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Long Game 14: To Shatter a Shard

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Night Six: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables

Antivian felt his nails bite into his palms, so hard were his fists clenched. He shook with rage as he looked at the empty Pizzeria. As little as two days ago, it had been packed. But then Wilkin (That damnable man!) had accused him, and now he stared at Empty Chairs and Empty Tables. Once he had been favored, hundreds visiting every day, now no one came, not a pizza was sold.

An Empty Room to match an Empty heart.

The door knob turned and the door started to swing open. He quickly plastered a smile on his face. It probably looked maniacal, but it would have to do. “Welcome! Welcome to-”

He cut off as he saw who was coming in. The damnable man himself. Followed by those boot lickers. His smile froze, as Wilkin glanced around and gestured for the four with him to spread out.

“Fade off Wilkin. I’ll not serve you or yours. Not now, and not ever.” He knew without even feeling it that he was quivering with rage. How he wanted to destroy him here and now.

Wilkin didn’t acknowledge the dismissal, continuing to examine his surroundings, making sure no one else was around. Finally satisfied that no one could interfere he faced Antivian. “Mr. Packard, you stand accused of Conspiring to shatter Shards, murder members of this organization and cause Anarchy and Chaos. How do you reply?”

Antivian choked down his his first reply. There was nothing he could say that would end with him still alive. But, there were two words he could say that would end with their Death as well as his. He reached into his apron pocket and pulled out a strawman. Both of it’s arms were imported matches from Scadrial. He grinned as Wilkin’s eyes widened in understanding.

He breathed out, draining the colour from his shirt and Commanded the Strawman. “Light Things” His final breaths fled into the strawman, and it jumped out of his hand, running into the kitchen. Running to where he had stored the hundreds of pounds of imported Scadrilian Dynamite.

Wilkin turned and dived for the door, yelling a warning over his shoulder. His allies sprinted for the door as well. Antivian laughed as they crowded out. He continued laughing as the fuse sparked and burned. He didn’t stop laughing until the building exploded, taking out several other buildings around it and a good portion of the street in front of it.

Antillar Maximus was an Awakener and Holder of Ruin
Antillar(5):Lopen, Dowanx, Clanky, Badger, Wilson
Phattamer(3): Paranoid King, Antillar Maximus, Mailliw
Paranoid King(1): Kipper

Player List:


Edited by The Only Joe
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I almost feel sorry for the OCs; they've gotten decimated over the last few cycles.

I don't "almost" feel sorry for them. I'm tempted to send myself back to my Corner of Shame for this.

On the plus side, that result should help anyone with lingering doubts as to my alignment. While there are chances I might've thrown a teammate like Eol under the bus due to his sudden popularity and then equally sudden inactivity, I never, ever would've thrown Alv under the bus. Or Hael (though he technically doesn't count quite yet since he's still alive). And a teammate who's been mildly active, holds a roleblock for my team and my reasons are based solely on gut? Nope. No. Just so much no.

Question to PK: Is there a reason that, despite your consistent activity, you've avoided voting for all three eliminators who have been lynched?

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I never, ever would've thrown Alv under the bus. Or Hael (though he technically doesn't count quite yet since he's still alive). 

<_< Watching you now... Even though I know you've said you wouldn't (and I believe you, I think), I don't like my name appearing in the same sentence as 'throw', 'under', and 'bus'.

Also, the tags make me think of this. Reckon you can work that into my death scene, Joe, once Wilson decides to take sweet revenge for what she believes to be "attempted murder"?


Edit: Clarity of Intent.

Edit 2: Yup, I'm back! Miss me?

Edited by Haelbarde
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<_< Watching you now... Even though I know you've said you wouldn't (and I believe you, I think), I don't like my name appearing in the same sentence as 'throw', 'under', and 'bus'.

Ah, but I have no loyalty to you. You once held the Shard of Odium. Heck, you might *still* hold it for all I know. Your denials are great, but I know without a doubt that you started this game as Odium because I know all the other starting Shards and they've proven their Shardness. My investment in you failed. Process of elimination states that you can only be Odium. And therefore, we're not on the same team. There is no bus to throw you under in this situation. Sorry. :P

However, I'm certain that I don't have to lead your lynch or even be involved at all to ensure your death. But where would the fun in that be?

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There is no bus to throw you under in this situation. Sorry. :P

Maybe not a bus. What about a train though?


However, I'm certain that I don't have to lead your lynch or even be involved at all to ensure your death. But where would the fun in that be?

Duel to the death in fair single combat then?



Your denials are great

Wait a second. At what point did I deny that I was Odium?
Edited by Haelbarde
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At what point did I deny that I was Odium?

You've never outright denied being Odium, but you've hinted. Like when you asked about Preservation. Or strongly implied that you were Survival. Or just now when you mentioned something that I "believe" to be attempted murder. The use of belief in this instance indicates that you think I am incorrect, but if you are/were Odium, you *did* attempt to murder me by trying to kill me and Shatter my Shard. That's not belief. That's fact. Therefore, "attempted murder" is indisputable. Yet you are disputing it. See? :P

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Day Seven: And Another.


The wooden sphere thumped against a pole and bounced into one of the multiplier zones, barely avoiding the Void zone. The bloodsealer sighed with relief as he watched it roll to a halt. “That was close. I can’t afford another Negative score, not after my last throw.”


Hoid chuckled softly as he bounced an Inversion sphere in his palm. “Yeah, that was hilarious. Bad for the Seventeenth of course, but still Hilarious. Now then, It’s my throw I believe?” When no one objected he nodded, and tossed the Inversion Sphere lightly onto the field. It breezed through the air, impacting the Awakener’s Growth sphere, and knocking it into a Void Zone.


The Awakener swore. Hoid just laughed. “What did you expect? You were too close, i needed a way to knock you down.”


He glowered at Hoid. “You could have knocked into a normal zone instead, rather than giving me negative points every turn.”


“My way is funnier.”


Their argument was interrupted by the Thug hurling a Radiant Sphere onto the field. It whistled through the air, and impacted inside a Multiplier zone, leaving a divot the size of Hoid’s head. The Bloodsealer whistled in awe. “That’s gotta be at least a hundred, not including the multiplier.”


The Thug smirked. “With the multiplier? 350 points. Taking me from last to first. I win.” The awakener swore again.


The Thug gathered up his belongings as the others scowled at the score. “I’ll see you all next game I trust?” With a Smirk and a wave, he left the field. He was eventually followed by another.


The remaining players contemplated the Thug’s throw before the first breached the silence. “Have you thought about the deal?”


“It’s a delicate matter. And with what happened just now, I can’t help but think you aren’t nearly as competent as you claim to be.”


“We’ll need your answer soon.”


He smirked, and disappeared with a wave of his hand. No one knew, but his plans were already laid. No one would be ready for what would happen. They would get his answer in good time.


Day 7 has begun.

Player List:

  1. (IrulelikeSTINK) Leyton

  2. (LittleWilson) Wilkin

  3. (Mailliw73) Maw

  4. (Haelbarde) Hal 'Berd' Heatherlocke

  5. (Shallan) Nacoti Diniv

  6. (RavenRadiant7) Nyra

  7. (Kipper) Stick

  8. (Clanky) Clink Jr.

  9. (Paranoid Emperor) Maliss

  10. (Nicocoberru) Coco

  11. (The Honey Badger) Eon Begherd

  12. (Seonid) Sheon Idris

  13. (Dowanx) Dow

  14. (TheMightyLopen) Chilinko

  15. (Phattemer) DanStar

  16. (Surgebound Rainspren) Karlin


  1. (Winter Cloud) Ruin

  2. (OrlokTsubodai) Devotion

  3. (Phattemer) Poisoner

  4. (Araris Valerian) WorldHopper

  5. (Alvom Halbin) Lifeless Operator

  6. (OstrichofEvil) Worldhopper

  7. (Alvron) Dominion

  8. (Eolhondras) Champion

  9. (Macen) Dominion

  10. (Quiver) Endowment

  11. (Antillar Maximus) Awakener, Ruin




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