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If you had Breath...


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If you had a massive amount of Breath in the real world and know one else did, what would you do with it?

Lets say the amount is about fifth heightening.

Information on the heightenings can be found on the wiki:


Edited by Emeralis00
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I would become a spy:

life sense = no sneaking up for you!

perfect pitch/hue = an entirely new cipher system that only i can crack on the fly

resistance to disease/toxins = der

plus, i'd be able to awaken my own swat team at a moment's notice.

then again, if I'd be functionally immortal, I'm pretty sure I'd just try a whole bunch of different things out (since I imagine that being/doing any one thing for hundreds of years would get old)

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I agree that perfect pitch would be wicked, but art might be something I'd try my hand at with hue recognition. I've always been fascinated by color relationships and it would be so cool. But again, immortality, doing lots of stuff.

Also, I'd probably experiment at least a little with Awakening.

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  • 7 months later...

Already being a musician by profession, and an artist by hobby, I would be overwhelmed with perfect pitch and hue! If I weren't spending all my time singing or in front of the canvas, I would probably be like Puck and become a spy. I hope it would prove to be a more lucrative career.

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  • 1 month later...

I would do SCIENCE with it. Studying BioChroma with modern tools to measure things? It would be priceless.

When Awakened things move, is my body getting much colder, or is the surrounding air? If not, in what form is all that kinetic energy being stored when the Breaths are in my body. Probably something electromagnetic - it does alter the frequency of nearby light.

Does Life Sense allow me to know what picture a human is seeing on a card? Can I break the training of guard dogs?

If I use the right lenses, can Perfect Hue apply to infrared and ultraviolet scales of light? Do things inside of mircowave ovens look different? What about Cathode Ray TVs?

The possibilities are almost endless.

-- Deus Ex Biotica

P.S. Also, I would not age or get sick, and could send Raggedy Ann dolls to bring me breakfast in bed.

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  • 10 months later...

I would walk around in a Darth Vader suit for the next 50 years while strangling people with their own collars, and as i would have perfect pitch i would have to go on a rampage throughout music stores and break every Justin Bieber CD i could get my hands on

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I'd lay out a slow but sure plan to take over the world from the background. The plan would be infalible, since I'd have millenia to plan it out. I'd also go into composing, music playing(again), art(again), and maybe even research Awakening. As an added bonus, I could try awakening things with artifical mouths to awaken things, which would be amazingly awesome.

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On that note, we totally should've asked Brandon if artificial life forms could be given Breaths and transfer them, as well. Awakened robots able to transfer Breaths? Yes please! :P

Come to think of it, Lifeless would work just fine for this purpose. They're pretty much be a Rube Goldburg of Breaths, you'd get far more for your money. If you could somehow implant a command to force a lifeless to surrender its breath upon dying, you'd solve the issue of said breaths being previously irretriveable.

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On that note, we totally should've asked Brandon if artificial life forms could be given Breaths and transfer them, as well. Awakened robots able to transfer Breaths? Yes please! :P

Better question- can Nightblood awaken? Now there's a scary thought.

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Better question- can Nightblood awaken? Now there's a scary thought.

What would it awaken? Horrifying thought, though. I'm sure it'd be enough to make any Nalthian who realised what it was doing to wet themselves in terror!

That's why it's impossible for Nightblood to kill you in your sleep.

. . . You lost me. :U

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  • 1 year later...

I would probably waste that on making a huge number of Nightblood class awakened with modern commands. Like, Remember Things, or Correct Test. It would be interesting to see the effects of a command like that, also. I mean, there is so much we do not know.

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Fifth Heightening means immortality. Or well, no aging, no sickness. This seems wonderful and I think I would be Awakening nothing and enjoying life.


I don't think I would change anything about my life if I were immortal. I'm already planning as if I might be finance-wise (I plan on saving up enough money to live off of investments for eternity and retiring early). Learning Awakening on the side would be fun though, even if I would never get into any dangerous situations it has a lot of utility. Climbing the sides of buildings, general protection, I imagine you could find a way to make a car-equivalent with the Fifth Heightening...

Edited by Moogle
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Being an engineering bachelors and an IT user by profession I'd be spending every chance I could studying awakening. I'd also probably awaken my own Bob the Skull permanently to help me do said research and make money. The money would then be investment so I can spend more time researching. *Puts on hermit hat* And no one would see me for the next 500 years until I created true artificial life!

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