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Well, I hope that no one else is messing with my posts! :P 


If I change the votes, it's not on a whim, if that's what you're asking. If I change the votes, it's to reflect the correct status after I notice that I recorded something wrong. 

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Day 9: Tunnel Vision


Baron von Piffertiff was spending more and more of his nights and evenings in his study. He had his book to finish and as things grew more and more dire for the village, there seemed to be less and less chance that he’d finish it! So while the rest of the village had spent the afternoon looking for that scoundrel of a traveler, Jain, the Baron worked. That didn’t mean that he was alone though. He kept his best three guards at his side, just in case.


As night started to descend and the lamps were being lit, his steward, Stu brought him his dinner and information about the events of the day. It seemed that the village hadn’t been able to find Jain and had finally given up.


“Bloody fools,” the Baron mumbled to himself at the news. “They would’ve been better served working on the wall as I told them!”


“Umm, sir? You’ve been here all day. When did you tell them?”


“As I would’ve told them if any of the lazy louts had asked me about it.” Piffertiff corrected. “I don’t want to be disturbed, Stu. I’m about finished and then we need to see about getting this book and myself out of this infernal town. If you serve well, you can come too.”


Stu bowed his way out, leaving the Baron to his work.


...and thus these cans and can-like vessels make the perfect containers for keeping perishables fresh for extended durations. Furthermore, they allow for ease of transportation between various what was that? Oh, Lord Ruler! They’ve come for me! Not now! Someone help!


Piffertiff had been so consumed in his writing that it took him a moment to disengage and had started writing stream of consciousness, wasting precious seconds. By the time he pulled himself away, most of his study’s lamps had been blown out as the wind and mist curled in through the now broken windows that the shadowy figures had crashed through.


His guards were quick to react. They drew their swords and were between him and the assailants in a split second. It was amazing what kind of loyalty coin could buy. Not that the Baron wasted any more time thinking about it or their lives. As long as they lived long enough for him to escape, they had earned their coin. He didn’t even give a thought to how difficult it would be for dead men to spend it.


The assassins drew swords of their own and charged. In the flickering light, shadows elongated and shifted; making it difficult to guess who many of these Spiked there were. There was a clash of blades as the guards met the assassin’s charge. The Spiked would dart in out of the shadows and mist like ghosts. They’d exchange a few blows before fading back and attacking from a new angle, but the guards were holding their own; if barely. Every exchange cost them in new, little cuts. It would only be a matter of time before the Spiked wore them down.


The Baron, not being much of a fighter, instead used the time to flee. He ran to one of the bookshelves lining an inside wall. His fingers felt along the side of the bookshelf, looking for the irregularity that would trigger the lock. He found it and with a click, the bookcase swung open, revealing the tunnel that would lead him to freedom. He grabbed a torch that hung nearby for this exact purpose and pulled the bookcase closed behind him; abandoning his guards to their fate.


The tunnel Piffertiff traveled down connected to other tunnels, each of them leading to different rooms in his mansion. One of the tunnels led out to where he had a carriage constantly waiting for just this purpose. He had lost his book, but he was more important. As long as he escaped this hellish town, he could always rewrite it after all. It was a waste, but him losing his life would be more of one.


He was almost halfway through the final tunnel until salvation and safety when his torch illuminated a humanoid figure in his path. It could just be his footman for the carriage, but this far into the tunnel, Piffertiff doubted it and he stopped dead in his tracks.


“Escape isn’t that easy, Baron.” The voice echoed off the walls, almost seeming to slither their way to his ears.


Piffertiff gulped and though terrified, tried to give the figure his most winning smile.


“Ahh, yes. So I see. Well, in that case, might I offer-” He spun on his heel as quickly as he could and sprinted back the way he came.


A throwing knife caught him in the calf and he tumbled to the ground. He leaned against the wall to stand up, but the best he could to was hobble along the wall. Another knife hit him in the shoulder and he cried out as he fell again.


“There will be no escaped for any of you,” the voice calmly stated, far nearer now that the Baron couldn’t run. He heard the rasp of a sword leaving its scabbard. It was the last thing he heard.




Odustren awoke to find his paints and his canvas stolen. In a panic, he rushed outside, hoping for some sign of the thief.


He skidded to a stop when he got to the town square. There he found all his paints, still perfectly kept, on the lip of the fountain and one of his canvases was next to it. It seemed someone had borrowed his supplies for a late night artistic endeavor.


Odustren wasn’t impressed. There was just a bunch of words written on the canvas:


Pretty sure this isn't worth it anymore. There's too much time required for these messages. I'm done putting a whole bunch of effort into them. So, this is possibly(hopefully?) my last. This is the only reason I do want to die. Just so that I don't have to worry about these messages. I wanted to go out with a bang, but I already put a ton into those other ones.


So I'm done. Sorry.


Well, we can't afford another mislynch. We'll be even this cycle and if we don't get a Spiked, they'll outnumber us.

Pifferdoo is the one who claimed to be a Soother to me. The only problem is, Wyrm was Rioted last cycle. Wyrm couldn't have Rioted himself, since that would show as a No Vote, and Dom, Damon, and Macen are all inactive and can't have Rioted. Therefore, Pifferdoo must be a Rioter which means he lied to me. That isn't conclusive evidence, but you need to know it before I die and I can't influence the kill tonight be sharing it early. If I die, farewell and good luck. If not, Piff, you're going to need some storming good reason why you shouldn't die. And watch Joe too. I've waffled back and forth on him, but I'm beginning to think he's Spiked.




Night 9 ends and thus Day 9 Begins! You have 48 hours!


Baron von Piffertiff was a Village Soother!

Updated Player List

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Huh. And I had just decided that he was probably innocent. I was about to post:


Ok then, Unodus' vote disappeared, And Wyrm's vote was moved. So Pifferdoo probably is the Soother than, and didn't vote or sooth, while Unodus is the rioter, and targeted Wyrm. The only other possibility is if Unodus is the soother and soothed himself, while Pifferdoo is the rioter and moved Wyrm. 


So Piffer isn't as suspicious because of that.

But Meta closed the topic right before I could.


As for Mailiw's message, we decided last night that Piff was a spiked Rioter, before Piff pointed out that Meta had corrected a voting mistake, which neatly destroyed all of our evidence. 


EDIT: To counter the inevitable "There's no proof you believed Pifferdoo was innocent", have a screenshot.


MOD EDIT: While the screenshot wasn't information-sensitive, it toes the line of Fair Play. Please refrain from using screenshots in the future (this goes for everyone. :) ).


Joe EDIT: Oh, alright then. I hadn't realized that was technically off limits.

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I'm disappointed that Meta didn't mention that he had fixed the votes in the write-up, since that was what we focused on quite a bit here.

So the question then is why Unodus Rioted me this Cycle. He has confirmed to me also that he Rioted the vote for Weiry too considering that our PM has basically been me pointing out that Villagers interfering is a bad idea and him saying we should probably lynch him for his mistakes before that... Yeah, I am now thinking that, since there was no change in tactics, Unodus was Spiked.

Also, why was Pifferdoo killed? We were all ready to lynch him today as a Rioter, right up until your PM there. So why then did the Spiked kill him? I would say that either Joe or Mailliw wanted to be rid of a Soother. I think the Eliminators have recently been embarking on a campaign of external mental extermination, with their kills of Sarcomere, Jain and Pifferdoo.


But I lean towards Mailliw being the guilty party here at the moment, not Joe. A few things make sense if Mailliw is Spiked - Wilson's death, Hreo's death, Eoladdin's death, Weiry's lurch... And the fact that Mailliw gave his Role away early, since he was not afraid of being killed at night. The Tineye message could just be attempting to show that he didn't know of Pifferdoo's non-Rioterness and put guilt on Joe simultaneously. Joe, did Mailliw see the PM before the Night was over? And regardless of that, at what time did Pifferdoo point out the mistake?

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Mailliw knew both Unodus and Piffer's roles. We'd assumed that Piff was lying until we saw Meta's correction. I said in the Pm that Piff might be innocent 20 minutes before the writeup. Mailliw posted 20 minutes after the writeup, saying he hadn't seen the update by meta. Plus he sent in his message about 7 hours beforehand.

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Well, one of the Spiked has just told me that they gave us a list of who they are in the lynch last Cycle. Not too surprising, considering the state we're in and how they simply needed a lynch to get their victory. We also have no pretty much no control over the lynch this Cycle - There are 11 people left, and three of those are inactive. Any way you slice it, we're outnumbered as Villagers.


Mek has claimed that his team is the following: Himself as Mistborn, Claincy as Thug, Mailliw as Tineye, Senn as Lurcher and Odustren as Rioter. Now, I obviously have no idea if he's telling the truth - Hence why I'm voting for Mek. I've messaged our inactives, to see if they can randomly get on and give us a surprise lynch, but... It's unlikely (10 shiny emerald broams on one of them being a Seeker, and another being a Coinshot). Maybe if we all pile our votes on Mek and he turns out to be lying and Odustren is in fact innocent and Riots a vote onto Mek, we can get something here. Maybe not. We'll see.


Of course, if Mek is lying, and we're not definitely losing this Cycle, then all you really need to do to prove your innocence is vote for him this Day...


And if not, then well played guys. I just wish you'd finished me off early in the game >>.

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That is a bold-faced lie.


If any of it's a lie, then I blame a certain Spiked for telling me it (I'll give you a clue - his name sounds Scottish). But still... could've at least had the decency to set the vote up to be between us and make people choose who they believe more :P.

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I haven't even been in communication with Wyrm.


Okay. think about it. The spiked only need one more mislynch to take control of the vote. Unodus is next up for lynching. Their best shot right now is to deflect suspicion onto someone else with a bold claim, and at this point in the game, they can afford to lie brashly because it doesn't matter next cycle. I'm putting my vote on Wyrm, and I hope that everyone can at least make a sane decision and not lose us the game!

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I haven't even been in communication with Wyrm.


Okay. think about it. The spiked only need one more mislynch to take control of the vote. Unodus is next up for lynching. Their best shot right now is to deflect suspicion onto someone else with a bold claim, and at this point in the game, they can afford to lie brashly because it doesn't matter next cycle. I'm putting my vote on Wyrm, and I hope that everyone can at least make a sane decision and not lose us the game!


When you say 'us', you do of course mean 'us Spiked'.


Now, you see Melend, the first part there's kind of a bad lie to make. Everyone still playing knows that I've been asking people their Roles to make things fit together (before you just admitted it in response to my accusation). I am literally in contact with every player at the moment - including the inactives. Honestly, your allies should just lynch you out of principle for that.


As for Unodus being up? Well, I suppose in general terms, yes, he is up for the chop at some point. But so far, the lynch has been on Mailliw - if anyone at all. So that's not really a compelling argument. Try again next time?

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Indeed he is, according to you. Also worth noting that this 'bold strategy' you claimed I was using was the one you used last lynch. Sadly it worked for you, as it was just the right time to be able to get away with it. I was really hoping you would have an inactive, but us having three really hurt.

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Well, one of the Spiked has just told me that they gave us a list of who they are in the lynch last Cycle. Not too surprising, considering the state we're in and how they simply needed a lynch to get their victory. We also have no pretty much no control over the lynch this Cycle - There are 11 people left, and three of those are inactive. Any way you slice it, we're outnumbered as Villagers.


Mek has claimed that his team is the following: Himself as Mistborn, Claincy as Thug, Mailliw as Tineye, Senn as Lurcher and Odustren as Rioter. Now, I obviously have no idea if he's telling the truth - Hence why I'm voting for Mek. I've messaged our inactives, to see if they can randomly get on and give us a surprise lynch, but... It's unlikely (10 shiny emerald broams on one of them being a Seeker, and another being a Coinshot). Maybe if we all pile our votes on Mek and he turns out to be lying and Odustren is in fact innocent and Riots a vote onto Mek, we can get something here. Maybe not. We'll see.


Of course, if Mek is lying, and we're not definitely losing this Cycle, then all you really need to do to prove your innocence is vote for him this Day...


And if not, then well played guys. I just wish you'd finished me off early in the game >>.


What the storming !@#$%^&*()!!!!! Wyrm, WYRM, WYRM . This sounds nothing like Mek and you should've known better than to include an experienced, vocal, active player with sway to put on that list. Claincy and I both spiked? Highly doubtful. I see why you did it though and I respect this in a weird, twisted way. You can just claim that of course I would defend myself and Mek because I'm Spiked. Of course, yeah, because I'm that stupid and such a newbie at this game. Claincy, congrats on pulling a bartbug again this game. It really is a repeat. Only this time, we're going to get at least a lot closer to beating you, if not crushing you entirely.


I somehwhat trust Unodus, so I'm not sure about that, but you and Claincy being Spiked is definitely possible. Thanks for making this lynch easy for us. 


As for Unodus being up? Well, I suppose in general terms, yes, he is up for the chop at some point. But so far, the lynch has been on Mailliw - if anyone at all. So that's not really a compelling argument. Try again next time?

Considering you were the only vote so far and it was on me and then you retracted it. 

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Odustren collected his paints.

He'd gone 9 days without a sustainable income, and it showed. His skin was pale and wrinkled, his hair going grey and ragged in some places, and his clothes filthy and torn. Despite the Towns original hospitality, things around town had slowly ground to a halt- and nobody could help a beggar under such desperate conditions. Doing his best to survive, he had stayed at the town in the hope of retrieving his paints. Now, they were here- and with the koloss so close Odustren still could not leave. So, Odustren set out to find the tallest building in the town.
Thankfully, the mysterious thief had left plenty of paint and canvas's for Odustren to complete one final masterpiece.
Once Odustren reached the tower of his choosing, he set up his equipment- analysed the towns flowing landscape, and painted.
Not as the town was now, but as it was before- when the barracks were still functioning, and the walls were still in place, and the shops were still open, and the village was filled with many people. As he worked on it, he kept doubting himself. Would that person still be here, if it weren't for me? Would the town be like this if I were not here? To that, he could not answer- for his mind was riddled with guilt and worry. So much so, that he couldn't get his paintings to work just right. With so little paper, Odustren just kept painting over and over on the same canvas. He worked all day, and still he knew he wouldn't be done. He promised himself to work all night too, and the night after- so that he could finish his painting. He was in such a haste, for he knew that painting would be his last. He kept painting over and over his work, for he feared that if he should stop- then so in turn would he. In truth, he had found what he had lost- but he had lost what little of himself he had left. So he painted.

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Well, one of the Spiked has just told me that they gave us a list of who they are in the lynch last Cycle. Not too surprising, considering the state we're in and how they simply needed a lynch to get their victory. We also have no pretty much no control over the lynch this Cycle - There are 11 people left, and three of those are inactive. Any way you slice it, we're outnumbered as Villagers.


Assuming you're innocent, (That's a ginormous assumption), there is no reason for the spiked to contact you and tell you their entire team. that would just let you try to convince them to vote for one of them, and possibly succeed. And why the pessimism? Yes things are looking pretty grim, but i'd bet there's only 4 spiked left, which puts us on equal footing, otherwise they'd all reveal themselves and just vote for the same person.


Mek has claimed that his team is the following: Himself as Mistborn, Claincy as Thug, Mailliw as Tineye, Senn as Lurcher and Odustren as Rioter. Now, I obviously have no idea if he's telling the truth - Hence why I'm voting for Mek. I've messaged our inactives, to see if they can randomly get on and give us a surprise lynch, but... It's unlikely (10 shiny emerald broams on one of them being a Seeker, and another being a Coinshot). Maybe if we all pile our votes on Mek and he turns out to be lying and Odustren is in fact innocent and Riots a vote onto Mek, we can get something here. Maybe not. We'll see.


Here's another hole in your logic. I know you would have thought about the implications of such a tactic, why the "spiked" would do such a thing, and you would have realized that the only reason he would truthfully claim Mistborn is if he had Pewter this cycle, yet you vote for him anyway. There is no way I can believe that Mek is the spiked Mistborn, or even Spiked.


As for the suspects, Mailliw has played level with me this entire game, and my gut has firmly said Unodus is innocent, until recent cycles, which looking back, wavered because of things you said. However, you wouldn't be stupid enough to only put innocents in our spiked list, which means that Either Claincy or Senn or both are spiked along with you.


I'd also bet that at least one Inactive is on the side of the spiked.


Of course, if Mek is lying, and we're not definitely losing this Cycle, then all you really need to do to prove your innocence is vote for him this Day...


Assuming you're innocent, why would you give the other accused a chance to prove their innocnce by voting for Mek? This statement is literally a threat, saying if you don't vote for Mek, you're on his team. I'll accept that. I frelly admit I'm on Mek's team, the Villager team.


And if not, then well played guys. I just wish you'd finished me off early in the game >>.


Again, why the pessimism?
However, I'm not going to vote for you. This ploy, if seen through, would lead to your lynching. You wouldn't risk that unless you couldn't be lynched, meaning you're a thug, but you've already been lynched once. So I propose you're the Spiked Mistborn, and have drawn Pewter yet again.
So once I figure out who's spiked, Senn or Claincy, I'll vote for them.
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Here's another hole in your logic. I know you would have thought about the implications of such a tactic, why the "spiked" would do such a thing, and you would have realized that the only reason he would truthfully claim Mistborn is if he had Pewter this cycle, yet you vote for him anyway. There is no way I can believe that Mek is the spiked Mistborn, or even Spiked.


That's a good point. Supposedly Melend drew Iron this Cycle, but that could just as easily be a lie. I was just going for one that confessed in a PM. However, since then, Senn has also confessed to me (and why not, when they cannot lose as long as they all vote the same, even if there are only four of them?). Might as well go for someone that will die in the lynch (how convenient, some might say, that I've also gone for the same person as Mailliw - Except I think Mailliw is Spiked and will change his vote, so I don't really care who he votes for).


I'm doubtful that that there is a Spiked inactive, since Eliminators tend to be more invested in games. But I'm not quite giving up yet - prepare for the worst, hope for the best and all that. I'm preparing for this game to be over in 24 hours. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for, since I'd rather not just drag the game out another Day Turn unless we still have a chance. if it turns out that one of the players that Melend gave me is innocent, or more, then it is simply misdirection on his part which I am attempting not to fall into by voting for someone who has confirmed that they are an Eliminator to me - so far, Senn and Melend.

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Um, yeah, no. That list is a rubbish. Sure there's probably at least 1 spiked on the list, it's got over half the remaining active players in the game on it, that's almost guaranteed to contain at least 1 of the spiked. Even if I didn't know it was wrong from my presence on the list there is no way that it's legit. The only question is whether it's Mek or Wyrm who made it up.


@Maill, I don't *think* a mistborn would be able to survive another hit even if they got pewter twice, though I could be wrong. Even if I am though, I really don't think Wyrm is a mistborn.


So Wyrm. Make of it what you will, I'm too tired to really argue more.

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Hey, just because I might be a rioter doesn't mean I'm spiked! .o.

What makes you think I'm even the last emotimancer? Not everyone's roles have been revealed :P

Mislinching me would only put you 2 spots behind in voting, it'd be like killing t w o more villagers :/


Seriously, how many emotimancers do we have to mislynch until we realize that being an emotimancer isn't enough to warrant suspicion?

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I'm calling your bluff Wyrm. Seonid.


What? Blast, that shouldn't have happened. Sorry Senn, thought that if I started the lynch, you'd be perfectly safe this Cycle. Let's go for Unodus. He's completely right, Misslynching him would put us two spots behind in voting. Let's give him what he wants, which is to properly lynch him instead!

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