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Chapter Headings

Aiken Frost

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Ok, those chapter headings always seemed to hold some secrets, since we are talking about Brandon Sanderson here... Did anyone found something in them? I think I got something.

Those faces, always in two pairs, that appears in the arches are supposed to represent the Ten Heralds, right? So anybody else noticed that there is eleven different faces?


That masked guy also do not appear in the table with all the Radiant Orders and Powers, but he appear:

- In the very first interlude, I-1 Ishikk, the one with the Purelake guy talking with Galladon and the other two;

- Chapter 12 - Unity, when Elhokar hunt a Chasmfiend and it is the first apparition of Hoid as the Wit;

- Chapter 22 - Eyes, Hands or Spheres?, where Hoid/Wit gives Dalinar an advice about people calling him a coward for his talk of abandoning the Vengeance Pact;

- Chapter 54 - Gibletish, the one Hoid/Wit says goodbye to Dalinar;

- Chapter 57 - Wandersail, It's the one Hoid/Wit tell the story to Kalladin. Of particular note is this quote:

“Ah,” the man said, eyes twinkling. “Already you prove yourself more wise than most who have been my acquaintance lately. What is it to be witty, then?”

“To say clever things.”

“And what is cleverness?”

“I…” Why was he having this conversation? “I guess it’s the ability to say and do the right things at the right time.”

Alloy of Law Spoiler:

Very similar to when Marsh used emotional allomancy on Marasi in the end of Alloy of Law.

Is Hoid using allomancy on Kalladin too?;

- And finally, in the Epillogue - Of Most Worth - when Hoid/Wit is talking with (or at) some guards and Talenel’Elin, Stonesinew, Herald of the Almighty arrives to announce the coming of a Desolation.

Very interesting.

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That's Wit. (The Masked Man, I mean)

I don't know if it's actually Wit per se, but I agree that it's the Seventeenth Shard equivalent to the Heralds.

Does Wit appear in any chapters where the Masked Man does not appear?

Also, have you found any other correlations between characters appearing in chapters and the chapter heads?

EDIT: I found one. The header that appears on the epilogue besides the Masked Man is the one in the upper left hand corner of the power chart. If number the orders using this system, that's Order #9, which is Taln's Order. And Taln shows up in the epilogue.

EDITEDIT: Could they be a numbering system, like in AoL? I don't have my book with me, so I can't verify anything.

Edited by Sir Read-a-Lot
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Does Wit appear in any chapters where the Masked Man does not appear?

Not that I remember. But the Masked Man do appear in a chapter where Wit does not: the Interlude we see Galladon e the two other worldhoppers. So, I think that the Masked Man marks an extra-rosharial influence, not Wit/Hoid specifically.

Also, have you found any other correlations between characters appearing in chapters and the chapter heads?

Not yet. Only today I noticed the eleventh face in the heading, mostly because of the image I posted in the first post. As I said, I'll probably take a while to make a second reading of The Way of Kings.

EDIT: I found one. The header that appears on the epilogue besides the Masked Man is the one in the upper left hand corner of the power chart. If number the orders using this system, that's Order #9, which is Taln's Order. And Taln shows up in the epilogue.

Awesome catch. I suspected of that, but I couldn't confirm.

EDITEDIT: Could they be a numbering system, like in AoL? I don't have my book with me, so I can't verify anything.

I don't think so... It COULD be, but I think that is a very cumbersome way to do a numbering system.

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