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Why do you guys assume that the Rioter Rioted themselves? It's just as likely that the Rioter didn't get on in time or forgot or just didn't do it and Piff was Soothed.


Well, we can't really say for sure, but we've seen a lot of riotings and soothings and stuff over the course of the game. Spiked probably did them for some reason. Or maybe just a noob who didn't know how suspicious that would be.

Edited by Mckeedee123
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Well, we can't really say for sure, but we've seen a lot of riotings and soothings and stuff over the course of the game. Spiked probably did them for some reason. Or maybe just a noob who didn't know how suspicious that would be.

I agree that something definitely happened, I just don't know why the focus is on Rioting.

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"You know the worst part, of me being dead?" Rent asked of a completely oblivious bystander, floating and pretending to lean on a wall.  "No, it's not the lack of food, the fact that I can't tax people (though that's a huge drawback), or something else.  It's the timing of my death.


"You see, after taxing others, my favorite hobby used to be trying to predict the future.  So, I was going to be holding a psychic fair, in which I'd show off my amazing precognitive abilities.


"Of course, I died just beforehand, due to completely unforeseen circumstances.  The tragedy was only compounded by the irony of my death."

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Day 8: Inconceivable!


Newan had practiced day in and day out ever since he had heard that there were Koloss heading towards his fair city. It was time for him to throw off the facade of a simple peasant with illusions of grandeur and become the hero he always knew himself to be! He would stand atop the wall and stare the Koloss in the face when they arrived! He would lead the rest of the villager in a charge against the fearsome foes and he would slaughter most of them himself! He would become a whirlwind of death, a horror story that Koloss parents would use to frighten their little Koloss children into behaving. ‘If you don’t go to sleep, the Newan will come and slice you into little pieces!’


Newan didn’t have a very good grasp on Koloss culture. Similarly, he didn’t have that great of a grasp of how to use a sword either, but neither stopped him from trying! It had been roughly 8 days since the first signs of danger to his home and the one thing he definitely knew for sure now was that the rounded part of the sword, some people called it the hilt, was definitely the best place to grip a sword. The other places cut up his hands.


Hey! Maybe that’s why Ament made so many gloves! He thought as he swung the sword around at invisible foes. They weren’t for the rest of the village! They were for me, so that I could use a sword properly!


It was already night by the time Newan’s inspiration struck, but he chopped his way through the mists towards Ament’s abandoned shop for his prize.


When he entered the shop through the gaping opening where the front door used to be, he realized that he wasn’t the only one who had come to the same conclusion. There was a hooded figure in the shop and they were ripping the new gloves to shreds.


“Halt villain!” Newan shouted. He took what he thought was a menacing stance with his sword in his right hand and pointed in the general direction of the figure. “Those are my birthright that you’re destroying! My name is Newan; prepare to die!”


The room was poorly lit and the hood left the figures face in shadows, but the body language alone showed that Newan had surprised the figure. They jumped at first and turned towards him. When Newan finished his, incredibly well spoken if he did say so himself, challenge, the figure drew a sword of their own out from under their cloak.


This is it! Newan thought with glee. My first battle! The beginning of my adventure!


Newan was so busy daydreaming about how the rest of the villagers would praise him for defeating this hooded person that he was almost run through as the figure charged him. He sidestepped at the last minute and deflected the figure’s thrust. The momentum carried the figure through the open door and out into the night. Newan followed quickly, thinking the figure would run when facing such a skilled opponent as himself.


The hooded figure didn’t run. Instead, the second they were capable of stopping, they swept their sword backwards, spinning around to face Newan. He barely got his sword up in time to keep himself from being beheaded.


The two of them circled each other for a moment. The figure threw a testing swing and Newan blocked it. Newan attacked with a quick thrust, but was parried.

Then the figure went for an all out attack, swinging in from the right and then switching to the left, then finally ending with a thrust to Newan’s gut. The triple clang of blade against blade and the lack of blood spilling from Newan spoke to the effectiveness of this exchange.


The hooded figure pulled back. While Newan still couldn’t see the figure’s face, it was obvious that they were stunned.


“Ah-ha!” Newan shouted. “I see you’ve underestimated me! A foolish mistake. But I have another surprise for you. I- am not even right handed!”


He quickly switched the sword to his left hand, a triumphant grin breaking out on his face. He went to take a few swings with his sword, to show off his skill, but as he sliced across his body, he lost his grip on his sword and it clattered off into the mists.


Oh, right. He thought. I actually am right handed!


The hooded figure advanced on the unarmed Newan with sword raised….



There was writing on the burnt out hull that was once the barracks. The town square was covered in words. The beginnings of the new was were also covered! There wasn’t a lot of places left in which the messenger was capable of graffiti-ing with their inspiring words.


….Well there was one place, but there was a reason they’d avoided it….


Oh well, fortune favors the brave….



As the sun started to rise and the mist burnt away, the Villagers awoke and left their homes to find a very unhappy Wyra. She was carrying around the axe that had become their go-to lynching weapon as if she meant to use it.


“If I find who ever did it, I’m going to give them the wrong side of this axe in a very uncomfortable way!” She shouted it to no one in particular, but she made sure that everyone within Tyrian Falls heard her. “You hear me, you ash-stained fool! You try it again and you’ll be lucky to get away with all your fingers!”


She drew a bucket of water from one of the wells and went back to her forge, where she spent the morning scrubbing away the latest missive, but not before everyone had a chance to read it.


I suspect that this is my last message. If I die, know that my spirit is with you. You can still drive these koloss away and purge the town of these Spiked. Keep hope! For all is not lost. Mr. Morse might help us now.


Fourscore seven years ago our pops brought forward on this land wonderful new groups., conceived amidst free dedication among a good proposition that all men created are the same. Presently we are . in civil war, testing if this .town or any town so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that town might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this town under the Survivor shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.


Give me Liberty or give me death!




My last suspicions for you(in order): Unodus(Spiked Rioter), Piff(Spiked Rioter/Soother), Joe, Newan, and Senn/Peng.



Night 8 is over and Day 8 begins! You have 48 hours.


Newan was a Village Smoker!


Updated Player List

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Why in the Storms am I still alive? Well, since I promised this to Unodus, here goes. I'm fairly certain that Unodus or Piff is the Rioter.

Meta, you never answered my question about whether or not a Rioter can Change a vote to a no vote.

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Why in the Storms am I still alive? Well, since I promised this to Unodus, here goes. I'm fairly certain that Unodus or Piff is the Rioter.

I figured it out actually. We don't have a use for the PM's anymore, so you're not a priority, plus every night you don't die increases the chances that we'll assume you're spiked and lynch you for not being dead.


I'm going to cast my vote for Pifferdoo for good this time. You can see my previous arguments here, plus he said he would try to act more innocent now, and started Angsting. Fun Fact, I once killed someone in DnD by rolling a 20 while angsting.

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Wilson's ghost had it right. If we don't talk together, then one by one we're all going to die separately. A bandwagon on Unodus may net us a Spiked (although I remain unconvinced, for multiple reasons - one being that our track record on bandwagons has been exceptionally poor this game, another being that the evidence pointing towards Unodus being a Rioter, let alone the Spiked Rioter, is nowhere near as conclusive as people have claimed), but will almost certainly leave us with no information beyond that. We learned almost nothing from dowanx's lynch last cycle, in part because it went so unopposed, even by dowanx himself.


We can't give in to hysteria, and lynch people without talking about it. If all we do is bandwagon, we've lost.


That said, my vote may well end up going onto Unodus by the end of the cycle, but I want discussion first. Towards that end, I want to revive a discussion that I believe we abandoned far too soon, that is, the attempt to find out who the experienced member of the Spiked team is.


I find the reasoning that the Spiked have at least one experienced member to be sound. The accepted list of experienced players remaining alive is: Claincy, Mail, Joe, Wyrm, Peng, and Macen (if I missed someone, add them to the list! We can't afford to miss someone!)


I remove Macen from contemplation as he has not even been on the forums since early on in the game, and hasn't posted at all. (To my knowledge). This leaves 4 potential targets. Of these, we have nearly lynched Peng once because of our suspicions, have lynched Wyrm once (but he got better). Mail, Claincy, and Joe have all been demonstrably working with Wilson, presumably to help the Village. This leaves Wyrm and Peng, but I'm just not seeing either. Especially as Wyrm was the target (we presume) of a Spiked Soothing (or potentially a Riot to a no-vote). That isn't conclusive, but it's a stroke in his favor. That, and his behavior in the (single and short) PM we were involved in together have made me certain enough about him not to vote for him now. As for Peng, Sarcomere sent me (along with a couple of others) a message pleading with us to try to help save him when he was up for lynching. Given Sarcomere's status (and the fact that he has the best record of pointing out Spiked for us so far - at 50% of his recent certainties) that's enough to exonerate him for now. Should other lines of inquiry fail, I'll be back to him, though.


This leaves the 3 who have been working with Wilson. Either one of them is a double agent, or we are wrong about there being an experienced player? Of them, I am most worried about Mail. Almost none of us (except for Joe) have asked the question "What if the Tineye is Spiked?" The fact that his role was revealed two cycles ago, but he hasn't been targeted yet is increasingly suspicious. In addition, he has been in a perfect situation to pass information to the Spiked. I'm looking back over the history of Spiked kills. Alvron was almost certainly a threat kill. Kas is still puzzling. Araris was the Seeker, Eol was the Mistborn, and then Wilson the Lurcher and then Hero the Coinshot. Then Sarc (but he had already publicly made his role and the fact that he was verified Good known), and Newan, which is an extremely odd choice, unless they want to leave us completely open to their vote manipulation by killing all of our Smokers.


The run of killing our important roles from Araris to Hero seems too much to attribute to luck. So Mail, what do you have to say in your defense?


EDIT: I guess I didn't read Joe's post before I posted mine. My bad. While I agree that Joe's proposition could be a possibility, I am waiting for Mail's defense before I decide whether to remove my vote.

Edited by Seonid
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Well, I was going to place my own vote on Mailliw, but it seems someone beat me to it :P


I agree that we shouldn't focus this Cycle. It's as important that we find other people as we confirm current suspicions. Looking back over how previous vote have gone, there are a few people I am suspicious of again. At the moment, I would like to hear from Mckeedee. So far, he has only voted when it's been a guaranteed lynch. I find that to be suspicious behaviour, perhaps indicative of playing it too safe. I would like to know why he has shied away from voting, and what he thinks about things and people on his own terms, rather than looking at who's up for the chop and agreeing with it.


It may be a while before I can get back online to read/change votes (busy weekend), so in the meantime, I charge you all with discussing a lot. The enemy here is not the Spiked, but apathy.

Edited by Wyrmhero
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(My quote thing doesn't work for some reason sometimes)


But first off, anyway, I don't really think that I have been only bandwagoning all game. I've offered my opinion where I've had one, but the thing is, I'm a fan of evidence. Our random speculation has gotten us basically nowhere, which is why I thought we had to really look at roles and who's supporting who. (The intent behind a post is often more important than how long or how threatening it is, and how much that "deviates from their normal playstyle")


  Anyway, I sort of figured that we were lynching Unodus this time around, but apparently there are lots of other opinions. :( Jain is probably a rioter, too, and Maill (despite doing absolutely nothing suspicious all game) is being accused. Then Pifferdoo, of course, probably also has a vote manipulation role... It seems that our supposed "evidence" last cycle doesn't really add up to much of anything at all. I'll put a vote on Unodus anyway.

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I find the reasoning that the Spiked have at least one experienced member to be sound. The accepted list of experienced players remaining alive is: Claincy, Mail, Joe, Wyrm, Peng, and Macen (if I missed someone, add them to the list! We can't afford to miss someone!)


Depends on what your definition of experienced is. If "experienced" means number of games played, you can add me to that list. If you mean actually experienced, in the cunning kind of way... Let's put it this way, I don't think the Eliminators have ever deemed me a threat enough to waste their kill on me (despite me having the incredible misfortune of being on Team Good for literally 11 GAMES IN A ROW).  <_< 



  Anyway, I sort of figured that we were lynching Unodus this time around, but apparently there are lots of other opinions. :( Jain is probably a rioter, too, and Maill (despite doing absolutely nothing suspicious all game) is being accused. Then Pifferdoo, of course, probably also has a vote manipulation role... It seems that our supposed "evidence" last cycle doesn't really add up to much of anything at all. I'll put a vote on Unodus anyway.


I wouldn't say Malliw has done nothing suspicious in a game. It's simply impossible for a player to keep a clean slate for an entire game. If there's anything I learnt from playing Sanderson Elimination, it's the fact that anything is suspicious. To quote the arrest decree of the law: "Anything you say can be and will be used against you". Are you trying to distract us from Malliw, Mckeedee?

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The thought that at least one of the spiked is an experienced player is one I've been in support of for quite some time now and recent events certainly haven't done anything to change my mind about that.


So what've the experienced players done over the past couple of cycles?


Claincy (including myself for the sake of completeness)


-here: Goes a little overboard with an excessively long post. Talks about possibility of offensive smokers/ current situation, discusses current main suspicions: Weiry/Newan/Peng and discusses the possibility of a traitor high up in the trust group.

-here: adds a couple more notes/clarifications

-here: adds that he forgot to mention that Hero said at least 4 people knew his role, disagrees with Peng a little

-argument with Newan, not sure that these posts are worth reading, but go back and read them if you want.

-here: far more level-headed post, considers probability of offensive smoking and different mindsets, considers evidence of who knew Hero's role

-here: pops online long enough to say that he doesn't think the spiked could shift the vote succesfully at this point, and doing so would reveal them all anyway which would be good so leaves his vote as is.


-dead spiked celebration post


-here: apologises for absence, votes for dowanx to ensure no manipulation based on existing reasoning, vote tally






-here: votes for Senn mostly based on gut feeling

-here: agrees that we may well have a traitor in the trust group, names pifferdoo/Senn/Jain based on avoiding suspicion, talks about his suspicions, suspects the spiked have an "inactive"

-here: 80% sure the spiked have a seeker

-here: reiterates his suspicion of Senn/Pifferdoo for sliding under the radar.


-dead spiked celebration post

-here: doubts they have 2 smokers, sad that Weiry wasn't the lurcher

-here: recognises that Joe is right about the lurcher being useless


-here: surprised he wasn't killed, talked to Reeco last night, Reeco was suspicious of dowanx and Unodus, votes for dowanx

-here: comments on trusting Wyrm somewhat, Claincy significantly more for having plenty of chances to screw over the village like him


-here: asks why people asume the rioter rioted themselves, just as likely they didn't get on in time/forgot/just didn't do it and Piff was soothed

-here: agrees that something definitely happened, just doesn't know why the focus is on rioting





-here: votes for Maill without explaining why

-here: explains his reasons for thinking Maill is spiked and reveals Maill's role for anyone who didn't know

-here: says he knew revealing Maill's role was a bad idea, but that we'd lost all need for hidden communication, question's Maill's logic/innocence a little.

-here: removes his vote on Maill after learning that more people knew Hero's role.

-here: summarizes the cases against Weiry/Peng/Newan and votes for Weiry

-here: updated vote list, thinks the vote gap is sufficient to guarantee Weiry lynch, notes that he looked into who knew Hero's role but couldn't find the 4th person

-Joe notes resolved gender confusion


-here: thinks that Weiry's guilt means Newan is innocent

-here: notes that the lurcher is useless

-posts previous days vote tally


-here: gut says that Unodus is innocent based on questions about RP in the writeup on day 1, suspicious of Pifferdoo; last to vote on Weiry, who voted for him, predicted the spiked were laughing, sliding under the radar, posts a fair bit but doesn't say much. Wants him to say more to get a better feel for him.

-notes resolved gender confusion :P

-here: doesn't think dowanx is spiked due to lack of opposition to lynch, switches vote to Pifferdoo as he hasn't responded

-here: retracts vote from Pifferdoo as he responded, encourages him to talk more, comments on commenting on spiked laughing being a spiked tactic in the past

-here: suggests that people who aren't voting pair up and vote for eachother to more easily find soothers/rioters


-here: suggests Pifferdoo could just have been soothed, wonders if we were wrong in estimates of emotionmancers, says Peng, pifferdoo or he would have had to be the one to target pifferdoo, asks meta if soothers/rioters can target themselves, suggests either Peng did it or Pifferdoo did it to cast suspicion on Peng and him

-here: explains possible rioters logic from previous post




-here: does some analysis of the situation. Voices suspicion on Maill and Claincy based on Hero's death and Weiry being lurched. Votes for Claincy.

-here: removes vote on Claincy, considers the situation further and votes for Newan.

-here: shifts vote to Weiry, says he doesn't care too much who we lynch out of those he's suspicious of + Weiry might give more info, wants to know who else knew Hero's role. (Which we still dunno).

-here: considers why Weiry was smoked and lurched, comes to the conclusion that Weiry is the spiked mistborn


-here: removes suspicion from Newan, suspicious of Unodus: vote changes, refusal to vote before evidence, trying to stay under the radar, notes inactives


-here: votes for Unodus asking for discussion and explanation of why he hasn't contributed much and hasn't voted till recently.

-here: suggests that Unodus should be trying to get us to lynch someone else, notes that some people would be keeping records of votes (including him)

-here: encourages Unodus to share suspicions in case he dies, shifts vote to dowanx; we need a lynch, rather kill a semi-active villager than an active, notes that if dowanx is innocent this will swing back to Unodus and others, reminds we need a decent majority, fairly sure Maill doesn't trust him





-here: disagrees with a couple of Claincy's points, votes for Weiry on the basis that even if Weiry was innocent we would learn a lot.


-here: dead spiked celebration post, and says there is a lot we can learn from a spiked lynch


-here: says Newan is pretty much clean, can't imagine two spiked smokers, probably a spiked seeker,

-here: notes he was keeping vote records but stopped day 2

-here: asks why we assume the spiked have a soother/rioter, guesses it's one or the other.

-here: bandwagon getting out of hand, no suspicions so not voting





-here: apologises for inactivity, votes for Pifferdoo asking why there has been no suspicion on him but providing no other reason.



-comments on gender confusion



Macen - nada


Well that took a while, I didn't bother linking some stuff (or noting todays stuff, I mean, just look up the page :P ), mostly not really game related or unimportant. Shouldn't be hard to find if you do reread it though. It's really late here and I kinda need to sleep, for now the couple of thoughts my tired mind is coming up with are:
-Joe hasn't been acting very spiked IMO

-Peng's posts have been decidedly uninspiring and of limited help, though day 7 was better than previously

-Pifferdoo's posts have had very little in the way of useful discussion but he has been posting relatively frequently (as has been mentioned). Yeah yeah, he's not on the list of experienced players, noticed that anyway.


Bout time for bed, will think more tomorrow.

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 Anyway, I sort of figured that we were lynching Unodus this time around, but apparently there are lots of other opinions. :( Jain is probably a rioter, too, and Maill (despite doing absolutely nothing suspicious all game) is being accused. Then Pifferdoo, of course, probably also has a vote manipulation role... It seems that our supposed "evidence" last cycle doesn't really add up to much of anything at all. I'll put a vote on Unodus anyway.


Why doesn't our evidence add up to anything? We've got Unodus bang-to-rights as a Rioter. The question is whether or not he is Spiked, or just mucking around with his powers. Why do you say that Jain is probably a Rioter, and why is Pifferdoo a Rioter/Soother? And as for Mailliw not being suspicious, it's more that he is in the back of our minds as a possibility - Just as much as Claincy is for me, or I am for them. It's silly to trust anyone 100% in the game right now. I'm not going to remove my vote, because I want you to explain a few things there.

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Seonid, I have only two explanations for why I haven't been killed yet. Either the Spiked haven't cared about losing the PMs(I for one haven't used them much recently) and are possibly trying to manipulate through them, or they are trying to get you to do exactly what you just did: suspect me.

I can't explain my survival. There have been at least four different night cycles where I was fairly certain I was going to die. So the two explanations above are he only I can think of. Aside from me being Spiked, obviously.

The possibility of there being a mole in the trusted group has been more and more possible to me. Of them all, I would guess Wyra or Joe. But, first off, while Joe is an experienced player, he wasn't in the trusted group with Wilson, as you seem to think. She told Claincy and I that she only had a short PM with Joe. Joe doesn't feel very Spiked to me, but it is possible. I think for now, I'm going to vote for Pifferdoo. Unodus. Piff is very likely to be a Soother/Rioter and since that person isn't fessing up, I don't see why they'd be clean.

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Guys our one-act play got first at sub-sections and we're going on to sections! Plus, I got outstanding actor in the section! Whoop! 

That's my excuse for not being on and not responding to posts and stuff.


For one thing, I'm not a Rioter, because I have voted most of the time that extreme vote shenanigans have happened. It is much more likely that I was, in fact, Soothed. As for me being a Soother, it's hard for me to prove that I'm not the Soother. However, it's hard to prove that I actually am a Soother. 


As for Joe's reasoning, I guess there's no pleasing you, is there? 


I don't believe that Mail is spiked, and Joe is playing the game in a very similar way to me, so I don't think he's spiked either.


Can somebody do an analysis of all the Riots and how they've affected the votes? If it seems advantageous to the spiked in anyway, I'll vote Unodus. If not, I'll vote Mckeedee. 

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I've begun to question my thoughts about Piff being the Rioter. Jain seems like the more likely choice. The reason we didn't get a Rioting last cycle and Jain's wifi issues might correlate. I don't really have much, but Jain or Joe seems like the likeliest choice for Rioter.

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Can someone please explain to me why we are looking for others as potential Rioters/Soothers? Afraid you have lost me there. I would not that Jain has been somewhat inactive this game though and would not mind hearing from him all the same.

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I am going to actually vote for clancy. I know there is a good chance I'll take heat for this so let me explain it. Firstly, he defended Reiw, who is the only person we know was spiked. Secondly, riew was a smoker, not a lurcher. When I voted for him, I was suspecting he was a lurcher protecting himself. If a spiked lurcher was protecting him, that means they knew, or at suspected he would be targeted. Hero told Clancy about his target, which puts him in suspicious territory.

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Can someone please explain to me why we are looking for others as potential Rioters/Soothers? Afraid you have lost me there. I would not that Jain has been somewhat inactive this game though and would not mind hearing from him all the same.


I also second the question. Knowing who manipulates votes might be able to let us point fingers at people, but why is this currently one of the higher priorites?


To get this out of the way, yes, I am a Rioter. The only time I ever used my power was to change Hero's vote to Malliw a couple of Cycles back, and that was only on a whim to exercise my power. Yes, I am aware that I could have made a couple of clutch saves and maybe even accidentally kill an Eliminator with my Power, but I was either offline, or my [REDACTED] WiFi wouldn't let me post, much less send a PM. 

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Well, got a bit of discussion going, but nowhere near the amount I hoped for. I still want to know the answer to that question. But I will now be focusing not on Mckeedee, but on Unodus. We know that Unodus is a Rioter. The question though is whether he is malicious and Spiked, or misguided and Village. I'm currently putting my money on Spiked.

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I wouldn't say Malliw has done nothing suspicious in a game. It's simply impossible for a player to keep a clean slate for an entire game. If there's anything I learnt from playing Sanderson Elimination, it's the fact that anything is suspicious. To quote the arrest decree of the law: "Anything you say can be and will be used against you". Are you trying to distract us from Malliw, Mckeedee?


For me defending Maill to be suspicious, Maill would have to be an eliminator, which (even though I read Senn's post again after you voted for me) I am still not convinced of. Don't the eliminators want the PMs shut down? If Maill were an eliminator, it would be preferable to shut them down even if it implicated him. I understand that my reasoning is not the greatest, but the main reason that I think lynching Maill is ridiculous is that we have evidence that a single rioter has been (sloppily) manipulating the vote all game. This person is either spiked or crazy, but anyway, they're the biggest lead we've got. Jain or Unodus


Why doesn't our evidence add up to anything? We've got Unodus bang-to-rights as a Rioter. The question is whether or not he is Spiked, or just mucking around with his powers.


I'm not saying we didn't have evidence. I wrote that first post because I was sort of confused at the lack of a bandwagon


Can somebody do an analysis of all the Riots and how they've affected the votes?


Good idea. I'll get right on that (in an hour or two)

Edited by Mckeedee123
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Here we go. This information was gleaned from a quick skim of the pages, so there might be a few errors (this is why I wish it was a common practice to bold your votes so they can be easily tallied.)



Night 1: Vron dies from eliminators



Day 1:

(4) Satrams- Kasimir, Wilson, Eoldren, Wyrm

(2) Hero- Unodus, Weiry

(2) Ash-  Maill, Dowanx

(1) Kasimir- Satrams,
(1) Dom- Peng
(1) Unodus- Rent
(1) Jasnah- Araris
(1) Ostrich- Sarc
(1) Macen- Claincy 

(1) Eoldren- Ostrich




(3) Satrams- Eoladdin, Wilson, Wyra

(2) Hero- Unodus, Weiry

(2) Ash- Maill, Dowanx

(2) Kasimir- Kasimir, Satrams

(1) Dom- Peng

(1) Unodus- Rent

(1) Jasnah- Aralis

(1) Ostrich- Sarc

(1) Macen- Claincy

(1) Eoladdin- Ostrich

(12) No Votes- Piff, Joe, Dom, Mek, Winter, Seonid, Jain, Ash, Newan, Hero, Jasnah, Macen


Boom! Day 1. That took a looong time... Anyway, I *think* that Kasimir got rioted onto himself.


Note: It was pretty much impossible to keep track of votes in this round  ^_^



Night 2: Kasamir dies from an Eliminator kill



Day 2:

(3) Wyrm- Wilson, Ash, Maill

(3) Eoldren- Peng, Aralis, Wyrm

(2) Peng- Jain, Ostrich

(2) Ostrich- Eoldren, Hero

(1) Dowanx- Mek

(1) Macen- Seonid

(1) Maill- Rent

(1) Jain- Claincy




(3) Wyrm- Wilson, Ash, Maill

(2) Eoldren- Peng, Wyrm

(2) Peng- Jain, Ostrich

(2) Ostrich- Eoldren, Hero

(1) Dowanx- Mek

(1) Macen- Seonid

(1) Maill- Rent

(1) Jain- Claincy


(11) No Votes- Joe, Dom, Winter, Newan, Dowanx, Jasnah, Unodus, Weiry, Macen, Sarc, Aralis, Piff


Aralis got soothed, it looks like.



Night 3: Rent is killed by a Coinshot (Probably Hero)

             Aralis is killed by the Eliminators



Day 3: 

(5) Ostrich- Hero, Claincy, Wilson, Sarc, Winter

(2) Hero- Ostrich, Seonid

(1) Maill- Wyrm

(1) Wyrm- Piff

(1) Claincy- Peng




(3) Lord Ostrich- Wilson, Winter, Claincy

(3) Hero- Seonid, Ostrich, Sarc

(1) Maill- Hero

(1) Wyrm- Piff

(1) Claincy- Peng

(14) No Votes- Joe, Maill, Dom, Mek, Eoldren, Jain, Ash, Newan, Dowanx, Jasnah, Unodus, Wiery, Wyrm, Macen


Looks like Sarcomere was rioted onto Hero, Wyrm was soothed, and Hero was rioted onto Maill



Night 4: Eoladdin was killed by the Eliminators

             Ostrich was killed by a coinshot (probably Hero)



Day 4:

(10) Ash- Wilson, Maill, Piff, Ash, Mek, Joe, Jain, Wyrm, Claincy, Wiery

(1) Jain- Peng

(1) Peng- Hero

(1) Wyrm- Sarc




(10) Ash- Piff, Joe, Maill, Mek, Wilson, Jain, Ash, Claincy, Wyrm, Weiry

(1) Jain- Peng

(1) Peng- Hero

(1) Wyrm- Sarc

(8) No Vote- Dom, Winter, Seonid, Newan, Dowanx, Jasnah, Unodus, Macen


No voting manipulation



Night 5: Wilson killed by Eliminators (kind of saw that one coming)

             Winter killed by coinshot (probably Hero)



Day 5:

(5) Newan- Wyrm, Hero, Sarc, Peng, Seonid

(4) Peng- Claincy, Maill, Weiry, Dowanx

(1) Wyrm- Piff

(1) Hero- Newan




(4) Newan- Hero, Sarc, Peng, Seonid

(4) Peng- Maill, Claincy, Wyrm, Weiry

(1) Wyrm- Piff

(1) Hero- Newan

(8) No Votes- Joe, Dom, Mek, Jain, Jasnah, Unodus, Macen, Dowanx


It looks to me as if Dowanx was soothed, and Wyrm rioted to Peng



Night 6: Hero was killed by the eliminators

             Weiry was attacked by a coinshot (presumably Hero) but was lurched



Day 6:

(8) Weiry- Sarc, Peng, Mek, Wyrm, Unodus, Piff, Newan, Joe

(2) Newan- Claincy, Seonid,

(2) Piff- Jain, Weiry

(1) Seonid- Maill




(6) Weiry- Piff, Joe, Mek, Peng, Newan, Wyrm

(3) Newan- Seonid, Claincy, Sarc

(2) Piff- Jain, Weiry

(1) Seonid- Maill

(5) No Votes- Dom, Unodus, Dowanx, Jasnah, Macen


Looks like Unodus was soothed (or rioted someone) and Sarc was rioted onto Newan



Night 7: Sarc was killed by the eliminators



Day 7:

(8) Dowanx- Maill, Mek, Wyrm, Seonid, Unodus, Piff, Claincy, Newan




(7) Dowanx- Maill, Mek, Seonid, Claincy, Unodus, Wyrm, Newan

(8) No Vote- Piff, Joe, Dom, Peng, Jain, Dowanx, Jasnah, Macen


Piff was soothed



Night 8: Dowanx was killed by the eliminators

Edited by Mckeedee123
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*Panting heavily*


Okay, that was intense. That chart was my opus, so I hope I didn't make any mistakes.


The big thing I was looking for as I was making this was who could have been our consistent rioter, aside from Unodus. Jain, I found, was actually very consistently in the "no vote" pile whenever a rioting was made. In that first round in particular, Jain didn't vote but Unodus did. Jain's relative inactivity could also account for the eliminators' sloppy use of their rioter. I'm changing my vote on Unodus to a poke on Jain


Edit: Did I just do a triple post? Heck yeah! Whatcha gonna do about it?

Edited by Mckeedee123
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