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You're both voting me purely because I might be a rioter? We've followed that logic for at least 3 cycles, and all three were innocent- why would that change now? I have my reasons for placing orders as I did (albeit, not very good ones x.x), but my ability alone is not enough to prove my guilt. 

If you kill me now, you'll lose what little vote leverage you have left- but if you don't, then we can use that leverage against the spiked- and since this is the endgame, you couldn't need my help anymore than you already do now. Lynching me would not only be a fatal mistake, but it would still be unjust because neither of you have presented anything that proves I'm a spiked. 


And seriously Wyrm, considering your previous accusations are usually pretty well developed- that one was pretty flimsy :/

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Actually, for each innocent emotionomancer we've killed our odds of any given one we find being guilty INCREASE as the spiked should have at least one. To not kill him now would be a logical fallacy. No other vote really makes sense. I'm just hoping we get some inactives to come out of the woodworks to help this vote happen. 

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The only piece of evidence against Unodus is the role. Other than that, they've played completely innocently. I firmly believe Unodus is a Villager. I'm fairly certain that Jason and Senn are both eliminators with Wyrm simply through Process of elimination. 


But seriously guys, we need to lynch Senn, lynching Wyrm won't work, I'm not sure why, but he wouldn't throw himself out there unless he had a way to survive. Like being the spiked Mistborn and drawing Pewter again.

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Honestly Joe, I'm not too certain that you're spiked. I'm just frustrated. Let me explain a little more about why my focus is on Unodus. Do you really feel Meta would have given the village team 5 vote manipulation roles and none to the spiked? I don't. He's pretty much confirmed rioter at this point as well. As for Wyrm and Mckeedee, one of them is spiked for sure at this point, but I don't know which. EDIT: I feel that whichever one of them orchestrated this conflict did it to draw attention AWAY from unodus

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Joe, Peng has awful reasoning right now because he's spiked. Unodus, the same goes for Wyrm. But since we already have the votes on Senn, we need to make sure we lynch him. Claincy is likely the last Spiked, but I'm not as sure about him.

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How is prioritizing an emotionomancer flawed logic? It just makes sense. After unodus is dead, then I will gladly see Clancy and wyrm/mkeedee drawn and quartered, but we need to take care of this FIRST so that we get a voting advantage. Clancy, Wyrm, unodus, and mailliw are probably all spiked.

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Here's the problem. The Inactives. For all we know, they could all be rioters and soothers, and I'm still betting that one of them is a Spiked. Probably Jasnah, since Macen would be online a lot more if he was spiked and Dow told us to coinshot him when he left.


Currently I think the Spiked are Wyrm, Seonid, Jasnah and another who I haven't decided. 

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Here's the problem. The Inactives. For all we know, they could all be rioters and soothers, and I'm still betting that one of them is a Spiked. Probably Jasnah, since Macen would be online a lot more if he was spiked and Dow told us to coinshot him when he left.

Currently I think the Spiked are Wyrm, Seonid, Jasnah and another who I haven't decided.

This is the only actually good argument I've seen for this so.far, Joe.

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Wyrm ( 2 ): Mek, Claincy

Seonid(2): Mailliw, Joe

Unodus(2): Jason Penguin, Wyrm


Guys, we cannot possibly lynch Wyrm this cycle, that's what they want.Mek, claincy, can you please switch to Seonid? And Unodus, could you riot Wyrm to Seonid as well, we really need to ensure this vote.

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Woe to those who have molasses-brains and don't protect themselves against breakfast zombies.

Also, I'm a ghoooooooooost woooooooooooooo I'll haunt all of your cans and can-like vessels till you fall to the spiiiiiiiiiiked

*ghostly whoosh* *all cans in town jump up and down for three seconds*

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