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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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...this is mind-bogglingly irrational. Until Wilson said I had poisoned her, I wasn't going to be lynched. Wilson, I suggest you look at the people who voted for me after you said that for the ones who want you dead. As a side note, Mailliw said in a PM that he wanted me lynched to kill Wilson. Just throwing that out there.

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...this is mind-bogglingly irrational. Until Wilson said I had poisoned her, I wasn't going to be lynched. Wilson, I suggest you look at the people who voted for me after you said that for the ones who want you dead. As a side note, Mailliw said in a PM that he wanted me lynched to kill Wilson. Just throwing that out there.

You're still not being lynched.   It's four votes on PK and three on you.


I would still like to know why you poisoned Wilson.

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You still haven't told us why you poisoned Wilson so I'm going to force you to.  Paranoid King.  Phattemer.  Now you are being lynched.  Four votes on you, two on PK.

Edited by Alvron
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I don't exactly feel qualified to vote, though I might a bit later, but that sounds a lot like an excuse to get Wilson killed, Alv.

I freely admit that I would like to kill Wilson.  I've been trying to do that since LG2.


However, I only voted for PK in the first place so I didn't get lynched and should've removed my vote once it was clear I wasn't going to be lynched.  Should Phatt give an answer then I'm willing to remove my vote.  It is entirely possible that Phatt is an eliminator so we will may have to kill him at some stage anyway.


Edit: Underlined part.  Sorry, got distracted and forgot to finish sentence.

Edited by Alvron
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I want to make a general statement right now regarding Coalitions.


The first iteration of this game had a Coalition of Shards and Hoid that could all trust each other. They called the shots for everyone in that game, threatening anyone who crossed the line and tried to go against the Coalition. This made the game incredibly unfun for all playing except for the few Shards who were really in charge and Hoid. Many ended that game with bitter feelings towards Coalitions.


This is completely and entirely legitimate. Coalitions like that ruin games. Fact.


There is a difference between a Coalition like the one in LG10 and a couple people who do not know that they can trust each other completely deciding to trust each temporarily for the sake of the village. Almost every single game ever run on this forum has had some type of leadership position. Peng in LG2. Gamma and Meta in LG3. Aonar and Maill in LG4. Meta, Macen, and Wyrm in LG5. Me, Wes, Jerric, Aonar, and a few others in LG6 (working more as a combined team than anything else). The list goes on. For more recent examples, there's Meta in LG12, Wyrm in QF9, and Clanky in MR8 right now.


The point is that in almost every game, there are leaders. This does not make them a Coalition. A Coalition does not form until there is a large group that can trust each other implicitly and they command everyone to follow suit or die. They abuse their position of leadership.


In this iteration of this game, Joe made it so that even Hoid cannot be trusted fully since Survival can change his alignment. Add to that that the only Shard that is good is Endowment, and the very likely possibility that there is a second Shard as an OC, and there's literally no way for anyone to trust another completely. This game is much more like a regular game. If there are a couple people trying to figure things out, that doesn't make them a Coalition. That makes them a couple people who do not trust each other fully who are trying to figure things out. That's all.


I understand that Winter was very upset after LG10 and she swore that she would never let another Coalition happen. I support her in that goal. I hate Coalitions. But if you're going to try to remove one, at least get the definition right and figure out if it's actually a Coalition or just the normal growth of a normal game. If you kill the wrong one, you could end up screwing the game over for your side, and while you might think that you're doing it to help make things more fun, it won't be fun if what you're doing imbalances the game in the direction of the opposite team.


The first iteration of this game was one of the most broken games. This iteration is not. Let's not make it so just to prevent things that happened last time.

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Mail also asked me and I was going to hold off voting but seeing as Phatt refused to answer despite being online I have to keep my vote there as if we don't get any answers then this will just cloud the issue next round.  Sorry Wilson.  I may have wanted to kill you but this isn't how I wanted it to happen.

Edited by Alvron
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Alv, why are you lynching me for trying to kill Wilson? You just said that you wanted to, so why is it so strange that I might have the same goal? Wilson, I'd look for flimsy excuses like this one if you survive.

By the way, Maill wants to kill Wilson too. That's why he wants you all to lynch me.

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Alv, why are you lynching me for trying to kill Wilson? You just said that you wanted to, so why is it so strange that I might have the same goal? Wilson, I'd look for flimsy excuses like this one if you survive.

By the way, Maill wants to kill Wilson too. That's why he wants you all to lynch me.

I'm not lynching you for trying to kill Wilson.  I actually like that.  I'm lynching you as you didn't say why you poisoned Wilson despite being asked.  If you had then I would've abstained from voting.

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Night Two: Let him Live

The Coalition (or not. No one wanted another coalition, though there were whispers) reeled in shock. Two of their number murdered in one night! Wilkin feared one of their number was a plant. “How else would Odium have known Orlok held a Shard?” He cried. The Stick spoke up. “I am a Stick! I am always a Stick. Exisa was a stick. Exisa is not a stick.  Exisa like fire. Make Exisa into fire.” Everyone had to have a think about that, but once they had first deciphered Stick’s message, and then weighed up their options, they had to agree (even though Stick did the most unSticklike thing and changed its mind). Exisa would burn for the murder of their friends.


They eventually tracked him down, catching up with him near the summit of a mountain on Nalthis. Second of the Sky spoke first. “We know what you did Exisa. And the fact that you’re all the way up here is proof! Why else would someone hide in these mountains?!” All present nodded in agreement.  Maliss decided to give the man the opportunity to defend himself. “What do you have to say for yourself? Any last words?” Exisa cackled. “Tell Wilkin I’ll be seeing him shortly!” Then the man tipped over backwards, falling into a deep abyss. As they watched the insane man’s body fall, they could see hints of a glowing deep down. This was no mountain, this was a volcano!




Wilkin was pottering around his garden, making sure all the flowers were fertilized and well-watered. It was a pleasant afternoon, and he wasn’t needed in the current proceedings of the 17th Shard. He finished up pruning a rose bush and then sat in a deck chair he had out the front of the house, sipping from a glass of cold water, and admiring his handy work. He had started to doze when he heard someone trampling through his rose garden. Wilkin instantly jumped to his feet. “Hey, stop that! You’re wrecking my gar….” A sharp, stabbing pain shot through him as he did so. He looked down. No wound. Looking up, he saw the corpse of Orlok step out of the rose bushes, sword drawn. It advanced towards Wilkin. The pain in his chest intensified, making him cry out. Orlok stopped in front of him, and saluted. Wilkin collapsed. As the pain continued to intensify, he whimpered. “Hhhelp. Mmmeee.” He felt a hand on his shoulder and then warmth, as the world faded to black.


Wilkin woke slowly. Then he remembered what had happened and jumped to his feet. Looking around, he found he was right where he had fallen, only now Orlok’s corpse was at his feet. Now that he had the opportunity to look, he realized that the man had been made Lifeless, and had Ichor-Alcohol leaking from wounds in his arms from having walked through the rose bushes. I must have been poisoned, he realized. That was the only thing that could have explained it. I knew I shouldn’t have drunk that unmarked bottle that turned up in the mail yesterday. He would have to find out who had sent it. But why aren’t I dead…? It dawned on him that Orlok would have had residual Investiture from his time as Devotion. He checked the corpse. Nope. There’s not a trace of anything anymore. He must have used it up to heal me. Now he had two people to hunt down. The poisoner, and whoever had just saved his life.



Vote tally:


Alvron(1): Kipper

Phattemer(1): Alvron, Mailliw, Honey Badger, Paranoid King

Mailliw(1): Araris.


Phattemer was Lynched. He was a Poisoner.

little Wilson was poisoned, but survived due a lifeless. (Somehow. IF you have an idea for how that would work, please suggest it)


Night 2 has begun, it will end at 9:00pm PST on Sunday the 6th.

I've probably missed a lot of PM's, if you sent in orders for the day, please PM me again to ensure I saw them.

Edited by little wilson
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Phat, mind clarifying what the storms that last part of our PM meant? Edit: Duh, he's dead.


So, learn from me, guys, if you anger the Goddess, her punishment will appear. All my PMs are down.


Edit: So Joe, Lifeless can protect during the day?

Edited by Mailliw73
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So, is that a green Poisoner, or a red Poisoner?


Until it's clarified by Word of GM, I'll assume green, and that we lynched a villager. A poor choice, honestly, but none better presented themself.

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I don't want this to be my trademark, and I didn't plan on doing this this game, but now that only my PMs are gone, I'm going to. I wanted Wilson dead so that all the PMs would close so that discussion would be forced into World PMs and the thread. But that didn't work.


So, to stimulate discussion, I'll start: There are rumors that Seonid is Hoid. And by rumors, I mean, he hard-claimed it, but he also said he's covering for the real Hoid. Either way, let's talk. Up next: Preservation.

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To be honest, Mail, I am unsure of the wisdom of forcing all discussion into the main thread/world PMs. I notice that you didn't care about that in the AG, but rather were quite active in PMs with Wilson and Claincy. In every game with readily available PMs, it's generally assumed that the PMs are an advantage to the village and a priority target for the Eliminators.


So tell me. Why is this game different? Because last time this was run, the Shards abused their power, forming a game-ending and fun-ruining coalition? If that's your reasoning, it's fallacious, as this current iteration has removed the massive safe role list that created that situation. Is it because you made a promise to Winter based on that fallacious reasoning? Just because the reasoning comes from someone else doesn't make it useful.


That goal sounds an awful lot like one that benefits the Eliminators much more than the Village.


Now, I am not saying that more shouldn't be said in-thread. It should. We've been quiet, and that's bad for the village. But shutting down PMs is not the ideal way to rectify the situation. If you really have the village's best interests at heart, then find a solution that actually gives the village a net benefit.

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. . .


Did you read the writeup by chance?

Yes, but you said they couldn't in a PM, so I'm trying to clarify.



Seonid, I know what happened in the AG. I don't like that. 


If all discussion happens here, Eliminators can't get info out of people as easily in one-on-ones. I know, because I've done it. This game even. People are too trusting when there's only one other person.

Edited by Mailliw73
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If I did, and I probably did, I'm retracting that statement, since Rules Lawyer Alvron pointed out it says otherwise in the Main Rules.

Alvron needs a last name so I can go Alvron, 'rules lawyer' Last-name.


So yes, Lifeless can protect from any day kills, just not from the lynch.

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I am honestly confused with what's happening now. So basically, Kipper and PK are the ones leading in the lynch, with some people voting for Phat. Then Phat was revealed to have poisoned Wilson and people began voting for him. Phat won't tell anyone the reason why he did that so Alvron changed his vote making Phat the lead.


Alvron, Mailliw, and Phat all wants to kill Wilson, PK might or might not have a lifeless, Wilson might or might not be Cultivation, Mailliw accused Wilson of forming a Coalition, and there's something about a Coalition that happened last game? 


Also, Mailliw, about your CPM, I'm pretty sure you got the wrong person. I wasn't attacked or anything?


And Joe, does Wilson actually have to be poisoned? Can't she just, IDK, almost drink the poison and a Lifeless stops her? Or the Lifeless might somehow finds the antidote?


*Whispers* Also, I'm a She.

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