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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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Ah, so we do have a slim chance of winning. Willayou killed Bunnit with your votes. Unless you're seriously set on trolling us, then you can only be a Kandra.


Edit: We're going to have a nice and polite chat in a dark alley, colour editor.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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So that's the end then? 


Maybe one of the kandra wants to write an end of game wrap-up post (seeing how you guys have ninety percent of the relevant info)? One of the dead can provide the Spec doc link.

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Well, here's the link to the (somewhat official) dead/spec doc.  Unfortunately, it became about as dead as the thread after Cycle 3 or so.  The whole "Spec Doc Rebellion" vibe petered off by that point.


We still got a good 39,000 words in, so it wasn't a complete waste.  :P

Edited by Renegade
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Yeah, I realized when I saw the votes that Alvron had taken sart, and I'm like, "Well. There's the Set. All kandra-fied." It wasn't until I saw that last vote that I knew that you'd jumped to Maill, though, Joe. I thought he seemed pretty normal before then, so congrats on that (not that he'd really been active much, but still).

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Good game, everyone. Before I get in to talking about the game a little more (if I ever get around to it) I want to get in some end of game RP. (I still need Aonar alive for whenever Joe runs his 17th shard game. :P)


Sitting up, Aonar groaned and stretched, wincing as the bones in his face rearranged themselves into their proper alignment. If Harmony wanted him out of the way, he could’ve been a bit more subtle about it. Those Kandra were rusting thorough. It was a good thing he’d saved up enough health to survive that much blunt trauma. While going about without most of his more useful metalminds was a pain, it was worth it to avoid death.


Tapping a dab of gold and bronze to keep him alive and conscious, tapping cadmium and storing brass to appear dead even to those trained in medicine. It was a trick he’d perfected over the years. Luckily, most people didn’t think to check for metalminds in false teeth.


Aonar stood and looked around, vertebrae cracking as his spine straightened. He was in an alley, not far from the tavern. Probably the first place the Set guards could find to dump him. He was glad none of them had gotten the bright idea to bury him. That might have been a mess he couldn’t escape from. Not with just four metals to work with, anyways.


While he vaguely wondered how the Kandra's work was going, it probably wasn’t worth the trouble of getting himself forcibly removed again. For some reason, Aonar had a feeling that they wouldn’t be too happy to have someone return from the dead.


Emptying the last of his goldminds, he cleared up his remaining cuts and bruises. Sticking his hand into his pocket, Aonar felt at the rings there and went through the list, hoping there had been enough health left over to regain another metal. Pewter? Nope. Zinc? Unfortunately not. Tin? No. Steel? There was something there. Not as definite as he’d like it to be, but he could probably tap a little of it in a pinch.


Slipping a few of the rings on his fingers, Aonar left for his motorcar a few blocks over. Hopefully no one had stolen it while he’d been locked inside that tavern. He wasn’t quite sure where he would go, but anywhere was better than this. He was done with vacationing.




More than a week later, Aonar stood outside a smoking ruin. It was barely recognizable as the tavern where Elendel’s corruption had been finally brought to heel. The fire had been Aonar’s contribution. Elendel’s citizens were beginning to flood back in, and it was probably best that they didn’t find out what happened here. 


The kandra had done their work well. The Koloss Riots had fallen apart, and the Set was reeling, scrambling to recover now that all their agents in Elendel were dead. Perhaps not the most elegant solution, but Elendel was safe once again.



So long as you weren't planning on burning the tavern down, Joe, I don't think this should mess with things if you want to do the end of game write-up.


Jain: Wilson had a spike from Araris and a spike from Twei. She could Compound Iron. You guys were done the moment they managed to convert her, seeing how she could place effectively infinite votes on whomever she wanted. (If I understand the game mechanics correctly.)

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Sorry about your death Jain.  Joe and I were going to let you live and just take out Kamden so that both the gangs were wiped out, but Glee wanted your head and seeing that he didn't really get the chance to contribute much to the planning, we decided to give him his wish.


Then again, maybe Jain is just an unlucky name.  :o

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And Wilson.  Joe was in Satrams while I had Alim.


Really? Huh. For some reason, I was thinking Sart proved he was still a Bloodmaker after Joe had jumped. Must've been the night after that. That's what I get for not keeping up with my notes as well as I should've been.


How did I have 7 votes? I was an Iron Compounder. I kept that Feruchemical iron spike. And then Maill gave me the Allomantic iron the night Gleeman stole my body (which really sucked, because I really wanted to use that compounding myself). So it was double-filling every night since he wasn't using the lurching ability.

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How did I have 7 votes? I was an Iron Compounder. I kept that Feruchemical iron spike. And then Maill gave me the Allomantic iron the night Gleeman stole my body (which really sucked, because I really wanted to use that compounding myself). So it was double-filling every night since he wasn't using the lurching ability.


Talk about OP...  <_<

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That's all folks! It was a great game and thank you all for playing! Special thanks to Bartbug for running it!


If you'd like to try your hand at running a game, whether it be a Quick Fix or a Main Game, feel free to contact GammaWilson or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but I'm sure we'd be more than willing to help out in any way we can as well!


You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread. 


If you'd like to join us in the fun, which I highly recommend, sign ups are still open for Long Game 9: The Empty Throne Part 1: The Barrow Barons. Come join in the fun!

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