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The Ultimate List of Questions for Brandon


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Has this been asked yet?


I've heard it accepted as fact that the Three Lashings are a mix of the Surges for Gravity and Atmospheric Pressure. Honestly, they all just look like Gravity to me. The citations on the coppermind don't link to anything concrete. Do we have WoB or anything specific in the books saying that the Lashings are a mix of the two, or are they all Gravity, and Kaladin will have a whole separate suite of powers associated with Atmospheric Pressure? Or is inhaling Stormlight the "atmospheric pressure", or possibly the time his mind entered the highstorm?


I'm going to the signing on Saturday. I'm prolly going to ask him if the Mist Spirit that stabbed Fedik was Ruin, and if he was a victim of Hemalurgy.

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I've heard it accepted as fact that the Three Lashings are a mix of the Surges for Gravity and Atmospheric Pressure. Honestly, they all just look like Gravity to me. The citations on the coppermind don't link to anything concrete. Do we have WoB or anything specific in the books saying that the Lashings are a mix of the two, or are they all Gravity, and Kaladin will have a whole separate suite of powers associated with Atmospheric Pressure? Or is inhaling Stormlight the "atmospheric pressure", or possibly the time his mind entered the highstorm?


According to the Ars Arcanum Basic/Reverse Lashings are based on Gravity and Full Lashing is based on pressure.

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How many bridge runs did Kaladin go on during WoK?

Why do the 4 spikes given to Koloss have a much more drastic change than the 10(?) given to inquisitors?

Is it possible for normal people to pass allomatic/feuchemical powers to each other without hemalurgy?

Why didn't Sazed remove the block on mistwraiths' intelligence? (or did he?)

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Why do the 4 spikes given to Koloss have a much more drastic change than the 10(?) given to inquisitors?

Because the koloss are spiked with human attributes, which always twist the person who is being spiked more dramatically than Allomantic or Feruchemical attributes.
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Is it possible to hemalurgically steal a person's ability to burn lerasium? Or is that a trait of your entire spiritweb, not any single portion?


If a Mistborn were to burn pewter with duralumin, how would that affect the bronzepulses put off by pewter?

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Are there any implications for your afterlife if you're the donor of a Hemalurgic spike? How about the recipient?


(I worded this as vague as possible so he could give a 'yes' or 'no' answer. I am not interested in any information in the Cosmere's afterlife besides the implications of Hemalurgy and its 'moral' use. I hope that Brandon sticks to a very short answer. I disagree with Mistborn confirming there was an afterlife.)

Edited by Moogle
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We have two WoB's on there being an afterlife in the cosmere, one of them actually saying that Mistborn did confirm it in-text.


Ooh, didn't see those. Thanks. I knew there was an afterlife; Mistborn was very explicit in that regard.


Another question:


Zane's Hemalurgic spike lent him greater control with Steelpushing. Is the reason Marsh can't Soothe or Riot with any subtlety (he notes his use often leaves his target numb) due to Hemalurgic decay making him a 'weak' Soother/Rioter?


Edit: More questions!


  • Were Preservation/Sazed limited to only swapping out Temporal metals?
  • Does the Allomantic Table basically 'set' the types of new natural Mistings that can come about?
  • Could Honor/Cultivation swap out Surges like Preservation did metals?
  • Does Marsh have the ability to burn Allomantic gold, or was it considered too useless of a metal to spike him with?
Edited by Moogle
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We know that Adonalsium could have been shattered in other ways. But given the situation it was shattered in 16 Intents/Shards my question is: Is every Shard really 100 % its Intent (for example is Ruin 100% Intent=Ruin) or are some percent left and filled with (all or some of the) other Intents?

If this is not understandable I'd appreciate help.

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There's not a Surge to fish for, or at least not a name. Brandon's called it Pressure multiple times. He's probably looking more to see if the author of the Ars Arcanum is correct in his deduction that Pressure makes use of atmospheric pressure.

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Here's another.


If you spike someone with 4 iron spikes to make them a koloss, how quickly do the changes take place?


Edit: More detail, I am guessing they would get the strength pretty much instantly, but do they instantly lose a lot of their intelligence and turn blue etc? Or does that some time?

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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That may be a good bit of a hack to get around the Rosharan metal hemalurgic spike RAFO.

Not to mention it increases my already formidable desire to Worldhop to Roshar and pick up a bond granting Soulcasting. To be honest, the two orders with the Transformation surge really jump out at me as awesome, and since I already have adequate enough telekinesis through my Allomancy, I don't really need my other favourite (Windrunner). Plus leading/protecting really doesn't fit me nearly as well as Honesty/Creativity and... shoot, I can't remember the other combo... help me out here.

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It's wise/careful, if memory serves.

That was it! Thankyou!


Anyway, back to the questions for Brandon: Is the ability to enter Shadesmar/worldhop present in Allomancy or Feruchemy, or both? And is the ability tied to one of the base 16 metals (like, say, Allomantic Gold) or is it a god metal, or god metal alloy?

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That was it! Thankyou!


Anyway, back to the questions for Brandon: Is the ability to enter Shadesmar/worldhop present in Allomancy or Feruchemy, or both? And is the ability tied to one of the base 16 metals (like, say, Allomantic Gold) or is it a god metal, or god metal alloy?


Could it be a power of hemalurgy, perhaps?

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Previously you indicated that Returned Breaths and the aons within Seons are splinters of their respective Shards.  Recently, you indicated that a splinter was a portion of the power of a Shard left with no person caring for it or holding it which has attained self-awareness.  Does this then indicate that the Seon aons and Returned Breaths are themselves self-aware?

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