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And now it's tied. Does anyone know how ties work in this game?

Ren has ruled that a tied vote will result in no lynch.


Alvron, why will you be voting for Wilson? We've already had this discussion during the day and decided that in the end, lynching an inactive person is better than an active person.

That will be explained after I get a response from Ren.  There was something bothering me about the night vote on Wilson and as far as I could tell no one brought up that particular possibility so I want to confirm something before I say anything in case the Eliminators didn't think about it.

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Seavul Karlon sat at a table, listing to everyone's accusations. Every where he looked, Seavul could see fear and distrust. If I was one of the conspirators, he thought to himself, this is exactly what I would be doing. Getting everyone to distrust everyone else, and then pick them off one by one.


Seavul walked in between the crowed tables, looking for a place to sit, until he saw Merilee Kavadar. Seavul slid into the seat next to Merilee and started up a conversation.   


"So I hear that a lot of people think you are a conspirator. Is that true?" He paused to see her reaction before going on. "Not to say that you are or anything, but is it?" he asked eagerly. 



Thought I would do some RPing, though I'm not that good.  

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I don't blame you for being flustered, Ripple. Happens to me, too.


Really, at this point, I'm not sure who to lynch, and I suppose lynching an inactive would be as good as any other choice, considering we have little to no information to go off of. I'm going to leave my vote on you for now, Ripple, because I would really like to hear from Honey before we try and lynch him, but I should be back on just before this cycle ends, and I might change my vote depending on what happens.

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Alvron, why will you be voting for Wilson? We've already had this discussion during the day and decided that in the end, lynching an inactive person is better than an active person.

Did we? The argument for lynching inactives, so far as I am aware, is that it draws people into activity. In this game, that doesn't seem to be a problem - I would support voting for an active, but suspicious individual at this point, rather than an inactive.

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Is there anyone who hasn't gotten onto here yet? I'm okay voting active or inactive (although I would very much prefer it if we didn't lynch me today  :ph34r: ) Also, my earlier post was supposed to have Honey Badger in green, but the computer decided it wouldn't do that. I may put my vote back on just to tie it, as I don't want to die.

Edited by RippleGylf
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People not posted since game started: (4)
phattemer, Shallan, Venture Mistborn, Feligon.
People who posted Night 1 but not Day 1 so far: (1)




I'll also note that Paranoid King dropped a single post, but it wasn't particularly long or useful, then disappeared. Macen did as well, but at least provided a reason for his absence, and that Shallan hasn't been online all day as of yet.




EDIT: I took the format from Haelbarde; just wanted to clarify that.

Edited by Alvom
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Seonid hasn't been active for 20 hours.

Venture Mistborn for 10.

Feligon for 5.

Phattemer for 2.

Paranoid King, 1 (he posted approximately 7 hours ago)


So any of those last three could certainly be one of our culprits.

Edited by Alvom
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I have no idea if that's a good idea or not. I think Clanky has points about lynching an active, to try and get more information out of them. I also think lynching someone who isn't doing anything means we're not going to hit a player who's trying to participate. So, no real thoughts here. Though, someone who's only posted once or twice might be a good medium between the two ideas.


Edit: I agree that lynching someone who's been on, but not active, is a better choice than lynching someone who hasn't been on at all.

Edited by RavenRadient7
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There might be a few eliminators inactive, but if they know they're an eliminator, it will make them more invested in the game. 


Edit: got ninja'd by Raven, who makes a good point. An eliminator will probably want to seem somewhere in the middle.

Edited by RippleGylf
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I think we're fine lynching a suspicious active, and that it's much better than lynching an inactive when it's only been one day. Maybe by cycle 3, we can start that, but just because someone was busy for one day doesn't mean they should die. I'm not opposed to having a close vote, because Noble Worldsingers shouldn't use their power, so if anyone does, we know that the Eliminators have one and that they wanted a certain person dead more than the other.

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At this point, I'm not entirely sure who to vote for. It's at a tie for Ripples and Honey Badger. Ripples has been more active than Honey Badger, and STINK's name has also come up as suspicious. At this point, I'm not ready to change my vote. I will be leaving this thread in a few minutes, and I don't know if I'll get back on in time to change my vote. I suppose we'll see what happens.

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STINK hasn't been helping dissuade me of his guilt, with his frequent posts diverting attention from active players to inactives. I am therefore resolute. My vote stays on him.

I might suffer from a dearth of activity over the next few days - I may well not have internet, but will do my best to get on when I can.

Lopen, whilst I understand you might be busy, any preliminary suspicions are more useful the earlier in the cycle you make them - both in terms of giving the one you accuse time to respond, and therefore drawing out potentially more information.

Wilson, since you are online, and check this page relatively regularly, any further thoughts on today's posts? Whilst you clearly want to keep your head down, today's events have involved you enough that posting is hardly going to raise your profile, and frankly, the more we can get those with experience to weigh in now, the better.

On that note, Alv, and response from Ren?

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If I'm diverting attention from active to inactive, then does that mean that I might get to lynch you soon? Honestly you guys make no sense with this D1 Lynch business. We've gone from 'Only Inactives' to 'Maybe Some Inactives' then back to 'Only Inactives' and now I have absolutely no clue except for the fact that a Noble will probably die today by the working of someone that isn't me, but makes me suspicious. 

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