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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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I would doubt that he went to our faction. There has been no sharing of roles in our faction, we have been to scared of the Kandra that (probably) walk among us. I think that Jedal would not try one of us because of the risk of hitting a Koloss blooded.


Meta was a Rioter, Aonar was vanillia (as far as I know). I would guess that we have at least 2 Koloss blooded, and one kandra.


That leaves the fourth, that could be Koloss blooded, vanilla, or have a power. So:


Koloss blooded: 2-3

Kandra: 1

Other: 0-1

Chanse of success: 1/3


I think my calculations are quite reasonable.


Was Jedal the one that should be spiking tonight? This is fleeing in that case, so that he did not get caught.

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So a kandra finally jumped bodies... ugh now I've got to think. Can any of the other groups add to Binnut's list, that seems about what I had for our group too. We need to compile a list, still keeping key info out to keep it safe from Kandra eyes, but... 


Let the real games begin!BTW Cool Kandra name!

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The only ones we know for sure to be clean is Satrams, Jain and Araris.  Taliz is also cleared in my mind as he claimed Lurcher.  Despite never being proven I think there is a good chance of him telling the truth.

Binnut, there is probably 1-2 Koloss Blooded max not 2-3 as with the Thug and Bloodmaker that would be four with double lives. I doubt there is any more than that.


I would also like to know if Joe was assigned spiking duty or if he volunteered.  In case your wondering why I suspect Joe was on spiking duty, Taliz told me that Joe was most likely to be spiking as Mal wanted to use his metal.

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the Gleeman

First off, there are 3 kandra in the game. The kandra mentioned his 2 partners in the writeup, so it is basically guaranteed. I would also suspect that there was 1 kandra in each group. Therefore, we can assume that there is a kandra in the Koloss Riot. I suspect Morgan Hanks is the kandra, because he hasn't done anything productive in the thread. However, he has been keeping track of the game, flying under the radar. I would love to see who you suspect. Also, if he's been helpful in the Riot PM, what has he been advocating? I'm just trying to pin down motives. Furthermore, even if he isn't the kandra, the Riots still have Koloss-blooded individuals, so we won't lose a player if we hit one of them.

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That is also what I assume (3 kandra). I for one am Morgan Hanks. I often try to fly under the radar... :D  :ph34r:  :lol: mostly because I have little time to communicate in game.


In my own chat I have attempted to get our group to cooperate with the Set and have tried to lose the secondary goal for our group and work on the primary goal, eliminating the Kandra. I am ok with you guys hitting a Koloss player. 


My main suspicion is Quitania. I'm still suspicious of Terra, and Alv always seems to have an evil side so I'm watching him too. The Politicians are the group I am weeding right now due to them being the largest. 


I could say I was suspicious of TOJ but now would seem like bandwagoning. I am not sure of my group but Koll seems safe. Feel free to accuse me. I'm fine with that. 

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The only ones we know for sure to be clean is Satrams, Jain and Araris.  Taliz is also cleared in my mind as he claimed Lurcher.  Despite never being proven I think there is a good chance of him telling the truth.

Binnut, there is probably 1-2 Koloss Blooded max not 2-3 as with the Thug and Bloodmaker that would be four with double lives. I doubt there is any more than that.


I would also like to know if Joe was assigned spiking duty or if he volunteered.  In case your wondering why I suspect Joe was on spiking duty, Taliz told me that Joe was most likely to be spiking as Mal wanted to use his metal.

 Joe volunteered. He had figured out a couple options for my power and said that that confirmed me. He claimed to be a Smoker and that he would take the spike for the night. Right before he admitted his kandra-ness here, he did so in our pm and so we knew we had to find a new Spiker.

Also, I can vouch for Taliz being clean, at least up until last night. Which is the best we can do with the other "clean" ones.


Alv always seems to have an evil side


I could say I was suspicious of TOJ but now would seem like bandwagoning. I am not sure of my group but Koll seems safe. Feel free to accuse me. I'm fine with that.

Yes, yes he does. And he's dang good at it.

Koll does? I have reports that he was one of the most suspicious in the Rioters.

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Hmm, so I think I agree that the Kandra is likely now a politician. So maybe all of the politician could reveal if they have a power, and we can see what comes of that. Right now, I'm gonna vote for Terra. Quitania said that she was vanilla in the PM, Tulir has already spoken, and Alvron doesn't seem like he would have referred to himself in his messages to the group. That leaves Popeye and Terra, so take your pick. Satrams, you also seem a bit suspicious. We need to act on the info we have right now or the kandra can just jump bodies and we go back to where we started. The info we have is strongly suggestive of a polititian Tineye, which is where we should focus.


Edit: Now that I think of it though, Quitania could be a Kandra, but again we stand to lose valuable info if we don't act on it right now, and Quitania is irrelevant to this particular day.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Precisely why he is innocent. Take it with a Jain of salt. :P Killersquirrel is still too new to be truly devious in that manner and he more seemed to play in an inexperienced way than a true "mafia" Kandra member. His suspicion is his alibi.


I think I'll go with Terra at least for now and for Araris' comment on Quitania. 

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Do you remember how Kas played in LG5? He acted the newbie part and No one suspected him. Now, he could never get away with that though. :P

I think Quitania is the most suspicious. Vanilla is an easy role to claim. And if she' said kandra, it'll come up as vanilla. Did she give a reason as to her absence? I can't remember.

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Hmm, now that you mention it, Quitania having mentioned that she was vanilla would have made her a prime target for the Kandra to swap into, on top of the fact that she has been fairly inactive. That does assume that she was lying about her power, so think what you may about that.


There are 15 of us, and 3 good ideas for targets. It would be nice if we could finish the cycle with 15 votes. If we are wrong about the target, the Kandra will probably switch again, and then we can work from who defended who and so forth. I'm gonna stick to Terra for now but if anyone has a good argument for anyone else or some info that hasn't been revealed yet, feel free to disagree with me.

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 Also, I can vouch for Taliz being clean, at least up until last night. Which is the best we can do with the other "clean" ones.

As I argued before, there was only one death and that person was a Tineye. Since none of our trusted people had Allomantic tin, they are therefore all still trusted.


Alvron doesn't seem like he would have referred to himself in his messages to the group.

He'd do exactly that, in the hopes that someone would draw that exact conclusion :P Though I have reason to believe this isn't the case.


I'm actually a bit suspicious of Morgan, since he's posted a lot more this cycle than previously. Though he was challenged by Satrams, and I'm not inclined to discourage frequent posting. In fact I think pushing people to post, trying to catch out the awkward kandra-body interaction, is the next step in finding Joe. Terra and Quitania already have votes on them, so PopEye, what's your status?


Quitania is probably a good target for the eventual lynch. Claiming to be vanilla makes her either likely to be a kandra herself, or a good target for the kandra to impersonate. Besides which, from my experience with Quitecontrary as a player, I don't think it's likely she would say she was vanilla if she actually was.


Edit: green

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Unfortunately we won't be getting 15 votes.  We have several inactives and others who haven't voted at all.


Also, and I know this will muddy the waters a bit, we are focusing on the Politician group.  If I was Joe I wouldn't jump to a politician as any fellow Kandra in the group would already know half of the powers.  (Jain, Araris, Taliz and Quitania)  While Bunnt said that none in his group has revealed anything it would be a better place to discover what roles they are missing.


Despite that I think we need a unified front, so will place my vote on Popeye as they have no votes yet.  


Also to note, none of our currant suspects had posted.


Edit: Greened vote as Taliz got there before me.  I really need to stop taking so long to type up my posts.  :(

Edited by Alvron
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the Gleeman has indeed been advocating an alliance with the set, and that is a point in his favour. But have been quiet for a few cycles until the middle of the last one.

I also agree on his analysis on Koll, I was quite suspicious of him for a while, but I trust him more now.

As to Dants, he has not been online for a long time, and when he was, he told us that he had lots of schoolwork, but would be active from the morning after... Not a word since.


I doubt that Dants is a Kandra (since evilness usually makes people more active) and if he is, well he do not seem like a dangerous kandra if inactive.


That leaves us with Koll and Morgan. I have found myself trusting Koll more by his reasoning and the fact that he is new. (Dangerous I know!) Morgan on the other hand has more experience, has been laying low, and while he has been encouraging an alliance, that is something that already have been done a few time in the PM and that could be considered the expected. And he started with it just when secret conversations would not be possible any more, and the factions wont be able to war in the same way any more.


I do not have much substantial evidence, but I prefer Morgan over Koll, and then is there only Him left. Also, I have no great suspicions in the other factions.


I'm wondering if Joe really went to another faction, he told you he already knew all the Set's powers. Why did he tell you that? It could be that is was to make you stop looking among yourselves.

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PopEye here... I support Araris's plan to reveal powers.  I'm a politician and I have a power.  I was thinking of how to reveal it to just someone I think is safe, but now that the TinEye is gone, there's no good way to do that, so I'll just come right out and say I'm a smoker.


BTW, why was there no TinEye message today?  Did the kill come before the message, or did they just not leave one?

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I'm not down with the voluntary spiking plan. All that does is concentrate power onto a few individuals who then make perfect Kandra targets. At this point it is far more beneficial to all of us if we keep all the powers that might possibly help spread out among us. 


At this point I'll cast my vote for Quitania as well. She's claiming nothing, and to all appearances doing nothing (I know, pot calling kettle black to some degree). However, she seems the most suspicious to me right now.


This is the point we've been waiting for though (or at least I have). We've been waiting for a Kandra to switch bodies obviously so we can start analyzing writing styles. That's where we should be directing our efforts. Look to those who are writing very differently from how they used to write or differing posting habits or times. Yes I know this only incriminates me a bit more since I have been lurking for quite a while. However I have a means to prove my credentials. Satrams, same code word as last time. I'm pretty sure you're not Kandra now since Jedal was coming after you. It will be somewhere in the roleplay part of this post below. 



Koll paced through the bloody mess in the alley before him. Panting slightly from his exertions, he shook the excess blood and brain matter off of his dueling club and stared down at what was left of the body before him. Koll didn't know him this time. He had just really needed someone to take his anger and aggression out on. Being hunted was not good for his already somewhat fragile mental state.


"Why now?" Koll asked the mess on the cobbles in front of him as he pulled out a filthy handkerchief and began to clean the hardwood of his dueling cane. "What is so special about now that so many have to die?"


No, he thought, his breathing coming back under control. If I'm going to do this, I'll do it properly. Slowly he fished in his belt pouch until finding a small, dusty parcel that he hadn't opened in years. Unwrapping the oilskin he pulled out the small bronze earring and put it in his ear. Sitting back against the wall as the sun rose over the deserted rooftops of Elendel, Koll closed his eyes and did something he had never done before. Koll prayed.


"Harmony? I'm pretty rusty at how this is all supposed to work. My dad told me I'm just supposed to sit and think, but Rust and Ruin I never was much good at thinking. I guess I'm asking for your guidance in this. Does that count as thinking? I'm not really sure. Rust it all though, I'm lost here Harmony. I don't know what to do. I'm not some mythical Mistborn who can peek into the future by burning a bit of Atium or whatever else the legends said. I'm just me. I'm sitting here watching everyone I care about getting picked off one by one. And I'm sure I'll be on the chopping block myself soon. So you tell me Harmony, you all powerful sky man, tell me what I'm supposed to do? How can I save us all from these thrice-damned shapeshifting bastard Kandra? What, no answer Harmony? That's what I thought."


With a grunt of disgust he pulled the earring out and put it back in its oilskin pouch. What a waste of time that was, he thought gloomily. No one ever got anywhere by expecting some god to solve their problems for them or give them the answers. No you only got answers in this world through hard work, your sweat, and the other guy's blood.


Looking down at the mess on the cobbles as he stood up Koll shrugged and put away his dueling cane. "Sorry buddy. If it's any consolation to your spirit, I do feel a little better now."



Note, I'll be using similar tactics in future with this code if you're willing Satrams. This gives at least a way that two of us can keep tabs on each other, at least for the present. Satrams can verify my posts are mine, and I can call him out at any point to reveal the code to check if he's still him. Kandra would have to get us both in one night to pull it off, which would be rather difficult and obvious for them. They can only take one of us per night, and if one of us dies on the same night that a Kandra body-hops, it's a fair bet that the other one is the new Kandra now.


I do point this out in the hopes of discouraging the Kandra among us from such tactics of course  :) 

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In fact, I'm pretty sure I told you that in our PM. :wacko: Anyways, I'm bored, so let's make a vote count.

Morgan Hanks (2): Satrams, Bunnt

Terra (2): Araris, Morgan Hanks

Quitania (4): Alim, Koll , Alv, Taliz Duede

Hmm... I'll keep my vote on Morgan for right now, but Quitania is another solid choice. However, we've already had one vanilla player (Aonar), so she might be telling the truth.

Edit: ... Terra and Quitania aren't the same person? :blink: I'll edit the count.

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I'm going to vote for Terra.  I don't really have a good reason for it but a three way tie helps no one.


Edit: I think your count is off Satrams.  Two of the ones you got voting for Terra voted for Quitania instead.

Edit 2: We've had two vanilla players not one. Aonar and Lucky. So am changing vote to Quitania as I doubt there are very many vanillas.

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