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Blue text was never meant to be used as Out Of Character speech. It was meant for Out Of Game speech (like wishing Peng a Happy Birthday! :) ). At some point in time, everyone started using it to distinguish between their RP and their game discussions, but it wasn't necessary. Even if you go back and look at the General Rules, you can see this is the case. 


Besides, 90% of these games recently (I'm as much to blame right now as anyone) is not "In Character." If people did more of their discussion and planning and such within their RP, then sure, using blue text for the purposes of non-conventional game discussion could be worthwhile. Instead, almost everything most people write is in blue anymore! If anything, we should have a color to indicate RP at this point, as it would make it a lot easier on people who have issues with the color editor, like yourself, Jain! 

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Winter is innocent. This has been your public service announcement.

Ok, I have some problems with you saying that.  Like Meta said, if we are to believe that neither of you two are OCs, then you have just given them a target.  And what is the point in saying that this cycle?  It doesn't make sense, as the majority of the conflict is between Vineyarddawg and Antillar, Winter wasn't even threatened.  So why did you feel the need to step in?


No. I would not. Perhaps the fact that Devotion prevented me from being lynched should show some of you that I am good. Besides, you can't even vote for me!


Well, you're right that I can't vote for you (forgot about that), that definitely doesn't clear you. All that it means is that Devotion (at this point, you've said too much for it to be anyone other than Winter. You probably shouldn't be so free with information!) confirmed themselves to you by telling you ahead of time that they were going to use their ability on you. Whether or not they had any reason to trust you or if they picked you out randomly has yet to be seen.


Either way, since I can't vote for Snoopy, I'll go back to Sarc


Like Jain said, proclaiming your innocence loudly is one of the more suspicious things to do.  Also, like Meta said, it really means nothing about your alignment that you were selected by Devotion.  They could have just picked someone they felt like they trusted, but it doesn't confirm your alignment either way.

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Ok, now I am just confused.  I don't think I've ever scene an OC carry out the deception until their death, normally they reveal themselves if everything is stacked against them.  I still will keep my vote on Antillar, but now I am doubting myself.  If you are innocent, I am sorry.


And for fun, a quick vote tally:

Antillar (9): Vineyarddawg, Eolhondras, Tulir, Feligion, ostrichofevil, swalji09, Winter, Gamma, Unodus

Winter (1): Bort

Vineyarddawg (3): Maw, Dowanx, Peng

Gamma (1): Antillar

Sarc (1): Meta

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Well, personally I have never seen an OC before, let alone one that confessed. However, this is a bit reminiscent of another LG in which Wilson, who is always an eliminator regardless of what the GM says, convinced everyone that my villager self was evil. The thing is, there is no reason for a villager to claim being an OC, but some eliminators like to go out in style. If probabilities were nice, this would mean that Antillar only has like a 25% chance of being bad, but since mind games exist there isn't much we can do (unless there is a protection role that stops a lynch. I'm not completely sure, but I think one of that shards can do that) and that would mostly just waste a lynch unless a whole bunch of people tried to coordinate powers to determine the real witness without a lynch.

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Antillar (9): Vineyarddawg, Eolhondras, Tulir, Feligion, ostrichofevil, swalji09, Winter, Gamma, Unodus

Winter (1): Bort

Vineyarddawg (5): Maw, Dowanx, Peng, leiftinspace, Antillar

Sarc (1): Meta

Trying to pull off a last-minute play, are we Antillar?

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Night 3: Clouded Eyes


“I’m telling you! I saw him! He was the one who killed Mek!” The crem slammed his fist onto the table. “He’s just trying to save his own skin!”


Martin spat onto the floor in front of Vineyerian. “You’re a liar. You were the one to kill Mek. I don’t know how you saw me, but I know you’re one of the Champions.” He could already see he was a lost cause. More and more villagers were supporting Vineyerian Dagar, just because he had spoken up first.


“Alright people. I can see which way the winds blow, it’s obvious I’m going to die today. But That will just prove to you that Dagar is one of the Champions. I’ll be happy if my death starts the fall of Odium.” He faced his fellows, many of whom he had known for a long time. Others new.


This actually had some results, some few grew uncertain, and looked to Vineyerian with increased Suspicion. Maybe he could still aid the Shards.


“Alright then, “One of the ones behind Dagar growled, “We’ve decided to kill him. No point in wasting time about it.” Several of them nodded, and pulled out weapons.


“Alright then.” Martin closed his eye, then pulled out a dagger. The men coming for him pulled up abruptly, suddenly on guard, waiting for him to attack. But he had no such intentions. Instead, he buried the knife in his own Chest. He fell to one knee, rapidly bleeding out. Not exactly how I expected to meet my death, he thought wryly. One of them, Longbeard, grabbed him, putting his hand over the bleeding.


“Why? Why would you sacrifice yourself?”


“Because I see with eyes unclouded, by Hate.” And with that, Martin expired, leaving no Smoke to mark his guilt.


Antillar Maximus was the Witness!



Antillar Maximus(10):Vineyarddawg, Eolhondras, Tulir, Feligon, Ostrichofevil, swalji09, winter cloud, Gamma Fiend, Unodus

Vineyarddawg(5): Mailliw73, Dowanx, JasonPenguin, leiftinspace, Antillar Maximus

Winter Cloud(1): Bort

Sarcomere(1): Metacognition


Night 3 has begun! It will end at 10pm PST on Wednesday the 11th.

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As soon as that insolent peasant Martin breathed his last, Vineyerian smiled knowingly at the rest of the crowd around him. He said, almost too softly for anyone else to hear, "My work is complete, my lord.  Your plans for me have been carried out perfectly, and all is in place as you have forseen."


Suddenly, red smoke enveloped his hands and feet, then crept along his extremities until it seemed to be emanating from every pore of his body. "YES, PUTRID LITTLE CREMLINGS. I SERVE THE GREATEST LORD AND MASTER IN THE COSMERE; THE MIGHTY  ODIUM. MAKE ALL THE PLANS THAT YOU WILL. TAKE MY PHYSICAL BODY AND KILL IT. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE DAMNATION THAT AWAITS YOU!"


Those around Vineyerian were momentarily stunned into silence, so he continued:


"Hoid! I see you, you dog! You might kill me, but I am just the Baleful Almighty's servant. You cannot escape the wrath of Odium! You might even manage to strike down Rayse, but ODIUM will survive. The Cosmere will be rid of your foul stench soon enough!  The inexorable ascent of my mighty Lord and master has begun, and it cannot be stopped! TREMBLE, PUNY MORTALS, AND PREPARE TO KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!"

Edited by vineyarddawg
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Have we really gotten to the point where a gloating eliminator gets more upvotes than the write-up? XD

But yeah, it is rather obvious that we were wrong about Vine, well played good sir. And many apologies, Ant! >.<

Snoopy has been dropping some less than subtle hints about things in the thread, and I'm still not exactly sure how he's gotten into such a position to be so free with information like that.

Should we assume Ruin is going to be doing his thing on Vine tonight, or is worrying about Skeletals a thing? Because roleblocking Vine probably won't accomplish much, as I doubt he's invested anymore.

^^Proper example of Out of Game Blue text and regular Black text

Edit: Oh, and @Peng, I changed my avatar just recently, only last couple days. :D

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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Yes. Because of the whole Witness thing.

He also had an evil speech:



As soon as that insolent peasant Martin breathed his last, Vineyerian smiled knowingly at the rest of the crowd around him. He said, almost too softly for anyone else to hear, "My work is complete, my lord.  Your plans for me have been carried out perfectly, and all is in place as you have forseen."
Suddenly, red smoke enveloped his hands and feet, then crept along his extremities until it seemed to be emanating from every pore of his body. "YES, PUTRID LITTLE CREMLINGS. I SERVE THE GREATEST LORD AND MASTER IN THE COSMERE; THE MIGHTY  ODIUM. MAKE ALL THE PLANS THAT YOU WILL. TAKE MY PHYSICAL BODY AND KILL IT. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THE DAMNATION THAT AWAITS YOU!"
Those around Vineyerian were momentarily stunned into silence, so he continued:
"Hoid! I see you, you dog! You might kill me, but I am just the Baleful Almighty's servant. You cannot escape the wrath of Odium! You might even manage to strike down Rayse, but ODIUM will survive. The Cosmere will be rid of your foul stench soon enough!  The inexorable ascent of my mighty Lord and master has begun, and it cannot be stopped! TREMBLE, PUNY MORTALS, AND PREPARE TO KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD!"



Very dramatic.

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I don't think that having Ruin kill Vine tonight is a good idea.  Team Rayse may have a Witness of their own and will be able to see who Ruin is.


We should have Ruin kill Vine during the day phase as the witness can't see them then.  I admit that I was hoping the Ruin would've killed Vine during the last day phase as a one-for-one trade is always beneficial for the town.


As it is common for Eliminators to vote for each other when they aren't in danger of being lynched I highly suspect that at least one of them voted for Vine during the last cycle.  Mailliw73, Dowanx, JasonPenguin, leiftinspace.  One of them is almost certain to be on Team Rayse.  I ask any Bloodsealers to place at least one of your skeletons on one of them.

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