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Mysterious Death


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Just reading over some interviews and I read mention of a 'mysterious death' in WoK that could apparently use some resources devoted to it, I couldn't find any threads on this so anyone got any ideas on this?

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There actually was a thread way back when if I'm remembering right. The concensus was that it was either Gaz, the man who was in charge of the bridgemen or Nan-Helaran, Shallan's brother. In my opinion it was probably Helaran that Brandon was refering too. Gaz's disappearance was relatively unimportant, and Brandon even considered putting it in TWoK, but I think it got cut to shorten the book, so he's saving the reveal for Stormlight 2. Also some have speculated that Helaran was the Shardbearer Kaladin killed in Alethkar. The evidence for this includes that fact that Amaram mentions the Shardbearer was Veden, and assosciated with the Ghostbloods, both catagories that fit the profile of Shallan's brother. The original thread is here, I hope this helps :D

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I'm trying to think of anyone else but I just keep coming up with the bridge crews :P and their deaths are definitely no mysterious. I think I'll have to go with Shallans brother for now, unless it's her father? I know that Shallan killed him but why? also I think she may have been speaking in terms of she caused her fathers death but didn't necessarily wield the knife so to speak.

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I kind of assumed she got the blade from her father when he died (can't remember the exact quote something about the fruit of her sins?) On the spiritual bodily cavity (lol) I thought I read somewhere that shardblades reside in shadesmar when they aren't summoned. May have just been someones theory as I can't find a quote on the interview database :S

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I think a drab is similar to someone who survived having their powers removed via Hemalurgic spike, only less so. A large portion of their spiritual aspect is gone, but by no means all of it.

I thought we were talking about shardblades?

Drabs were brought up in the other topic.

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yeah there seems to be a pretty wide consensus that Shardblades are stored in the Spiritual Realm. And I'm also quite sure that Shallan did get the Shardblade from her father, seems pretty darn unambiguous to me based on her thoughts about the Blade. The only issue is the Soulcaster which seems to have been cut by a Shardblade.

And I think Heleran is probably the best candidate for "mysterious death that should be paid more attention to".

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yeah there seems to be a pretty wide consensus that Shardblades are stored in the Spiritual Realm. And I'm also quite sure that Shallan did get the Shardblade from her father, seems pretty darn unambiguous to me based on her thoughts about the Blade. The only issue is the Soulcaster which seems to have been cut by a Shardblade.

And I think Heleran is probably the best candidate for "mysterious death that should be paid more attention to".

I have a thought. Perhaps the blade destroyed/freed the spren that were trapped in the soulcaster and that's why it won't work?

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It's confirmed as it's going to get unless we actually ask Brandon about it. Shallan seems pretty certain that her father was creating new marble deposits, because every time he went out "surveying" he discovered a new one on Davar lands, which is too good to be true in my opinion. I see no reason to believe that the Soulcaster never worked. I agree that it probably lost its spren when the Shardbade cut it.

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That's actually a really good possiblitiy. I haven't thought of that before.

My only problem with it is that Shallan's father doesn't have that passion for the Truth that Shallan has. (Shallan mentions her passion after Jasnah kills, right before stealing her "soulcaster"). It seems to me that that is a vital characteristic to Shallan's form of Souclasting, since they are Truthspren. (The Interview is coming!). Though Shallan's father could be a Jasnah form of Soulcaster.

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Yea, would be interested to see if the potential to be a KR was genetic (I see it as being like allomancers, the TYPE of misting isn't genetic but the ability to become one is.)

Also more interviews? :D YAY

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Sorry, I should have clarified. I meant are we sure her father couldn't just soulcast without one?

Luesh [The dead steward with the ghostblood tattoo] was supposed to have been trained to use it as well. And couldn't make it work after it was repaired.

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Or are trying to cover up the fact that it wasn't. Perhaps they are a group with similar abilities and don't want it to get out?

All completely speculation and I wouldn't be terribly surprised if it all turned out to be false but still it's possible.

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I presume that Shardblades cut everything on the Spiritual realm (where they are housed). So splitting your spines means that you cannot access it using the Cognitive, meaning it cannot be used in the Physical. Everything that is latent is stored Spiritually, it is up to the Cognitive presence to draw it into Physicality.

And so, that includes spren. So I'm guessing spren (and maybe just the gem as well) could be killed.

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