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Feligon. I believe that you should probably pick someone else. Since someone said they thought he's Cultivation, we should wait to see if the OCs kill him tonight. If not, we can lynch him tomorrow.
EDIT: Fix color

Edited by Winter Cloud
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Now that that's out of the way, Sarcomere is not currently Odium. I will check and come back with more.

Edit: Ashiok, Meta, Feligon, and Sarcomere are currently clean (from being Odium. One of them could be an OC though). I'm not sure where that leaves the player list...

Is that all? Have you and the shards been using the plan I had earlier? I thought there would have been more players cleared of being Odium if you were. It appears Devotion didn't invest in anyone this cycle, and if that is true, I think it is a wasted opportunity. In addition, if you are using your role block, we could clear people of being both Odium and the attacking OC. If you have doubts about it, please tell me, but I really think it is the best way to find Odium with the fewest deaths. We've lost two shards since then, so its efficiency would be less at this point than it would have been earlier, but it would still be useful for Cultivation and Devotion, at least, to invest in separate players who could possibly be Odium. Maybe Honor too, depending on how much you want to risk possibly giving up a protective power.

Sarcomere hasn't been on in over a week, so unless she can send orders through the doc, she can't be either Odium or an OC. Also, I've been trying to keep track of who hasn't posted each cycle, and so far my list of people who have neglected to post for at least three consecutive turns since Maill died is Sarcomere, Tulir, luckat, Feligon, and Meta. Since there is an OC for Odium to go to if Odium is inactive, I believe that these players cannot be Odium. Plus Ash was invested by Devotion. That leaves Alvron, Jain, Bort, Winter, Araris (the fact that he's a Voidbringer doesn't preclude him also being Odium, does it?), Splinter, Leif, and Pifferdoo as possibilities for Odium. (I'm leaving Snoopy off this list for obvious reasons.) Snoopy is sure of Winter, and lynching Araris again is pointless.

I think we should vote for Alvron, Jain, Bort, Splinter, Leif, or Pifferdoo. I also think that Cultivation should invest in one of these 6 that isn't lynched. Since most of the safe shards are probably on this list (since I took people off the list for reasons that meant they couldn't be shards), Snoopy and the Shards should know who they should invest to find Odium by the next day cycle. In fact if at least three on this list are safe shards, if we lynch one of the remaining three and Cultivation invests in another, Honor doesn't even have to risk investing in a suspect this time for us to find Odium by the beginning of of this night.


Araris, I hope you forgive me if you're good. Please understand what it looked like from my side. As for the OCs knowing the Shards, notice that they are double tapping every kill now. This implies that they don't specifically know, and want to be sure of killing someone every time.

It could also mean that they want to break through any protection on a shard like they did with Ruin and that they don't want to kill normals because we are potential suspects and killing us would just bring them closer to being found.

Here's the current vote tally

Tulir (2): Bort, Jain

Pifferdoo (1): Araris

Bort (1): Tulir

As I mentioned above, I don't think Tulir can be Odium because of inactivity, so I don't think we should lynch him. I don't really have strong suspicions at this point, so I don't know who to vote for right now. Plus I'm a little worried about picking a shard. There's a little under two hours left until the night. Let's figure out what to do by then.

Edited by luckat
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Night 8: One step forward, Two steps back.


Aranard Longbeard wrapped the bandage tighter around his abdomen. He knew it wouldn’t help, the wound was too deep, but he would survive long enough to see the Marquis lynched. He had too. His fellows wouldn’t survive if he didn’t. But then, they might not even if he did get lynched. the shards were just at too much of an advantage.


Or maybe not. The more he thought about it, the less likely their advantage was. How many shards were shattered now? Preservation, Ruin and Dominion. Hoid was known, and there was dissension in the ranks. They could probably feed that dissension into a civil war.


The worldhoppers were beginning to gather again. some watched him warily, believing him to serve Odium, while others watched him hopefully, as they were his kin and hoped he would survive. None of them wanted to be the next lynched though. Most of them didn’t even want to lynch anyone. They walked around, talking quietly among small groups, trying to figure out what to do. It wasn’t helping that Hobbes and the shards were being so tightfisted about what info they gave out.


Worldhoppers began to half-heartedly call out names of who to lynch, but gave up when Hobbes glared at them. Finally, Bort called out Animus’ name. “He’s been pretty quiet this whole time! not attracting any attention, and just ignoring the rest of us.” Bort looked around at the others, but nobody gave a glare or a nod, so he petered off. Until the Shin stood up.


“If we want to find Odium, we need everyone to talk, so I agree with Bort here. Animus? What do you say?” The Shin stepped up next to Bort to stare down the dark-eyed man.


Animus shrunk beneath their gaze, and looked around for support. Seeing none forthcoming, he spoke. “I, don’t really know anything. Everyone I thought was Odium is dead, so, I don’t think i’ll vote just yet.”


Aranard stood up, shaking in pain, and addressed the crowds once more. “Fellows, I already told you, we need to lynch the Marquis. WIthout them, we’ll be able to find Odium quicker, as we’ll know what the shards no.” He started panting, as the Worldhoppers looked on. “We need to free ourselves not just from Odium’s Influence, but from the Tyranny of the Shards!” There was a wrenching inside him, as if his insides were being rearranged. “So I call for us all to lynch Frank the Blacksmith!” He paused, that hadn’t been what he’d meant to say at all.


Then his legs gave out and he fell to his knees. Somebody walked up to him, and continued to speak. “Dear friends, we should honour this man’s dying wish and Lynch Frank, as he said. Doing so will put us a step closer to finding Odium!” Aranard couldn’t make out who was speaking as his gaze fuzzed over, but he could make out the crowd’s discontent at this statement.


“No! We believe that Animus is . . . you’ve got evi. . .


He could barely hear what the crowd was saying as he finally slipped away into the peace of death. Nor did he see the red smoke billowing out of his corpse, and the crowd rushing away, too pancked to make a decision that day.


Feligon (2): Araris

Tulir (2): Bort, Lightsworn Panda

Pifferdoo (0):

Bort (1): Tulir


Araris was a Voidbringer of Odium!

The vote was tied! No one was lynched!

Night 8 will end . . . Eventually. It won’t be Friday at 10, it might be Saturday at 10. if not, it will be sometime sunday. I apologize again for the inconvenience. 

Edited by The Only Joe
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Wow. I actually got downvoted on that post...


Anyway, we have 5 suspicions left for Odium, and you are still one of them, Tulir.

Understood, and I understand.  Hopefully you have some solid ideas.

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Day 9: Opposites Repulse


Junglewood stood in the stormwall, letting it run over him, rejuvenating him with Investiture. He didn’t need to do it of course, since he could just take it back from the Stormfather the easy way, but he enjoyed the raging winds. The power and ferocity of them. The knowledge that he would be alone here, other than the occasional Windrunner or Skybreaker.


He fell upwards, lashing himself to a distant point far out of view. When he broke through the top of the storm moments later, the view was breath-taking. Dark clouds and Lighting cleansing the land. He lashed himself in two different directions at once. setting himself into a slow spin. On one side, there was his beautiful Storm, and on the other would be the Pure Lake.


Except it wasn’t. As his spin faced him away from his storm, he could see another Storm. One of Red lighting and Arrow Spren, coming from the East. He Narrowed his eyes, and urged his storm forward towards Odium’s foul Construct. He bellowed out in Challenge, throwing Lighting into the Everstorm. Odium Answered in kind.




Junglewood, holder of Honour, glared, and called back.






A Storm blowing from the East? Junglewood shied back at those implications. That would destroy a great many people. No wonder it was already Gargantuan. He summoned his Armor and Blade, forming both from raw Investiture. He would protect his People.


The Storm walls Collided.


Rocks flew, Water was pulled from the holes in the Purelake. Houses were destroyed, Trees on the shore leveled. And Honour knew instantly that this storm was stronger than his.






Honour cursed under his breath as he realized that Odium was correct. He pulled in the storm, removing it’s Investiture and power. Without another storm to block it, the Everstorm sped up, but lessened the amount of Destruction. Honour would not be able to protect himself, but he would help the Rosharan’s survive.




A red Figure broke out of the Everstorm. Pulsating with Power, and streaming Clouds of Red Smoke. Odium flew at him like an Arrow. Honour moved his sword to block, but it was destroyed by Odium’s first Swing. The Second cracked his Armor, and the third, Sliced through his Soul, removing the Shard from him.


Without it’s investiture, he began to fall. He could see Odium above, slicing into the shard, weakening it with every Blow.


The Everstorm took him, and everything was darkness.


Splinter was Honour! The Shard of Honour has been shattered!

Day 9 will end on Monday at 10pm PST.


Player List:


    1. Second of Sky 
    2. Jain 
    3. Bortin
    4. Cleo and Kae
    5. Gerald Hobbes 
    6. Frank
    7. Leif Erikson 
    8. Animus 
    9. KaanDra
    10. Scree
    11. Cognition
    12. Baron Von Piff 
    13. Lu 

The Dead:



  1. Satrams - A Normal Worldhopper mistaken for Hoid

  2. Clink - A Village Poisoner whose wares were too costly.

  3. Mek - A Normal Worldhopper who lost a swordfight.

  4. Aonar Izenry - Ruin's original Shardholder

  5. Maw - Odium's original Holder.

  6. Grarmps - Holder of the Unmade

  7. Lady Otrisce - Awakener

  8. Derushe - Worldhopper

  9. Martin - A Witness

  10. Vineyerian - A Poisoner

  11. Dorin - A Champion

  12. Eolhondras - Dominion

  13. JasonPenguin - Lifeless operator

  14. Araris - Voidbringer

  15. Twelthrootoftwo - Preservation

  16. Captain Qayshar Junglewood - Honour


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Multiple times, the Shard that has tried to Invest in him has been Shattered before they could speak. Eol and splinter were Investing him. And we need a lynch, otherwise Odium can just pick us off one by one. WE CANNOT AFFORD NOT TO SPEAK! WE MUST LYNCH. 

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