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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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"Racine Morinthe," she said to the doorman with a smile. Kasha, her steward, wheeled her away from the door and into the great hall, and she took in her surroundings with appreciation. The colour, the light, the hubbub of conversation - it was so nice to be back in the noble scene.

"Shall I find Terin, ma'am?"


"No need. Take me out towards the centre; I'm sure he will notice soon enough."

Kasha obliged, pushing the wheeled chair towards the thickest throng of people. The chair was invaluable; without it, arthritis would leave her confined to her quarters. She had seen the craftsman paid handsomely.

As expected, she had not moved far before being interrupted. A portly man with grey hair at his temples approached her rapidly.


"Mother," he said, red-faced. "I...was not expecting your company tonight."

"I apologise for not informing you, Terin. It was a hasty decision," she lied. "But one I am glad I made."

"Everything is in hand, I assure you. Why - "

"I'm sure, I'm sure. Just humour your mother, will you? I won't pry too deeply into your affairs, I promise."

Terin leaned in. "The nobles' game has changed, Mother."

She laughed. "If you're implying that I'm too old to learn new rules, I think I'll surprise you. After all, I do so love any game where your opponent can believe he is about to win...just before you kill him. Now, be a good boy and point me to your table, so I can avoid it."

Terin sighed and walked off, gesturing vaguely towards where she assumed he would be sitting. Racine pointed Kasha in a different direction. "Find something to the side. Open enough that I may be seen, but not so much I will be approached from all directions." Kasha nodded - at least she assumed he did - and wheeled her away.

TLDR: Racine Morinthe, old woman in a wheelchair, hasn't been to a party in a while.

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So, can each House have only one player? I haven't seen any two players in the same House.


I was planning to use the House I created in MBI, Raisaal, but it seems dear QuiteContrary has beaten me to it...


Dear Shiv, you may have the name. After all, you created that House. I defer to you on this, and will change my last name accordingly if you decide to join. I did change some details (house colors), so I'll just choose another last name.


Besides, if two people have the same last name, it would look like they belong to the same House even before it is assigned. And as our GM said:




  • Family names would also be good on your characters, as it makes things a bit easier for me - But please make sure they haven't been used already, since that just makes things awkward.
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TLDR: Racine Morinthe, old woman in a wheelchair, hasn't been to a party in a while.


A wheelchair bound noble? Clearly a Mistborn :P


So, can each House have only one player? I haven't seen any two players in the same House.


Each Great House will have around four players, and each Lesser House will have two (this is dependant somewhat on player numbers). The reason that no-one has the same family name here is that the House-assignment will be done randomly. In a way, think of your family name as your cover story, and you are secretly a part of your true House (or work for them/your House is a cover for them, if you prefer).


Also, I'd just like to say that I am surprised about the number of supporting characters we have here. Not that it's a bad thing, or anything like that - In fact, it's given me a few ideas already. It's just interesting to note the differences to previous games already happening before we've even begun.


EDIT: As an aside, I have slightly tweaked the Genealogy House Power, because I realised that it didn't report on your true lineage at all as written.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Sylinia Seeris sat by herself watching the people walk about. Looking around Sylinia saw Lord Phantomhive still with his favorite toy, Lady Quitania sitting in a corner enjoying the chaos of the party, and Kassel Erikell. Sylinia tried to hide the frown on her face and pretended she didn't see him. Instead she continued looking around avoiding looking in Kassel's direction again.

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Changing my name to Quitania Elariel née Raisaal, to give way to Shiv's usage of his created House name. Shiv, I hope you don't mind me pushing the Raisaal as a maiden name instead. GM, I'll modify the RP to represent my house colors.
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First rules clarification! (if people have any, please send them. Better that they get answered before we begin than after)


House Powers

Unless stated otherwise, a House Power can be used every cycle without restriction. If it has a restriction, then that restriction applies to anyone that tries to use it - Whether they are of the original House or another. So, for instance, if a player used the Broad Investments ability to copy the Genealogy power, then no other player may use that option for that House Power for the rest of the game. Players gaining a restricted use House Power will be informed which options have been used before.


House Powers can only be lost in two ways - Firstly, if a Skaa Kill action finishes off the last player in a House with a House Power, then no-one gets that power. If a Skaa becomes head of a House with a House Power, they may spend a Special Action to destroy that power. The next player who would have received it will be notified that the power was destroyed, but not what it was or whether it has been used.



Kandra will appear in the list of players, and can only be targeted by the Iron, Steel and Skaa Kill abilities. No other Metal Actions or Special Actions may affect them. A Kandra that is injured has a 50% for their bonus vote to be lost. They lose an action as well, but as Kandra are NPCs and have only one ability each cycle, that simply means that an injured Kandra cannot act. This is only important when they have devoured a body and are reporting information, as normally a Kandra only votes, and does not use any actions otherwise.


Kandra may devour any corpse created at night (so lynch victims are not possible), and there are no restrictions as to how old the body can be. If multiple players choose the same corpse, the Kandra that takes uses that body is determined at random. Players will not be informed when a body has been taken over by a Kandra. If a Kandra is killed or devours a new set of bones, the previous body is removed from the game for good.


Also, noted the name change Quitecontrary. I almost refered to you as Quite, but that would've been confusing considering one of our new players this game :P

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Whoa, already? ...Time for me to get in and do my thing with the rules o.O


Could I check what the rules for inactivity this time are? >> I'll do my best to be active (and I don't think I'll have a big issue with it), but just in case...

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Could I check what the rules for inactivity this time are? >> I'll do my best to be active (and I don't think I'll have a big issue with it), but just in case...


As this is a Long Game, there are no real rules about inactivity. Obviously I'd prefer it if people remained active, but I would rather to do that by making the game and the opportunities enjoyable than punishing people for things that they may not be able to control. So no, there will be no punishments, though I'm sure your allies would be rather displeased with you if you disappeared on them...

Edited by Wyrmhero
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Fien still sat alone, silently observing the proceedings of the party as more and more guests had arrived. Growing bored of the endless flow of unimportant people, he had began to let his mind and attention wonder, as he idly studied the fine level of craftsmanship that the Lord Heron had put into constructing his mansion. The floors were of exquisite marble, the glossy, flowing patterns illuminating magnificently in the basking glow of the limelights above, shining through the beautiful stained glass windows that arches overhead.

Yes, he must have spent quite a shiny boxing on this place, Fien thought to himself, as he shifted his gaze around the room, looking for the so far absent Lord Heron, himself. Who is this man, and just how many connections does he have to be able to show up late to his own Ball, exactly? He should be making rounds between the guests, shaking hands and making cordial introductions. He wondered to himself about the mystery of the host for only a moment before shrugging and turning the other way. He would let the foolish scholars worry about things like that. He would busy his time with the guests. For it was always best to know your company before making your move.


He reached for his glass just as his eyes fell on the person walking on the doorway and he started, spilling a small spot of wine on his perfectly tailored dress coat, but didn't notice as his focus was still on the newest arrival at the party.

Lord Ruler, not this person! He thought to himself with dismay, Why were they invited? 

So, just for hilarity and RP sakes, I'm going to have my character have a personal beef with whoever the next person to sign up for the game is! This will be nothing personal, obviously, I just think this will be an interesting idea, but of course if the next person signing up doesn't quite feel like going along with that, I will of course not do that bit with your character, and will do it with somebody else, if anybody so wishes. :D

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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So, just for hilarity and RP sakes, I'm going to have my character have a personal beef with whoever the next person to sign up for the game is! This will be nothing personal, obviously, I just think this will be an interesting idea, but of course if the next person signing up doesn't quite feel like going along with that, I will of course not do that bit with your character, and will do it with somebody else, if anybody so wishes. :D



Challenge accepted. I'll RP my entrance when I wake up. Are you ready for this? ;)

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Can we uninvolved other-nobles set up a betting pool for how the dispute is going to go? :P


Only if the GM gets to play as well. ;)


You may have just killed off the sign-up.  :D 


It's fine, he's chosen his grudges now. You may now sign up again in (relative) safety :P

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I am going to laugh so much if all three of us end up in the same house after establishing this three-way animosity. xD


My intro/RP post should be coming in tomorrow. As of now, I'll just say "Cadri Raisaal, youngest of the main branch of Raisaal."

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Oh, you don't need to worry, Witless. after Kas (cruelly) split the toy panda into many pieces, Jain picked it up and continued travelling (if you look at my RP). Besides, the Mashadar panda is (mostly) harmless (ironic name).  :D 


You know, I've always had a theory that a dead Dreamwalker could regain physical form by absorbing the Mashadar.

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Lord Ruler, but I hate these things, Mesist thought to himself as he rode into the unloading area outside of Heron Mansion on his own horse. It wasn't the politicking that Mesist despised (he could hold his own in that right), it was the two-faced way the nobility went about it. Mesist wasn't one for games; if he liked you, he made you aware of it. If he hated you, then you'd very well know it. His more blunt demeanor actually confused some of the nobility, as they thought there must be something hiding behind his honesty.


In fact, everything about Mesist seemed to scream that he wasn't about to play their games. While other Lords and Ladies rode in carriages, Mesist arrived on horseback. As the rest of the nobility concerned themselves with fashion, Mesist's navy blue suit was out of date and disheveled from use.


No matter how much Mesist might despise these parties, he knew that the connections and contracts he could gain at them would greatly help his family in the Southern Dominance. His family were horse breeders and traders. Up until recently, they had been known for having the best horses in the Southern Dominance, but that had changed. Now the animals were getting sickly and there were many stillbirths. If something didn't change soon, his House would be desitute. That was why he had traveled north, to the very center of power itself, Luthadel, to acquire the assistance he desperately needed. 


"Lord Mesist of House A'Lees," the servant announced as Mesist entered the ballroom.


He move slightly off to the side, crossed his arms, and scanned the room. And so it begins, he thought. Another night of frozen on smiles and innuendo and - 


His thoughts cut off as he noticed a particular pompous fluff staring at him wide-eyed. 


Of course, he'd be here, He thought with a shake of his head. Mesist didn't particularly care for this Fein Urbain. In his mind, Fein was the epitome of what he hated about the nobility. Well, I should get this out of the way... 


Mesist wandered over to where Fein was standing. As he neared, Fein went from looking startled to glaring daggers at him. 


"Lord Urbain," Mesist said nonchalantly, with the barest hint of a nod. "It seems Lord Heron took it upon himself to invite just about anyone. If you're here, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that he even invited a few Skaa.

"I'm not here to antagonize you, though. You just stay out of my way and I won't have to embarrass you."


As he looked Fein up and down, Mesist smirked. "Although, it seems that you're doing a fine job of that yourself. Your shirt is already stained. You should be more careful about how much you drink. You wouldn't want these illustrious" -he said with a sneer- "people to get the wrong impression, yes?"


With that he walked away to find a glass of wine for himself and to start working on his contacts. 


I couldn't help myself with the name and if anyone can figure it out, I'll upvote their next three posts, just because! :) 

I've got quite a few questions for you, Wyrm, but I don't have a lot of time right now. I'll post them later tonight. 

Your move, Gamma! :P

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Fien glared at the back of Mesist's head as the intolerable man walked away from him with his exaggerated, confident gait. Big talk from an upjump horse farmer, Fien sneered, trying to rub out unsuccessfully rub out the stain from his shirt. He sighed and raised his left hand, giving two quick spans of the fingers. Less than a moment, a tiny, bald-headed Terris Steward approached the  table, dressed in the traditional robes of servants with its downward, overlapping triangular patterns and wearing many earrings and bracelets.

"Yes, Master Urbain?"


"Gamad, go and fetch me a new shirt," Fien explained, showing the Terrisman the wine stain on the collar of his cufflink.


"Yes Sir," Gamad said with a bow, "Which shirt would you like?"


"The one with the wooden buttons."


"All of them have wooden buttons, sir." Gamad replied drly.


"Then it doesn't which one you grab me, now does it?" Fien snapped back, and as the steward was turning away, "Also, when go to the servant's dinner later, make sure to spread some rumours about him," he added, jabbing a thumb at the arrogant Mesist who had somehow already gathered a crowd around him.


Gamad rolled his eyes. "What kind of rumours, sir? Need I remind you that last time, you tried to have me spread stories of how he bedded a maiden koloss."


"Yeah, so?"


"Obviously, nobody believed it. In fact, almost everybody realized it to be quite a blatant and petty move. And besides, nobody has ever seen a female koloss," Gamad said tersely.


Fien sighed, wondering again why he allowed his parents to stick him with such a tedious, blunt person. Weren't terrisman supposed to be timid and subservient? "Well come up with something, then!" Fien said, waving his servant away.


He didn't really care what Gamad would tell the other servants, anyway. By now, he knew nobody would honestly listen to him, not after all of the ridiculous lies Fien had tried to have him spread about the Mesist, but he knew the stories would still spread and be talked about, even if they were spoken and shared incredulously, that was still something. He couldn't even remember when the whole feud had starter, nor who had actually initiated it, but after all these years, he knew that he could just not stand that person.


Fien looked around and let out a breath of joy as he found what he was looking for, grabbing his drink and taking a sip, trying to distract himself from the recent unpleasant arrival. He figured he might as well try and enjoy the party, and the Host's free, expensive liquor, while he was here.

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Asyr was feeling lost. He had never been good at memorizing names, and it seemed that everyone was younger than him, except for Lady Morinthe, of course. One of them even had a stuffed animal! He smiled as the disheveled man rudely insulted that boy who had rudely ignored him. He decided to greet this intriguing newcomer.

"Ah, hello there. I couldn't help but hearing your argument with that arrogant prick (No offense Gamma) The enemy of my enemy is my friend, so I think we should work well together. I am Asyr Tuy. You are?"

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Tonul watched as the shoddily dressed man walked right in and insulted another noble without even attempting to be subtle.  The night was shaping up to be interesting, with a surprising number of people showing up to the Heron House Ball.  People were already mingling and forming obvious groups.  Currently, Tonul was just watching from a balcony, but he knew that he should head down eventually.  Just need to let them become a bit more separated before I move through them.

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I'm going to read through all the rules and the thread later, just wanted to pop on and sign up real quick.

Mailu Willen is a young noble in his late twenties, single, and heir to the small fortune of House Willen.

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Okay, starting my question run (sorry Sart, I'll get back to RP once I get this out):

  • Your wording is a bit confusing about what is revealed via day and night kills. 
    We learn House, Alignment (Skaa or Noble), and Powers on Day kills. On Night kills, is House and Powers revealed, but not Alignment? Also, this line: "Skaa kills will be obvious, but will not fully confirm their loyalties to The Final Empire" is throwing me off something fierce. If the Skaa kill someone, we'll be able to tell via the write up, but we won't get House Affiliation in that right? Or will Skaa kills hide Alignment? Obviously, we'd all rather be clear about the information we're getting! :P
  • Can a player abduct from being House Lord? Can they PM a heir and step down?
  • How many powers can a House start out with, or is that randomly decided? The fact that the Skaa can destroy a House Power almost suggests that there might be more than one to start out with (if a Skaa gains control of a House from the beginning, they could cripple a House otherwise). 
  • Metal Poisoning sounds ineffective from what I understand. Could you please elaborate? From the sounds of it, the House Lord chooses a Metal during the night for the upcoming day and night turns. What's to stop players from not just using that Metal during that Cycle? Or is that the idea? But if that's the case, why would anyone use that Metal during that Cycle, since they have forewarning? 
  • Obligation... This is definitely one of those areas I'd like more clarification on. Yes, No, Myself, or a Specific Player or House, I get, but the requirements to abide by such a contract, I don't. What is to stop a player from lying about the question and with such perimeters, how much leeway does the player have while still fulfilling the contract? I get the other players bit (so other Skaa or House members don't have to abide by it), but how much power does this allow?
    For example: If I ask whether or not Player A is of a certain House, is the person I asked required to answer honestly? What form of additional requirement would they need to perform? Do they have to act like that person is of said House, even if they answer dishonestly? 
    Another example: Let's say I enter into a contract with someone to vote for Person A. They can answer yes, no, or "?" Thus they would need to honor the contract and vote for that person... unless they decline? 
    Could someone make Person A claim to be Skaa when their not and then have to play that out?
    This is one of the more open and confusing things IMO. 

I'm going to stop here so far, but don't think I'm done! The informants are the biggest thing I have questions about and that's why I'm stopping now, as I need some sleep! ;)




Also, if anyone is hiding in the shadows, just observing, this is the game to sign up for. If you survive here, you can survive most of the games! Come be part of the fun! We don't bite! ... Well, we maim, but we don't bite! :P

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