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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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Long Game 8 Night 7: The Great Divide


The voting was dull and uninspired. No arguments, and no rallying. The remainders could not force themselves to kill another that day.


And so the kandra waited, annoyed at the useless waste of time where nothing was accomplished other than pointless bickering and poor writing. My writing, to be exact.



willa: (1), a smart guy

terra: (1), alim

dants: (1), pupper

bunnts: (1), araris

alim: (1), Taliz Duede



There is a joke in the title. Upvote to who gets it first.

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Long Game 8 Day 8: No Longer Seeking


TrelVin whistled in the night, mists dancing around him, swaying, almost, to his tune. It was a good night. Fire burned bright behind him.


His whistle turned to a hum, and then it morphed and twisted, a song born out of the silence. The song was not his, though it was a song of the kandra. NaVorl had taught him it, and he had claimed to be the author.


“In the hour of the shadow,

no one makes a sound.

Insanity creeps upon thee,

and no one can see,

who they are now.”


He giggled softly. “Insanity creeps faster with spikes,” he said. Screams echoed from behind him, the survivors desperately trying to escape from the flame. e


“In the hour of shadow,

everyone feels fear.

Fear of darkness,

fear of evil,

fear of the shadow.”


Claws tore out of his skin, and TrelVin dug them into the stone wall, throwing himself up until he crested over onto the roof. They did feel fear, and soon he would make one of them terrified.


“In the hour of the shadow,

the darkness is a tide,

covering everyone who tries to hide.”


TrelVin had a specific target; their explosives had been placed to force the humans into specific paths, and now he would torture the specifics out of them.


“In the hour of the shadow,

evil wears a mask of good,

and is a master of deceit.”



in did not wear a mask, nor a body, technically. He currently wore specifically crafted metal, designed more as a machine than a body. His flesh was his own, not modeled on any other.


“In the hour of the shadow,

those who embrace the shadow,

fall corrupted, without their minds to be found.”


A single spike lay, glistening in the fire. It had held the last vestiges of a soul, before TrelVin had left it behind. Before he had left it to burn.


As it melted, the sound of a soul’s death, a bestial shriek in the ether, sliced through the minds of all nearby.


TrelVin jumped down on his new body and hauled the unconscious form down to one of his torture chambers. He had some torturing to do before he could wear a new skin.

TrelVin was inhabiting the body of Araris! Not sure how, but he did it! He has chosen a new form.



Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

Koloss Riot:

10. Koll (killersquirrel59)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

MitthRawn (The Gleeman)

NaVorl (Alvron)


The poem was written by Alron, and it is fantastic. Rain up votes upon him.

Edited by bartbug
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9 players left, 3 of which are Kandra. Not exactly fantastic odds...  <_< 


It's a pity that we didn't have Wyrm or Gamma with us. They always tend to head the Inquisitions.


You know what? I'm tired of sitting back and just watching. This game has dragged on a little too long. (Mind you, that doesn't make me a good Inquisition-leader. In fact, I tend to be a terrible one. A REALLY terrible one.  B))


The last time Joe could have possibly hopped bodies, it was on Day 7, although I believe he most likely hasn't changed hosts since Day 4, since Araris wasn't under much suspicion for the past few days. (I really should have noticed how Araris' posts started to have the same length as Joe's posts.). 


On Day 6, Araris and Willa voted for Bunnt. Considering how Araris had been alone on his votes after Day 4, I am highly suspicious of you, Willa. Also, the fact that you are a Lurcher makes you a high-priority target for the Kandra. What's more, since Day 6, your posts have shortened considerably (funnily enough, Alv switched bodies that day).


I'm probably going to be killed tonight for this post...  <_< 



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We all wear the twin masks of emotion,

Happy or sad, haunted or hunted,

You choose the mask, you choose the risk.

You choose your own poison.


Last words of Plethe the Pirate,

Edited by Alvron
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First of all, Jain, thank you for the discussion post! An inquisition is sorely needed at the moment.


However, there are a few problems with your arguments. We know Joe first possessed someone on night 3 - the Tineye, Popeye - and then changed bodies on night 6. So Araris' change of play can't have been because Joe possessed him. It also means that the vote on Bunnt can't have been a kandra conspiracy, since Araris wasn't a kandra at that point.


Alron may have jumped to Willa, but remember she had an Allomantic iron spike by then, and claimed to have protected herself (which - if I were in her position - would seem like the best choice). The kandra wouldn't have been able to kill her.




I'm currently most suspicious of Satrams. We haven't seen him storing in the writeups since Morgan changed bodies. As to where Joe went, I doubt it would have been Alim, since I expressed suspicion of him last cycle. (Though at the same time that's a good reason it could be him...)

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Honestly, It's time for some blood in the streets. Twei I'm really suspicious of you right now. You've never been shy about throwing out votes before, but now you won't vote for me, even though you're most suspicious of me. Furthermore, you complimented Jain, and then didn't support his call for an inquisition. Your post reminds me of how I write when I'm an inquisitor. For these reasons, I'm highly suspicious of you right now.

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Furthermore, you complimented Jain, and then didn't support his call for an inquisition.


First of all, Jain, thank you for the discussion post! An inquisition is sorely needed at the moment.


However, there are a few problems with your arguments.

As I see it, the call for an inquisition and the arguments used in said inquisition are separate. I agreed with the former, disagreed with the latter.


As to why I didn't vote for you, it's because my suspicion was not particularly concrete. The write-ups have been fairly short in the past few cycles, and it's possible the storing hints just didn't make it in. However, then you responded. And you didn't acknowledge my argument, just voted for me on the grounds that I didn't vote immediately (an uncharacteristically weak argument from you). I would also comment that you haven't been greening your votes in the past few cycles, and I'm starting to suspect this may be a hint from the real Satrams.


So, Satrams, I'm more than happy to vote for you now.


edit: colours...

Edited by twelfthrootoftwo
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Hi, can I join in the middle or do I have to wait for a new one to start?


Sorry, you have to wait for a new one. Mid-Range Game 3 still open for signing up though, so you can join that one.  :D 


Alron may have jumped to Willa, but remember she had an Allomantic iron spike by then, and claimed to have protected herself (which - if I were in her position - would seem like the best choice). The kandra wouldn't have been able to kill her.


What about the Night before? Also, Willa's claim of the spike isn't concrete. She might not actually have it, since the only evidence we have of it is her post. She could easily be lying.


Considering how it's almost the end of the Day, and we really need blood on the streets, I'm going to change my vote from Willa to you, Satrams. I don't particularly like bandwagons (ever since they kept killing me), but this is necessary.


Oh, and Alv, I forgot to say this in my previous post: Hook, line aaaaand sinker.  ;) 

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Tapping last night did me no good. Nothing happened to me...


Satrams, I'm voting for you. Twei is my next guess after that. I will be voting for her next day cycle if Satrams is innocent. I won't be able to get on much this next week. I'll be out of town. I'll try to get on when I can.

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Hmm.... It looks like I'm going to have to tap my gold again. It's too late to change votes on me, mostly because the kandra are probably leading the charge against me right now. Furthermore, I'll be defenseless tonight, so the kandra will probably kill me then. I'm highly suspicious of Twei and Koll right now, mostly because of the bandwagon against me. Oh well, you'll find out soon enough that I'm innocent.

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Long Game 8 Night 8: To Shoot a Satrams


They forced Satrams into acid, this time. He screamed and showed his ruined hand pull itself back together. “I am not the kandra,” he said.


The execution team pulled back, apologetic.


Alim looked up from his spot on the ground, where he quietly meditated. “We’ve wasted another day,” he said quietly.


Votes: 1

Willa: Jain,

Twei: Satrams, 1

Satrams: Twei,Alim, Kol 3


Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

Koloss Riot:

10. Koll (killersquirrel59)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

MitthRawn (The Gleeman)

NaVorl (Alvron)


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I'll just quote Kasimir from my game's thread.

pir2h: With regard to your comment in the Long Game 8 thread, I thought I'd mention that it's common policy for each Turn/Cycle of an ongoing game to be done on a separate thread. At the end of the cycle, the threads are merged and locked with the original game. Basically, if there is a Day/Night/Cycle anywhere in the thread title, it's an ongoing game and none of us can join it.


(I've put it here as I didn't really want to confuse people more by posting in an ongoing game that I'm not playing in. My apologies if this isn't exactly the right place for such a post.)

I hope that answers your question. You should be able to tell when my game starts since my post will have Mid-Range Game 3 in the title.

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Alright, you guys know that I'm good, so that means the kandra are probably going to kill me/impersonate me. Here's my thoughts on who could be kandra.

  • Terra: She's been somewhat inactive. However, she has been checking in on this site regularly. That definitely seems suspicious.
  • Jain: His longer posts are definitely a bit suspicious, but he is spurring activity in the thread, which is always a good thing. He's not that suspicious to me, but I could always be wrong.
  • Taliz Duede (Twei): His last post reminded me a lot of the first time I was eliminator. Compliments followed by no vote alleviate suspicion and allow you to gauge the suspicions of other players. It just seemed out of character for him, so I definitely suspect him.
  • Kamden: He's been inactive for half of the game. However, the kandra could have jumped to him to avoid suspicion. However, that does give them one less vote, which wouldn't be ideal.
  • Koll: He was the last one to jump on the bandwagon, so it makes sense that he's kandra. However, I doubt a kandra would vote for someone with only one sentence. It seems like an unnecessary risk.
  • Bunnt: He's been quiet recently, although I have had suspicions of him in the past few days. However, we know that a kandra started the bandwagon on him, so it's doubtful that he's evil.
  • Alim: He has several spikes, so he would be a useful target for the kandra. He also voted for me, which makes him suspicious, especially if he doesn't vote for Twei tommorow.
  • Willa: We know she has at least one spike in her, so she would be a valuable target for the kandra. However, she claims that she has been lurching herself, which would exonerate her.

I would suspect that at least one kandra has infiltrated the Set, in order to gain access to our spikes. Furthermore, they would need someone influencing the votes to secure a non-kandra death each day. Finally, they probably have someone in an inactive in order to avoid suspicion. Based on these facts. I think the kandra are hiding in Terra, Twei, and Alim. I am probably completely wrong on this, but I want you guys to know my suspicions before I am untrustworthy again.

P. S. Join my Mafia Game. It will be fun!

Edited by a smart guy
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Long Game 8 Day 9: Redacted


TrelVin <redacted>. After <redacted>, he <redacted>.


He snuck up on his new target. <redacted> turned, startled. “No,” he said. “NO! I’m <redacted>! You can’t kill <redacted>!:


TrelVin laughed maniacally. “It will be good to wear your flesh, <redacted>. I am growing weary of the one I’m currently wearing. Kol was such a bore. He only knew <redacted>.”


<redacted> pulled a stick of dynamite from inside of his vest. “<redacted>. Don’t come any closer, or I’ll blow the two of us to shreds.” <redacted> stared TrelVin down, chest heaving, sweat dripping from his down.


“Oh, <redacted>,” TrelVin said fondly. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you, beating the information out of you. And the best part is: the next day, I will walk upon your fellow men, and they will say, ‘<redacted>, how are you doing? You look well rested. You look happy.’ And they will be right, I will be happy, because I just spent a night breaking you in every way I know how, wringing agony through every corner of your body. But you, <redacted>? You will know rest only after enough hell for an eternity.”


<redacted> tossed the stick of dynamite at TrelVin. TrelVin laughed and caught in one hand, forming a sphere of flesh around it and then seperating it from his body. In a flash, he threw it to the side, where it exploded a moment later.


“Good try, <redacted>,” TrelVin said. “I thought about extinguishing the wick, but I decided it would be more horrifying for you to see some splatter. That little red puff? It will be a dust mote compared to the storm of blood I will take from you.”


Tears poured from <redacted>’s eyes. “Fine, I’ll talk, don’t hurt me! <redacted>!”


TrelVin snorted. “Sorry, I won’t take those lies. I’ll be especially inventive in my torture of you.


Kol’s body was liberated from TrelVin! TrelVin has taken a new host!


Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

MitthRawn (The Gleeman)

NaVorl (Alvron)


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Edit: What is this Mafia Game you speak of, satrams?

MR Game 3: When Chalklings Attack. I'm trying to advertize it in this thread since I would like 20 people to sign up. Although, I'm pretty sure you signed up for it already... :P

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5 to 3... Not great odds...  <_< 


Disappointingly, the kandra haven't killed me. I had such great plans for them.  <_< 


Pupper, I am voting you, since you haven't been posting, despite checking in on the main thread constantly. Inactivity, especially in a time like this, is a luxury we cannot afford.




Edit 2: Have you also been reading SCP wiki, bartbug?  :P 

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Unfortunately, it's more like 4 to 3, since Kamden hasn't been active since September (if we assume that the kandra aren't impersonating him).


While I agree that we need to spur the inactives into action, I believe the best course of action is to go after one of the members of the Set. The kandra would be highly tempted by the spikes, and so I don't see any reason why they wouldn't want to impersonate one of them. Furthermore, we should concentrate on the other kandra besides Joe, since we don't have enough evidence yet to figure out who he is impersonating. Therefore, I would highly recommend not voting for me, since the only way I am bad is if Joe jumped into my body, which would be very risky for me.


Of the two other Set members I suspect Willa the most. Why? Because she voted for Bunnt the same time Araris (who we know was being controlled by Joe) was voting for him. If my vote change had gone through, that would have been a guaranteed lynch, and we would have lost Bunnt. I highly doubt the kandra would want to have a tie vote, especially if one of their members was causing it. Therefore, I suspect that Willa was trying to force the vote, and thus is kandra.


I'm kind of tired right now, so I don't know if this is the best reasoning. However, I do know we need to get votes in as quickly as possible.


Edit: Greened out vote.

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