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47 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:
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u make me wanna play again but do an extreme gunslinger run with no Force 

Evgeny Karamazov stared at the message that was being promulgated, extensively.

There was a containment breach. Autonomy was free again. 

Call it a rejection, Evgeny thought. You could not justify this: not the playing around with the fragments of God. Not God Himself. Better that he had been broken, his power distributed, and the Shards contained. The latest orders from Frost had him unsettled, however. Fighting fire with fire: Evgeny understood the necessity very well. Oh, you could not, certainly, contend with a Shard entire and expect to do so without any tricks of your own.

But the Shards...they seemed to drive so many crazy. With lust for power, perhaps. Or with their own baser nature: their greed, their impulses. Power itself was corrupting, because power was the capacity to do whatever you wanted, with only the constraints of conscience, or perhaps Intent.

And then there was Hoid.

Frost had warned about that. Madness, Evgeny thought, to want to reforge that which was broken. 

You could not gaze upon the cosmere; upon worlds after worlds of suffering, of decisions made by flawed beings for the worse, and decide the cosmere was a better place with Adonalsium reborn than it was without him.

No, Evgeny thought, with a hint of irony. We damn ourselves well enough, don't we?

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LG95 Day One: A Word With You

The four split up. Frost vanished into the crowd before the rest even realized he was moving. Lorn returned to his office to monitor the surroundings, and make sure he could track the few people he knew he could trust. Sojya walked through the halls of the academy, her skeletals observing the places she could not walk. Riwleveh was in the library, floating a hundred feet in the air downloading every article on the Shards of Adonalsium her copperminds could hold.

For now, the others were largely as usual. Students discussed what powers they would use for their research and which ones, besides Autonomy, would be the most dangerous. Riwleveh waved to Telan in the library, the faculty discussed the various goings-on and what the whispers from Taldain about the return of Bavadin.

Then the foundations of the world began to shake, and a true alarm began to sound. Riwleveh sprinted to Shardic Containment, and found the door blown off its hinges. The doorman was slumped near it, not dead but dazed, struggling to point towards the containment. Autonomy’s container was still notably empty. Another container was notably no longer in proper existence.


Lorn watched as another of the sixteen panels on his screen flickered and went red. Another Shard had burst its containment; not with the subtlety of Autonomy but with the violence of an overdrained containment system. That had been… expected, with the reduced safety protocols.

Odium may have been the most dangerous of the remaining Shards. But Ruin was always most likely to break its way through.

Lorn sighed. This would cost everything. With any luck, everything but their lives.

He suddenly became aware of something else. A package on his desk. That hadn’t been there before, had it. Or maybe it was and he just couldn’t notice it until the right moment. Dragon tricks.

Lorn Haemtes opened it.

Inside was a skull.

“Hello, Haemtes,” it said in Frost's voice, mouth staying still. Only a memory, but one with a bit more independence than a letter.

“Hello. I thought you were sending the sword.”

“Too ineffective. And two dangerous. The purer form is safer in your hands.”

Lorn paled. “You mean-“

“The Last Word. It is yours. It is DESTROY.”

Lorn Haemtes shook.

"I hope you do not have to use it. But I know you will. Use it wisely, with the will of the people." And the skull fell silent.

Gods Beyond...

* * *

No one has died!

Ruin has Breached Containment!

* * *

Day One has begun! There will be an execution this cycle.

As I noted, I may change the rollover time sometime soon to better accommodate changing schedules, but for now it will stay as is. Also, the number of conversion charges / Avatars will go on unchanged.


This turn will end on 10:00 PM PDT / 5:00 AM GMT (+1 Day) on June 8th, in 48 hours. Good luck to all!


Shard Status:

  • Ambition:       CONTAINED
  • Autonomy:     BREACHED
  • Cultivation:    CONTAINED
  • Devotion:       CONTAINED
  • Dominion:      CONTAINED
  • Endowment:  CONTAINED
  • Honor:            CONTAINED
  • Invention:       CONTAINED
  • Mercy:            CONTAINED
  • Odium:           CONTAINED
  • Preservation: CONTAINED
  • Prudence:      CONTAINED
  • Ruin:               BREACHED
  • Survival:         CONTAINED
  • Whimsy:         CONTAINED
  • Valor:              CONTAINED

Player List:

  1. @The Known Novel - Ivam the Mad
  2. @Kasimir - Evgeny Karamazov 
  3. @The Wandering Wizard - The Poet
  4. @Fifth Scholar - Dr. Mattithias Gunther
  5. @Szeth_Pancakes - Liene
  6. @|TJ| - Al
  7. @DeTess - Tessa DeLoren
  8. @Archer - Oliver Cosmos
  9. @JNV - Jai
  10. @xinoehp512 - Xorial
  11. @The Last Fæ -
  12. @DrakeMarshall - Adjunct Professor Uther
  13. @Matrim's Dice - Sir Arren Brockett
  14. @Sart -
  15. @STINK - 
  16. @Elandera - Telan
  17. @Araris Valerian - 
  18. @Drake Inferno - 
  19. @TheAlpha929 - Felt Jr.
  20. @Channelknight Fadran -
  21. @Turtle - Letta Turson


  • You may only pass one Charge of Investiture or one Shard in a Passing action.
  • Charges of Investiture (whether Autonomy Charges or other Charges) held by Autonomous Players do not count towards the Autonomous Sudden Death Win Condition.
  • Multiple factions can win at the same time if they complete their (Normal or SD) win conditions at the same time. I don't think there's a way to get all 4 main factions to win at the same time, but if you all find one... congratulations?
  • Invention's Investment Ability can be used on Avatars, which will grant Invention an Autonomy Charge.
  • All actions are limited to once per cycle, unless otherwise noted (Autonomy's Shardic, Whimsy's Shardic, and Researcher returning Shards to Containment).
  • Vessel Action and Vessel Shield do not stack. Vessels can "gain" them from other sources, but that only matters if they pass their Shard while they would still have Vessel Action/Vessel Shield from another source.
  • Avatars can exist on the same Shardworld as each other.
  • Shardworlds get a new Doc each time the player list on that Shardworld changes.
  • Avatars and players will be put in the player list for each Shardworld Doc (i.e. you can't pretend you're not there).
  • Shardworld presences are not publicized in thread.
  • Hoid and Khriss's Conversions take place before Shardic Inheritance from Breaching (or other reasons).
  • Consuming Investiture does take actions.
  • Charges of Investiture that are used then Roleblocked are lost, as are Charges of Investiture used on a Roleblocked Shardworld action.
  • Hoid and Khriss do not lose Conversion Charges on Roleblocked or failed conversions.
  • In the event that Hoid and Khriss target the same player for conversion, both conversions fail.
  • The only abilities that contribute to Shardic Breaching are Researcher Siphons, Khriss's double-Siphon, and Hoid's Sabotage.
  • Returned keep the alignment and win condition they died with when they Return.
  • Valor Charges cannot be used on yourself.
  • Worldhopping is only a Day action.
  • Two players using actions to create 1-on-1 PMs with each other will consume both Charges/actions/etc and only create 1 PM.
  • Avatars only count as players for the Autonomous win condition, not for other factions' win conditions.
  • You cannot cut players in half.


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2 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Well that is certainly fewer shards than I expected to breach containment, RIP guys

I kind of want to stick around and keep trying to get a shard but I also have prior commitments to attend a Stormlight rave


People Dancing In A Glow In The Dark Party Stock Photo - Download Image Now  - Glow Stick, Nightclub, 2015 - iStock


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20 minutes ago, Ashbringer said:
  • You cannot cut players in half.


I'm really interested to know why this became a clarification and why we can't do that if we, for instance, really, really want that player dead :eyes:

Edited to add:





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4 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

I'm really interested to know why this became a clarification and why we can't do that if we, for instance, really, really want that player dead :eyes:


4 hours ago, Kasimir said:

You divide a player in half and both halves fight for supremacy and great justice on which team they will defend to the death!


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Just now, Ashbringer said:



I don't see anything wrong with that! We could sell tickets!

We could issue NFTs! We could make a killing, Ash! A literal killing! And Drake and I would totally cut you in for the profits! ;) 

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Huh, only 1 shard broke out. Ruin, could you contact me? I'd like to discuss reforming the GladOS faction with you. (obviously, don't contact me, keep quiet so that the non17th shard factions can't easily find you)

I was thinking of sharing some reads from the previous night (I liked Xinoehp's post discussing shards and strategies in particular), but we almost certainly just had two conversions, so it'll be difficult to form village reads until the conversions are done with. That having been said, I'm getting very mild elim vibes from Archer? Mostly the way they engaged with me for my priority list and then immediately backed off again after I responded feels a bit similar to last game when they engaged me over the timing of my Aman vote, which also was a bit hit-and-run without really getting stuck in at all. I'd also be up for executing Matrim, because I didn't get to do so last game despite trying for something like half the game's total runtime.


"Ruin has been broken out." Vahal's familiar voice was transmitted to Tessa's ear through the medium of a small ruby bead in her ear. It used the same basic principles as a spanreed, but to transmit the vibrations of sound instead of the movements of a pen. Tessa DeLoren had arrived in Silverlight the night before, and had found a package waiting for her in her accommodations. It contained the bead,  A pair of silver and aluminum knives and a host of other equipment that was only too familiar to her, though it had been an age or two since she had carried them.

"Ruin was one of the first to return to the field during the waning of the age of Autonomy." She replied, her voice picked up by the ruby stone in the choker she was wearing. The thing was sensitive, so she didn't have to raise her voice too much. A good thing too, as she didn't want to attract too much attention to herself as she made her way through Silverlight's crowds. "Was that the doing of one of yours?" Vahal had marked Ruin as a Shard in need of special attention, given how useful it had been to his faction.

"No, it was not." Vahal replied immediately. "I was actually hoping you had..."

"I'm nowhere near as arrogant as Ati or any of those that came after him." Tessa replied immediately. "As I said, I'm willing to observe and provide you with information, but I won't act unless I see an opportunity to avert tragedy." The lie came easily. She had her own goals here, which could prove to be very incompatible with Vahal's. She would feed him information, but beyond that, she was her own agent.

"Understood." Vahal replied. "I don't suppose you could give me a reading on Ruin's new vessel?"

"I'm on my way to do that now." She replied. "I'll call you once I'm at my destination."

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11 hours ago, Kasimir said:


Edited to add: Ngl this is making me question if Archer is Village and I s2g I wanted a goddamned chill game without giving a chull about the Village -.- My reasons for now doubting Archer can't be articulated in thread legally but I will just say that if you are a Researcher, this should be pretty obvious to you!

Is there anyone in this game who isn't a Researcher? All the evil team leaders also start with the role

5 hours ago, Kasimir said:

I'm really interested to know why this became a clarification and why we can't do that if we, for instance, really, really want that player dead :eyes:

Edited to add:


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I was assuming it was a note to self from Ashbringer regarding whether or not giving them 2.5 conversions was viable

2 hours ago, DeTess said:

Huh, only 1 shard broke out. Ruin, could you contact me? I'd like to discuss reforming the GladOS faction with you

I was thinking of sharing some reads from the previous night (I liked Xinoehp's post discussing shards and strategies in particular), but we almost certainly just had two conversions, so it'll be difficult to form village reads until the conversions are done with. That having been said, I'm getting very mild elim vibes from Archer? Mostly the way they engaged with me for my priority list and then immediately backed off again after I responded feels a bit similar to last game when they engaged me over the timing of my Aman vote, which also was a bit hit-and-run without really getting stuck in at all. I'd also be up for executing Matrim, because I didn't get to do so last game despite trying for something like half the game's total runtime.

Actually I think Bald Brandon should keep quiet so the non 17thshard factions can't find him. Or was that not a Ruin claim, BB-TKN? 

Counterpoint: the first time I responded to you I hadn't read the rules. The second time, I had, and that changed my perspective. For example, I was reminded of the doc mechanic. And how the containment thing worked. 

Slight hesitation about voting Mat or Drake today, because they accrued some suspicion N0. I tried with Drake, anyway. Logic being they're bad conversion targets. 


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3 minutes ago, Archer said:

Is there anyone in this game who isn't a Researcher? All the evil team leaders also start with the role

I assumed that because of the team leaders only Frost and Bavadin specifically had the reasercher role, neither Khrissala nor Hoid do.



Every player except for Hoid and Khrissala starts out with this Role.


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