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I was going to let my dramatic reveal be my swan song post, but I felt the need to also let all the non-shard villagers know that the entire game is basically being played around you at this point. All of the shards and Hoid are connected via PM's, and they're not going to invest in you if they haven't already, because they don't know if they can trust you.  If I were a normal villager at this point, I'd just walk away and join the quick fix game that Hero is starting up.


And yes, I know "that's exactly what an OC would say."  And yes, I am an OC.  And yes, I expect to die tonight.  But this is actually, really, truly the way I'd feel if I were a regular worldhopper. Even if you have a minor role, it's redundant at this point. The shard group doesn't care if you all die, because after I die tonight, there's guaranteed to be more of them than there are of Team Odium.  They'd happily kill every non-shardic player right now if they could, because Team Villager would then win the game.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that was their strategy.

And Snoopy is Hoid.  He's going around telling everybody other than Jesus in PM's, so you might as well know it, too.

As a parting gift, I'll give you the following information.  One of these players is the villager bloodsealer. One is Odium's witness (who has used his ability every night, by the way). And one is Cultivation. In random order: Feligon. Sarcomere. Qayshar.  If you can figure out which is Cultivation, you can take back control of your own game.


Adios, amigos.


EDIT:  Ok, one final point:  If you look at the rules, the shards can manipulate up to 7 votes when they work in tandem.  So basically your votes are pointless in a lynch unless someone has an 8-vote lead.  Load up on one candidate or risk being manipulated over and over again.

Edited by vineyarddawg
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I was going to let my dramatic reveal be my swan song post, but I felt the need to also let all the non-shard villagers know that the entire game is basically being played around you at this point. All of the shards and Hoid are connected via PM's, and they're not going to invest in you if they haven't already, because they don't know if they can trust you.  If I were a normal villager at this point, I'd just walk away and join the quick fix game that Hero is starting up.


And yes, I know "that's exactly what an OC would say."  And yes, I am an OC.  And yes, I expect to die tonight.  But this is actually, really, truly the way I'd feel if I were a regular worldhopper. Even if you have a minor role, it's redundant at this point. The shard group doesn't care if you all die, because after I die tonight, there's guaranteed to be more of them than there are of Team Odium.  They'd happily kill every non-shardic player right now if they could, because Team Villager would then win the game.  In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that was their strategy.

And Snoopy is Hoid.  He's going around telling everybody other than Jesus in PM's, so you might as well know it, too.

As a parting gift, I'll give you the following information.  One of these players is the villager bloodsealer. One is Odium's witness (who has used his ability every night, by the way). And one is Cultivation. In random order: Feligon. Sarcomere. Qayshar.  If you can figure out which is Cultivation, you can take back control of your own game.


Adios, amigos.


EDIT:  Ok, one final point:  If you look at the rules, the shards can manipulate up to 7 votes when they work in tandem.  So basically your votes are pointless in a lynch unless someone has an 8-vote lead.  Load up on one candidate or risk being manipulated over and over again.

Ok, now that was truly clever of you.  Sowing dissent right before death?  Cold, cruel OC.

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I don't think that having Ruin kill Vine tonight is a good idea.  Team Rayse may have a Witness of their own and will be able to see who Ruin is.


We should have Ruin kill Vine during the day phase as the witness can't see them then.  I admit that I was hoping the Ruin would've killed Vine during the last day phase as a one-for-one trade is always beneficial for the town.


As it is common for Eliminators to vote for each other when they aren't in danger of being lynched I highly suspect that at least one of them voted for Vine during the last cycle.  Mailliw73, Dowanx, JasonPenguin, leiftinspace.  One of them is almost certain to be on Team Rayse.  I ask any Bloodsealers to place at least one of your skeletons on one of them.


Wouldn't it be a bit broken for the OC to have a Witness? I mean, so long as they ignore the Witnessing of their team-mates, they'd eventually discover Ruin, and he'd die pretty quickly.

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Part one of a collaborative RP between me, and Snoopy.
Have you ever wondered why I left, Nilan? I didn't want to. But war had come, and I was inexorably linked to its outcome. You see, I had something. Something very powerful, that many would, and have, killed for. 
A Shard of Deity itself, like Ruin, or Preservation in the old stories. With it, I could turn the tide.

This cube was one of the last. Out of the Shadows. It was written in a clearer hand than the others, as if the author has finally been sure of what he was writing. 
"We know what we need to win this war. It is time to act, my friends." The other Shards slowly nodded their agreement. 
With a thought, Aonar warped himself away. Luthadel's narrow streets faded into view. He set off at a fast walk, racing the setting sun. Someone would be dead by nightfall, and if he could help it, it wasn't going to be an innocent. 
The great doors of Lord Hobbes' keep opened as he approached. Clearly, they'd been expecting him. Good
Guards inclined their heads as he passed, entering the great hall. Aonar's footfalls echoed in the empty room. 
As he approached the far end, voices raised in heated conversation could be heard. He slipped through a door on his left, one hand reaching for his Sterrions. 
It was a small meeting room, sparsely furnished compared to the ballroom, and crowded with various woldhoppers. 
A few noticed when he entered; Maw, Ash, Leif, and of course, Lord Hobbes himself. The others were still focused on their conversation.  
"It doesn't make any sense! They couldn't have known that Martin witnessed Mek's death." How wrong you are...
Aonar gestured almost imperceptibly towards the discussion, questioning. Hobbes shrugged. Apparently now was as good a time as any. 
"Actually, they could have, quite easily. In fact, we might as well have told them ourselves."

Hobbes clapped a hand to his mouth in a clearly exaggerated gesture. "Oh please, Aonar. You always come to my Keep with these ridiculous and outlandish...shenanigans of yours! Go be an ominous crow elsewhere," Hobbes huffed. "Honestly!"

Aonar glared at Hobbes and snapped, "By the Lord Ruler! Drop your pathetic nobleman act, Hoid. Now is not the time for your so-called 'delightful badinage'! Just...shut your caketrap and listen!"

"I'm afraid, Aonar, that it can only be shut with cake," Hobbes mused, "But please, do continue..."

Shaking his head and grumbling under his breath, Aonar turned towards the worldhoppers, many of whom had been startled by the sudden interruption. “Thank you, Hoid. You see, my fellow Sharders, a lot has been happening, while we’ve been trying to figure things out. One of the most important of which will be culminating, oh, right about now.
As he spoke, he drew one of his Sterrions, and gestured lazily towards the gathered Sharders. “One of you is a liar, and a very good one. But not quite good enough.”
Aonar’s words were met by looks of mixed confusion and anger. Ash spoke up. “What are you rusting talking about, Aonar?”
“I’m talking about the little things. Inconsistencies, falsehoods, manipulations. People who have been holding back when they should be leading the charge.”
His whole demeanor changed as he turned, focusing on one worldhopper in particular. "I'm talking about you, Maw." Aonar cocked the Sterrion, and leveled it towards the traitor. "Care to explain to those not in the loop, Hoid?"

Edited by Aonar Faileas
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Part two of a collaborative between Aonar and me.

"Certainly," said Hobbes, his voice turning brusque and cold. "You see, since this rash of killings began, the Shards have been plotting together, with Endowment's help. You might say that I have been their emissary, contacting and confirming the identities of our true friends."

Maw stared at Hoid silently.

"It turns out that Odium, while clever and wily, eventually had to slip up. We came this close to trusting him, but ultimately, he failed."

Red smoke began to curl up into Maw's eyes.

"The process was this," Hoid continued, "I simply requested the suspected Shards to Invest me with a unique code. If they did this, they were confirmed as a friend. Eventually, I had to reveal my identity as Hoid to Odium. You see, once we had confirmed all of our friends but two, all that remained was to ask both of the unknown Shards to Invest me with a secret message. My ability to seek them out in the first place clued them in to my secret identity. Anyway, one of the unknown Shards Invested me, and not the other. We knew that we had found our Odium."

"Anything to say, Maw?" asked Aonar.

Maw raised his hands murderously, preparing to strike down Aonar.

"Oh no you don't!" cried Hobbes. He raised a hand and Maw froze. "I've put him in prison," Hobbes explained to the shocked and terrified assemblage. "He will not be able to kill any of the Shards now. Unfortunately, I can't stop him from giving his power to his Champions, but hopefully we will root them out soon."

Even as Maw froze in place, Aonar reacted, putting a bullet through his skull. After a moment, his flesh reknit. It was unfortunate that as a Shard, Odium as still largely immortal, but shooting him felt good, regardless.

The worldhoppers were still shocked, stuck in place by the suddenness of events. Aonar holstered his Sterrion. “Well, what are you all standing around for? We’ve done our part. There’re still a great number of Champions yet to find.”

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As it is common for Eliminators to vote for each other when they aren't in danger of being lynched I highly suspect that at least one of them voted for Vine during the last cycle. Mailliw73, Dowanx, JasonPenguin, leiftinspace. One of them is almost certain to be on Team Rayse. I ask any Bloodsealers to place at least one of your skeletons on one of them.

That's super funny. I realize that anything that i say by way of denial will only make me look even more suspicious at this point, but I will say this much. Feel free to put all the skeletals on me you want. I'll not be killing anyone tonight. :)

about the RP, I would give it more likes if i could. Just sayin. :)

Both for the RP and the reveal. I trust that you didn't actually kill him?

And from the sounds of it, no, Maillw is merely Ruined, that is, his powers to kill have been roleblocked. Edited by little wilson
merged triple post. Please do not double/triple post.
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And from the sounds of it, no, Maillw is merely Ruined, that is, his powers to kill have been roleblocked.

Please use the Edit button.  

I understood that, but then they RPed shooting him, so I wasn't sure if that was just for show, or it actually happened.

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It was for show. He is role-blocked. On that note, please don't try to lynch him, guys. We have some long analysis ahead of us to find the OCs, and we don't want it messed up by Odium getting moved. If anyone has questions that don't require specific names, feel free to ask.

Also, did anyone notice that vine hinted at my identity when he said, "...Hoid, you dog.."? I didn't notice until an unnamed person told me. Pretty clever, vine.

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It was for show. He is role-blocked. On that note, please don't try to lynch him, guys. We have some long analysis ahead of us to find the OCs, and we don't want it messed up by Odium getting moved. If anyone has questions that don't require specific names, feel free to ask.

Also, did anyone notice that vine hinted at my identity when he said, "...Hoid, you dog.."? I didn't notice until an unnamed person told me. Pretty clever, vine.

It was a good show, so I approve.  


I didn't notice that either, good job vineyardawg.

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Day 4: The Darkest Dawn


Vineyerian ran. He ran and he ran. The others were still chasing after, but they would never be able to catch him. The fools, believing him over Martin? Only a Thug or Radiant could catch him, and they’d already killed Mek. He darted around a corner, then scrambled up the wall onto the roof and flattened himself.


The few that had managed to stay with him ran around the corner, and their sounds of frustration were like Music to his ears. The cretins, tricked by a simple wall. He waited, as their sounds dispersed, spreading out and searching for him. Eventually, an hour after the sun set, the last sounds disappeared. Patience was one of the deadliest Weapons.


He climbed down from the roof, and headed off into the woods, walking away, not going in any specific direction, though he could feel himself being Followed.


He reached a clearing, and stopped, then sat down, cross legged and waiting.


Less than ten minutes passed before a Black Mist started to form, surrounding the clearing. A figure, glowing Black and dripping Mist appeared. “You know I was coming for you. How?”


Vineyerian Dagar smiled. “We knew you would come Aonar Izenry. We brought you here to kill you.”


Aonar smirked, confident in his power. “You can’t kill me little Champion. I am a shard, and what more, I am protected by my brethren.”


“So you think you’ll live through the night?”


“I will live forever, far longer than your lord.”


“Then how come I said your name earlier.”


Aonar, Shardholder of Ruin, froze. The champion had said his name, and If your name was stated outright, that meant only death. He snarled at Dagar. “How? Odium cannot strike me down, and none of you can either.” He felt himself began to sweat. Dagar only smiled. Then pulled a glass vial out of his pocket.


“Poison can still kill a shardholder.”


Aonar’s breath was starting to come in gasps now. “Ah, but I am protected, Poison alone cannot-”


The sword pierced him through his lower abdomen, sticking out a good foot.  “That’s why I’m here.” The voice sounded from behind him. Aonar immediately focused the Stormlight around the wound, healing it as fast as he could, but he couldn’t get both the Poison and the Wound.


“Rust. Rust and Ruin! damnation you Dagar!” The Champion started cackling madly at that, throwing his head back.


Ruin’s power took him in the chest, burning a great hole in him and throwing him back a good ten feet. Aonar tried to turn to face his other opponent, but the poison was already working. His reactions were growing Sluggish, he could barely turn, or even stay up. He felt himself fall. His power began to leak away.


And thus Ruin, once called Ati, once called Aonar, passed into the Cognitive Realm.



Endowment felt the raw power forming, and gasped. A Shard had died, from the feel of it, it was Ruin. How had they killed Him? He was supposed to be locked down. Either way, he had a job to do. He left Nalthis, entering the Cognitive realm, and traveling the short distance to Roshar, where Aonar had been hunting Dagar. He followed the pulses of Power, eventually landing in a clearing in a forest in Shinovar.


Aonar lay dead on the ground, his body leaking Smoke. Dagar’s corpse was also present, on the other side of the clearing. Endowment walked over to his brother’s body, and reached his arm into the smoke, absorbing the Shard of Ruin. He would have to give it away before it began to change his intent, but he could make use of it first.


Endowment frowned as more raw power began to form. And this one was his own Power. Power he had given to the Returned. The flow of Power increased rapidly. He gasped as he realized the implication. Thousands of people losing their innate breaths? Every Returned dying at once. He turned and entered the Cognitive realm again, traveling Quickly towards Nalthis.


When he got to where Nalthis had been, he sent his power out, searching. Only Preservation and Ruin’s power was here, with Traces of Odium melting away. Scadrial? It couldn’t be, gone. Could it? The Unmade, eaters of Worlds. Nalthis had been destroyed completely.


Aonar was Ruin!


Vineyarddawg was a Poisoner!


Nalthis has been destroyed!

Day 4 has begun and will end at 10pm PST on Friday the 13th.



EDIT: Updated Player List:

  1. Maw (Mailliw73)

  2. Second of Sky (Alvron)

  3. Gramps (GammaFiend)

  4. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

  5. Bortin (Bort)

  6. Cleo and Kae(Winter Cloud)

  7. Lady Otrisce Maleris Tekil (ostrichofevil)

  8. Aranad Longbeard (Araris Valerian)

  9. Gerald Hobbes (Snoopy)

  10. Frank (Feligon)

  11. Derushe Tuskuntore (Unodus)

  12. Captain Qayshar Junglewood (swalji09)

  13. Leif Erikson (Leiftinspace)

  14. Animus (Tulir)

  15. Peng (JasonPenguin))

  16. KaanDra (Ashiok)

  17. Eolkin(Eolhondras)

  18. Raiki Morin (Twelthrootoftwo)

  19. dorin (Dowanx)

  20. Scree (Sarcomere)

  21. Cognition (Metacognition)

  22. Baron Von Piff (Pifferdoo)

  23. Lu (Luckat


  1. Satrams - A Normal Worldhopper mistaken for Hoid

  2. Clink - A Village Poisoner whose wares were too costly.

  3. Mek - A Normal Worldhopper who lost a swordfight.

  4. VineyerianDagar - A Champion Poisoner who slew as he was slain

  5. Aonar - Ruin, laid low by treachery in the night.

  6. Martin - A Witness Who saw with eyes unclouded, by Hate.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Due to the possibilities of multiple roleblockers, the following Clarifications are being Made:


Q: What happens if one blocks the other who’s blocking someone else?

A: In this case, the untargeted one blocks the other blocker, so that blocker's target still gets to take an Action.


Q: What happens if one of them blocks Hoid who has multiple Actions?

A: I Flip a Coin. Or use a three sided die to decide.


Q: What happens if One of them blocks a person with extra lives? Does the Block cancel it?

A: No, the blocker would only target actions originating with their target, so Extra lives from outside sources wouldn’t do anything.


Q: What about Preservation? Does his extra life get blocked since it’s originating with him?

A: No, Extra lives won’t be targeted at all.

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The recent turn of events has been, uh, quite intense. I kinda figured you were either a Shard or Hoid from the information you were leaking, Snoopy (and also Winter). From what I can make of the write-up it looks like Aonar was both poisoned AND stabbed by the Investee. And... Malliw's Odium? Well, that was pretty fast. 

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