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Favorite Spren


Favorite spren  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite spren

    • Syl
    • Pattern
    • Stormfather
    • Maya
    • Wyndle
    • Design
    • Ivory
    • Timbre
    • The Sibling
    • Glys
    • Notum
    • Blended
    • Phendorana

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Tough choice, but I choose Pattern; he's funny, awkward, friendly, and has an alien mentality. 

Stormfather is my second favorite because he also has an interesting mindset that leads to some interesting character interactions. I also really like how he fits with Dalinar as his Radiant.

Syl is my third favorite because she has a childlike sense of wonder about her. I'm not into much of her humor or childish (yes, I know, It's a little contradictory, but that's how I honestly feel) behavior though, which is probably why she isn't higher on my list, though I can see why many people would choose her as their favorite.

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I chose Maya. The raw emotion that her speech gives in RoW is incredible. 

Second on my list is Wyndle. I love how he plays off of Lift, and how we gradually learn that he is not a voidbringer.

Third is Design, just because she is absolutely hilarious when playing off of Wit.

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12 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Syl is my third favorite because she has a childlike sense of wonder about her. I'm not into much of her humor or childish (yes, I know, It's a little contradictory, but that's how I honestly feel) behavior though, which is probably why she isn't higher on my list, though I can see why many people would choose her as their favorite.

I don't like her because of that (it's still a factor), but because of her supportive attitude. She worries about Kaladin all the time, she's always encouraging him to try one more time, be happy and take care of himself. When he is at his lowest, she's there trying her best to cheer him up and help him, even if she doesn't understand what's happening. She's there for Kaladin when he froze in OB and when he can't move on in Shadesmar, helping him, hugging him and trying her best to make him better. When Kaladin collapsed emotionally after his retirement in RoW, she was already bringing Adolin to him. She went out of her way to try to understand him, and even asked Stormfather and Dalinar to help her even if that meant messing up her own spirit web. That's why I love her, she's so supportive and helpful despite her childlike behavior.

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Currently, Maya tops the list. She has come a long way to get where she is. It is an odd sensation to be proud of a fictional character, but I am very proud of Maya. Syl will always be a favorite..she is truly amazing. Pattern goes up and down, but that's more my issue than his. The Stormfather is growing on me, but that's a product of his bond and his willingness (begrudgingly) to change. Ivory can be annoying, but he is a very logical person and I didn't really understand him very well initially. Blended's actions really gave me some much needed context on Inkspren in general, and I really enjoy Blended. Wyndle...poor Wyndle. Nottum is growing, and that's great. It's not great that he had to become a victim of the same prejudice that he dished out with alacrity, until recently..but growth is growth. Design is hilarious and amazing, and I do hope to see a lot more of her in the coming years. Glys, I feel like I know about as well as I know Renarin, which is to say, not much. I look forward to getting to know them better, with great interest. The Sibling is very similar. Even though we've gotten to see and here from them a lot "on screen," almost all of it was in a survival situation where they were very weak. So, I don't feel like I know the Sibling well enough yet. Timbre I like, Venli I didn't for a long time. I am enjoying their story because I really didn't want to forgive Venli for a long time..and it's been a good experience to do so as I walked along with her through her development. All of my favorite characters move up to the top spot and down, as the story rolls on. I can't ever pick just one favorite (at least, not for very long), and I don't plan to start now.

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3 hours ago, alder24 said:

I don't like her because of that (it's still a factor), but because of her supportive attitude. She worries about Kaladin all the time, she's always encouraging him to try one more time, be happy and take care of himself. When he is at his lowest, she's there trying her best to cheer him up and help him, even if she doesn't understand what's happening. She's there for Kaladin when he froze in OB and when he can't move on in Shadesmar, helping him, hugging him and trying her best to make him better. When Kaladin collapsed emotionally after his retirement in RoW, she was already bringing Adolin to him. She went out of her way to try to understand him, and even asked Stormfather and Dalinar to help her even if that meant messing up her own spirit web. That's why I love her, she's so supportive and helpful despite her childlike behavior.

I totally agree. Syl genuinely cares about Kaladin in a way that you don’t really see with the other Radiants.

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4 hours ago, alder24 said:

I don't like her because of that (it's still a factor), but because of her supportive attitude. She worries about Kaladin all the time, she's always encouraging him to try one more time, be happy and take care of himself. When he is at his lowest, she's there trying her best to cheer him up and help him, even if she doesn't understand what's happening. She's there for Kaladin when he froze in OB and when he can't move on in Shadesmar, helping him, hugging him and trying her best to make him better. When Kaladin collapsed emotionally after his retirement in RoW, she was already bringing Adolin to him. She went out of her way to try to understand him, and even asked Stormfather and Dalinar to help her even if that meant messing up her own spirit web. That's why I love her, she's so supportive and helpful despite her childlike behavior.

That is a pretty valid reason to make her your favorite. I like that a lot about her too, but I also really liked watching Pattern try to push Shallan to grow as well, sticking with her even when she could very possibly cause his destruction.

Come to think of it, every Spren tries to push their Radiant to grow except for the Stormfather- Dalinar pushes him to grow instead. Kind of weird, but I still like the dynamic.

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2 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

That is a pretty valid reason to make her your favorite. I like that a lot about her too, but I also really liked watching Pattern try to push Shallan to grow as well, sticking with her even when she could very possibly cause his destruction.

Agreed, Pattern does that too in his own way, and I love that about him as well. 


Btw @Stitof where is Phendorana? She deserves to be in the poll.

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1 hour ago, Treamayne said:

He also has not had more than a handful of dialog over four books and 2 novellas. That may change in the back five when he gets more screen time. 

Yeah, I think that with more dialogue Ivory could become a lot more likeable. I at least found his dynamic with Jasnah very interesting. I really liked Blended too so I'm hoping we get more Inkspren stuff later (which we definitely will).

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15 hours ago, Treamayne said:

He also has not had more than a handful of dialog over four books and 2 novellas. That may change in the back five when he gets more screen time. 

True, I should have said so far. He definitely feels different to the other radiant Spren so far to me. A little like some of the more self-righteous Honor Spren from Lasting Integrity.

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