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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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Bunnt, you're right. Your power had slipped my mind, so thanks for the reminder.

...I'm starting to think my theory of posting habits is flawed.
 Kamden would have been a perfect target; up until this cycle he's essentially been completely ignored. The chances of him actually coming on to defend himself are slim, but he's a threat either way - already a kandra, sitting back and happily sniping us off, or unhelpful for the good guys and a prime target for the kandra to escape to.


This applies to our other quiet players as well, if not quite as extreme. Popeye? Jain?

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Bunnt Wilson

This seems really suspicious. We've got three people ganging up on Kamden, who hasn't showed up in the thread at all recently. If he's a kandra, that's great, but I have the feeling that the kandra are swaying the vote from one of their own. I can't do anything about this right now, but I'm getting really suspicious of Bunnt. It just doesn't seem right to risk dying by changing your vote to someone who only has one "get-in-the-thread" vote. He couldn't know Twei would jump on that vote, unless they were communicating. All in all, it reads very false to me.

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I also agree with that. I was trying to decide who was swaying the vote. Kamden And I think Twei has been trying to sway opinions to different people. she would also be a perfect target. She wouldn't lose a power since she already had it spiked out of her and she is continually voting and swaying people.

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Yes, I've been moving my vote around a lot. But this is less about trying to sway public opinion than it is making the voting uncertain.

With the current player balance - 8:3 - the kandra have a lot of control, and that's only considering actual votes. But their job becomes harder if they don't know how the village votes will fall - the numerical advantage, at least, is more difficult to apply. This is why I've decided to start moving my vote around.


As for my swaying opinions, I don't really have a lot of control there. I'm supplying reasoning each time to explain each of my various suspicions as it comes up - something I think is desirable and beneficial for any elimination game. If other players agree with my argument, that's their decision to make, but I'm not going out of my way to persuade anyone.

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Okay, I've been thinking this over, and I'm going to have to vote for Bunnt. I think Alron may have jumped from Maill to Bunnt once he saw Maill's confession post. I seriously doubt he'd stay on the same target after something like that, and with Bunnt saying so definitively that he is not kandra, it would make sense for him to switch to Bunnt.

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Long Game 8 Night 6: Error


The group tried to hold together. They really did.


But there were too many options, too many suspicions, and too much confusion. The kandra were too clever, throwing the votes in every which direction.


So in the end, they could not decide on whom to kill. And they waited another night.


(Sorry for the short write up. WHAP test tomorrow, and I need to study. Besides, if you want a longer write up, you need to make more interesting results than a tie ;).)


No one died!




Bunnt: Araris, Willa (2)

Kamden: Taliz Duede, Bunndt, (2)

Wilson: Kol, Satrams (2)

Taliz Duede: Alim, (1)

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I moved my vote from Wilson to Kamden because of that the information that she is spiked with Twelfth's spike and that lessens the propability that she is posessed by a kandra, and because i think Kamden is a good place for the Kandra to hide. (I know I have argued against it before, but we havent really been on the Kandra trail so they could have done a gamble, and it paid off. I also wanted a tie at the moment for my own protection.)


I did expect that one of you would make the lynch happen (of me or someone else) after I went to bed. It had probably been better if you succeeded to lynch me than this tie, since that would you look in other directions now. My ability is also pretty useless now that it is in the open, since the Kandra now know it. They wont attack me (they know I am no Kandra, and thus risky to hit if I have been telling the truth), but I'm still a suspect to the rest of you since you cannot know. 


Next turn I won't try to defend myself if you want to lynch me, it is probably better that you lynch me than a tie again, you may spike me tonight (making someone unknown safer). I will try to discuss things, and vote though.


I'm a bit down IRL at the moment, and have a lot on my plate and finds myself not caring that much about this game anymore. It would in some ways be a relief if I was killed, not that it would gain you anything more than confirmation of that I am telling the truth. So, you may do whatever you wish, and I will try to uphold my end of this, but if you really suspect me, go ahead and kill me next turn!

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Sorry I haven't been too active either.  I'm going back to school (an engineering Doctoral program that's pretty tough and time consuming), so I really don't have the time any more.  I'll try to at least get a vote in next Day cycle, but don't expect too much RP or analysis.  It's been a lot of fun, but after this game, I probably won't be on much for the next 3 years, lol. ^_^

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Well, oops. I had a brainfart (totally real medical thing ;)), and thought that the night was supposed to end at 6, today. So, the write up will be then, though the night has been over since yesterday.

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Day 7: Popeye the Sailor Man


Popeye’s bones lay in the center of the camp, neatly and grotesquely arranged into a mesmerizing pattern. The bones spelled out, Tineye, I’m sorry.


One of the kandra had selected a new host.


Popeye was a kandra host, and had been a tineye! That kandra has jumped to a new body!


Player list:





Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

Koloss Riot:

10. Koll (killersquirrel59)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

MitthRawn (The Gleeman)

NaVorl (Alvron)

Sorry about the double night, and the mis info. Life got unexpectedly crazy. 


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Well, it makes sense for them to jump bodies, especially since we were nearing the end of possible Tineyes. In other news, this thread seems deserted. Willa where do you think the kandra are at? I suspect they might have jumped into your body last night. Mostly though, I just want to provoke discussion.

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I think Alim would have been a high priority target for the kandra this round. Of the players left, he's both skilled and active. Joe may have jumped to him this round, since he couldn't tap his metal two nights in a row without filling in between.


Set people, did any of you try to spike Bunnt's koloss-blooded power?

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Sorry I wasn't able to get on till now. Twei, you have an incorrect assumption. If I fill on two consecutive nights, I can tap each store once on two consecutive nights. I will not confirm if I tapped or filled or not last cycle. I'm not even sure if my order made it through. I think the fact that I'm skilled and active is a reason the kandra haven't jumped to me. It would be hard to imitate me.

I didn't spike anyone and the code never really got set up, so I don't know if any spiking happened. Terra what do you think?

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If I fill on two consecutive nights, I can tap each store once on two consecutive nights.

This is true. But if my tracking is correct, you didn't have a charge to spend. I expect the kandra would have decided the same thing.


I think the fact that I'm skilled and active is a reason the kandra haven't jumped to me. It would be hard to imitate me.

Would it? Remember that everything you post is in your own words. And Joe is normally just as active as you; there would be no difficulty in communicating.


If the kandra are avoiding the more active players, as you suggest, then I think Terra, Jain and Kamden would be the best choices. Unfortunately, though, the majority of living players fall into that less active category...

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I'd guess they are avoiding the more active players, which puts me into the category of being in danger.

What I'm wondering is where Kamden is. I don't think he's posted since the game started.

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Willa Dants

Hmmm... It looks like Dants is genuinely inactive. He hasn't logged in since September, which I'm pretty sure disqualifies him as being kandra. Still, I wonder what would happen if his body was stolen. It would kind of break the game, since the kandra wouldn't be able to talk at all. Although I suppose they could keep making kills. Since there doesn't seem to be any discussion going on, I guess I'll vote for him. Let that be a lesson to you: Don't go inactive! We still have way too many suspects for kandra, and half the people being missing makes them extremely difficult to find. I know real life can be busy, but this is handing the kandra the victory.

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Well, we seem to have lost the one piece of info that we could rely on; that one of the Kadra was living in the Tineye's body. Dants seems like a solid vote, since if the Kandra did hijack his body then we would never know. My personal opinion is that we should consider voting for Bunnt, for a couple reasons. He came under some significant suspicion during previous nights, and he currently claims to be Koloss-Blooded. If he is telling the truth, he won't die, and if not then we get a Kandra kill. I am also a bit curious as to what happened with the Set and their spiking, since I had thought that would be a good way to verify anyone who claimed to have a power that wasn't noticeably visible.


Btw, does seeking happen before or after the Kandra switch bodies? Because if seeking goes first then it is kind of useless.

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