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Sorry I wasn't on today, I was busy and will be until monday. I'm not evil, but I'll just slow everybody down and stuff. Ashiok. Sayonara.


EDIT: If y'all don't want to kill me, I will be able to come check in at least once a cycle, but I won't be doing much till monday

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Well, you know what they say; Great minds think alike! Actually though, you are kind of taking what I said out of context. I was looking at all of the possibilities that I could think of occurring in the game. That I didn't miss something that Meta thought of also just shows that my list did a halfway decent job. One thing I didn't think of when making that list however is that we learn when Hoid uses the conversion power, which makes it less helpful for him to save a use of that power, and is presumably why he used them all up already.

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Aili glanced over her Shoulder, her life sense had been going haywire all day. There was definitely someone watching her. Turning, she ignored it and focused on what Jost was saying.

“We found one turncoat, Hoid is still at large, with another two Converts. Yet there’s only four people who have found enough evidence to make a vote, and one of them is claiming himself, as a convert, but nobody actually listened to him. So, Hadrian, Ashette, Sky and Damon. You all stand accused by your fellows, do any of you have anything to say for yourselves?”

The four muttered, but didn’t actually Reply. “Well then, I guess we won’t kill anyone today. If this continues, we might simply kill all of you, to be certain.”

Wait, if Hadrian really is Hoid, this could be the best chance we have. “Heron accused Hadrian on day one! And we know he’s innocent!”

Jost paused, studying Her. Then finally, replied. “So be it.” He lifted his hand up, and the air turned oily. A Shardblade appeared. Hadrian turned, and fled, protesting his innocence. “No please! It’s not me it’s-” There was a flash of Stormlight, and suddenly, Jost was in front of him, his sword piercing Hadrian’s body though his own momentum.

Hadrian stared in shock, then slumped, smoke rising from his eyes. The soldier harumphed, then dismissed his shardblade. “Hoid can heal from shardblade wounds. Another innocent slain. Aili was it, Why exactly did-” He froze, eyes widening as he saw her.

“What?” Then suddenly, she was shoved forward, and the people behind her screamed. She looked down at her chest, where a Steel blade was sticking out. What?

As she fell to her knees, she was aware of Jost giving chase to a shadowy figure, who rapidly vanished from view. Her last thought was simply, Well played.

Mailliw73 was a Researcher!
Araris Valerian was a Normal Worldhopper!

Araris(1): Mailliw, plus one Tiebreaker vote.
Ashiok(1): Ashiok
Alvron(1): pir2h
Jasnah(1): a smart guy.

Edited by Alvron
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Everyone was afraid. Most of the people coordinating them had been killed one by one. The remaining survivors weren't sure how to handle the responsibility. However, Satrams knew what to do. "Damon, I'm tired of you not posting to the thread. You clearly have been active, since you would have been lynched by this point if you weren't. I cannot stand by and watch us be slain. It is time to unite! We need all the help we can get. So I'm asking you, who's with me?"

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Pir2h, care to explain why exactly you voted for me last round.  You said that you didn't trust me but never said why.  You also voted for me the round before after I had told everyone about Newan being a convert.  Why?


Edit:  I'm not going to be as active as I normally am for the next few day.  My copy of DA:I has finally arrived so will be busy playing that.

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*Pokes the thread*

Yep, this is dead.

Um... Guys? I'm inactive for a reason. But this is ridiculous. We're gonna lose at this point, and I don't really care. I'll try to help, but nobody has really had any major game impacting decisions to make for a while...

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Sorry, I had to go earlier. I'm going to explain myself now. Everyone would trust you after getting a Convert killed. So, why wouldn't Hoid take the opportunity to get an unsuspicious recruit? Anyway, I am trying to put myself into Hoid's mind. That's why I am suspicious of you. I hope my reasons make sense. I don't want to get lynched, again. Give me more reasons to trust you, Alvron, and I will stop voting for you. 

I doubt people would trust me just because I got one of the converted killed.  Sure some might but others won't as I would make a very good target for a conversion.


​It is because I make a good target for a conversion that I think Hoid didn't convert me.  Why convert someone that everyone is looking at closely and will probably lynch the next cycle when they can get a low profile player instead.


However if you want proof that I am not a convert then I can't really provide any.  I will say this though.  I know that one of Hoids minions will be killed in the coming write up.  The surviving Renegade was given orders to kill someone that the Researcher found to be converted.  It was kept out of the thread as the LB wanted to try and get some information from them without tipping them off.  Now that it is too late to save them there is no reason to keep it hidden.


However should the kill not go through then it is fairly certain that the Renegade has been converted and we will be able to lynch them the next day.

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Can I request an updated player list? I'm finding it hard to keep track of the number of players left.


Damon, you have not posted at all in this entire game. You haven't given a reason for your inactivity, and this playstyle is drastically different from your LG9 playstyle. You've only been active in your PM's, which I find quite suspicious. Unless you contribute, you're dead weight.

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:o I never Posted an Updated player List?


1. (Lightsworn Panda) Jain, a Jindo man with a toy Panda.

2. (Alvron)  Second of the Sky, a trapper from the isle of Suluko.

4. (pir2h) Kae, a Steel Inquisitor,

5. (Satrams) Sarams, the mercenary

8.  (Jasnah Damodred) Damon Shan

​10. (Ashiok) Ashette Cett, Flamboyant Coinshot

11. (Surgebound Rainspren) Karlin, a Jah Kahved-Purelaker

13. (AonarFaileas) Aonar, a chronologically challenged person


Writeup in 1 and a half hours. (89 Minutes)

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“We meet again. Have you actually decided who you believe Hoid is? Or at least who his Converts are?” Jost scowled down at the assembled crowd.

A silence fell over the Seventeenth Shard, until, after a Long moment, Jain stepped out. “Sir, I believe we have

Damon Shan, believed to be a Researcher, has actually been Lightweaving to fool us. He is hoid. If not, he’s Converted. He’s been hiding this whole time, ignoring our efforts to capture Hoid.”

Jost raised an Eyebrow. “Does anyone else agree with this assessment?”

This was some hurried muttering, then Aonar and Sarams stepped forward. Sarmas spoke for them both. “Yes, we have long believed that Damon was a threat to us, but we knew we would be unable to convince anyone.”

Jain paused at that. Aonar was voting to lynch Jasnah? But that meant, no, he was already committed to this course. “See Sir? Three people out of 8 say that Damon is against us.” No turning back.

A long pause, then, “Very well. Damon, do you have anything to say in your defense?” The man looked up from where he was writing, glanced at Sarams, then simply shook his head. He put his papers aside, and stood tall. Jost looked at him, then nodded. “Die well Sir.” He vanished as usual. But instead of appearing behind, as he normally did, he appeared in front of Damon. “I would tell you to meet me in the Tranquline halls, but I don’t believe I’m going there any more.” He summoned his blade, and rammed it into Damon’s Chest.

Damon Shan stiffened, but still remained silent, glaring at Sarams. He fell as Jost dismissed his sword. Jost turned away, and walked towards the entry hall. As he did, he called back to the crowd. “You know who it is. They told you themselves. Then he vanished.

For a long moment, no one moved, then finally, Sarmas, Aonar and Sky turned and left the hall. It’s them isn’t it? Jain stared after them. Aili had been right. Jain followed after them.

Once they were far enough down the hall, Sarams turned back to Aonar and Second. “Alright, the last researcher is down, Second, you go kill that Inquisitor, I’ll go talk to Khriss, and see if she’ll see reason for once. Aonar, you have an appointment.” He smiled, and glowed softly as dust streamed away from him, revealing a White haired man. Hoid saluted down the hall, and left, following Sky.

Aonar bowed his head, sending a prayer of forgiveness to Harmony, then turned. Jain stood farther down the hall, staring at him. He tapped his metal minds, just enough to let him see any surprise attacks. “Hello Jain. You really want to go through with this? I have decades of Health stored away.”

Jain glared, and began to walk forward. “You, storming, colourless, rusting, KuNuKam! You betrayed us.” Twin knives slid out of his sleeves, into his waiting palms. “I’ll kill you for what you’ve done.” His walk turned into a Dash faster than Aonar would have thought possible. It didn’t matter though. Zinc, Gold. The world seemed to slow down as his mind sped up, his body healing scratches he didn’t know he had. He smiled sadly as Jain closed the distance, then reached him, sinking his knives into his Chest. Pewter, Iron, Steel. He snapped his Thickened arms around Jain, then threw himself forward, crushing him beneath his bulk.

“Sorry Jain, but I’m not going to kill you. Hippocratic Oath and all that."

Second of the Sky moved through the crowd. Nobody noticed him, and that was how he liked it. He was completely trusted. He hadn’t liked turning on his friends, but he’d seen what was coming. If they wouldn’t join them, they’d have to go. Like Kae. The foolish Inquisitor would have been a great Asset, if she only realized that off Scadrial, she wasn’t hearing Ruin’s voice, but Odium’s. Unlike Jain and NuWin, Second wasn’t a Fighter, he was a Trapper. He had never been in a fair fight in his life, and he didn’t plan on starting now. He waited by the doorway until Iron eyes was leaving the room. as he passed, Second reached out and grabbed where he knew the Linchpin spike was. He pulled hard. The Inquisitor grunted in pain, then fell forward. With no more Feruchemical Gold abilities keeping it healthy, there was no chance of it surviving a Spike removal.

He put the spike in one of his pouches, then headed for where Karlin and Ashette were eating. Neither of them noticed him until he was too close.

Khriss’s Office was empty when Hoid walked in. He hadn’t expected that. He’d come prepared for the Elsecaller and Khriss, both ready to fight him. It wasn’t like them to disappear like that. Most of the papers and books were also missing. Infact, all that was left was two letters, one from his friend, delivered a long time ago, and one from Lord Joslin.

Storm you Midus. You’ve played us all for fools. I never even suspected you were hiding under Sarams. I’ve taken Khriss and the others to safety, away from the fight. You’ve won this war, but Storm it to Braize If I’ll let you have it’s Spoils. The Next Time I see you, You won’t see me. Have fun fighting Rayse.

~Jost Joslin

Hoid and his converts won. Hopefully they’ll be able to rally the Shards to stop Odium. Play in my next game to find out!

Jasnah was a Researcher!
pir2h Was a Normal Worldhopper!

Jasnah(3): Smart Guy, Aonar, Panda
pir2h(1): Alvron

Master Spreadsheet
Dead Doc
Hoid Doc
Spec Doc

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Indeed, it was a fun game. Thanks for running it Joe. Shame I died so early on, but kind of made sense considering. Shame I never got to use my hit squad. Would've loved to be Hoid in that position though :P.

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Well, that was a quick game.  ^_^


Good Game all! Thanks for GMing, Joe!  :D


Aonar, I was about to kill you next Cycle with my Renegade skill. Pity we lost before that.  <_<

Actually, we already knew you were going to do that. We had him protect himself, so he wouldn't be in danger from you. Anyways, sorry I didn't put you on Team Evil. Hopefully, you'll be evil next time. I really enjoyed this game, although I have to say, having the Letter Bearer on our side made it way too easy. Once I converted Alvron, I knew everyone's roles, and who was in charge of coordination. From there, it was a short path to victory. That being said, I really liked the idea of the Letter Bearer, but I thought it was way too powerful. Perhaps if he could only spy on one conversation per cycle it would be balanced.

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I put the Letter bearer in to discourage people from making PM's since I knew people would be suspicious of somebody listening in, in case the LB was converted. But no, Meta and Wyrm both made a PM with everybody. I had to Delete 60 Conversations after the game.


Also, I would like to Nominate Alvron for the MVP Award. For both Sides. 

When Jasnah found out that Newan was Converted, Alvron got him lynched, figured out that Aonar was the other convert, and had Mailliw seek Aonar, then told him to lynch Himself if Aonar was Converted, since that would mean Alvron would get converted next. He made sure that Hoid couldn't win.


Then he got converted, convinced Jain and Mailliw that he hadn't been, and had them and Jasnah targeting the wrong people. He made the biggest Game changing move. Twice.


Also Wilson, you still have to give up the MEC Suit.

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I put the Letter bearer in to discourage people from making PM's since I knew people would be suspicious of somebody listening in, in case the LB was converted. But no, Meta and Wyrm both made a PM with everybody. I had to Delete 60 Conversations after the game.


Also, I would like to Nominate Alvron for the MVP Award. For both Sides. 

When Jasnah found out that Newan was Converted, Alvron got him lynched, figured out that Aonar was the other convert, and had Mailliw seek Aonar, then told him to lynch Himself if Aonar was Converted, since that would mean Alvron would get converted next. He made sure that Hoid couldn't win.


Then he got converted, convinced Jain and Mailliw that he hadn't been, and had them and Jasnah targeting the wrong people. He made the biggest Game changing move. Twice.


Also Wilson, you still have to give up the MEC Suit.


That's... Amazingly evil. I have witnessed few plays better than that.


(Standing ovation)  :D  ^_^

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Also Wilson, you still have to give up the MEC Suit.

Technically, I have to give up the MEC, Shardblade, and Shardplate still. I denied them from Ren and Meta, since I realized that the only reason they should've gotten them is if they actually participated in the bet. Meaning, they also bet on Hoid. And won. But as you were so kind to inform us, nobody guessed that Satrams was Hoid. Hence they win nothing from me.

Therefore, the House wins. So, you. I leave all three in your care. I only request that you don't give the Plate to Meta or the Blade to Ren. Or vice versa. :)

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I believe we already established this fact. I seem to recall something about idiots, paper wings, and a bird. Also a lot of talk of my bloodthirstiness and about how I can't be allowed to live when I'm evil. (You have no idea how many screenshots I took on my phone of certain select passages of the spec lounge).


Also, Maill. I'm reading The Letter-Bearer Doc right now, and excellent call on redacting my name. Sure, you were redacting it just in case the LB was in the game, but Joe could read it too. That could've been very bad. :P

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