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Frustration's Firepower Index: Komashi


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Welcome to Frustration's Firepower Index, a collection of threads ranking the military power of various Cosmere worlds. This thread will be focusing on Komashi  as it appears at the end of Yumi and the Nightmare Painter. Fun fact the preview to this book that Brandon read was actually what inspired the FFI.


Shards: Virtuosity is splintered, rendering it unable to take an active role 0/4.5


Dawnshards: Komashi has no known Dawnshards 0/1


Defenses: Komashi has no known perpendicularity, meaning any aggressor would have to come from space, and as Komashi has relatively advanced astronomy as seen by how they could tell that Utol was inhabited via visual observations. 1/5.5


Offenses: Lacking a stable perpendicularity the only way to attack another world is through space travel. Komashi has build successful interplanetary spacecraft and they have access to the UTol space station, giving them access to the wider Cosmere, though at the moment they lack any FTL capacity I do not expect that to hold for long. .5/1


Natural advantages: Komashites have no known natural advantages. I'd place a small population here, but the only evidence to support that is the small size of the countries, but the shroud encouraged high population densities, so that isn't hard proof. 0/2


Armed Forces: Komashi has a few small nations, but no indication is given that any military presence exist. 0/12


Economics and Technology: Komashi has developed trade routes, busses, industrial power, interplanetary travel, high speed communication, unmanned drones, levitation devices as well as the ability to create all sorts of invested devices from the Spirits. 7/7.5



On world: Komashi has the ability to move large numbers of people and materials to any population centers at high speeds via busses and trains, as well as established transportation routes. 3/10

Off World: Komashi has spacecraft capable of carrying supplies as well as access to space stations needed to move them to other worlds. 2/3


Intelligence: Komashi has spirits that can form powerful Connections. 1/10.5


Counterintelligence: Komashi has devices that allow the user to see cognitive entities. 1/9


Allies: Komashi has no known allies as of yet.


Notable uses of Investiture: Komashi can build devices to sever Connection, manipulate memories, create people with heavy levels of investiture and if they really needed to: cover the entire world in invested shadow that forms creatures attracted to fear. +5


Overall Score: 20.5/67


Recommended Strategies: Komashi needs to learn how to use the Spirits and the Hion to their advantage, as well as build up an actual military presence. Getting a method of FTL should be achieved as quickly as possible. Once that has been achieved they stand quite respectably in the middle shardworlds.


So as always what do you think? Did I miss anything? And what should I work on next?

Edited by Frustration
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I'm not sure I understand your rating system. It seems arbitrary not just in individual percentage awarded, but also how large each divisor is. Why is intelligence rated on a scale of 10.5 while counterintelligence rated out of 9? Why is the Notable Uses of Investiture category the only +5 without being part of the average? Why even have decimals at all in the divisor?

I think it would be better to rate each category out of five stars, and also for you to back up some of your reasoning. Some things seem fairly self evident for a low score like the lack of an intact shard, but "Komashi has spirits that can form powerful Connections" sounds like a good thing despite you rating it a 1/10.5.

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22 hours ago, Rorzikel said:

I'm not sure I understand your rating system. It seems arbitrary not just in individual percentage awarded, but also how large each divisor is. Why is intelligence rated on a scale of 10.5 while counterintelligence rated out of 9? Why is the Notable Uses of Investiture category the only +5 without being part of the average? Why even have decimals at all in the divisor?

I think it would be better to rate each category out of five stars, and also for you to back up some of your reasoning. Some things seem fairly self evident for a low score like the lack of an intact shard, but "Komashi has spirits that can form powerful Connections" sounds like a good thing despite you rating it a 1/10.5.

The answer is pretty simple, the world that has the best score in a particular category sets the standard for all the others. For example when I added Taldain it scored a 7.5 in technology and economics, which beat out Scadrial's 6 and made 7.5 the new total that all the worlds were judged out of.


So yes Spirits are pretty good, but when Roshar has lightweavers, Ones of the Masks, the ability to duplicate documents without leaving a trace, multiple ways to speak every language and a lot more it's not that impressive.


The ranking system is explained in depth here.


Edited by Frustration
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