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Release Dates


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Last update from Peter was that they were targeting March 2016.  But that's a tentative date as Brandon hasn't even started writing it.


Every time I realize that Brandon hasn't even started writing Stones Unhallowed, I die a little inside. :(

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Every time I realize that Brandon hasn't even started writing Stones Unhallowed, I die a little inside. :(

Every time I realize Words of Radiance only came out three months ago, I die a little inside. I mean seriously. I have spent so much time here discussing it and whatnot since then I can't even believe it.

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  • 1 month later...

4 nearly 5 months since WOR I totally get what you guys mean by dying a little each time.... I check the website every day hoping to see Stormlight Book 3 on the progress bar. I love the Cosmere but I read the audio version honestly I've listened to it like 9 times and currently right now I'm going for double digits ;)

Way of kings introduced me to the Cosmere and Brandon Sanderson but I seriously wish I hadn't read them so fast because now I have like a two year wait :(

We should start a Cosmere AA to help with the withdrawal symptoms...

What are you guys reading right now??

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4 nearly 5 months since WOR I totally get what you guys mean by dying a little each time.... I check the website every day hoping to see Stormlight Book 3 on the progress bar. I love the Cosmere but I read the audio version honestly I've listened to it like 9 times and currently right now I'm going for double digits ;)

Way of kings introduced me to the Cosmere and Brandon Sanderson but I seriously wish I hadn't read them so fast because now I have like a two year wait :(

We should start a Cosmere AA to help with the withdrawal symptoms...

What are you guys reading right now??

Currently reading Warbreaker, which is my last Cosmere book left. Then I don't know what to do :( 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Some news concerning future books:


Now, I get to relax and actually do my job for a few weeks until Salt Lake Comic Con. For those wondering, I’m feeling more and more that I should finish Shadows of Self (the sequel to The Alloy of Law) before digging further into Stormlight 3. There are still some things I want to think about for Stormlight 3, and Mistborn has been neglected lately. I’m planning to work on that, along with Calamity (last of The Reckoners) before launching into the third Stormlight book starting in the spring.

Source: http://brandonsanderson.com/tour-report-europe-and-canada/


What do you think? Disappointed? Glad?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am disappointed. Honestly the Rechoner's books just don't do it for me. I was really hoping we would get Stormlight 3 in 2015. I guess that won't happen now. We will probably get Stormlight 3 in 2017 now. I know he likes to do different series to stay fresh, but at some point he is going to need to write some stormlight back to back or this series is going to span 30 years

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I am disappointed. Honestly the Rechoner's books just don't do it for me. I was really hoping we would get Stormlight 3 in 2015. I guess that won't happen now. We will probably get Stormlight 3 in 2017 now. I know he likes to do different series to stay fresh, but at some point he is going to need to write some stormlight back to back or this series is going to span 30 years


The current plan is for Stormlight 3 to come out March-ish 2016, 2 years after WoR.  According to Peter (if I remember correctly) 2015 was never a real possibility, Stormlight books take too long to write and Brandon also had to work on some other projects as well.  And writing Stormlight "back to back" as you suggest would probably take longer.  It just isn't how Brandon works, he needs the side projects so he doesn't burn out doing the big things.  To be frank it is going to take a while to get all the books out, though probably closer to early/mid-twenties.  Let's say Brandon keeps to the 18 months - 2 year plan between books.  That is 15-20 right there.  Plus the longer gap between WoR and WoK brings it up to  17.5-22.  Then add the break between Books 5 and 6 when he plans on doing the second Mistborn trilogy, which say will be 5-ish years, maybe more.  That's 22.5-27+.


Brandon already writes faster than most epic fantasy authors, he should be allowed to write in the order he wants to write.  And we should accept that books don't always come as fast as we want them.  Rithmatist 2 isn't coming out anytime remotely soon, but I've accepted that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Brandon already writes faster than most epic fantasy authors, he should be allowed to write in the order he wants to write.  And we should accept that books don't always come as fast as we want them.  Rithmatist 2 isn't coming out anytime remotely soon, but I've accepted that.


Completely agree. Let's give the man his props. In his first ten years as a published author, Brandon has produced more than 1,400 printed pages PER YEAR on average. (This year will be something like 1,700, depending on exactly how long Legion: Skin Deep is.) That's pretty incredible. I'm sure there are fantasy authors out there who are more prolific, but not many. 


So let's be happy for all the awesome that Brandon sends our way. I mean.... I can sympathize with the people who wish Stormlight 3 were coming out sooner. I look forward to reading that book, too. But there are also lots of people who are looking forward to every other book on this list. We don't all have the same favorites. So let's be happy for the people who are stoked about getting more Legion, or Wax & Wayne book, or the Reckoners. Try to put yourself in the shoes of fans who finally get to read the last chapter of Alcatraz. Or, holy cow, think about how long some of us have been waiting to see White Sands come to light.  Perspective, y'all. 

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We just need to start a collection charity among us to buy Sanderson more Bendalloy...

And by the way, estimating that a 1000 page book will be out in a year and a half when you haven't even started writing it yet is absolutely insanely fast in the world of publication. Any other author I'd scoff and say double that and you'll maybe be close to accurate. Sanderson I could actually believe it.

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Brandon already writes faster than most epic fantasy authors, he should be allowed to write in the order he wants to write. And we should accept that books don't always come as fast as we want them. Rithmatist 2 isn't coming out anytime remotely soon, but I've accepted that.

I was sad when Rithmatist 2 disappeared off of his Status bar. I think that I'm looking forward to that one more than I am Firefight or Calamity. The mystery of Rithmatist pulls me in more than that of the Reckoners.

I am, however, looking forward with glee to getting more Wax and Wayne goodness coming our way.

Edited by bschnebs
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  • 2 weeks later...

Concerning "minor" projects:

- Progress bar, webpage: Shadows of Self, Calamity, Stormlight

- Twitter: Shadows of Self, Calamity, Stormlight

- Brand new interview: no hints to the books above but due to Brandon Rithmatist 2 comes after Firefight


I'm a lidl bit confused...


Concerning dominant projects:

I understand that Brandon need to refresh himself with another worlds as well, but I have never thought that he will be working on three(!) projects beside Stormlight. The positive side: even with more minor projects Brandon is much more faster than GRRM

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do anyone knows anything about the next release dates, at least approximately?


I wanted to preorder firefight, but I need transoceanic shipping, so I'd rather wait a few books and order them in bulk. but if i knew there were no books for, like, half a year, I'd just get firefight right now.  So, knowing when shadows of self, or calamity, or rithmatist 2, or even alcatraz 5 would come out would help me choosing (I'm not mentioning stones unhallowed cause i know that will take at least another year).


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Shadows of Self isn't coming out until November 2015.


The Aztlanian (Rith 2) is probably coming out 2016 (Brandon has said he wants to do one teen book a year, 2015 is Firefight, Aztlanian the year after) but weilll know better once it gets written (whenever that will be).


We have no clue on Calamity


Alcatraz 5 is coming out after the first four are re-released by Tor.  The last we heard the plan was to release them in 3 month intervals starting Summer 2015, which means Book 5 would come out Summer 2016.


The first volume of the White Sand graphic novel is supposed to come out next year as well but we don't know when.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What's the source on this? Can you link?


Here's where I got November 28, but apparently it isn't very reliable.  It changed to November 30 since the last time I checked.  This article on Tor.com says November 28, but I'm guessing that it got that date from the amazon page too.  If I'm understanding Peter correctly, this means we don't have a set-in-stone release date.

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