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It seems like the spiked were trying to force a last second lynch, so we were blacklashing to that.



interestingly enough, my current list of spiked matches the list that Wyrm posted exactly. (I don't know the roles though) I wonder if they had mckeedee give Wyrm that list so that it would look like Wyrm was setting up a new player, (because we would think "there's no way the spiked would actually do that") then we would lynch Wyrm and after that then they have their night kill which gives them the win.

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Aftermath: Tyrian Falls...Again


Most of the villagers had turned up at Baron von Piffertiff’s manor the next day. There were three dead guards, but no sign of the Baron himself. Did he escape? Was he alive and in need of their help? They split off into teams and searched the Baron’s entire grounds. None of them found the secret tunnels.


Wyra had been teamed up with the stranded Nobleman, Melend; though he liked to think of it more as him being “temporarily inconvenienced.”


They were searching the Baron’s stables. Wyra was checking in one of the storage closets when Melend walked past her. Barely audible, she thought she heard him whisper, “You’re next.”


A chill ran down her spine and she froze for half a second before turning to face him.


“Excuse me?” She said.


Melend had continued walking, but stopped when Wyra addressed him. When he turned to face her, his face was etched with confusion.


“I’m sorry,” he said. “Did you say something?”


“I thought I just heard you say something as you went past me.”


Melend shrugged. “The only thing I’ve said since we came in here was about how much I hate the smell.”


“Okay, then why did I- you know what? Forget it.” Wyra shook her head. I must be hearing things, she thought. It wouldn’t surprise her after everything. The Koloss were now close enough that they were capable of being seen with the naked eye. Most of the town had been killed in paranoia or by the Spiked and now, with both Jain and the Baron missing, it seemed as if even some of the villagers had given up hope and abandoned them. Her being on edge enough to start hearing things wasn’t entirely without merit!


They spent the entire morning combing the Baron’s grounds. As noon approached, everyone gathered back at the front doors of the manor to see if any of the other groups had had any luck. None of them had.


At the news, Wyra happened to glance over to Melend, the whisper still haunting her. Was he grinning at the news? It could just be the play of the shadows across his face or maybe she was letting her imagination run wild again, but it looked like he was trying to contain a grin!


Melend noticed Wyra watching him, staring at him incredulously. His grin grew bigger and he winked while pointing at her. No one else seemed to have noticed.


It felt like she’d been doused by a bucket of ice water. It took her mind and body a good minute to catch up to each other. Her mind was racing. There was no mistaking that! She hadn’t just been hearing things! That meant that Melend must be one of the Spiked! And he had threatened her! She was their next target!


Fear and rage and relief battled inside of her. Fear because the Spiked were looking to kill her, rage at all the deaths that they had caused, and relief because she wasn’t going insane.


As with most times in Wyra’s life, the rage eventually won out. Threaten me, will you? I’ll rip your heart out! With a snarl, she dove at Melend, reaching to do just that.


The crowd parted in surprise.


“Help!” Melend called urgently as he and Wyra tumbled across the ground. “She’s gone mad and I don’t know how much longer I can keep her off of me!”


This just infuriated Wyra all the more. She pushed with all her might, even flairing pewter to try to get her hands around Melend’s throat. Her arms didn’t budge even a fraction of an inch closer.


Before Wyra could even be surprised by this, the village was on her, hauling her off of him.


“No!” She shouted as she tried to them off of her, but even with pewter, there were too many of them and she didn’t have the leverage she needed. “Don’t you get it? He’s one of them! He’s Spiked!”


Melend picked himself up off the ground and dusted himself off. “Obviously, the strain of consistently hiding her true nature, that of one of those villainous Spiked, has shattered her mind. You all saw the way she attacked me! She was like an animal! I’d pity her, if it wasn’t for the fact that she had killed so many of our friends.”


“You Rusting Cur!” Wyra spat. “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you if it’s the last thing I do!”


Melend held up his hands as if to say, “See?”


The villagers didn’t know what to do, so someone was sent to fetch some chain that had been hanging up in the stables to tie Wyra up while they deliberated. They knew they couldn’t botch this. They spent hours arguing back and forth until eventually it came down to one last person: Maill, the Cobbler. Every eye turned towards him and he didn’t know which of them were friendly and which weren’t. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves.


“Hmmm, well let’s see. I- I don’t think we can have Wyra running around, trying to kill whomever she wants whether she is Spiked or not! But, for our sakes, she had better be.”


“Excellent, then it’s decided.” Melend said quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly?


They left Wyra chained up. They likely wouldn’t be able to overpower her again, not now that she was ready for them. After all the fighting and arguing and debating, it almost seemed too quick and easy. A quick thrust through the heart and Wyra’s body went limp.


The villagers crowded around, throwing off the chains that bound Wyra’s body, desperate to find the spike that they just knew had to be there. None of them were more so than Maill.


“There’s nothing here!” Maill moaned, as he moved to double check again. “It’s got to be here!”


“Huh, I guess I was wrong,” Melend said nonchalantly. He stood at the back of the crowd. “Oh well.”


“You win some, you lose some. I’m sure we’ll get them next time though!” Senn stepped up beside Melend and patted him on the back.


“You know, this reminds me of a parable I once heard,” Clancy narrated as he joined them. “It all started with a boy, a shepherd boy, who liked to play pranks on his fellow villagers. He-”


“Hey guys! I hope I’m not too late! I just finished my latest masterpiece! Wanna see?” Odustren whipped off the cloth concealing his painting with a malicious grin. “See, that’s us and that’s the Koloss sweeping through the burning village and this is all of the little villagers weeping and dying! Pretty good, huh? I think I did a pretty good job of capturing their horror! Ha!”


The villagers slumped in defeat. They had tried so hard and now it looked like it was going to all be for naught.


“What do you plan to do with us?” Maill asked as a single tear ran down his face.


“Oh, Ruin has something special in mind for all of you!” Senn sneered as he pulled out sets of manacles he was carrying in a sack. “Well, most of you. Some must be left to satiate the Koloss!”


It was still early afternoon when the villagers were corralled into the town square. There, a strange table had been erected. It looked normal enough, except for the fact that it had the indented shape of a person in the middle of it….


Ruin had guided the Spiked in the making of the altar and now he guided them again, picking out the allomancers from the villagers left alive. Tin from Maill and Pewter from Damon. There were a few surprises, as Peng was hauled forward, unbeknownst to him, that he was a Duralumin Gnat and a few others.


Melend was stripped to the waist and he laid down in the indention as the rest of the Spiked strapped the helpless villagers on top of him, one by one.


“For the Glory of Ruin!” Clancy would shout each time he impaled a spike through a villager and into Melend.


The crowd turned away in disgust, but there was no chance of fleeing the grisly scene. They had been tethered to each other and the ground.


As the last of the villager allomancers were used, Clancy glanced at Senn. Ruin had given them both a very special mission. Senn nodded and together they grabbed Odustren, who was using the blood of the villagers to paint a scene of the huddled masses he was keeping an eye on.


“Hey! What do you guys think you’re doing? What is this? Oh, oh NO! NO, NO, NO! RELEASE ME! I’M ON YOUR SIDE, REMEMBER?” Odustren struggled as they strapped him down on the altar while the villagers couldn’t do anything except watch in horror. They were sacrificing even their own!


“Ruin has need of your Zinc, Odustren,” Clancy stated calmly. “And you know Ruin gets what he wants. For the Glory of Ruin!”




Senn held the spike, so Clancy could drive it the rest of the way through Odustren’s body. The villagers cringed with each thunk, unable to watch anymore. Then they heard a new thwack and a few of the braver, curiouser ones turn back to find out what had happened.


Senn was laying unconscious on the ground. There was a dribble of blood coming from where Clancy had knocked him upside his head.  With steady hands, Clancy finished pounding the spike through Odustren and then heaved the comatose form of Senn onto the table and the pounding began anew.


Finally, it was done and Melend sat up, covered in blood, but looking little worse for wear after having so many spikes driven into him. Truly, this was some dark form of magic. Clancy helped him up as as he did so, he admired his handiwork.


“No eye spikes yet, but you’re well on your way! I’m sure Ruin will provide us with ample opportunity in the near future!”


“Very true,” Melend said. “There are a few that I’m still missing.”


“Such as?”


“Such as Copper.”

Clancy nodded before he realized what Melend meant. Melend was on him in an instant. He pulled out a spike he had hidden (due to Ruin’s guidance) underneath the table and in one swift motion and the strength of his enhanced pewter, jammed it through Clancy and into himself.


As Clancy’s form slumped to the ground, Melend turned to the final villagers.


“And now I must bid the rest of you adieu! Trust me, I would murder you all if you were worth even the fraction of the time it would take, but alas, my lord has other plans for me! Do try to flee when the Koloss finish breaking through! They don’t like it when it’s too easy for them after all!”


With that, he dropped a coin and with a Duralumin push, he flew off into the fading day. The villagers huddled together in the silence afterwards for a moment before they could hear the Koloss finally breaking through their makeshift wall….


As Melend soared through the air, he silently asked Ruin where he was to head next.


North said a voice within his head. It is time to deal with the people of Terris. Your brothers are already on their way.


Melend smiled and adjusted his course.




Will this town ever be free of the ravages of the Koloss? :P


The Spiked win!



(4) Wyra- Maill, Melend, Clancy, Senn,

(3) Odustren- Joe, Peng, Wyra

(4) No Votes- Dom, Odustren, Damon, Larry


Good game everyone and thank you all for playing! I hope you had as much fun as I did in running it! :)


Here are the links to all of the Docs used during this game.


Master Doc

Action and Vote Spreadsheet

Ruin’s Guide to Destruction

Mistborn Heaven


Feel free to ask any questions or comments and all of that kind of good stuff! Again, thanks for making this, our Anniversary Game so special and here’s to hopefully another great year of amazing games! :D

Edited by Metacognition
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Oh boy. Down the rabbit hole of the Spiked and Dead Docs we go... And I got lynched, which means I proved Kas wrong and did die this game >>.


Wait a sec. After all that, Mailliw was innocent? Hrm. I completely misjudged the pair of Mailliw and Claincy. I guess this goes to show that you shouldn't really build coalitions like this and give away all your Roles unless 100% confirmed?


I've got a question, Meta, regarding balancing (though this did not really crop up in-game). Since I now know there were only five Spiked players, the fact that they all had Roles makes a bit more sense to me (I had expected that Mailliw was a psuedo-Roleless Spiked player). But why did you give them both a Thug and a Lurcher, considering we only had one offensive Role?

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Oh boy. Down the rabbit hole of the Spiked and Dead Docs we go... And I got lynched, which means I proved Kas wrong and did die this game >>.


Wait a sec. After all that, Mailliw was innocent? Hrm. I completely misjudged the pair of Mailliw and Claincy. I guess this goes to show that you shouldn't really build coalitions like this and give away all your Roles unless 100% confirmed?


I've got a question, Meta, regarding balancing (though this did not really crop up in-game). Since I now know there were only five Spiked players, the fact that they all had Roles makes a bit more sense to me (I had expected that Mailliw was a psuedo-Roleless Spiked player). But why did you give them both a Thug and a Lurcher, considering we only had one offensive Role?


We didn't have a Thug.  We had 2 Smokers (myself and Claincy), a Lurcher (Senn), a Rioter (Unodus), and a Mistborn (Mek).

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We didn't have a Thug.  We had 2 Smokers (myself and Claincy), a Lurcher (Senn), a Rioter (Unodus), and a Mistborn (Mek).


Wait, so... two Smokers and only one Seeker? Then that's my question >>.

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I didn't give them a Thug. ;) Remember where you got that information, Wyrm. The Spiked lie after all! :P


Edit: Dual Seekers would've thrown off the balance, IMO. Especially since the Village did have multiple seekers in the form of a Mistborn as well. Giving them another Seeker would mean that there's the possibility of a turn in which three people were seeked! That's a lot of confirmed players for the Spiked to have to handle! Not to mention the amount of Rioters and Soothers available to help find smoked people. That is what helped you guys find Weiry after all! 


Besides, with all of the emotional allomancy that was available to the village, the Spiked needed some way to still be relevant when voting. 

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...It occurs to me that there was an important thing I forgot to say, because I've said it to half of the Spiked already... Well played. Claincy did really well to direct the village as he did, and the rest of you managed really well to occupy that ambiguous spot under the radar, despite us looking for that. A good game and a well deserved win, though I wish it was a bit closer at the end.


That makes sense, Meta. I'm just surprised though, because with two Smokers, that would effectively mean that Seekers could only find one Spiked player. But it seems we were thinking about it wrongly - The Seeker this game was meant to find trusted players, not suspicious ones. Arguably, that's an even more powerful ability. It's just a shame we lost our Seeker so early.


So, messages to people trying to talk to me in the dead doc... (my name comes up ~150 times? Seriously? >>)


I apologise for failing my Spot Check. Mailliw looked more suspicious to me than Claincy, and because of that, I gravitated towards Claincy because I didn't 'need' them both to be Spiked to fit the facts. Even when Mek told me that I could find his allies in the previous Day's lynch, I still had Mailliw on that list as well as Claincy :P.


And Ashiok... I'm sure I'll run LG7 again at some point (fixed! and made much harder for the Villagers by overcompensation, no doubt...), but other people have ones to run too :P. I'm 5th and 9th on the LG GM list, so it will be a while - and those are currently for other games. I'd like to run it again, that's for sure, but you'll have to be patient, I'm afraid.


And to those who mentioned my stats... I will be getting back to them shortly. I've told myself that I'm not going to play another game until they're done (if I can pull myself away from Mount & Blade first >>).

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wait, why can the spiked copy and paste things from PM conversations? I thought that was explicitly against the rules?


Also, Mailliw, I believe you owe me 300 arbitrary units of currency :P

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Hmm... I'm reading through the dead doc, and I realize now that was a lot more suspicion on me than I previously thought early in the game.


I'm sort of interested in learning the things I did wrong (so that I can be sneakier in the future).  ^_^

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That was exceptionally fun. We (the Spiked) got careless at the end, and nearly threw it, but we pulled it out in the end.


And Wyrm, sorry about the manipulation I wove into my last apology post. Not that I wouldn't do it again, of course, but still - sorry.


[EDIT:] And, you're welcome, Ash.


And also, I noticed that the Dead Doc has been mixing up my gender a bit. Probably the fact that Seonid happens to show up as an Aes Sedai name in WoT. (Not where I got it from, but whatever). But I'm a 'he,' not a 'she'. Just for clarification purposes and all.

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wait, why can the spiked copy and paste things from PM conversations? I thought that was explicitly against the rules?



The Spiked are capable of doing so because they are not using it to confirm themselves to another player. They already know who each other are. The Rule against Copy/Pasting is there to keep players from being able to tell if someone is lying or not. If it wasn't there, people could just send everyone the original PM from the GM that states their roles and then that wouldn't make for a very fun game, now would it? 


Also, the Spiked are not immune to the Copy/Paste rules. They can't do so in other PMs to other players, just the same as anyone else. In fact, I know that at one point, I threatened to reveal the next Spiked who did so, due to how often this rule was getting broken by everyone. So it's not that they're immune to the rule, but they don't have to convince each other that they're all on the same side. 

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The Spiked are capable of doing so because they are not using it to confirm themselves to another player. They already know who each other are. The Rule against Copy/Pasting is there to keep players from being able to tell if someone is lying or not. If it wasn't there, people could just send everyone the original PM from the GM that states their roles and then that wouldn't make for a very fun game, now would it? 


Also, the Spiked are not immune to the Copy/Paste rules. They can't do so in other PMs to other players, just the same as anyone else. In fact, I know that at one point, I threatened to reveal the next Spiked who did so, due to how often this rule was getting broken by everyone. So it's not that they're immune to the rule, but they don't have to convince each other that they're all on the same side. 

Thanks for the explaination :)

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Well. That was exciting. 302 mentions of my name in that doc. Which doesn't even begin to rival the mentions of Claincy's name in the dead doc (half of them with delightful subscripts after them). :D


That game was very well-played on the part of the Spiked. I'm not gonna lie and say that I wasn't irritated to have been manipulated again, but at the same time, it was my own choice to trust Claincy. And considering the situation surrounding my trust in Claincy, I don't feel too bad about that, since 98% of the time, my deduction would've been correct. Unfortunately, this fell into the 2% it was not. And I was worried about that, since it was Claincy, but I still went and did it anyway. Ah well. You live, you learn.....Or, well. In this case, you get betrayed and die, and then you learn. :P

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Hey, you didn't make off too poorly in death, my Bloodthirsty Goddess. 

Wait a min... I think that every game I've died in, my faction's lost (and vice versa). Let me check

EDIT: Nope, I survived QF 3 (the conversion one) Oh well

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