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I am wondering why two lighteyes have said that battle would be a worse time to skip combat than a skirmish. It might be true that it is less likely for them to be targeted during battle, but that takes guesswork, and if they are targeted at all during a battle, they will die, so it could be good to make a potential sabotage attempt carry over to a skirmish, when there is a chance that they wouldn't be the one to die.


Also, I think we should account for what happened with the lighteye vote, since it appears it was a tie. I think each lighteye should say who they placed that vote on.


I wasn't saying battle is a worse time to skip than a skirmish. I just don't really think the lighteyes were much of a target right now, and since it's only a one-shot skip for the entire game, I'm saving it for when I might need it. Sure, there's always the chance you'll get targeted unexpectedly and die (like in Ash's case), but I'd curse myself for an idiot if I skipped combat just because I was worried I might get targeted and then two cycles later, know that I'm definitely getting targeted, and then I'm s.o.l.


And my vote was on Jasnah.

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Couple of clarifications to make here.


  • Shardblades can be used on any Cycle when the player could use actions. This means that the only times they cannot be used is during a Highstorm (when no actions can be taken) or if the player Scouts that Cycle.
  • There is only one circumstance where a Shardblade kill can be blocked - If the Shardblader is responsible for the death of the Wit and becomes downgraded to a Darkeyes, then they can be roleblocked by an Officer (odd, I know, but :P).
  • Lighteyes can skip combat and still use all actions and are affected by all actions otherwise.
  • The fact that Dalinar did not vote does indeed mean there was a tie in the Lighteye vote.
  • Metacognition's secret ablity to vote twice has been patched >>
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Luckat, not sure if you were talking about me saying battle is the time to skip? If so, that isn't what I was saying. I was saying that it seems counter-productive to me to use my skip ability this early (since it's a 1 trick poney). There were still 19/20 players, as of last cycle, in the game. So, I would prefer to save that skip ability for a bit later in the game when there are less targets for the spies to go for.

As far as my vote, I ironically voted for Jain. I realize I didn't vote for him with my actual vote, so some my think I'm trying to deflect suspicion by saying my secret vote (that none of you can see) was on Jain. To this I say, I can't prove it - but that's where it went.

*EDIT* My grammar and spelling were god awful...

Edited by Macen
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So we can expect, or believe in the possibility, that Tal might kill someone next cycle?


Tal cannot kill someone this Cycle as there is a Highstorm. He can do so next Cycle onwards.

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So the Highstorm is next cycle? And the person who received the Spanreed can send anonymous messages to Jain's partner and vice versa?

Joe, I did see that white above the quote. ;P Did you see mine?




Maill, I don't think she's doing it to be random or anything. I think she's backtracking to fall back to what we're used to seeing from her: roleplay. 

The question is, why? I figure she probably thinks it will lower the suspicion on her, which is something she's never really particularly cared about in past games. So why does she care now? The answer to this is the driving force of my vote on her. Her playstyle is different this game. Different not in a way of someone trying something new. It's different in a way that seems particularly suited to an eliminator in her position. She's played 3 games previously, the first 2 of which she was killed early on. The last one, she survived the entire game. The fact that she survived means that either she'd adapted her playstyle and it was working, or we'd gotten used to her particular brand of randomness. Personally, I think it was a combination of both. 
So why is she suddenly worried about her mortality? She survived the last game she played. But just yesterday, she was frantic and wanted pointers on how to play better. Why? Because she'd just been called out and she desperately doesn't want to die. Why? Again, she's accrued votes in the past, and she's never remotely acted this way. So what's different this time? The most obvious solution is that she's an eliminator.
And really, this explains quite a few things. In all three prior games, she was an active poster. In the first two, she did a cross between RP and voting. In the third, there was less voting, but still, there was a lot of RP. She said she's not as familiar with Roshar. Okay. But she didn't really stay world-based in the Steelheart game either. Her character there seemed to end up with a spike or something very similar, which doesn't work with the world. So I don't really buy that explanation. Especially since she hasn't been voting either (or hadn't been). She put a second vote on Jasnah, and then never removed it after Jasnah posted. While she had an excuse for this, and that excuse may have been valid, I can't help but wonder what she would've said if I hadn't removed my vote. Jasnah would've been lynched. Was she secretly hoping that would happen?
When she's been accused in past games, either she's immediately posted a retaliation vote (the Rithmatist game) or she's mostly just ignored the votes on her, and accused someone else very single-mindedly (LG9). She's did neither here initially. She attempted trolling at first, and when that didn't work, she got frantic, possibly hoping to garner pity, and when that didn't work, thenshe posted the retaliation vote, using very weak logic to support her vote.
And now, she's RPing. Nothing else she's tried has worked, so she's falling back on what's worked in the past. The problem is that she's digging herself in deeper. She's not addressing what initially made her suspicious in the first place. And now she's got so much to counter, I'm not sure how she's going to do it.
Odysa, just in case you really are good, I'd advise you to explain your motives. In detail. Very clear detail. I don't want to push for a lynch on you if you're actually on Team Good. I've never enjoyed doing that, and I've always been one to give people an out if I can. So please. If you're good, explain.



You seem so convinced of Odysa's guilt here. No manipulation, my chull. That was definitely some heavy-handed manipulation there. YOu have a tone that sounds like you are certain of her guilt and you go on to show your "proof".




If I were an eliminator, I would've been targeting the players who were most likely to be good, so as not to hit a potential teammate.


Really? You would protect the other killers in this game? Just like you did with the Serial Killer in LG9? You were the one who wanted to kill the serial killer even though he'd help us with our objective.


​Meta, the reason I haven't posted a lot is because I am busy this week and am having some troubles on 17S occasionally. I should be getting more available and so I should be posting more soon. 


Jain was guilty? Wow. The only reason I suspected him at all was his rant at the beginning. It seemed slightly forced and more grandiose than normal, but I ignored it, thinking that he did it so soon so that Joe couldn't call him out for not ranting. :P


Just a note, while I suspect Wilson:


These are the five players that Wilson hasn't interacted with all game. The last three especially, but her only interactions with Ren were conversations about bloodthirstiness and evilness and she referenced Alv, but has never really interacted with him. Karlin, mek, and Araris have been completely ignored by her. The reason I bring this up is that in LG9, Wilson talked about how we needed to make sure that we avoided agreeing with or focusing on one another so that in things like Aonar's charts, we wouldn't have many connections to each other. These five are the ones I see as most likely to be her partner if she is a spy. Granted, she could've changed that completely, but she's too gung-ho on Odysa for me to believe that they are working together.
Edited by Mailliw73
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So the Highstorm is next cycle? And the person who received the Spanreed can send anonymous messages to Jain's partner and vice versa?

Highstorm is at the end of this cycle. Meaning no actions this cycle. Only a lynch. And there's no way to escape that lynch.


You seem so convinced of Odysa's guilt here. No manipulation, my chull. That was definitely some heavy-handed manipulation there. YOu have a tone that sounds like you are certain of her guilt and you go on to show your "proof".

It's called laying out my logic so people can see how I got to where I am. I'm no longer completely convinced of Odysa's guilt. She said something a bit ago (toward the beginning of this cycle) that got me to rethink things. Would I still like explanations from her on some of those things I mentioned? Sure. But I'm not gung-ho toward her anymore. My sights have moved onto better targets.


Really? You would protect the other killers in this game? Just like you did with the Serial Killer in LG9? You were the one who wanted to kill the serial killer even though he'd help us with our objective.

Different game, different strategy. In LG9, the SK was a threat because he could stalk other people, not see their alignment, and I had a role he would want to be rid of. Plus, he can only win by himself. In this game, the spies can win together. It's about figuring out who's on your side as well. While I wouldn't use the term "protect" in reference to the other spies, if I were a spy, I would be trying to figure it out.

I have someone I'd like to cast a vote on, but doing so would require me to reveal my role, so I think I'm just going to let this play out a little more. If others seem to want to lynch me too, I'll reveal it, but until then....

I would, however, like to hear from Aonar. He's normally a little more active than this. I don't expect him to respond today, since he said he's got karate on Thursday, but I've noticed he checks in here pretty often throughout the day (both today and yesterday), but he never posts.

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I have someone I'd like to cast a vote on, but doing so would require me to reveal my role, so I think I'm just going to let this play out a little more. If others seem to want to lynch me too, I'll reveal it, but until then....

I would, however, like to hear from Aonar. He's normally a little more active than this. I don't expect him to respond today, since he said he's got karate on Thursday, but I've noticed he checks in here pretty often throughout the day (both today and yesterday), but he never posts.

You're a good enough Player that you wouldn't reveal that you have an Important Role if you did. Not voting for you yet, but this, and Mailliw's analysis means I will vote for you unless Who ever got Jain's Spanreed holder steps forward,

Edited by The Only Joe
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You're a good enough Player that you wouldn't reveal that you have an Important Role if you did. Not voting for you yet, but this, and Mailliw's analysis means I will vote for you unless Who ever got Jain's Spanreed holder steps forward,


I would if it was pretty much guaranteed that I was about to die and I thought I'd found a spy....

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Kaddar slung his spear over his shoulder, wedged himself better into the fork of the tree branches and looked down on the battlefield below. The walk to higher ground had been worth it, he thought. Nirn and Hulin were somewhere in the vicinity. The screams of the wounded and dying were thick in the air. Eventually, teams were going to have to retrieve those who could be saved. And then, perhaps, the grisly work of killing those from Aladar's army would have to begin.
"You know," he said to Hulin, "That messenger told me he'd seen nobody on his runs through the camp."
"Well," said Kaddar, "Of course, he must be far more insightful than I am. All I can see is Jost's face, and believe me, that's not a sight you really want to wake up to. It takes some getting used to. Not that the visages of my fellow Brightlords and Brightladies are any better, of course. To see an abstract person is more than I can manage. And of course, that's nonsense. Why, if Nobody could be seen, then he'd be Somebody or Anybody."
More silence.
"I suppose it's not very funny," Kaddar admitted. "There was a story, though. Shall I tell it to you? Yes. I think I shall. There was a messenger, bringing word from his generals to a king. The king asked his secretary, 'Who did you see on the road?' 'Nobody,' replied the Brightlady, for the road was empty. Eventually, however, the messenger came into sight. 'Who did you pass on the road?' the king asked, after the messenger had delivered the generals' words. 'Nobody,' replied the messenger; the road had been empty. 'Of course,' said the king, 'After all, the Brightlady has seen him too. Clearly, nobody walks slower than you.'"
A cry, echoing amongst the trees.
"Quite right," Kaddar said. "The story goes on at some length of course--the messenger is offended, the king doesn't actually chop his head off, and the messenger says, 'well, nobody is faster than me, your majesty' and all of that. The king replies, 'Well, he can't have done that or he'd have been here first.'" The leaves rustled; they'd retreated ever since he'd made the climb up the tree. "I suppose the lesson is: a king may be a fool. Or is it that a fool may be a king?"
He'd have to return to camp, eventually. Someone would notice he was missing. Still, he had some time left. Bracing himself against the branches on either side, Kaddar ignored his discomfort and watched.
Sorry, Odysa, you're not the first to have pulled off that stunt :P
I didn't skip battle either, so assuming the other Lighteyes and myself are truthful, that leaves whether Jost chose to do so. Looks more and more likely that the situation is a result of Scouts and Officers.
Wilson, I'm pretty sure that pretty much suggests your role, as-is.
Tentatively, I would (defeasibly) regard as suspicious any Messenger who chooses not to contact Luckat at the end of this cycle, seeing as we would then at least have one node of a communication network that can be trusted (even if we are uncertain of the Messengers themselves--I don't want to pull another Gunner incident, but I must admit that I believe the Spies have at least one Messenger.
And Jost, I can buy the first part of what you said but the last leaves something to be desired. Please explain your logic.

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Odysa, you crazy.  To be honest, I do believe that you don't know what to do.  Me neither.  And maybe I'm completely off here, but when I was an eliminator I would tend to be nervous and always want to post a lot.  I didn't, but I wanted to.  So that's what I think you're doing.  


And if anybody thinks I'm just doing this because of the votes on Wilson, I say unto thee nay.  I've got no ideas there.  

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Wilson, I'm pretty sure that pretty much suggests your role, as-is.

This is true. And anyone who's been particularly observant of my posts before this would have a decent idea what I am anyway. So sure. Why not? I'm an Officer. I roleblocked Odysa the first cycle. It was her comment about that that's taken me off her case as much as I was. I roleblocked Twei last cycle. As it's pretty much a guarantee now that the lack of kills is, for at least one of the spy teams, due to either a scout or an Officer, I'm more than a little bit suspicious of her.


As for the votes on me. I'm not even going to try to defend myself. It's pretty clear that nothing I say in defense is going to matter. So now, I'm going to get down to analyzing everything that's happened thus far in the game. If I find anything, I'll post it in the thread. Hopefully, when I die, and you guys can finally trust that I'm not lying to you, it might be of some use.

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I'm crazy? YAY!! Anyway, you got me. Me and everyone else who voted for Wilson (whom I am not voting for), are the spies. LET THE ARROWS FLY!

I actually am starting to believe Wilson, although I would like it if Wilson started to believe in me too. Of course, I can't expect anything. 

Bro I just said it wasn't because of the votes on Wilson.  Like five minutes ago.  *ahem* And I quote:


And if anybody thinks I'm just doing this because of the votes on Wilson, I say unto thee nay.  



Edit: also, don't take this personally.  I think you're awesome.  Your craziness has been one of the most entertaining parts of this thread.  

Edited by Newan
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Could this be it? Could this be a sign of the Elusive Supreme Lynchmaster returning?!
The more I think of it, the more I'm 50-50 about Joe and Wilson's logic. I think people have made good points about Wilson's inconsistencies: for instance--a general tendency to flag people as suspicious for things she's doing: flagging my (earlier) acknowledgement of my innocence when she'd basically kept declaring she was good, as well as Meta noting that the charge of Eliminator-strategising could easily go both ways.

At the same time, though, I don't think those inconsistencies are conclusive and they certainly have good replies possible--although a player like Wilson...I wouldn't trust myself to be able to determine if it is or isn't telling. I'm iffy about the logic of "Well, Wilson's a good player so she wouldn't reveal if she had an important role."

My impression was that if you role-blocked someone and there was no kill--even with all the attendent uncertainties in this game, such as whether or not the Lighteyes have been lying about not skipping the battle, or whether the kills hit a Scout, or Aladar's men, or...--well, even with all those uncertainties, it seems to me to be something pretty useful to know. Why don't you think so?

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Could this be it? Could this be a sign of the Elusive Supreme Lynchmaster returning?!


You know what?  I really, really liked that title.  



You know what would be really funny?  If one of the spies was an officer, who just happened to roleblock another officer, who happened to be the other spy, then the officer spy decided to kill the other spy so that they would all believe the officer spy was an officer good guy.  


Funny, and also completely far fetched and improbable.  


And seriously, how many officers do we think there are?  I'm in the "I believe Wilson is good" camp again, for the moment.  


The other possibility: Maybe Wilson is bad and Twei is good, and Wilson isn't actually the officer, but Wilson doesn't think that Twei would come on and defend himself.  Hmm who's Twei... wait nobody is Twei.  A nickname from a previous game?  I assume it's twelfthrootoftwo.  Well, since twelfthrootoftwo hasn't posted yet this cycle, that's actually possible.  So I'm going to wait to see if twelfthrootoftwo attempts to refute this before I throw my vote on there.  



Edit: I blame Austre, God of Colors

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Only Joe(1): Kasimir

Winter Cloud(1): Newan

12th Root of 2(1): Wilson, 


Storm it Wilson, If you had said anything other than Officer, I would have continued to Lynch you. But I don't think we have another one of those.


I officially have no idea what to do now. I just went an reread all of Twei's Posts. He supported Meta's Lighteye Vote Plan early on, then he expressed Suspicion of Wilson.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Highstorm is at the end of this cycle. Meaning no actions this cycle. Only a lynch. And there's no way to escape that lynch.


It's called laying out my logic so people can see how I got to where I am. I'm no longer completely convinced of Odysa's guilt. She said something a bit ago (toward the beginning of this cycle) that got me to rethink things. Would I still like explanations from her on some of those things I mentioned? Sure. But I'm not gung-ho toward her anymore. My sights have moved onto better targets.


Different game, different strategy. In LG9, the SK was a threat because he could stalk other people, not see their alignment, and I had a role he would want to be rid of. Plus, he can only win by himself. In this game, the spies can win together. It's about figuring out who's on your side as well. While I wouldn't use the term "protect" in reference to the other spies, if I were a spy, I would be trying to figure it out.

I have someone I'd like to cast a vote on, but doing so would require me to reveal my role, so I think I'm just going to let this play out a little more. If others seem to want to lynch me too, I'll reveal it, but until then....

I would, however, like to hear from Aonar. He's normally a little more active than this. I don't expect him to respond today, since he said he's got karate on Thursday, but I've noticed he checks in here pretty often throughout the day (both today and yesterday), but he never posts.

Oh. I thought it meant next cycle. Okay, thanks.


Laying out your logic is one thing. Using wording that assumes Odysa's guilt is different. The way you said "her teammate is" or "Odysa did _____" sounds like you know that she's guilty. 


Okay, I will at least concede on this point. I forgot about the SK's stalking.


As you said, Officer is the only role a Lighteyes could have that would help discover someone. So, I don't know why you didn't just announce it once you said what you did. Hiding the role that is obvious to everyone else doesn't make sense. 


This post did convince me slightly of your innocence, but more than that, it's the fact that this is too easy. You're a better player than this, so why does so much of what you say contradict and implicate yourself? Even when you're evil, it's not like this. For now, I'm leaving my vote. I'll wait until Twei gets on to defend herself before I decide to test your claim.





And seriously, how many officers do we think there are?  I'm in the "I believe Wilson is good" camp again, for the moment.  


The other possibility: Maybe Wilson is bad and Twei is good, and Wilson isn't actually the officer, but Wilson doesn't think that Twei would come on and defend himself.  Hmm who's Twei... wait nobody is Twei.  A nickname from a previous game?  I assume it's twelfthrootoftwo.  Well, since twelfthrootoftwo hasn't posted yet this cycle, that's actually possible.  So I'm going to wait to see if twelfthrootoftwo attempts to refute this before I throw my vote on there.  



Edit: I blame Austre, God of Colors



Yes, Twei is Torwel who is played by twelfthrootoftwo.

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You know what?  I really, really liked that title.  

It's always been your title. You just need to reclaim it. :P

Anyway: Torwel is Twei, yes. Racine, if you prefer, Wandrin :P

Well, I think it's one piece of information, but we can't tunnel in and focus on this thing with Wilson and Twei. I agree we need to hear from Twei, but we can't do anything about that for now, and one other thing this whole morass serves is to just divert our attention too.

Given that Jost was the one to call down the balefire and confirm Jain's lynch, I'm going to take my vote off him (I mostly wanted to hear his logic anyway), and I'm going to put a vote on Mek because I'd like something more solid than RP that isn't directed towards anything going on. I guess if King isn't going to lead the Wyrm Inquisition, then I'll see what I can do.

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*sigh* I am way too tired to not misread everything, or to be able to keep up with the discussion.


Kas and Joe, who did you put the Lighteye vote on? It might not be very important, but it could help us know what Jain did with his (and knowing what one spy did would be good). Also, we should probably figure out if we need a different plan for the vote if nobody's following it.

Edited by luckat
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I'm not quite sure I understand where all the heat is coming from when it comes to Wilson, or any other light eyes for that matter. I'm running with the general consensus that there are 4 spies, meaning I think it very unlikely that there would be another one other than jain in that group. I'm certainly not saying its not a possibility, although when we have a highstorm coming up where whoever is lynched is certain to die, there's no way I will be putting my vote on Joe, Kas, Macen or Wilson. This may be inexperience or naivety, but that's what I'm running with at the moment.

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My impression was that if you role-blocked someone and there was no kill--even with all the attendent uncertainties in this game, such as whether or not the Lighteyes have been lying about not skipping the battle, or whether the kills hit a Scout, or Aladar's men, or...--well, even with all those uncertainties, it seems to me to be something pretty useful to know. Why don't you think so?


Is that question directed toward me?


Also, Joe, I actually have a habit of revealing my role when I have one. I mean, there was the time I was Aiel-Blooded and I told Kas and Wes almost right off the bat. Granted, that wasn't an important role so it may not matter, but the fact that the darkfriends found out I was Aiel-Blooded is the only reason I survived that game. More importantly, there was mitosis last game. I'd say that was a pretty dang powerful and important role. Wanna know how long it took me to hint that I had it? Less than a half a cycle. By the start of the second cycle, Ren, Gamma, and Aonar all knew I had Mitosis. So.....yeah. Important roles and not revealing them? That logic doesn't really fly in regards to me. Because I do. Quite frequently.


Laying out your logic is one thing. Using wording that assumes Odysa's guilt is different. The way you said "her teammate is" or "Odysa did _____" sounds like you know that she's guilty. 


As you said, Officer is the only role a Lighteyes could have that would help discover someone. So, I don't know why you didn't just announce it once you said what you did. Hiding the role that is obvious to everyone else doesn't make sense. 


This post did convince me slightly of your innocence, but more than that, it's the fact that this is too easy. You're a better player than this, so why does so much of what you say contradict and implicate yourself? Even when you're evil, it's not like this. For now, I'm leaving my vote. I'll wait until Twei gets on to defend herself before I decide to test your claim.


At that point in time, I did think I knew that.


Revealing my role in a PM to select people of my choosing is one thing. Announcing it in the thread for all to see is something entirely different. So I was hesitant to reveal unless it was dire. But almost immediately after saying that, I realized that there was only one lighteyes role that could find that kind of information. So I debated there for about ten minutes whether I should just have out with it and skip the waiting, or wait for a little bit longer. And then Kas pointed it out, ending my internal debate. Should I have revealed right off the bat? Probably, yes. But at the same time, I knew people would do exactly what they are doing: saying it's too easy and wondering if I'm lying about my role. Hence that debate, even when I knew everyone would know my role.


I believe some of the problem here is that when I wasn't completely taking the game seriously, I wasn't thinking through how everyone else would weigh my posts. I should've been. When I called Kas out, I genuinely considered it suspicious. And then I did pretty much the same thing. Did I view it as the same, in my not-taking-the-game-seriously head? At the time, no. Not at all. If I had, I wouldn't have done it. But again, I wasn't taking it seriously. I'd like to think that if we were to completely ignore everything that I said before about, oh, 28 hours ago, you wouldn't be seeing contradictions. But you're right. I'm not like this when I'm evil. That's because I take the game very seriously right from the start when I am. I haven't played this badly since LG1....


Note to self: next time your threat level goes up, skip a few games. Your head clearly isn't on straight in the one right after. >>

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Haven't yet read WoT, but doesn't Balefire Completely erase a Person from the Cycle of Life? Does this mean that Panda has to come up with a new Character now? Anyway.


I put my Vote on Wilson.


"Storms, why would Brightlord-"


"Not BrightLord, just Jain." Sani interrupted him. "Dalinar stripped him of his rank, remember?"


Jost nodded. "Yes, but why would he betray us? He had Rank, Privilege, what could Vamah have promised him!" He paced back and forth, staring at the floor. "It doesn't make any Sense! Brightlords are supposed to be smart, and make Intelligent Decisions."


His sister sighed. "Jost, you're receiving plenty of Glory for finding the Spy, you didn't need the Shardblade as well."


He whirled on her. "Why Not?! Dalinar know's I'm loyal I just found a Cremling Spy for him!" She simply raised an Eyebrow. "Ok, yes, It was mostly guessing, but I was right wasn't I?" She continued to stare at him. "I need to calm down don't I." She nodded.


"Alright then." He sat down opposite from her. "What do you think about Brightlady Kenara's claim to being an Officer?"


"Well, For one, I think she meant that either her Husband or brother is an Officer, since the Highprince probably isn't naming Woman Officers. I don't know enough about her to tell you though. Either way, she claims that Torwel is a Spy. Who do you want to investigate?"


Jost moved as if to speak, but then hesitated, and remained silence. After nearly a minute of thought. He grinned and stood up. "Neither. I'll be back later." He hurried out of the room. Grabbing his Kit as he went. He had an Army to save.

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I suspect that the Panda is actually a lightweaver and that Jain is just a really convincing fake.


You know, it would be really convenient if each person could put something at the bottom of their post like: argument for X and against Y so it would be a little easier to see what people are actually trying to say. Right now it seems that some people are suspicious of Wilson, and some people are suspicious of Odysa. Then there are those of us that are flying under the radar, like me (I hope at least one other person feels a little overwhelmed by all of the discussion that is going on right now). I'm not sure who to suspect, since the only confirmed eliminator that we have is Jain, and the only back and forth conversation he has had was with me. Also, there is only one other person in this game who knew that Jain was bad in the first place. I don't feel confident enough in myself to act right now, but for the next 3 days or so we still won't have any information from eliminator kills. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll have a better idea of who I think is tricksy.

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