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Ryfe peeked out of his hiding place. The night seemed to drag on as everyone looked for him but couldn't actually find him. Getting bored Ryfe started eating his last ration of food figuring he wouldn't need it if they found him.


Seriously I'm one of the votes for Ash so if it was really important I would have just retracted it.

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Shadowed Secrets Day 5: Stranger Things

Stranger things have happened,” The Innkeeper reiterated, taking a sip out of his mug for emphasis. “Strained and under pressure, people are able to occasionally make some good decisions, eventually.”

The stranger looked down at their own fill mug in front of them, “Something tells me there was more to it than that, for some reason.”

“Something tells you right again!” The Innkeeper exclaimed, slamming his mug back down on the counter, causing some of the foam to spill out of the top and leak over the side.

Stress can do all sorts of crazy things to people. Stay awhile, and listen, for this story still has a ways to go, but I can say there is some happy news in store for this next chapter.”

And without any further elaboration, the Innkeeper leapt right back into his monologue.



Another dark and gloomy morning had settled once again over Shady's Waystop Inn, as the guests all woke up in the morning awaiting another fatal deliberation. They knew their situation was dire, and a wrong choice could lead them all to death.

Grudgingly, the debate eventually started as the morning dragged on into the afternoon, with the heavy silence settling over the common room like a well-fitted cloak. All conversations and small talk were subdued as everybody quietly waited for the next victim to be chosen. As the evening drew close, discussion began once again in earnest, with the top suspects once again being debated. Eventually the crowd settled on one of the quiet ones.

Ryfe stepped forward, glaring at everybody, a dark, deep hatred burning in his eyes. "Yes, I am a Convict. But I'm not the reason the Shades are angry. They're angry because the stupid innkeeper is keeping a shadows-cursed fire in the backroom! Seriously, put that out and all of you will probably escape alive!"

Shady snorted at the comment. “Son, I've fought off those Shades years ago. Seems to me that the only one endangering us are you and your silly little crew.” He put his hand on the hilt of the sword he had started carrying the previous evening. It was a strange slim, silver-sheathed blade that some of the guests may have recognized from his stories.

So will you go quietly and without struggle?”

Ryfe laughed. “Sure, why not? It's not like this ends with me. There are those in here who
will avenge me, and make you all learn the follies of your ways. Nobody eliminates the Gang Leader without retribution” Ryfe strode out of the inn and outside, up to the silver ring that had been protecting all of them – or trapping them, depending on how you looked at it.

The mapmaker looked back over his shoulder and called out, “Oh, and me and my friends left you all another present in the kitchen. And all of my maps were a lie!” And with that, he jumped forward head first, tackling the group of Shades that were eagerly awaiting him, ready to kill one of the men who had foolishly spilled blood.

The convict didn't cry out, not even once, and within moments, his body was reduced to a husk of his skeleton, all of his skin and flesh withered off of him.

Somebody go find out what he was talking about,” Shady snarled, spitting at the corpse of the convict leader that had begun all of this mess in the first place.

Shut up, I'm not in the mood,” Shady said to what seemed like nobody in particular, as he was standing by himself and talking to the thin air.

Searching the kitchen, they found Ryfe's parting “gift”. It was in the form of a large knife stuck in the back of Araris, blood leaking out of the still warm body.

Shadows, somebody clean this mess up!” Shady cursed, kicking the corpse in his anger.

Outside of the Waystop Inn, the Shades still waited. Their eyes not as blood red and enraged as before, but they were still waiting for the chance to get retribution against the others who had spilled blood.


“So that's how the civilians found themselves their first Convict.” The Innkeeper said with glee. “See, it's not all just bad news and death and disaster.”

The Stranger sat there, reflecting on the story once again. They had barely taken a sip of their ale in front of them. “Why did you kick the corpse?” They asked finally.

“Seemed like a good way to vent frustration,” the Innkeeper replied innocently. “Strange to think that treating a corpse with disrespect might not always be the best course of action, depending on where you are.” He said with a wink, confusing the Stranger even more.

Shadows,” the Innkeeper suddenly exclaimed, looking at the still full drink in front of the stranger. “Shame to waste a good mug of ale. Start sipping on that, and I'll let you know what happened next.”


Araris was a Civilian!
Rfye was the
Gang Leader!

Ryfe (5) - Joseph, Wilim, Raze, Ash, Tryel
Ash (2) - Ryfe, Araris

The Cycle will last 24 hours and will end at 5:30PM EST, Thursday September 25th

Edited by Alvron
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Well, I very seriously doubt that Wilim is a Convict (someone would've probably said something by now, or he would've at least been killed), so yeah, looks like Aoran and Joseph have basically been proven innocent as well. Which means that of Ash, Tyrce, and I, it's likely that two of us are Convicts. Last time I checked, I'm not a Convict, so I guess it doesn't really matter which of the two I choose. I'll just flip a coin for it... alright, Ash it is. Sorry, I guess.


Edit: Grammar

Edited by Renegade
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Double post because of the very different nature of this post and because I don't know when someone else will post. I don't want to waste more time. 


I have a confession. I didn't use all three of my Glowsap uses until last cycle. I never scanned Luce. (which if you had carefully read Joe's post, you would've known, since I couldn't send him a message and use glowsap that cycle.) I wanted to get the info out there while seeming to be useless for the Convicts to kill. It worked, it seems. With my last use, I scanned Raze last cycle. For the first time, I finally got back a Convict result. I wanted to see what suspicions Raze brought up. I now believe that Tryel is our last Convict. If not, Ash is. We have the numbers to make this work. it is 4-2 currently and will be 2-1 next cycle.


Game's up, fellas. You did well. 

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I figured that you would do that. I even had one use of Fenweed Sap, and I didn't use it on you, since I thought they'd kill you. Apparently, I was wrong. :P Can't say this game worked out nearly as well as last time, and we were so storming close to winning! I think that the main problem was the severe lack of communications, which I suppose might have been my fault.

Edited by Renegade
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And... That's the game. I'm not even gonna bother. Storming Ryfe! If he hadn't done that, we could've forced the vote on Tulir... Oh well. C'est la vie. Good game all.

EDIT: Also, regarding communication, I kept thinking that you two were in contact, and was waiting for a message b/c I didn't know what to send/do. 

Edited by Ashiok
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Unfortunately, if I had used my Fenweed Sap on Wilim last cycle, it would've probably ended up with you getting lynched, and one of the Three Innocents being killed via me. Afterwards, it would've been Tyrce and I in a lynch deathmatch; whichever side was lynched would've lost.  :P


And here's a final, really short RP. I really wish I could've done more RP in this game, as it would've been rather hilarious, but I unfortunately didn't have a whole lot of time on my hands after the game began.


"Fools!" Raze cackled, picking up a pair of sticks and starting a fire. "You do not realize; this Forest is doomed! You are all doomed at the hands of the Shades! But a fire... a great blazing fire that could raze this forsaken place to the ground... that is your only hope. With every fire, there always comes the seeds of life."


With that, he laughed insanely and ran outside of the inn, throwing the flaming sticks into the forest just before the Shades reached him.

Edited by Renegade
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Tryel watched as the madman lit the fire, then was confused when his compatriot doused it and ran outside after the first one.  We know them all!  They can't hide anymore!  Tryel though triumphantly as he cautious watched the door.  


To make it a consensus, I will switch my vote from Ash to Raze so we can take out them.

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I figured that you would do that. I even had one use of Fenweed Sap, and I didn't use it on you, since I thought they'd kill you. Apparently, I was wrong. :P Can't say this game worked out nearly as well as last time, and we were so storming close to winning! I think that the main problem was the severe lack of communications, which I suppose might have been my fault.

 Oh, that would've made a big difference. It could've gone either way.


And... That's the game. I'm not even gonna bother. Storming Ryfe! If he hadn't done that, we could've forced the vote on Tulir... Oh well. C'est la vie. Good game all.

EDIT: Also, regarding communication, I kept thinking that you two were in contact, and was waiting for a message b/c I didn't know what to send/do.

Yeah, I figured that would hurt you. No doc to plot in. I just thought that one of you would've made a code and sent it out.


Unfortunately, if I had used my Fenweed Sap on Wilim last cycle, it would've probably ended up with you getting lynched, and one of the Three Innocents being killed via me. Afterwards, it would've been Tyrce and I in a lynch deathmatch; whichever side was lynched would've lost.  :P


And here's a final, really short RP. I really wish I could've done more RP in this game, as it would've been rather hilarious, but I unfortunately didn't have a whole lot of time on my hands after the game began.


"Fools!" Raze cackled, picking up a pair of sticks and starting a fire. "You do not realize; this Forest is doomed! You are all doomed at the hands of the Shades! But a fire... a great blazing fire that could raze this forsaken place to the ground... that is your only hope. With every fire, there always comes the seeds of life."


With that, he laughed insanely and ran outside of the inn, throwing the flaming sticks into the forest just before the Shades reached him.

Yeah. It would've been a lot closer And probably could've gone either way at that point.

Thanks for ending it quickly. :)

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Hmm I don't think so.

Wilim was excited. After so long of being told he was nothing, after so long of feeling worthless, only escaping when he could run at noon, he finally was celebrated. He and his glowsap had played an instrumental role in discovering the convicts. The last two had gone on some crazy running and fire burning spree through the forest. He had been very tempted to run after them and only just stopped himself in time. He didn't need to run anymore, though he realized. Now that he knew he could help people, he didn't have to run and be alone to feel comfort.

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Willim, depending on how this night went, I was actually starting to suspect you as a Convict and Joe or Aoran as the other.  It is hard to get out of the mentality that because they seem trustworthy they are actually Eliminators 

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