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Day 7: The Arriving Storm.


Eol darted into Shadesmar, leaving Roshar and traveling as quickly as possible to Threnody. He darted out of the Cognitive realm, and entered the Forests of Hell. He continued speeding up, travelling as fast as he could, using as much Power as he could to escape. But when he glanced over his shoulder, Odium was still there, closing the gap, grinning maniacally. He should have realized that it was a trap when he’d been attacked by His Champion, but he’d chosen to follow the champion instead of fleeing. And now, Odium was gaining.


Eol, Holder of Dominion, took to the air, pulling away from the planet. HE flew higher, straining every Physical, Spiritual and Cognitive Muscle to stay alive. It didn’t work. By the time he reached the Upper atmosphere, he could feel Odium about to catch him. So he stopped moving forward, and began to fall instead. Odium shot past him, before making a Crazy Ivan and zooming towards him.




Eol, once called Skai, turned and Dived, trying to make it into the forest again, where he could access Shadesmar. He was barely 20ft away when Odium crashed into him, driving him into the ground, and Shattering every bone in his body. The Shockwave of Power and force toppled or destroyed all the trees around them, leaving them in a burning clearing.


He tried to move, but couldn’t. He couldn’t even turn his head to find where Odium was. All he could do was listen to the Maniacal laughter as His Power was siphoned away and Shattered.



Ash peeked around the corner. The street appeared to be empty, but you could never be too careful. There were always people out to get you. He carefully slid around the Corner into the road, and walked quickly down it, heading back towards the Palace, where he could hide out.


A Woman stepped out in front of him, turning to face him, almost as if she’d been expecting him. He fell into a Defensive position immediately, If this was someone who wanted his Life, he wouldn’t go down without a fight.


Rather than approaching, she smiled at him instead. “I’ve been looking for you all night Ash. You’re a hard man to find. But anyway, I have a gift for you, if you’ll accept it.”


Ash didn’t move. “What kind of Gift?”


“Life. Security. Friends.” She reached out a hand towards him. and a lIne of shimmering Blue light flowed out of him, hitting him before he could dodge it. As it flowed through him, he began to feel comforted, safe, and Happy. “Live long Ash, know that you have my Trust.” Devotion turned away, walking down a side street.


Ash stood there for a while, basking in the power, before finally moving his lips. “Thank you, M’Lady.”


Eolhondras was Dominion! Dominion has been shattered by Odium.


Ashiok is immune to Lynches!

The Day will end on Monday the 23rd, at 10pm, PST.

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Player list


  1. Living Players:

    1. Second of Sky (Alvron)
    2. Jain (Lightsworn Panda)
    3. Bortin (Bort)
    4. Cleo and Kae(Winter Cloud)
    5. Aranad Longbeard (Araris Valerian)
    6. Gerald Hobbes (Snoopy)
    7. Frank (Feligon)
    8. Captain Qayshar Junglewood (swalji09)
    9. Leif Erikson (Leiftinspace)
    10. Animus (Tulir)
    11. KaanDra (Ashiok)
    12. Raiki Morin (Twelthrootoftwo)
    13. Scree (Sarcomere)
    14. Cognition (Metacognition)
    15. Baron Von Piff (Pifferdoo)
    16. Lu (Luckat

The Dead:


  1. Satrams - A Normal Worldhopper mistaken for Hoid

  2. Clink - A Village Poisoner whose wares were too costly.

  3. Mek - A Normal Worldhopper who lost a swordfight.

  4. Aonar Izenry - Ruin's original Shardholder

  5. Maw - Odium's original Holder.

  6. Grarmps - Holder of the Unmade

  7. Lady Otrisce - Awakener

  8. Derushe - Worldhopper

  9. Martin - A Witness

  10. Vineyerian - A Poisoner

  11. Dorin - A Champion

  12. Eolhondras - Dominion

  13. JasonPenguin - Lifeless operator

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I had a thought that has to do with the fallen shard thingy. I think the shards are looking for Odium by investing in people to see when it fails. But if Odium still has a champ left (which is likely, by the 1/5 rule) then he could refrain from posting for three cycles and prevent the shards from confirming people aside from the lynch vote. Based on this, I am going to vote for Sarcomere, who definitely isn't a shard since she voted for Meta earlier on. I really can't think of anything else to add to this post to contribute toward the game, except maybe to do the math about the shards powerlynching everyone, which is a bit of an unpleasant idea for me.


Edit: Vote Color

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Can I make today's kill, as Devotion's chosen? Also, can someone tell me what the storms is going on?

Ash sat down, lost in thought. Ever since the original sharders died, everything's changed. Now there's a group of shadows in the corner, led by Snoopy, planning out our every move, Scadrial's gone, Ruin and Devotion have been shattered, and devotion's last wish was to invest me! I don't even know what's going on anymore. 


He picked up one of Eol's bones. "I swear, Skai! I will make this better, in your name!"

he then sat down on the ground and began to mutter. "Bones...Stamp...Rust...Come here Kaan'Dra...sacrilege."


EDIT: Apparently, I can't read.

Edited by Ashiok
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Can I make today's kill, as Dominion's chosen? Also, can someone tell me what the storms is going on?

Ash sat down, lost in thought. Ever since the original sharders died, everything's changed. Now there's a group of shadows in the corner, led by Snoopy, planning out our every move, Scadrial's gone, Ruin and Devotion have been shattered, and devotion's last wish was to invest me! I don't even know what's going on anymore. 


He picked up one of Eol's bones. "I swear, Skai! I will make this better, in your name!"

he then sat down on the ground and began to mutter. "Bones...Stamp...Rust...Come here Kaan'Dra...sacrilege."


. . . What? Devotion and Dominion are two different Shards. Devotion invested in you, and is still alive. Dominion was killed.

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Probably something having to do with the severe lack of sleep recently, leading to mild dyslexia.

I don't know. 

Also, can someone please put me in a PM so I don't have to bother snoopy with my questions?

You think we trust you?

Hee hee. You are a sad, strange, sorry little man. And you have my pity. Farewell.

Edited by Snoopy
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Well, at least Dominion wasn't that much of a loss as Ruin was (no offence intended, Eol). As roles go, Dominion wasn't as important as something like Ruin.

Splinter, some people claim to be vanillas to not attract the attention of the Eliminators, especially a person of dangerous experience like Araris.

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