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Spren Ideas


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What kind of spren would be interesting if they existed on Roshar?

I'd say:

Paranoidspren-Can only be seen if you are being paranoid, and only seen in your peripheral vision ^^

Cavityspren-Like rotspren, but specific to cavities

Messagespren-wherever a message is written or drawn, messagespren will hover. Let's say you wrote down a bunch of random letters. No messagespren are attracted, but let say your random letters are a code that you can understand, BAM!, messagespren show up. They would also hover around pictures that the artist specifically made to portray a specific message.

Dizzyspren-Appear to be little birds that circle the victim's head xD

Ideaspren-These look like little bulbs of glass with light inside and they show up above someone's head when they have an epiphany.

Quantumspren-They specifically appear when a cat is in a box...

Slangspren-These spren are unique in that they show up when slang words are used, but only as long as the slang hasn't been accepted into society as an official word. They look like disembodied mouths with tongues that try to mimic the vocal movements of the slang word.

Pop-upspren-For a more modern Roshar, the spren pop up in front of your computer screen whenever you get a pop-up while browsing the web. They are brightly colored and annoying.

Pop-up-blockerspren-These guys appear when your pop-up blocker stops a pop-up from appearing or automatically closes a pop-up. They look like needles that will interact with pop-upspren by stabbing them and making them wither away.

Insidejokespren-These are very useful in conversation, allowing someone who is not privvy to the joke to not have to wonder what on earth the others were talking about.

Echospren-When sound echoes, echospren fly along the vibrations and bounce off surfaces where the echo is loudest. They look like vibrating sheets of translucent yellow goo.

Antisprenspren-These spren appear all around people who are currently annoyed by any spren or spren in general. The more annoyed you are at spren, the more show up. Its not too rare a sight to see someone running down the street recklessly and in a raging fury, covered in a cloud of antisprenspren. Also incorrectly known as passiveagressivespren or shadenfreudespren.

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Paranoidspren-Can only be seen if you are being paranoid, and only seen in your peripheral vision.

Space-Paranoidspren. Greyscale spren that are outlines in bright, colorful lines. Only appear in arcades or when one enters the grid.


Cavitysearchspren, appear at TSA locations.

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Wafflespren: Occur when someone eats a waffle on Roshar. They look like bottles of syrup.

Hoidspren (on request): Occurs whenever anyone mentions Hoid/Hoid appears. They look like Adonalsium before it was shattered ;).

Parshmanspren: Appears when a parshman does slave work. They are also known as Parshendi.

Metaphorspren: Appears when someone makes a metaphor or simile. They look like the words of the metaphor/simile.

Philosophyspren(thoughtspren): Appears when anyone asks a silly question to ponder the answer for days on end, without actually doing anything productive. They look like the "thinker" statue.

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Smellyspren: Appear as cartoon like stinklines

Darknessspren: Appear as small bright spheres of light whenever it's dark. They light the surroundings so disappear as soon as they appear but then it's dark again so they reappear....ad infinitum. Useful should you wish to hold a rave. Annoying if you want to go to sleep.

Edited by Cones For Eyes
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Hide-and-seek spren-they only appear when you find them.

Stalespren - appear when something is past its use-by (This is more out of personal desire. I need some kind of reminder :P)

Speculationspren - only appear when you find out what makes them appear.

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- Mockspren: appear when people make a mistake they feel foolish about. The guiltier the person feels, the more mockspren he/she attracts.

- Greedspren: the bane of merchants trying to fleece customers.

- Jargonspren: appear when a public speaker's words devolves into technical language virtually no one among his/her audience understands.

- Gagagoogoospren: appear when recent parents go crazy enthusiastic about their newborn baby and expect everyone else, especially their families and friends, to share their new passion. This type of spren often appears at the same time as...

- Unenthusiasmspren: though there are other circumstances, they notably appear when a person dearly wishes another one would shut the hell up.

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  • 1 month later...

Cluebatspren: appear whenever somebody says something incredibly stupid that everyone in the vicinity wants to hit them with a blunt object for saying.

Stealthspren: big flashy things that appear whenever you are trying to be sneaky.

Insomniaspren: appear whenever somebody is trying, and failing miserably, to sleep.

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Guiltyspren - They show up when someone feels guilty and is trying to hide it or lie about it.

Distractionspren - They distract you from the distraction that just distracted you.

Censorspren - They hover around tv's in the shape of black rectangles whilst emitting well-timed beeping noises.

Spellingerrorspren - Look like wobbly red lines that float under mis-spelled words.

Appspren - Appear when there is an app for that. Look like Steve Job's head.

Yougotmailspren - Ya.

Footprintspren - Conveniently look like black footprints that appear where you step. They remain for a while.

Studfinderspren - They follow me relentlessly. ;)

Radiantspren - Appear when someone is using a Surge.

Ghostspren - Look like dark silhouettes of people and stay in the shadows just where you can barely see them. They only appear at night and when you thought you heard something.

RickRollspren - Give you a heads up of when you are getting RickRolled.

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Zeno'sSpren: Only appear when increasingly small distances are travelled, frequently found in battle with calculusspren.

Schrödinger'sSpren: Only appear when you don't look at them.

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