of the other aethers are there for the necessity of the future of the Cosmere. For instance: zephyr, while very useful in this for firing cannons and stuff, is really there so that we can have propellant in space by just-add-water and make yourself some extra propellant. And atmosphere; kind of a low-tech (there's better-tech ways), but a low-tech way to: "hey, we've got zephyr aether, it makes breathable air. And so, if we've got water and a barrel of this stuff, then we'll be able to breathe." So there are some of the aethers that are there for that sort of reason, so that we can have pneumatic weaponry and some easy access to emergency propellant in space, and stuff like that.

But verdant is the one that I just keep coming back to, that one and roseite, as making for the most dynamic storytelling. We'll see what I do with some of the others. I'm not gonna answer what the ones I haven't mentioned are, because I am saving them for future books to be used and to be interesting and engaging with them.

Tress Spoiler Stream (March 31, 2023)



Natural Advantages: Lumar has no natural advantages 0/2


Armed forces: There are several kingdoms on Lumar, but the only one we see is the one in the Emerald sea, which has it's own fleet, and Zephyr cannons and guns, as well as a standing army, and other seas have developed other spore weapons, including the ability to fire spores and have them detonate near the enemy.



Economics and Technology: Lumar has well developed trade routes, mining equipment, spore guns, as well as interplanetary trade to a small degree. Additionally they have industrial mining equipment, and probably some near or post industrial technology as well. 5/7.5



  • On World: Lumar has well developed shipping lanes, and with the Sorceress gone they have opened one of the most important shipping lanes on the entire planet. 2/10
  • Off World: Lumar lacks the ability to transport supplies to other worlds. -5/3


Inteligence: Midnight Aether allows users to spy on others. 1/10.5


Counterinteligence: Lumar has no special counterinteligence: 0/9


Allies: Lumar has no allies 0/1


Notable uses of investiture: Spore eaters are largely protected from all forms of attack, and Xisis can provide boons to the natives as they are the only ones who know about him. +2


Overall ranking: 9.5/67


Recommended stratigies: Lumar is a relatively weak planet, that would likely be more trouble than they are worth to subjugate. However, if the people of Lumar could get to their moons, and collect the more useful aethers that are there, they could turn into a valuable trading planet, while still remaining potent defensively. This places them in the unique position of being the strongest of the minor shardworlds, likely able to retain independece even against larger threats if they play their cards correctly.

Edited by Frustration
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1: What do you mean by "collect the more useful aethers that are there?" Don't they have all 12 in oceans?


On 5/4/2023 at 7:56 AM, Frustration said:

Natural Advantages: Lumar has no natural advantages 0/2

The spore oceans are a big natural advantage. It's home territory that most people won't be accustomed to, and provides 5*-11* very useful fabrial components. 
*Midnight aethers are really fabrial style. The other 5 we know are, and there are at least 6 others we don't know about.

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