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Tea Leaf

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*Stretches* *Pops Knuckles* Welcome! I recently pronounced Starry Days and Sunny Nights dead for a few reason. I am sad to see it go and I know I was very energetic about it.

So here I am opening a new one almost immediately.

Firstly you can PM me to join as a player, in the PM mention your character concept or sheet, then I (and possible other DMs) will arrange you into a few groups based on time zone, similarity of characters, compatible group flow, and functionality.
If you want to Co-DM send me a PM. Since this is in very early stages you will get to play a major part in the plot and world building.

I am going to bold this, Please use the personal messenger for your character details rather than here

Players: @Argenti@Justice_Magician, @Frustration@TheGreatSnail, @BrokenPlayer, @Channelknight Fadran, @Just_a_Fan_YT, @poberl, @shortcake, @The Sibling
DMs: @The Last Fæ

To encourage competition between groups I will keep track of scores.


What to know:

  • You start at level 2
  • This will take place in PMs
  • Potentially I will compile the best of this into a more polished story thing
  • This is 5th edition D&D
  • I will for one teach you how to play
  • Homebrew allowed
  • Homebrew used

Things you will probably get:

  • Your own character arc!
  • Dungeons
  • Dragons
  • Pathfinding
  • Depressing scenes in the rain
  • Downtime
  • Functioning as a dysfunctional guild
  • Being screamed at by a demented god
  • Swords
  • Magic
  • More swords
  • Decent descriptions
  • Nightblood being wielded by Rayse Given the recent ban on invested weapons this feature has been removed
  • A Probably Non-Cosmere setting

Approved features: Dragonmarks

Don't let it scare you, it will be used to better and enhance the world

Approved Instantly: An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby (16 points)
Good Place to Look: DnD wiki


Edited by The Last Fæ
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I would like to try if that's alright, I've played DnD before but I am not super great at it so we'll see how this goes . . .

just give me a little while to come up with a character

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7 hours ago, Frustration said:

Alright, lets hope this goes better this time.

*Cross fingers*
*Crosses the crossed fingers*
*Further Crossing ensues until arms are tied in a bow*

8 hours ago, Justice_Magician said:

I would like to try if that's alright, I've played DnD before but I am not super great at it so we'll see how this goes . . .

just give me a little while to come up with a character

Very open, I have no max amount of player

9 minutes ago, BrokenPlayer said:

I shall also join this campaign

Welcome to the shard person I 100% don't know!

*Maniacal giggling*

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Just now, BrokenPlayer said:

Anyways, what are the limitations when it comes to homebrew, i know a bit of it can be super powerfull, and some of it can be super weak.  So is it limited just to races and backstories, or everything you can think of

And no matter the limitations, ill make sure mine is balanced

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31 minutes ago, BrokenPlayer said:

Anyways, what are the limitations when it comes to homebrew, i know a bit of it can be super powerfull, and some of it can be super weak.  So is it limited just to races and backstories, or everything you can think of

You provide it, and our 'council' of 'qualified' individual(s) will review it.

Also you seem to have double posted, you can use the edit option to combine them.

Edited by The Last Fæ
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I have a character that I use for almost every game by now. He's 8 and a super powerful warlock who's patron is his undead great uncle who was also a famous bard. His spells have visual effect evocative of music and he has a homebrewed magic violin (if that's allowed) that scales with his level.

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1 hour ago, ExoticAlmond said:

I have a character that I use for almost every game by now. He's 8 and a super powerful warlock who's patron is his undead great uncle who was also a famous bard. His spells have visual effect evocative of music and he has a homebrewed magic violin (if that's allowed) that scales with his level.

Sure, just send me the stats of it. What subclass would you call it? 

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