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Quite comfortable, actually, but that's probably because I'm used to it. I rent a summer house down there anyways. Me and 'the Beebz' are tight, so he cuts me a deal. As long as I can cause enough chaos and despair in each game I run, I get a 20% discount! :P


But I'll stop being a distraction now and let you guys continue. Come on, guys! I need that discount! ;)

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"Draw attention to myself"??? I already had all the attention on me- just as much if not more than Eolhondras, and all because I agreed with the most sensible player and lobbied for a no-lynch strategy.

As far as it being a rookie move- well like I said this is only my 4th game- and the last game I played was several months ago- so yeah, I'm rusty, but that's besides the point.

The point is that I'm NOT spiked, and I don't want to be lynched simply for doing the best I can to help out team good. ;) Now if you want to go ahead and lynch me, well unfortunately there is nothing I can do to stop it other than vociferously defend myself- which I've already done. But if and when I die, and you see I was telling the truth, maybe my arguments will hold a bit more weight. :P


It's just the way I see it saying "I'm not spiked" is kind of a useless statement, no matter how true it may or may not be.  Villagers will obviously say it, because it's true.  But so will the Spiked, 'cause you know it would be stupid to admit being spiked (though very useful for us).  The "draw attention to yourself" was probably not the best way of phrasing what I was thinking, basically a good defense is being so obvious that people immediately discount you.  Not the best of course, but if you are already gathering unwanted attention...


And apologies, I didn't realize you hadn't played in a while, must have missed that if you mentioned it.

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Wait...so we lynched Satrams!? Going back over the last few pages of last night I'm...not sure how I feel about this.


Now, maybe I'm just projecting his confirmed innocence back onto those interactions, but all of the pretexts given seemed extremely flimsy things to base a lynch on. Wilson's after-the-fact justifications are a little better than the reason she gave yesterday, and Wyrm's vote started as a poke vote (and he seems to be implying that the time zones are aligned in such a way as to make it impractical to expect him to have removed it). So, I'm going to second the call from Wyrm for Eoladdin to explain his vote.

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Baron Von Piffertiff had been making revisions to his book when he heard the news that Satrams had been lynched. The Baron had sat in shock for a few moments, then wrote up a short note to Captain Teys, ordering him to remind the town of the very, very specific "No lynching unless absolutely necessary" clause to the town constitution. This town is devolving quickly into savages. I'd double the guard, if we had enough guardsmen to double them. The Baron had received many anonymous letters throughout the day, trying to convince him that so-and-so was a saboteur or what's-his-face was behind the murder. His steward had gently pushed most of those letters into the hearth, though not before they were read and then scowled at. 


"Now, where is my other robe? That mist-touched tailor better have finished it. The other one's covered in ash and smells like hard work, which I detest." The Baron declared, to no-one in particular.




Does anyone else suspect Soother/Rioter shenanigans? Also, any reports from Seekers?

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Alright, so obviously my hopes for a no-lynch strategy are long gone. It's obvious that enough people want lynchings that they're going to happen no matter what. So let's see what conclusions we can draw from today's lynching:

Based on how close the vote was, with several people only having two votes, and Sart getting lynched from 3 votes, it was a prime opportunity for the Spiked players to lynch whomever they wanted. So, looking over the day's posts yesterday, Eolhandras voted for Sart relatively early in the day. Wyrm came next, after waffling around voting for several other people (ostensibly prodding for responses from people, trying to gain info). Then Wilson put the final nail in Sart's coffin at the last minute.

We have one of two situations going on here: Either the Spikeds decided that out of the potential candidates up for lynching, they wanted Sart out of the way the most, and added a vote or two to him to help make sure it would happen. If this is the case, 1 of the three lynchers (either Eolhondras, Wyrm, or Wilson) is spiked, probably Wilson.

The other possibility is that the Spikeds did not participate at all in Sart's death, which to me seems odd. There was a lot of changed votes throughout the day and the Spikeds had plenty of opportunities to sway things one way or the other. Near the end, with a near-tie vote spread across several players, I would think that they would be paying close attention to the proceedings to make sure things didn't go badly for them.

So in conclusion, if it was possibility 1, then I highly suspect WilsonEolhondras, with Wyrm and Eolhondras Wilson a little ways behind him.

If it was possibility 2, and the Spiked didn't have a hand in Sart's death, then it's likely that the runners-up (Ashette, Karnad, and myself) are also innocents, because otherwise the spiked would have wanted to get involved to protect the member of their team who was in danger of being lynched.

(And yes, I also know that it's night time, not voting-time. I highlighted Wilson in red in case that the Spiked decide they want me out of the way, my suspicions will stand out a little bit more after I'm gone.)

EDIT: my apologies everyone, I somehow missed Eolhondras's last minute vote for Sart, and so I assumed that he must have voted for Sart much earlier in the day, as I only looked back through the last 4-5 pages of the thread. Changed things to reflect my current suspicions, though I left my errors there (but struck through) so as to not create confusion for anyone reading this later.

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I find Wilson's late vote strange because it's a very eliminatory thing to do. Sneak a kill in. Wilson doing this is unusual, because if she was spiked she wouldn't draw suspicion on herself by doing so, but if not spiked, why suddenly decide to kill Satrams? Curioser and curioser. There's more on the list of strange things. Early on, she was explaining to me how Eol would likely be a sTineye. Just to me, not to the thread, the collective. A logical reason for this would be her trying to put me against him, have me argue that point for her, get me to kill an innocent. Admittedly, it could've just been a theory, but something's fishy over here.

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Why is Wilson the most suspicious, exactly? E has contacted people trying to find out who the Tineye is. And you should never dismiss Wyrm. Or anyone, as a possibility.

Because Wilson, more than anyone, was responsible for Sart's death. But like I said, I am not dismissing Wyrm or Eolhondras, they're also on my list of suspects. And if Wilson does turn out to be spiked, then you will be jumping to the top of my suspects list, Cleo. Just saying.

Edit: made a mistake, accused the wrong person.

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So in conclusion, if it was possibility 1, then I highly suspect Wilson


Wilson has been pretty active into trying to get us all together with PM's, I think. That's not really an eliminator strategy. They want us to be disparate, right? I'm pretty sure that's why the tineyes are considered targets by them

Edited by mckeedee123
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I'm also hesitant of lynching Wilson at this point (and that's only like 30% me being just plain terrified of her being Spiked--seriously even *I* know that's bad news for all of us--and not wanting to consider it actually being the case).  While her late vote could be construed as suspicious I think she's suitably explained that it was due to outside circumstances.  To be quite honest I'm still not entirely sure about Eolhandras...

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This is going to be rough as I'm on my mobile, at a signing, where I should be listening to Brandon doing a reading, but.... Priorities.

Based on how close the vote was, with several people only having two votes, and Sart getting lynched from 3 votes, it was a prime opportunity for the Spiked players to lynch whomever they wanted. So, looking over the day's posts yesterday, Eolhandras voted for Sart relatively early in the day. Wyrm came next, after waffling around voting for several other people (ostensibly prodding for responses from people, trying to gain info). Then Wilson put the final nail in Sart's coffin at the last minute.

We have one of two situations going on here: Either the Spikeds decided that out of the potential candidates up for lynching, they wanted Sart out of the way the most, and added a vote or two to him to help make sure it would happen. If this is the case, 1 of the three lynchers (either Eolhondras, Wyrm, or Wilson) is spiked, probably Wilson.

The other possibility is that the Spikeds did not participate at all in Sart's death, which to me seems odd. There was a lot of changed votes throughout the day and the Spikeds had plenty of opportunities to sway things one way or the other. Near the end, with a near-tie vote spread across several players, I would think that they would be paying close attention to the proceedings to make sure things didn't go badly for them.

So in conclusion, if it was possibility 1, then I highly suspect Wilson, with Wyrm and Eolhondras a little ways behind her.

If it was possibility 2, and the Spiked didn't have a hand in Sart's death, then it's likely that the runners-up (Ashette, Karnad, and myself) are also innocents, because otherwise the spiked would have wanted to get involved to protect the member of their team who was in danger of being lynched.

(And yes, I also know that it's night time, not voting-time. I highlighted Wilson in red in case that the Spiked decide they want me out of the way, my suspicions will stand out a little bit more after I'm gone.)

Hero, I was actually starting to think you were genuinely innocent, but really? You might want to verify your "facts" before you put blatant lies down here. Wyrm was the first vote. Almost 36 hours into the cycle. I placed the second vote, 5 hours from the end, so hardly at the end of the cycle, nailing the coffin shut. Eol placed the last vote. 2 hours til the end of the cycle. But I'm not about to say he should be blamed for that, as others seem to be doing.

Eol and I talked about it beforehand (right after I posted) via PM. At that one in time, it looked like it would be Dom, Kas, or Sart lynched. Neither of us wanted Kas lynched. Dom was pointless to lynch, so that left Sart, which I was fine with, especially since it meant the vote would be close enough for vote manipulations, which I rather wanted just because they'd give us information.

And anyway, as I said before, Sart was online after that vote. He had time to defend himself. He didn't. He should've. He would've be dead if he had.

I find Wilson's late vote strange because it's a very eliminatory thing to do. Sneak a kill in. Wilson doing this is unusual, because if she was spiked she wouldn't draw suspicion on herself by doing so, but if not spiked, why suddenly decide to kill Satrams? Curioser and curioser. There's more on the list of strange things. Early on, she was explaining to me how Eol would likely be a sTineye. Just to me, not to the thread, the collective. A logical reason for this would be her trying to put me against him, have me argue that point for her, get me to kill an innocent. Admittedly, it could've just been a theory, but something's fishy over here.

I don't have the time or the resources (namely my laptop and my notes) to pick this apart, but I'd I'm still alive at the end of the night, rest assured I'm going to. I figure I'll probably be alive since it seems like the spiked are trying to turn the crowd against me. Probably hoping for a lynch.

And now the signing is starting. I'll check in again later.

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And anyway, as I said before, Sart was online after that vote. He had time to defend himself. He didn't. He should've. He would've be dead if he had.

I'm assuming since you're implying you're on mobile, you meant to say that he wouldn't have been dead if he had.

Vezeih mir. The question had to be asked, nonetheless.

Ash, define 'early on'. In fact, give me a time stamp, if you can. Was this around the time where everyone was worrying about Eoldren's little stunt? Because if it was, your logic just fails there. But there's something else I could say about your reasoning, depending on the time stamp.

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Sent 03 January 2015 - 06:51 PM, so half an hour after ren posted his theory. Oh... Facepalm. I had been reading the PMs and not paying attention to the thread, so I thought the idea came from her. And that's what happens when you rely on PMing to get messages. Sorry Wilson.

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I am definitely cautious about Wilson because of how many people he is willing to blame, but I'm more suspicious of the players who voted for Satrams. I'm not by any means sure that any of them are Spiked, but they are the ones who finished Satrams off, and we haven't heard any reasoning behind that.  I'd like to hear from the people who voted for Satrams about where their suspicions are founded.  I am not blaming them yet; I'd just like to hear the reasoning behind this lynch.

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I really don't think Wilson is spiked. I stand by the assertion that trying to set up and encourage PMs as she has been doing is not something a spiked would be at all likely to do. (Trying to build a smaller group of "trusted" players is a normal thing for spiked, trying to get everyone communicating like this is not.) Beyond that she has been very actively investigating potential spiked and trying to confirm their innocence or guilt and her reasoning for votes and suspicions has been solid. It is possible that she is spiked but I doubt it, hopefully a seeker will be able to confirm her allignment soon.

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My apologies everyone, and especially to Wilson, I looked through the last several pages of yesterday's thread but somehow missed Eolhondras's last minute vote. I am really sorry about that. I'll edit and fix things in a minute here...

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By my count, out of the 27 people alive before the end of the cycle, 15 of those were pro lynch, either through being vocal in the need for one or actions in having a vote on someone at the end of the day. These people I have deduced to be:


Kas, Mailli, Wyrm, Ostrich, Ren, Ash, Araris, Mek, Wilson, Satrams, Sarcomere, Weiry, Myself, Domanx and Odustren. (Please let me know if I am wrong.)


The fence sitters, either I have read them to be unsure, or simply hadn’t offered enough information to make a judgment.


Claincey, Winter, Baron Phifferdishablishapplenisobsorbs, Senn, Newan, Jain, Joe, Jasnah, Dam, Macen, Peng.


And the only person vocally against the idea of lynching, Hero.


Now, not only is 15 the majority out of the 27 people alive. It is a staggering majority over those who were opposed.


In response to why I voted for Satrams, I would start by saying that had this situation occurred at the start of the cycle, my vote would have gone onto Ostrich. This being because of the vote he placed on me due to “suspicions” but then failed to elaborate, despite prompts. I would still like an explanation.


By group consensus, it is clear that a lynch needed to happen. Of the four options, Satrams, Hero, Ash and Kas, I echo Wilsons statement about not wanting to see Kas go just yet and I have some tentative links on Ash which I would like to see play out. That leaves Hero and Satrams. Satrams I viewed to be the most suspicious in his actions, for reasons I laid out in my post yesterday.


If you’d allow me, I’d like to come back to my list of people advocating for a lynch. My vote here is no more powerful than any one of yours, and while people are saying a lynch is necessary, nobody wants to make a call. I can understand the questions on why satrams, but the one comment that does bug me is that coming from Ash. Having agreed on a lynch but didn’t want to “pull the trigger” based on conscious reasons, your immediate condemnation of the person who does make the call, labelling it an eliminator strategy, is frustrating to say the least.



Edit: Blue

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This is going to be rough as I'm on my mobile, at a signing, where I should be listening to Brandon doing a reading, but.... Priorities.

Really? I just got home from that signing. If I had known you were going to be there I would have tried to say "hi." Oh well, next time. ;)



Hero, I was actually starting to think you were genuinely innocent, but really? You might want to verify your "facts" before you put blatant lies down here. Wyrm was the first vote. Almost 36 hours into the cycle. I placed the second vote, 5 hours from the end, so hardly at the end of the cycle, nailing the coffin shut. Eol placed the last vote. 2 hours til the end of the cycle. But I'm not about to say he should be blamed for that, as others seem to be doing. 


Again, seriously, I apologize for that. I honestly missed Eolhondras's vote somehow, and then made an assumption that he had cast it earlier in the day. Eolhondras is definitely at the top of my suspect list now, with Wyrm and you (Wilson) as runners up. But don't take that the wrong way, there is exactly 1 person I trust to not be spiked right now (myself), and even though I suspect these three players I still wouldn't say I'm ready to cast a vote for any of them. Rather, I hope the Seekers will be pointing their Bronze-dar in their direction tonight.

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Really? I just got home from that signing. If I had known you were going to be there I would have tried to say "hi." Oh well, next time. ;)

You probably saw me, you just didn't realize it. I was helping out with the sticky notes, putting the names on after Eric (Chaos) put the numbers down. We scoured the line and such. Multiple times.

Also, Kas (and everyone else), yes. Satrams *wouldn't* be dead. I apologize for all the grammatical errors in that post. I clearly need to learn how to swipe better on my phone.... :P

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Day 2: The Final Escape


Karnad crept as silently as he could along what amounted for a wall bordering the town of Tyrian Falls. He had all but resigned himself to being forced into the watch, but after seeing how they all turned on Satrams like that (one of their own even!), he wasn’t about to let himself be buried in this insane town. He’d rather take his chances with getting shot for desertion than be strung up as Satrams had been.


Thus he was out in the middle of the night, sneaking through the mists and trying to find some place to scale the wall. The wall itself wasn’t that high; 3-4 meters high at best. It was more of a symbol of a deterrent than an actual one. If he could get to the top, he’d be able to drop down, likely, without breaking anything. There weren’t enough of the watch left to patrol even half of it, so if he could find a foothold or two, he could be up and out before anyone saw him.


While he did relish the idea of spending the night out in the countryside, with the mists as his only companion, he’d done it before. Heck, he’d done it enough times while running packages for the nobility that he had almost convinced himself that the tales of mistwraiths must surely be false. Besides, it beat staying in a town that he felt was overrunning with lunatics!


As he crept along, he caught the faint scent of burnt timber in the air. He must’ve been nearing the barracks. He sighed and was about to turn back and try the other direction when he caught sight of something in the mists. His hopes of escape rose with every inch he moved forward.


The barracks had been almost right up against the wall and due to the paranoia sweeping the town, as thorough cleaning had yet to be done. Part of the back wall had collapsed outwards and had made a crude ramp leading almost right up to the top of the wall.


Karnad almost let out a cry of joy before he realized that would likely bring any of the remaining watch down on him. He could celebrate after he was free.


The climb wasn’t too arduous. The remaining timber was delicate though and threatened to break if he stepped wrong, but he eventually made it to the top. He stood there for a moment, revelling in the taste of victory.


“Now which way to go,” he whispered to himself. East was out of the question. The Koloss were coming from there. While he knew his way around his typical routes, he couldn’t be sure if there were any towns to the north or south of here. That only left west; toward Luthadel. He didn’t like the idea of passing up one crazy town of skaa hellbent on killing everyone for another one and he highly doubted that Prelan Tevidian was likely still capable of paying him.


The only thing he had left was his reputation. Maybe Urteau? Surely the chaos in Luthadel hadn’t infected there yet and he had run a messages for Lord Venture before. Maybe he could make a new start there?


“Down,” said a voice directly behind him. Before Karnad could realize that the stranger was replying to his whispered question, Karnad felt hands shove him forward and he was tumbling through the air.


A fall from this height shouldn’t have killed him, but there were a lot of things that Karnad felt shouldn’t have happened. The last one that came to his mind before he hit the ground was that he shouldn’t have ever stopped in this crazy, little town.




Recco found himself quite busy after Satrams’ death. Unbeknownst to him, the village still seemed to expect the tavern to stay open even after they had killed its proprietor! That’s how he found himself not only running his little pizza shop, but also fumbling his way through barkeeping as well.


By the time everyone had finally left for the night, Recco was exhausted. By the time he got home, he didn’t even have the energy to clean up before falling onto his bed and promptly falling asleep.


When he awoke the next day, he still didn’t know what he was going to do about the whole tavern situation, but he knew that if he didn’t open up soon, the villagers were just as likely to break in and they might damage his beloved pizza equipment as well!


When he finally entered the bar, he realized that he was too late. someone, or a handful of someones, had already broken in! Why they only decided to draw all over the tables was anyone’s guess, but that seemed to be the only damage done. He’d have to figure out what to do about the messages later. He could feel it in the ache of his already weary bones. The village was waking up for the day….


The first message read:


Theres never another secret!


The second message read:


Five years here, five before in Luthadel.

Four more, with you, I am willing to share.

The one who is not Ehe, my trust has lost for now, I'll tell.

Eight years, I've suffered,

Eight more I'll dare,

The one with no Ene isn't quite absurd.

If one or four fiends

We are able to scare.

Endurance (with an L) isn't as suspicious as it seems.

Four years more will I stay here,

Eight, maybe, if we tidy this affair.

The writer of Rao is pure, I hear.

Now, get to work scourging the town.

Four at last, my poem ends, but beware.

This is Ien following my Sao. Ido me if I am wrong, my Seo is to this town.




Day 2 begins now and will end 48 hours from now! Enjoy!


Karnad turned out to be a Regular Villager!


Updated Player List

Happy Hunting!

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Only two Messages this time?
So, does that mean one of the Seekers last round was a Mistborn?

And considering that two of the messages last time claimed to be Seekers- the only message that didn't mention it was the "ominous death threat message", does that mean one of the spiked is Mistborn?


I dunno, that's just my guess... .3.;

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Unodus, it's the Tineye that can post messages, not the Seekers. The Tineyes or Mistborns also could have easily lied in their messages, so the messages aren't a concrete way of confirming things. Considering the number of Eliminators in this game, there's a fair chance that there is an Eliminator Mistborn.


I'll have more discussion coming soon, but I have to quickly do something right now.

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