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Clanky, I am concerned about this Worldsinger plan not working out, but I think that any information we can get out of this lynch, including not having a change in vote, would help get information. The "pseudo lynch" thing could work, but there is the problem of people not voting for the people "voted" for in the thread. I'm not seeing any problem with revealing that the person was "not corrupt," but I'm probably missing something.

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Sorry for not being on a lot. Sunday's are bad days for me. In the future, I'll be on around turnover (a coupe of hours before and after), but not likely during the bulk of the cycle.

Since it has been advised not to place any further votes, I'll abide that judgement. Although it seems counterproductive to me to shut off discussion/voting before the cycle's end.

My gut still suspects Stink, even though his arguments seem reasonable at face value. I'm also reasonably sure that Mail is innocent. I was thinking the same thing about Kipper after I read the write-up, that it could have been a Wounded Gazelle. I'll be happy to be proven wrong about Mail, though.

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As of just now this is the vote tally, with approximately ten minutes left in the game.


RavenRadiant7: Nobles

Shallan: Paranoid King

Feligon: Herowannabe

Winter Cloud: Adamir

Mailliw73: little wilson, Kipper, Feligon, Venture Mistborn, Clanky, The Honey Badger

Venture Mistborn: a smart guy, RavenRadiant7


Six seems a bit overkill to me, just like yesterday. If Mailliw73 turns out to be a Noble, then there's a real good chance at least one Conspirator is among this group. I hope this isn't the case, because that's a lot of people to keep track of / analyze for one action.

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Night 3: Justice is Wrong

Mallan looked around Dalinar’s warcamp.  Or was it Dalinar’s warcamp?  Why was he even here, again?

“I’m unimpressed with you all,” someone spoke.  That was ol’ Darksplinter, wasn’t it?  Wait, what?  That didn’t sound right…

“Your last, supposedly ‘informed’ execution left the innocent body of Seixa in its wake.”  Darksplinter, hmm.  What was his name again?  Nightsplinter?  Shadowsplinter?  Dark, dark… Darknesssplinter?

“And, on top of that, the body of one of these conspirators…”  Dark, think dark…

“Sadeas’s conspirators,” someone else corrected.

Dark… whoever gave the man who talked a glare.  Mallan vaguely noticed some angerspren, bubbling reddish pools upon the ground.  “We have no evidence to that.  The point is, apparently the work of one person is better than the work of all of you.  Please do not make such a mistake again.”

With that, Dark dude left the nobles in the clearing, near a row of barracks.  “I guess that’s why they call him the Blackthorn,” someone grumbled.

Blackthorn!  That was it!  Made sense, Mallan guessed.  Wait, did it?

“Alright,” someone said.  Kip-something?  He appeared to be injured for some reason.  “I want to know who attacked me!  Any ideas?”

“I say it was one of the quiet people!” someone shouted.  The other nobles looked at the man as they often looked at Mallan.

The odd man shrugged.  “I’m just saying.  I mean, Brightness Kavdar was rather shy, was she not?  Perhaps they are all like that.”

“I hope that is not the best argument you have,” one of the brightladies said.  “I think Mallan did it.”

Mallan’s eyes began to glaze over, then widened in shock in realization.  “Who, what, me?”

“The crazy old man thing is clearly a cover.  You are certainly not who you say you are.”

I’m not who I say I am?  What?  “I am… Mallan,” Mallan said.  “Yes, that’s right.  I don’t know what you mean.”

“You know what I mean!” the brightlady snapped, and Mallan cringed, a single fearspren crawling around his feet.


“I think she’s right,” the injured man said.  “He… he’s probably faking it, so he doesn’t seem like he could’ve possibly attacked me last night.  I’m pretty sure he looked… yes, it’s him.”

Several of the others began to nod, and they all surrounded Mallan, lifting him off the ground and taking him somewhere.

“Have you found one?” asked the man who executed Seixa the other day.

“I should think so,” the injured man replied tersely.  “This man deserves justice.  Off with his head!”

“Splendid!” the executioner smiled giddily.  “Take the conspirator this way.”

Mallan could only see the sky now, so far away.  Everything was so confusing.  Since when was he conspiring against something?  He probably didn’t deserve whatever happened to him next.

As Mallan was led up to the chopping block, some of the other lighteyes seemed to be having second thoughts.

“Erm, Kipper?” someone asked.  “Are… are you sure about this?”

Mallan couldn’t hear the response, as he was immediately strapped down to a wooden table.  The ropes bound his wrists tightly, causing them to bleed.  Mallan began to weep.  “Why?  Why me?”

“I’m just saying,” whoever had spoken before continued, “if we’re wrong about this, what will Dalinar do with us?”

The executioner stood over Mallan, seemingly proud in his restraint of Mallan.  “He shouldn’t be getting out now even if he has a Shardblade!” the madman chuckled.  “Alright, enough of this.  Time to die.”

“No!” Mallan roared.  “NO!  Suddenly, Mallan felt a surge of strength, and, putting aside the pain in his wrists, broke through the arm ropes and swatted at the executioner.  The executioner yelped, dropping his large sword.

Mallan blinked, clarity starting to come into his mind.  Before the executioner could pick up the sword and swing, Mallan undid the rope that bound his legs together.  The executioner growled, and kicked Mallan in the stomach, knocking the breath out of his lungs.

“A valiant effort,” the executioner said, raising his sword over the fallen Mallan.  But justice always gets its way!”

“Well today, justice is wrong!” Mallan screeched, before his head was cleaved in two.

Vote Tally
Mallan (8): Katara, Kipper, Caesarae, Vin Elendel, Badhab Eony, Klanal, Patch, Mallan
Vin Elendel (2): Resha, Mortago
Nivina Odict (1): Eradin
Resha (1): Night Vote

Mallan was executed!  He was a
Noble Brightlord!

Night 3 has begun!  As usual, I will update my signature with the new player list.  Also, please remember that PMs are not allowed during the Night!  The turn will end in 23 hours and 20 minutes.  Good luck!

Edited by Alvron
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RavenRadiant7: Night Vote

Shallan: Paranoid King

Feligon: Herowannabe

Winter Cloud: Adamir

Mailliw73: little wilson, Kipper, Feligon, Venture Mistborn, Clanky, The Honey Badger

Venture Mistborn: a smart guy, RavenRadiant7


So, the con artist moved Adamir's vote; and what're these shenanigans about Mallan voting for himself? 

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Why would the worldsinger/con artist move a vote off of Winter? She wasn't going to get lynched, no matter what. To me, it seems like either the worldsinger/con artist either posted their vote early in the game, and didn't bother changing it, or wanted to draw attention away from Winter, or wanted to try and make it look like Winter was an eliminator. Personally, I'm thinking the first one, as early in the game, moving the vote off of her might have made a difference, and would have made her look more suspicious.


Other than that, mailliw was innocent. Where does that put us? I know some people had some information they thought this vote would confirm, but I honestly had trouble following their logic. What does his innocence suggest?

Edited by RavenRadient7
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Honestly I think they used it just to use it. I see no logical point to take that action, They probably just figured "well I got this role for the day, might as well troll with it." I would dismiss it as an attempted distraction, for now; they probably want us to overanalyze it when it really doesn't matter much.


From what I understood, little wilson theorized that one of the two people who voted for The Honey Badger (alongside ripple) was also an eliminator, and her sudden vote change was because she wanted to distance herself from an ally. That means her next suspect along that line of thought would be Alilir (Araris Valerian). Not sure what else there might be to gleam from it.

Edited by Alvom Halbin
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Why would the worldsinger/con artist move a vote off of Winter? She wasn't going to get lynched, no matter what. To me, it seems like either the worldsinger/con artist either posted their vote early in the game, and didn't bother changing it, or wanted to draw attention away from Winter, or wanted to try and make it look like Winter was an eliminator. Personally, I'm thinking the first one, as early in the game, moving the vote off of her might have made a difference, and would have made her look more suspicious.


Honestly I think they used it just to use it. I see no logical point to take that action, They probably just figured "well I got this role for the day, might as well troll with it." I would dismiss it as an attempted distraction, for now; they probably want us to overanalyze it when it really doesn't matter much.

It is possible that they chose to move the vote as proof that they have said role if they claimed it in a PM.



Also I would like to apologise for not being on for most of the cycle.  I (stupidly) thought the day cycles were 48 hours long so didn't think that working a 16 hour shift would make me miss everything.  Thankfully I don't have any more in the foreseeable future.

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You can always glean things off a death. In this case, with so many who voted for Maill, it's practically a guarantee one of them is an eliminator. Possibly more than one, but trying to sneak multiple eliminators into a lynch like this is risky. Unfortunately, of the 6 people who voted for him, no one strikes me as particularly suspicious. I suppose I have a slight suspicion of Clanky, but nothing major.


Due to the 2 vote changes, it looks like we've either got two Con Artists or a Con Artist and a Worldsinger. Regardless of which it is, one of them is a Conspirator almost assuredly. I'd bet the Conspirator's have a Con Artist, since that makes a little more sense given Ripple's hitting on the Conspirator Worldsinger idea. And now I'm wondering if there's a chance that there's a Con Artist on both teams.


I need to analyze this a little more and read through everything, but I don't have time right now. Hopefully I'll be able to get to it tomorrow sometime.


Also, Maill: I apologize profusely. I would not blame you in the slightest if you put me on your kill list for this. I rather deserve it. I really do have a horrible habit of getting you killed. And I foolishly thought I was right this time. I mean, statistically, I've got to be right eventually. Right? No?  :unsure:

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I also should reiterate a point I made earlier about The Honey Badger. During Day 1 he referred to rippleGlyf as Mailliw73's crony, and when confronted about it claimed he was just emotional for getting voted for suddenly and so close to the day's end, then took it back. I suggested that this could very well have been him attempting to establish a connection between the two in case rippleGlyf was revealed as a conspirator, that way some suspicion would be shifted to Mailliw73. It is very possible that the real reason rippleGlyf voted for him and changed it to follow Mailli's example was a continuation of this plot. It would simulanteously make him seem innocent, and Mailli even more guilty.


EDIT: I should also add that The Honey Badger was the very last person to vote for him, and that there was really no point to it because there was very little chance of him surviving at that point. If he were an Eliminator, that seems foolish to me. But then again, maybe he wants us to think that's just too much and that he has to be a Noble.


I'm likely seeing conspiracies where there are none. However, I would also like to note the possibility that both the Night 1 vote against little wilson and the attack on Kipper were indeed WGGs, and that Mailli73 was catching on and so they began plotting to take him out before he could gather more convincing proof.

Edited by Alvom Halbin
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Alvom although I do like a good conspiracy theory myself I feel like that may be pushing it a bit. You have to remember that the conspirators cannot use their doc during the day. That means that the whole plot would have had to be planed during the night turn or through PMs which can be spied upon. I personally wouldn't want to be doing that much PMing about strategies with my coconspirators if I was one. 



Wilson, could I possibly get a reasoning behind your suspicions of me? 

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Question 1 - who the storms changed my vote?


Question 2 - who the storming storms changed my vote?


In my opinion, this looks more like a villager Con Artist/Worldsinger changing my vote to stop the conspirators tying it; if the conspirators had a Con Artist/Worldsinger, they could have transferred a vote over to Venture and potentially tie up the vote.


This is to account for timezones - I myself last checked at 3 AM in my timezone, which was around when it looked like there was a lynch train building up behind Ven. If said Con Artist/Worldsinger lived in any similar timezone, he/she could have tried to diffuse a potential tie and ensure that someone would be lynched without remaining online to see that the Venture Train doesn't go past two votes.


If it were an Eliminator ploy to draw my vote away from Winter Cloud, then we are dealing with chull-brained Eliminators; I put the vote on Winter as a poke vote to stimulate discussion, and if that poke vote had them panicked enough to forcibly transfer my vote - and Mailliw's - then those Eliminators cut their own throat. Which is why I think it is the least likely scenario; this was, in my opinion, a village Con Artist/Worldsinger trying to avoid a tie.


EDIT: The alternative is that it was an Eliminator who moved my vote, and is thus either a complete idiot or trying to frame Winter. I'm leaning towards the second option.

Edited by Adamir
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le sigh

Sorry, Mailliw.

I know who the Con Artist is, and all I have to say is: :P

Some of you who played in certain previous games should be able to immediately figure out who that is, based on previous "shenanigans."

I strongly, strongly suspect Raven. I think that I might be alone in that, as many seem to suspect IrulelikeSTINK. She seems to be taking the middle ground position, not really taking a side on an issue, but making the other villagers talk. That is a redflag to me, and I hope the Assassin seriously considers assassinating her.

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Kipper, I'm not entirely sure what you mean when you say I' taking a "middle ground" approach. Yes, I've been wavering back and forth on the plans that keep coming up, but that's as much because I don't feel like I know which is the better side in those events. Other than that, both of the people we've lynched so far hadn't come up as suspicious to me, so I haven't been exactly all "hey, let's go lynch them." Is that what you mean?


At the moment, I'm suspicious of STINK and/or Alvom, considering that I doubt both of them are eliminators after the way they went after each other last round. Honey Badger's last minute vote seems a little odd, though I can understand his given reason. Other than that, I know people were thinking about Araris, but he's never seemed very suspicious to me.

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If the Eliminators have any sense, they would try to construct a code of some sort during the Night Phase, then apply that to their Day Phase PMs. That way, it would look like regular villager strategy talk if a Courier happened to spy on them. For example, if they have someone marked as a threat to be lynched/murdered they would say something along the lines of "(NAME) is acting suspiciously, he/she might be an eliminator."


They would most likely talk about mechanics such as Corruption as if they were unconnected to them; "The Eliminators might corrupt (NAME)" would be them debating whether or not to corrupt said person. Couriers, even if they look like they are discussing how to counteract Eliminators, you can never be too paranoid in Sanderson Elimination.

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I know for a fact that at least one Courier was spying on me in one of my conversations yesterday. I know who the Courier is, but because I'm nice, I won't reveal the identity. (You're welcome)

The amusing thing is that in this conversation, I did everything that Adamir just suggested might be suspicious, plus used a coding system that was created for the express purpose of fooling Couriers.

I don't suspect this Courier, as they have done/said certain things that make me townread them, but I strongly suspect that we have another one on the Eliminator side. At any rate, this Courier now knows information about other players' roles that I would rather they not have, village or Eliminator.

If you absolutely need to say anything about a role in a PM, do it like this to avoid spying:

1. You want to claim your role to Player X

2. You write out all the roles in your PM with Player X and assign each one a completely random string of letters, numbers, and punctuation. I personally just close my eyes and hit keys. Example: #+39@+#8feo.

3. Send the string of letters and numbers that correspond with the appropriate role to Player Y, who should be a player you trust as much as is possible. You can also do a chain sending if you want.

Ask Player Y to send the code to Player X.

4. Player X receives code and matches it, then confirms with you.

5. The spy is foiled.

You can combine this with some Eliminator-hunting by making the codes more tricky and adding another confirmation code, sent through a different person. If someone blatantly sends the wrong code or refuses to send a code altogether, you've found someone suspicious.

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