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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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I will be signing up as Chilinko! I wasn't sure if I wanted to start a second game, but I have a lot of free time so what better way to spend it? This game looks very interesting and fun!


I was reading over what you guys were saying about revenge kill lists and if I ever made one, Wyrmhero would be at the top for somehow mind-controlling me to lynch four(maybe five) innocents in a row in QF9. I'm still mad at myself for that <_< 

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Just so you know, my internet is acting up, and might not be consistent for the next several days. I will try my darnedest to have everything be on schedule, but there might be a few time where I can't access the Shards.


Welcome Dowanx and Lopen! The game will begin in 6 hours and 10 minutes from this post. Sign ups are still open! 

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Prepare to be disappointed.

(Honestly, I'm terrible at these games!)

It's more your RP I'm looking forward to.  Your RP in LG2 was fantastic and I am greatly looking forward to more from you.  Plus it also gives me hope that more previous players will make a return.


We miss you Wes. :(

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I'm glad that more people are signing up, I really am! But please people, don't wait until the 11th hour to sign up for a game.


I am closing signups in Two minutes, the game will begin One hour after that.


Sign ups are closed. The opening thread will be posted in Twenty minutes. Hopefully by then, you'll all have received your role PM's and world PM's.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Day One: “This Neverending War to Shatter Me.”


Odium hummed softly to himself as he watched Jain and Hoid talk to the Seventeenth Shard. Others would likely be fearful, but he knew what their efforts would bring. Hatred. Unadulterated Loathing. He had lived through these same events before, and had come out on top. He would again.


He turned, and shouldered his way through the crowd, ignoring the angry looks from others. He had better things to do than listen to the ramblings of idiots. He had people to meet, heroes to kill and Shards to shatter. Soon, he would have free reign. One day more. Still humming, he left the gathering behind. Once he was out of sight of the Seventeenth Shard, he dropped all pretense of humanity and hopped through space, traveling to Braize.


He arrived outside the Great Temple and waited, still humming softly. Another day, another murder spree. He didn’t have to wait long before there was another flash of light, and a woman in a red shirt appeared. Glim the Torpid. She pulled a large black sword off her side and leveled it at him.


“You! I know you’re Odium! I can practically smell the hatred dripping from you Cursed one!”


This neverending war to Shatter me. “Indeed, I am Odium. What do you intend to do about it? Kill me?”


“I will shatter you!” She charged up the temple steps, her investiture making her faster than any human ought to be.

These men who seem to hate my Shard. Odium smirked, and dropped his Physical Form, turning to Ash and Smoke. Her sword whistled as it passed harmlessly through it. The lack of resistance made her stumble and fall, with a panicked yelp.


Odium renewed his physical form, and stepped forward, putting all of his weight on her Sword arm. He leaned down to face her, and whispered in her ear. “They’ll surely come and be destroyed.”


She threw her other arm up in a desperate punch. It connected, but Odium ignored it completely, and instead reached down, covering her mouth with his hand. She swung again, trying to get him off her arm, and again he ignored.


With a small exertion of will, he returned to his form of ash and smoke, and dove into her body, filling her throat and lungs. She gasped once, and tried to exhale, but couldn’t. Her chest tightened as she fought for breath, pounding her her own back in a desperate bid for air.


Then there was a stretching sensation, and Odium again renewed his Physical Form, exploding outward in a cloud of fine red mist. He stood in the puddle that had once been Glim the Torpid and grinned and let out the song that had been building inside of him. “One Day More!”


Gamma Fiend (Glim the Torpid) was a Worldhopper! Day One has begun!

The day will end on Tuesday the 1st of September at 9:00 pm PST.

Edited by The Only Joe
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So, this probably looks super defensive, and might just be a technicality of Joe using the masculine as the gender neutral form, BUT.

Last paragraph, Odium is consistently referred to with masculine pronouns.

I'm just saying' that -supposing that is an accurate description- it means at least some of the characters involved here can be ruled out as possible Hateshard.

(The defensive part comes from 'Quivers character is a woman')

Edited by Quiver
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Joe is fond of using clues in his writeups, based on the last run through this, so it will be hard to tell, imo. But in this particular case, I'd say that Odium is a "he," so we probably shouldn't assume trickery.

But. I still would like to know. The Only Joe, please explain yourself.

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I'm still actually confised by the write up. I keep reading the rules and it didn't say that the eliminators will kill before the what, first day? Then again, it never said that they wouldn't.

You'll notice that Gamma isn't playing. Odium managed to reach the God Beyond the game and destroy one of the impartial mods for the game. 

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I want to request that we keep what happens in the world PMs as open as possible. The OCs already know everything, so keeping information back from the group about those only hurts us.



Antillar Maxiumus



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I'd also like to note that the OC's might not know everything about the worlds, since they chose their starting world before getting their role. There's a decent chance there's a world with no OC's on it. There's also a decent chance there's a world with multiple OC's on it.

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So, this probably looks super defensive, and might just be a technicality of Joe using the masculine as the gender neutral form, BUT.

Last paragraph, Odium is consistently referred to with masculine pronouns.

I'm just saying' that -supposing that is an accurate description- it means at least some of the characters involved here can be ruled out as possible Hateshard.

(The defensive part comes from 'Quivers character is a woman')

Odium, Honour, Dominion, Preservation and Survival will all be referred to as Male until their identities are revealed.

Endowment, Cultivation, Devotion, and Preservation will all be referred to as Female until their identities are revealed.


I'm still actually confised by the write up. I keep reading the rules and it didn't say that the eliminators will kill before the what, first day? Then again, it never said that they wouldn't.

Gamma dropped out. So I murdered him.

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It amuses me that people are trying to figure out what roles are on Odium's team based on how village damaging they are. So I'm going to note that In the pre game, I figured out how to have Ruin on Odium's team and still have a balanced game. Same with Devotion, Cultivation, ect.


Now, for yet more Clarifications!


If a shard attempts to invest in another shard and sends a message with it, the second shard will still receive the message, just not the Power.


If Odium invests in a Good player, and then gives up his shard, that player will have Odium, and still be Good. 


Cultivation doesn't have to be online to send messages.


Cultivation's PM ability is Passive, their Shardic ability is the secret vote.


I will be keeping a running list of current Votes in my signature, along with a player list, the rules and Haelbarde's Quick LinksTM. So if you ignored my signature, you might want to unignore it.


If you vote for me and don't retract it, I'll count it as a vote for yourself.

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